EDF thread, since last one hit bump limit

EDF thread, since last one hit bump limit.
Get in here civilian!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Customizable vehicles when

Just beat Inferno campaign and starting Dlc of twitch if anyone cares.

Fuck off with your twitch zoomer.


At least in honest about my shilling.

Pirate lobby ready:
Yea Forums, pass is rage, starting on mission 19 hard.

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I know it was posted like 20+ threads ago, but those anyone have the EDF5 soundtrack? these songs are really good

I can't do it
I just can't shoot at them they look so similar to humans


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They're probably up in japanese

more like verginus am i right

I wish I could play EDF 5. But 4.1 is still a hell of a game

i don't see the room
t. buyfag

should i just make a room?

user, he said it's a pirate lobby

I guess I should have asked if buyfags can see pirate lobbies.

As said, buyfags and piratefags don't have the same lobbies. Please join.

Good weapon setups for fencer?

I'm using a AutomaticShotgun+BlastholeSpear // Heavy mortar x2
The spear is so slow I get fucked by frogs before I can get the second shot off, I've tried using a Spine Driver but it barely staggers frogs and locks me out of shooting the shotgun on top of dealing less damage.
The heavy mortar set rapes enemy clusters and frogs but can be a bitch to aim if I'm being focused by mobs

I also have the piercing shotgun but I don't like how it locks me in a stagger animation for half a second after shooting

I have the same loadout, except I equip a big dick gallic to blast off things instead of one mortar. It's fine so far.

No, now make a room.

I use Shotgun + Flashing Spear (Most people swear by the Jackhammer but I like the Flashing Spear okay?) with the second slots being pretty much flex for whatever a mission needs. I really like bringing double gatlings if I need nothing specific though.

I heard you can swap outfits? Was I lied to?

>Hardest n Inferno not unlocked from the start

good, keeps the shitters out. now do the game on hard.

After beating the game once.

Is it only for singleplayer? The outfit swap, I mean.

Fencer bros, I can't decide
Do I run tried and true Dexter shotgun plus Jackhammer machine gun fist for face melting dakka
or do I run NCSS Cannon Shot plus Twin Spear for ultimate fuck you big dick piercing shotty with bonus piercing dash cancel spear?
The first one seems better, but the second one FEELS so fucking awesome
But it's not like the first one feels like shit either, being able to hold both down and melt ayys is godlike too
I wish I didn't have to choose, but they're too redundant and most missions really want you to have long range on swap

somebody open a good boi lobby

just bee yourself

what mission? I'm on 100

No, its for multiplayer as well.

Beating it in singleplayer unlocks it for multiplayer as well
I'm going through the game again as a security guard and construction worker

Do they get better after stacking a few upgrades? Fuck they probably do since every fucking weapon for fencer needs a ton of upgrades to be usable.
My gatlings shoot at the corner of my screen for tickle damage and take a couple seconds to start shooting

What is the gallic good for? I haven't tried it yet since I rather use a shotgun on my main setup and AoE shit on my second

>full upgraded UT1

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then let's play mission 101 together user the EDF doesn't deploy someone alone

Dinner driver pairs will with dispersal mortar since it has such a huge range. You can basically snipe stuff while waiting for the mortar to reload.

Gallic is the sniper gun, you use it for pylons, teleporters, frogs, ayys, drones, corridor control, pretty much anything where you can get away with standing still at 9000 meters away

t. not the same guy

How do you twin spear? I haven't tried it much since my blastspear deals more damage but the forward push seems like a bad odea since it can put you in a bad spot and make you miss

>Dinner driver

*Spine driver
Fucking mobile

Dexter+Hammer on main every mission, it's never not good
Swap is flex but I usually run jump boost gun + Mortar or Gallic

alright, room is up
Yea Forumsdf
mission 100 hard
pw rage
let's kill some green ants

so what are your 3 top missions for 5?

You use it for the push, it is extra mobility on a separate cooldown from dash and jump. It also makes you go faster than fast. Also, way faster swing speed than regular blast hole. The main weakness is low range.

oof this seems like a bit much for me now that I'm here looking at armor values

Does it have boost?
I could pair it up with my heavy mortar to cancel its recoil

The Hammers/Swords I've found are gimped as fuck, 3-4 second charge for a 400damage attack is garbage.
Are you using the melee hammer or something?

>way faster swing speed than regular blast hole
I'll give it another try after a few upgrades since mine is slower than the single shot one on top of dealing less damage


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>mfw I start to unlock inferno weapons
I never did get around to playing inferno in 4.1

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Anyone have the hidden lyrics to the new song? The ones only the npc soldiers sing

>that stealth ayylmao mission
never ending chain of "Thank god THAT'S over"
thanks for the runs

Why does everyone lose their shit about the startdust canon?
I just got one and its one big shotgun shot with 0 accuracy and it doesn't even deal that much damage point blank.

Does it only start to shine after upgrading?

>Tfw got stuck on mission 102 for like 90 minutes even though it was only on hard
That mission was more anti Air Raider than glittering darkness or whatever those awful levels with the underground spawners are. When I stopped trying to have Phobos bomb through the bubbles or pick off everything with an Eros and just walked through the level with a Mech like a ranger would, it was so easy that even some of my soldiers survived.

Gallic has zoom and pierce
Meant Jackhammer, don't use the actual hammer

Any lobbies?

I cant seem to access the gestures/voice lines menu. Hitting T opens the chat but I cant click behind it for the lines/gestures/etc. Can I rebind this or am I retarded?

Whats the best inferno weapon farm for Air Raider? The waterfall rock trick doesnt work since he cant kill the enemies fast enough, enemies somehow clip inside the rock and kill me

He does probably mean Jackhammer, which is a legitimately good weapon for pure DPS.

3 slots available on the pirate lobby.


You have to get the later level ones that have better accuracy. Every weapon in this game needs upgrades or they're useless. A zero star might as well not exist in your inventory.

use the arrow keys to open this menu ;)

Im buyfag

2nd for this
Someone make a buyfag lobby

>online lobby music

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download foobar2000
google and install the vgmstream plugin
open tikyuux_music.awb in your edf 5 sound folder with foobar
big bam boom you have all the songs and you can extract them via foobar into wavs/mp3s

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name: veedf
pw: rage
mission 64 hard
buyers delight

Going to be home in an HR, anyone want to do a buyfag armor farming room?

Use arrow keys and find something like Shout => Sing. Contains all verses.

>DLC mission pack 1 will be out in 6 days

Will your bodies be ready?

You can also install the pirate version so you can have both lobbies and the same save file, I've heard, but I'm not sure.
Can't blame you for being good boys.

how do I Fencer

any idea what the weird synth voice is saying?

>FFXIV threads get deleted under any pretense
>this shit is allowed to have generals

shotgun + spear, as many boosts as possible.

I remember in 4.1 there were some verses only the NPCs could sing and I heard them for 5 too, unless Im super blind

Could somebody help me with how to go fast with fencer? When i watch that kevinedf video it seems like he dashes, jumps, fires twin spears, dash, jump, repeat. Is this it or am i missing something?

dilate tranny, go back to your erp catboy faggot game


you are correct, I don't have the lyrics though

There is no edf general.

Eternity Audio Tool does all that by itself. VGMStream apparently can skip songs accidentally.

And this is just Halo Reach for retards.

Youtube has full song with npc singing

Are all action sci-fi games halo?

if you're as retarded as that user, yes

Dash Cells and Add Boosters support items

Weapon that gives you dash on one hand

Weapon that gives you jump booster on the other hand

Item description will tell you if the weapon can allow you to do dash or boost

I know what items to use, i was asking about the button presses.

Best general purpose weapon for air raider?

do you mean like during playback or that it just wont see some of the songs?
if the latter can you tell me how many files you got? i have 79 files from music and 35143 files from the voices file
i dont wanna have to re-extract everything again from a new program

Autocannon for big targets 150mm/rocket for everything else

Shift and Space by default

2/4 slots open, mission 92 buyfag lobby

room name vdf pw is rage

go ERP in /vg/ faggot

Dash jump stab repeat

What about for caves?


I'm talking about the method in this video


I generally brought turrets, guardposts, and the obligatory depth crawler.

>finally unlocked a bike
I don't think I can ever take another vehicle

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I want to like heavy mortars but I'm so fucking tired of trees, limbs and allies sneaking into my sights after I pull the trigger, the delay is just long enough to have it happen and instantly end the mission

Turrets, maybe limpets but mainly buff posts and depth crawlers

just boost upwards to gain height

One slot open here

lads, what are my friend and I doing wrong? we can't beat the first mission with the UFOs/drones on hard or normal. there's just so many of them. even when we had two randoms join us it was no good. I'm playing wing diver he's playing air raider

they're shit anyway since hand cannons and gallic cannons fulfull the job of long ranged, high damage projectiles while also boasting a higher DPS rate and no danger of suicide

just stay mobile. The WD in particular should have no issues against drones since he can spam dashes

Tell air raider to get off his ass and use life vendors and defense posts

Are suppress guns good for the air raider? I feel the range is really fucked on it to be worth taking.

Of course not

spark vine v3/6 if you have it
1-2 hits kills a drone and it has a mag for longer flying
if he bought it tell your buddy to use the dlc nix - the twin machine guns just delete any ufos in range

What about the roombas?

cmon, those are joke weapons

if this is my first edf game, should i go through single player first or just jump in and get reamed in multiplayer?

79 is correct so it's probably fine.

play first 2 missions to get a feel, then straight online

Progression is split between the two. I'd just jump into online. Ride the wave as long as you can.

How can you not take the totally threatening beetle bombs seriously?

Does Insect Armageddon tie into the 4.1 storyline in any way?

start off in multi right away. also don't be a pussy and always stay on hard mode


Because they suck.

>Air Raider on top of the cliff
>Enemy at the bottom of a cliff
>throw roombas
>roombas will navigate their way to the enemies by taking the path of least resistance aka find a gentle slope to go down to the bottom so it will take a long ass time to reach the target

>can't hit enemy clinging on to walls or ceilings so it will fizzle

>mfw shredding wasps with the fencer's cannon shotgun

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as a Fencer you want to have at least one set that allows you to be as mobile as possible.
This usually means that you want one weapon that gives you dashes and one that gives you boost jumps. Now if you want to move fast you just dash and jump right after
Additionally you want to have either get a dash cell and add booster (or the later item that combines both) for multiple dashjumps.
Common sets consits of CC Striker/Piercer + Autocannon or Missles.
Your second set on the other hand can be whatever the fuck you want. My personal favorite are double hand cannons combined with the recoil reduce item (though you will need the dash+jump item and thus will have to sacrifice a bit of mobility) since they lay down insane damage at a high firerate capable of stunlocking pretty much everything to death.
And I'd recommend to try out the Vulcan Hammer once you get it. It deals insane damage and gives you hyper armor, making it a great for nuking hordes or single humanoid targets

I can't possibly hold all this action, yet alone all this loot. And there is apparently still good 70 missions to go, jesus christ.

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>4.1 lobby, hardest/inferno
>everyone who joins is

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thanks for the fun lobby piratefriends

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shut up, carry me

Bump for this lobby

2 slots open

Wtf is EDF?

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I want to play wing diver

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>fail this mission at the end
>have to spend 45+ minutes going through all the beginning shit again

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so get plasma canon and some kinetic laser shit
lances are mostly useless

Pacfic rim, Godzilla, Warhammer 40k, Starship troopers and shitty 50s alien invasion movies all rolled into one

lances own actually

I am kind of confused by that ending. What was the point of we're all edf if I finish the mission before they do anything?

I want to BE wingdiver

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>wh 40k
get that shit away, you sodomite, EDFis classic anime mecha.

>Mission 100 as Ranger
Impossible. Just impossible.

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>not completing the campaign ranger only solo on hard
Git gud

someone had to spend time modelling these asses

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43 is fuckiing my shit up, I don't have any ranger weapons that do decent DPS and can reach far enough to hit the huge anchors.

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Mission 67


Lances have enough range once you realize you don't actually need to get up in an enemy's face, especially with Dragoon lances which already have overkill levels of damage per shot. Just standing on the ground and spamming it at Ranger shotgun-like distances works fine for taking down hard targets, assuming you at least have a bit of cover. And then of course they can be used for flyby assassinations the "usual" way. Low energy cost and high base damage means half-charging them is perfectly viable for dealing with massed enemies.

Laser guns are given too much shit, yes. If one can accept that its magazine ends at about the halfway point then its actually a really powerful weapon type and one of the few that come with their own batteries.

Sounds awesome but what EDF stands for? please tell me! It looks like the thing the cool kids do!

Earth defense force

I've only recieved some chip damage from those guys. The moment I see them, I get best friend, D E TWO ZERO TWO to shred them with minigun and or autocannon. It can keep frogs/ayys stunned and decimate them.
Earth defense force, we stand to protect the civilians and get them to a safe place.

Stunlock them with AR's Gatling gun while the rest of the team nukes it.

There's 4 of them showing up at the same time in mission 94.

DE-202 is lame and has no personality. Whale was way better. He flew into a swarm of drones to provide covering fire.

Ayylien bully needs to stop

Stunlock them you moron.
As Fencer grab double hand cannon with recoil reduction and blast them away before they detect you

I hate these missions
The robot is not fun

You just don't know the feel of calling down a Balam and punching the shit out of a dragon.
You are not REAL EDF.

>just got M2 blood storm

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You don't get the robot in this mission unless someone has it as an Air Raider. This is the last mission before we get DLC. I did the same strat with some friends. I ate a meteor as I was about to get in so one of them took control, smacked his shit once and he went down.
I fucking love this game.

pls switch classes for cave missions, turrets have a insane CD and limp guns are shit
The spider vehicle is pretty cool but you'll be deadweight between CDs


SGs are actually pretty good when paired with more SGs and power posts
Just stack all that shit on a "Spider Vehicle" and you are a mobile death turret
a 40 second cool down doesn't mean as much when everything is dead and you're moving to the next area
Depth Crawlers also have a mad low points cost so you can get new ones pretty fast

EDF 5 but this when

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The low cost is to offset the fact that tunnel enemies are usually low value insects that would otherwise make it impossible to use the Crawlers.

Depth crawlers have dual flamethrowers or twin burst cannons with high penetration, they're good for hoards underground since they cut right through them.

They also have low durability and eat up their ammo mad fast
Being able to throw out a fresh one after each encounter is baller

Tfw no lobbies

Tfw no lobbies


Nova rapier + 3 way fenrir + big bang core is my jam

Any tips for passing mission 5 with the UFOs? Been dying a dozen times already.

Post yfw mission 100 for the first time on inferno.

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just dodge their attacks

Try not dying

Don't play Online Solo
Also what class are you playing as

>the voice acting during the final mission

Ranger. Been waiting for someone to join. Nobody did. Is the online play harder than offline?

If you play it solo, absolutely. Enemies have over 2x health and damage there, with 1p and 4p having... 2.6x? compared to 2x for 2p and 3p

i think im gonna refund is what id say if i havent pirated this piece of shit
i just dont see how its fun
its like left4dead/borderlands combination but somehow even more childish

what exactly did you expect?

>Arm Hound has a side thruster
What the fuck????

I really don't get the L4D comparison
Just because its 4 player and there's enemies?
But the whole point of L4D was to go so fast the enemies didn't have a chance to spawn.

Christ. Thanks for the info user. I will switch over to offline.

4 players vs horde of braindead enemies

If you're killing enemies in L4D you're doing it wrong

Don't do that, I'll play with you.

you're thinking Killing Floor

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are you playing solo?

Where are the green spiders?

Mission 100

Thank you. Room name is callsign d.

they show up in some of the final missions
Webm is from the first stage they show up in, it was pretty cool for me first time because I wasn't expecting them till the DLC

I don't see it. Is it pirate or buyfag?

>The spear is so slow I get fucked by frogs before I can get the second shot off
You can dash between the attacks and it'll still count



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Oh, that explains why. Sorry.

Ah, no problem man.

GG's anons
We gonna start another room?


You can fuse two classes together, which do you pick?

>Fencer/WD, we iron man now
>Ranger/WD, normal weapons with flight suits

Air Raider + Fencer would be unstoppable

Ranger/AR, versatile and powerful.

Double Fencer, 8 weapons total

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>Heavy mortar x2
use double hand cannons + muzzle stabilizer (and multi-charger) instead. Deals higher DPS, won't kill you and can even stunlock ayys
>The spear is so slow I get fucked by frogs before I can get the second shot off
I swear on the Vulcan Hammer. 2.4 k dmg with instant leg delimb on frogs (where you can finish them off with a couple dexter shots) and hyper armor. Don't use it on ayys though unless their legs are exposed.
It's also really good for jumping into a crowd of critters and nuking them. The hyper armor you get ensures that you can easily tank any damage

Fencer is already ironman with enough dash cells and add boosters

Room: VDF
Pass: penus
Mission 1 Hard

Still the best track ever.

with the inclusion of piratefag and buyfag, can we implement ps4fag as well? I also want to have fun.

What's your idea of a fun game? Just curious.

Is there a easy way to edit armor values, my coop buddy doesn't have the time to farm armor boxes and he would really like the ability to use all the classes instead of limiting himself to only one.

Will I get kicked if I use turbo? I think using pad balances it out.

Needs 2 more for Mission 2

Use cheat engine. Google "cheat engine edf 5". Go to the very first link, but switch to about page 7. There's a cheat table there that can let you set the exact amount of crates you get after a mission. Instead of using the crate pickup radius edit, just use this to give you a fixed amount (halved if you fail or just quit a mission).

You early in Hard? I had trouble then too. Only real option is to outrange them with the mortars until your spear gets faster. If you can catch them one by one the Dexter should stunlock them to death, and once you get a hang of it you can finish them with a spear combo and boost away before you get shit on by the rest of the frogs.
For real though mortars and cannons are great against frogs, just blast their legs off and shoot them in the head.

Can I get a rundown on how to get in pirate lobbies?

They still can join if someone make a room though.

Still need 2 for Mission 3

pirate lobby open
Yea Forums
mission 79
no pass

2 spots left

>3 caves mission then a destroy the drop ships right after
i just want to play air raider

>summon a Barga-sized Fencer
>still moves just as fast as a normal fencer

why even play if you can't die? cheaters are soilets

No, he only played ranger, and he wants to give air raider the same armor amount, fencer x2 and wd half.

>Level 50+ Dragoon Lance
>15k damage

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Is everyone gonna skip hardest straight to inferno?

oh for the love of

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Back to work, bitch.

Completing Inferno doesn't give completion of Hardest?

reminder it was just taking a god damn nap

Nope. You gotta beat each mission three times.

what the fuck
that doesn't sound intuitive. you would think a person that can beat inferno would be able to beat hardest, no? what's the idea behind this requirement?

>tfw no wingdiver gf who's into sounding with her dragoon lance

>air raider/wing diver:can call in air strikes without risk of laser being blocked
>air raider/ranger:can sprint away from danger close airstrikes/free yourself from tadpoles

When I started playing, I managed to beat online solo hard mission 5 as a ranger but I had to hide in a building like a pussy.

give good fencer eq

>Eagle G1
>Accuracy: S+
>Not fully upgraded
What's the highest?

>tfw max level spritefall

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>Not Phobos operator

Now you know how strong Phobos is!

Vulcan Hammer + Dexter
Double Handcannon
Multi Charger
Muzzle Stabilizer

And against flying shits High Altitude Impact Launcher + Any Missle Launcher with dash. On that note, when using the high altitude ones, always do a neutral boost jump first as a safety measure

Best WD weapons for anchors?

Honestly the only airstrike operator I don’t like is the km6 fucker
>ItS DaNgErOuS DoNt CaLl uS fOr NoThInG

Most of the time I just fly up to it and dragoon them

I may not remember it correctly, but this should not happen in 5 since they fixed it on console. If you complete inferno on a class, you complete the lesser difficulties too with that class. But for some reason the DLC does not have the same system so you have to replay over and over again.

Lance or rapier, unlike other characters you can fly right up and perch on them and shoot them point blank. If you prefer to stay away then plasma is fine.

Dual spears + Dexter
Cannon of your choice + dispersal mortar
Dash cell *
Boost cell *

What i used on most missions unless the mission required specialized gear.

>playing solo
>up to mission 92
>the bullshit keeps piling on
>that fucking nest mission
>so close to being done but already know its only going to get harder
I-I'm not gonna make it...

>mfw I unlocked the 25mm canister cannon for Fencers

Run that shit with a blasthole spear or a melee of your choice. Become death incarnate.

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Any buyfag lobbies?

Are US & EU servers seperated again? I never see any Yea Forums lobbies

Any EU fags wanna team up and kill some bugs?

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Wingdiver's can't be that fat! How is her jetpack supposed to hoist those fat tits off the ground?

light mortar + blast twin spear
double heavy mortar
jump boost
dash boost
Shotgun is nice because you don't have to worry about blowing yourself up in those oh-shit moments and is better against air enemies, but if you're a good shot you can still hit a lot of the air enemies with a light mortar since most of them come down close to the ground.

gib slightly chubby gf to sexually bully and lovingly cuddle.

>he wants to give air raider the same armor
That's retarded. Tell him he's stupid. Air raider should have less armor than Wing Diver.

oh, that would make sense. I'm in Australia and the non-English lobbies are all Chinese. No Yea Forumsdf in sight

Armor boxes for air raider are 1:1 just like ranger, right?

make a lobby user and i will join

she's using big core

AR/WD: Apparently AC-130s also did forward air control stuff too, so its kinda like that.
Imagine jumping in, dropping a smoke grenade to mark for air strike, then jumping out.
Also imagine heading to the tallest possible building and calling in air strikes from it.

No because he has goddamn tanks and the longest effective, optimal range in the game.

Is this EDF5 or what? Isn't that basically already how it works?

>Air raider should have less armor than Wing Diver

That is a wing diver from post game, her new job is to repopulate earth

>muzzle stabilizer
I haven't gotten a multicharger to drop yet and dunno how the balance is late game but right now I wouldn't give up 1 boost+dash for anything in the world (I'm at +2 btw).
I've used the hand cannons to rape kaijus since even with the crazy recoil I can hit most of my shots anyway

That doesn't really answer my question, i was the one that suggested it because i thought that ranger and air raider both have 1:1 armor gain from boxes.

Somewhat, other classes do fall behind if you only play ranger for example. In my opinion they should just make the armor gain universal, armor grinding is retarded time waste shit.

What? I'm pretty sure armor gain is universal based on predetermined ratios.
Its only weapon gain which is biased towards your currently played class.

pirate lobby open
Yea Forums
mission 85
no pass required

You get less armour for classes you're not playing
So picking up an armour box as Wing Diver counts as 0.23 Wing Diver armour but picking it up as Ranger only counts as 0.10 Wing Diver armour or whatever
Those numbers aren't exact but that is how it works

anyone who wanna play add me! (EU) i dont wanna make lobby and wait 30 mins, fuck that


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dumb wing diver poster

>I'm pretty sure armor gain is universal based on predetermined ratios
Anyone else here that can comment on this? I'm pretty sure it's not the case but could be wrong. I'll try and do some tests when i get home.

I think you are maybe missing the point, if for example i start a new save, and only play ranger on it, i'll still get armor for fencer/wd/ar, but do they get the same amount of armor if you never play them in comparison to only playing one of the other classes?

What, you mean if you only play Ranger and Air Raider will Wing Diver still get the same armour gain regardless? Yes, it will

>see a wing diver with an energy shotgun annihilate teleport ships
What weapon was that?
I want it, after I farm some armour for WD first.

Stardust Cannon?

I'd just settle for NPC able to enter vehicles
Or just NPC vehicles being fully crewed, that works too

The achievements shed some light on the ratios.

No, if for example i play mission 5 as ranger, and pick up 5 armor boxes, i'll get 5 extra armor on mission 6. If the armor gain was universal, wd would get 2.5 and fencer would get 10. But on my current save, my ranger has a higher armor value compared to fencer, so the armor gain is spread, but not universal. I'm dyslectic as fuck and english isn't my first language so maybe i'm wording my posts a bit shitty.

shotgun as in close range weapon or a million plasma bullets flying around?
They have a few great close range weapon but only one actual shotgun, Stardust cannon

He was shooting from almost ground level, so I assume it's the cannon.
I don't have one and now I need it in my life.

EU lobby

pw: rage

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I'm just not sure what you mean by 'universal' exactly, can you rephrase it?
Armour isn't a 1-to-1 conversion, even Ranger doesn't get 1 armour for every box he picks up - It's a fraction for everybody, so iirc Ranger gets close to 0.50 armour per box so he should be getting a point of armour every two or three boxes
Every class also gains armour at a different rate; Wing Diver gains it the slowest while Fencer and Ranger gain it the fastest
You get more armour from boxes for the class you're actively playing, but some classes still gain armour faster than others
Does any of that help?

It’s really good. It fires like 60 pellets and each do a lot of damage.

I think Ranger and Air Raider have the same ratios. At least the achievements for both are 1000 armor.

God why is ranger so fun?
Is it the shotguns?
Is it the bikes?
Is it the nule grenades?

Good weapons against red drones? Any class.

Ranger has the biggest dick out of all of them but he's a grower and not a shower so he gets bullied by everyone and never gets hard.

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They're the same, yeah
It's also worth pointing out that half the armour you pick up goes to the class you're playing and the other half is apparently divided between the other classes
So if you pick up 10 boxes as Ranger, you're not getting 5 armour, you're getting closer to 2.5

Any buyfag room from Hard 25-30?

Attached: 1552630144706.gif (400x452, 98K)

Bring a shotgun and a sniper with ranger
Hide between some buildings
Blast them when they get close and snipe em on the way out

Can't find it. Pirate lobby or are you guys full?

I can start one,
password rage

It's because we do our part, Soldier!

Attached: MY. PART..jpg (1200x675, 97K)

What's good anti air for air raider? These damn drones can fuck right off.

Didn't tried snipers, but slaughter shotgun just bounces them away. (had semi auto AR in other slot)

Dashing between alleyways blasting off ayy legs in two shotgun blasts while youtube.com/watch?v=fSI7N0mAseY plays is the tightest goddamn shit.
You're on our fucking turf you gray goddamn gaywads.

150mm cannon lapis and 120mm are fast enough

Unfortunately his anti-air options are a bit limited
Limpet snipers, sniper turrets, anti-air bunkers and the Naegling are probably your best bet, but flying enemies are one of Air Raider's weaknesses for sure

Yes, that's correct
Half goes to your played character, the other half goes to everyone else

How do I join I've never played online with randoms before.

>Mfw farming level 82 by hiding in the tunnel and bushwacking every frog and ayy cunt with a Slaughter EZ

Attached: thesmuggest.jpg (499x499, 26K)

>EU lobby
The only region that matters is OUR BLUE EARTH

Can't find it, on EU btw

>slaughter shotgun just bounces them away.
But it also does great damage
Just make sure you stick in small alleyways, it may take a bit but I solod that mission in online mode

150mm and autocannons work just fine.


Turrets with good range and Nix b.

I remember seeing someone mix it up with spritefall single shots too

You can't be that dumb. No, I'm sure you will figure it out.

sorry lads I fucked up, should be up now

>41 assaulting outpost
So i'm supposed to shoot the red underbelly that's protecteng by about hundred of lazer with aimbots that are instagibing me or am i missing something critical? Like week of grinding before even attempit that or something of the sort critical?

Destroy the turrets.

You can blow up those lasers

Huh, didn't really seemed to do anything to them as oposed when it was still sitting in ground. Guess i need different loadout.

Is there any way for a solo player to make it so air raider isn’t so goddamn frustrating to play?

>tfw no air raider/megumin art

Attached: 1495542755448.png (1280x1707, 2.08M)

Get airstrikes that reload quickly, since they reload in the background you can spam them
Underground you have robot bombs that lock on and navigate the terrain to the target, they are the roomba shaped ones

Not him buy how should I deal with those as a fencer?
I'm about to reach this mission too and I'm not sure my heavy mortar will be able to hit those little turrets

Bring an autocannon + mid CD shoot + cheap air strike

What weapons to use as wing diver?


Room's dead?

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GG's laddingtons
That was some good Earth Defending

Attached: image.jpg (1560x2019, 592K)

Nevermind my steam died

>tfw no 8 player online hack

The heavy mortar can absolutely hit them. It destroys the small blue one in one hit

The godzilla fights are so boring

Imagine 8 Air Raiders dropping bombs at the same time

It's not boring in the sense of "exhilarating", being chased by it pumps my blood, but the fight is very unrewarding, indeed. At least drop some green crates for all that effort ffs.

Blasting dino with 50,000 missiles and air strikes so that he is stunlocked is pretty fun

redpill me on fencer special missiles, the ones that require an Air Raider

Buyfag lobby
Startin' at Mission 53, wanna make it into the 60s before too long
Lobby name: Yea Forumsdf
Passcode: rage

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Two rockets can kill red drone, but they are slow as walking speed

What about the multiple ones?

in addition to the changes to mission structure between easy/normal/hard and hardest/inferno, there are differences between missions on hardest and inferno as well.

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I'm so happy that EDF 5 on pc has gotten so popular
I hope we can keep having these threads

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What? My lobby just dropped for some reason. I'm making it again right now.

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That was going surprisingly well

so i made this
i think it should be working? used picrelated formula

if anyone knows how to make it better, im not a programmer

Attached: calc.png (1500x773, 1.18M)

I see you watch KevinEDF

accuracy is missing which is not so good

Just tested it, works flawlessly.

Is the only one that plays the game with the slightest amount of brain.
And considering that he's a soiface with a fucking teddy bear plushie, that's saying something

Should just post the video

when in doubt, use blood storm

He made a tool that can be used for every weapon easily

You don't really need accuracy to calculate DPS

What's missing is some weapons have spin up animations and the like, which can reduce the DPS

Also it destroys deroys

I just realised the "Blazer" DLC weapon is the Laser that Sarge is in love with

any piratefag lobby ?

>post same equation
>don't get any (you)s
Dammit. Are random websites that do the same thing you can plug into excel easily really that popular?

I love his videos, shame he doesnt have more views but I guess thats expected with such a niche series

the leviathans have a small lock-on box and take forever to lock. really only useful with the laser.
the multi ones are okay against large targets I guess.

Does this game have matchmaking?

As in, can I jump into multiplayer despite being a friendless loser?

I guess just jump into any room posted here. Or try any of the passwordless ones on a mission and difficulty you like.

You can just join a lobby, there's no matchmaking. I always make a room called Yea Forums with password rage and post it here.

But we post rooms here all the time anyway so come play with fellow anons

full but u can add me, dropped id here. play later ?

people don't have excel
You want to make a google doc with it in and then link that with instructions to copy it so you can use it

the DPS can be the highest ingame but it doesn't realy matter if you can't hit anything

Rapiers are a point blank/horde weapon for a reason

Yea Forumsedf
mission 88
no pass

>mfw shredding wasps/hornets/whatever the fuck they are with Ghost
I came and farted and shitted and peed a little. Maybe my gun is overleveled or something, but they just drop from the sky and writhe around.

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Bros I want to play more EDF but the colonists.. They look just like us. I.. I cant do it. I've never killed before!

>people don't have excel
librecalc is free and hella useful. I blame smartphones.

But I like the google doc idea. Is there a spreadsheet that has all the weapon stats that I could download/import? Don't want to do data entry.


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>join lobby
>just a downgraded version of other people in the lobby

Anyone too dumb to pirate office is no one I want to bother working with.

no one has excel
no one will download an excel clone to count dps
no one is going to use laggy ass google docs

just click the link and put the thing, you have your dps

>Don't want to do data entry
how do you expect to not do data entry when theres star upgrades for weapons? each weapon would have to have hundreds of variations in the table for each star difference in a stat

>needing office at home

It's got a weapon! If you don't fight, you'll die.

I'm starting to think the commnad might not be the smartest people around.


t. literally every single man who has ever been in the military

I'M starting to think the SANDSTORM is AWESOME!

Just bought the game and did the tutorial, can I hop right into lobbies with you guys?

I mean, you should find low level lobbies, or host your own.

I hate this god* profanity filter.

If I make a room to grind mission 86 on hard will you fine folk join?

Creamapi even unlocks the mission packs before they are even out. They are literally in the game already.

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I play online with a friend, but we don't drop the same weapons, is that normal?
If so, anyway to correct this? It's annoying if he get better weapons even though it supposed to be a coop game

It's random, ant you can't correct it.

>away from computer all weekend
>Terrified that the EDF popularity on Yea Forums will be done by next week

Attached: 1563355228207.jpg (417x695, 63K)

After a few missions you'll have every weapon drop you can get and the rest will just be upgrades for the most part


>ant you can't correct it.
>ant you can't

Attached: qwqwr.png (1265x673, 725K)

edf is always popular, its just people will reach end game shit pretty fast
I'm always up for helping new players




you can destroy every single laser and weapon on the outpost

>consistently leading longshots perfectly with twin garlics without recoil / inertia support equips, at max fire rate

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it's gonna take 500hr for people to hit 100% completion so you have time before everyone gets bored

You pretty much need to because that last phase is fucking brutal

nah i did it as fencer and only blow up the genocide guns and about 1/3rd of the guns on one side

edf5 dlc isn't out on pc yet though

>get electric bow M3
It's not that good desu
>very next mission get upgrade that doubles it's damage, capacity and range in one go while significantly reducing energy cost
Jesus Christ the upgrades don't fuck around in this game sometimes.

>Jet Core
>boost speed: forward +100%

Attached: 1463122194582.jpg (600x600, 98K)

Fuck, I forgot about that.

The Leviathans are some of the best fight initiators in the game, 250 thousand damage in a 50m radius on some non-aggroed bugs is an excellent opener.

>Making enemies delicious with garlic

I'm at mission 44 with wing diver and i feel like my energy managment went to shit since 35~ or so. Had no big problems until then. The game is just throwing so much shit at me i can't really handle flying/evading and shooting well, can i get some loadout or general tips?

You could open with a tempest instead, and let the Fencer carry something more useful.

I'd recommend always having a low energy cost alt weapon like the rapier if you're going to be needing to fly a lot. Seems to get me through tough situations a lot.

Use something that doesn't drain you actively, like the kinetic lasers or the grenades (not the superweapon grenades).

baka desu sempai

Not going to let all those tasty giant bug gibs go to waste.

>Looks like my forces killed 90% of the people on this planet
>Should stick to the tactic I'm already using and winning well at where they have no chance of fighting back?
>Nah let me reveal my command ship and make myself vulnerable to attack at the last second of this practically already won war
He deserved to lose, honestly.

Is this game worth the 40 bucks?

Fair enough, I forgot that the Tempest was buffed really hard in 5. There's still a bit of a level gap between the good Tempests and Wild Leviathans though.

>using psudeo emoticons

Yes. Do it for Spritefall-chan.

They should let the Fencer carry the big ass missiles that currently require Air Raiders to use. Just give them a really big lock-on time so that its impractical to use without the help of a guide beacon for it. Also let NPCs board non driver seats for vehicles so that the bigger vehicles that the driver has no weapons for can be used by the Air Raider if he has NPCs following him.

fast as ass

Attached: 1408417054638.jpg (500x410, 71K)

40 bucks, probably, if you like arcadey horde shooters, co-op, loadout tweaking and optional grinding to make your penis the big penis.

I think NPCs can use vehicles, because I got out of my tank once to do something, then when I turned around, the tank didn't have the lights to get on and it started moving by itself.

No user, clearly your tank is haunted, you should have blown it up for good measure.

>EDF has to defend Earth against spooky ghosts and spirits
fund it

ghostly ghouls and goblins

like the MIB comics

>EDFis classic anime mecha
You mean classic 30's mecha.

Can the game be modded to up player limit?

No. The game is borderline impossible to mod.

What the hell is this thing? It's unlike anything I've ever seen before!

Attached: ayy.gif (220x328, 634K)

how come the devs do it then lmao

because the devs don't mod.

It feels like this is sped up

>They should let the Fencer carry the big ass missiles that currently require Air Raiders to use. Just give them a really big lock-on time so that its impractical to use without the help of a guide beacon for it.
That's basically what leviathans are, just not quite as big, and they can't be used at all without AR support.

As the maker of that webm, I can assure you its not. Inferno bugs are really that fast.

Nope, green ants really are that fast and there are accessories that double the Ranger's dashing speed.

Dont be THAT guy, it clearly anime by jap developers and starts in Japanese city

What mission can i upgrade the lighting bow m3? Or is there some list with all drops and stuff?

>once again
its first encounter


Green ants are fast in hard but everything is faster in hardest/inferno.

>Singlehandedly keeping my whole team alive by biking to them and reviving them on the fly
>Dropping down more bikes and blasting ants into the atmosphere with my shotty while they get enough health
>Move on to the next lad grabbing health along the way
>Theyre able to down the dropships
>Thank me for working so hard
Feels good bros, I love ranger so much

That's his entire point, remove the AR requirement to use them, but make the lock on even longer without the guide beacon

I almost would like a general if only for not seeing the same fucking questions every thread.

>EDF 4.1 song isn't in 5 because it wouldn't make sense due to the first encounter with aliens
Holy shit, it all makes sense now.

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what do stars mean?
where does this weapon drop?

It's also the reason why (You) started as a civilian and become Storm 1 late in the game.

REEEEEEEeeee I'm making a google doc

How do I play online pirate lobbies
Can buyfags and pirates play together?
How do I go fast?
Why is ranger so shit?

First time Fencer here, only on mission 14 for Hard (playing online now). What're the best ways to equip both my weapon loadouts for max speed and flying around the map?

like pottery

So expect "old" song in edf 5.1 or dlc

If somebody could share the mega link for the v2 crack that would be really helpful

Level 17 weapons have a chance to drop from stages 67 to 99 on Normal.

Attached: EDF5 Drop List.png (1432x2394, 269K)

EU lobby

pw: rage
57 - hard
1 spot left !

Attached: sample-b588230b702d497ae6e95c80f3cd41cf.jpg (796x1000, 110K)

>earth defense vorce
never do this again

>50% CPU usage on idle
>almost fucking 90% when there's an assload of bugs on the screen
Should I just get a new CPU already?

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or, check the weapons LV
Weapons can drop on stages that are +9 their weapon LV

What's the wing diver meta compared to 4.1?
Other than the new plasma fuckoff cannon outclassing nearly everything, did anything change?

I only wish the classes' general upgrades like Ranger's sprint, Fencer's dashes, and Wing Diver's energy weren't level capped. I understand the vehicles having a cap but forcing a Ranger to go slow doesn't feel good.

ride bike

Lobby up. Going through hard on different character

Yea Forumsdf
5 currently

i use an auto looter at end of level so if that bothers you dont join

EDF5 Helpful links:

It isn't. technically

what weapons lad

thank you for your service ranger

the deepest lore

Friendly reminder to not underestimate Calibans

A shotgun and some long range weapon. Reliable loadout.

Slaughter and hornet
Free bikeg1 as well

I get around 75% at most with a 6700k

Buyfag room.
Hard, missions 34.

>that sexual feeling when you methodically dismember a ayylmao with a ranger shotgun

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Is this the only giant mech you can pilot? Looks so disappointing compared to earlier games. Like a giant construction bot with bitchslapping claws instead of a massive fist pounding machine.

Did just that a couple threads or so ago, see .webm

Attached: Replay_2019.07.17-14.08_08 (2).webm (1280x720, 2.43M)

Zooming around them sniping them with a lance as WD is even better.

It's literally a construction crane.

>kneecapping and then decapitating them with a spear

Attached: 1403313055264.gif (697x400, 621K)

Proteus is also in the game. But it's basically never in webms

>user has never gone to university and has never held a job worth mentioning

That's all the EDF can muster nowadays in terms of mechs? Pretty sad.

>reach the final part of a long ass mission
>get swarmed by bullshit and instantly die
>same thing happens

why must i suffer

Wait what? I always thought armor gain was independent of class played.

remember, this is technically the prequel and the first time that humanity battles the aliens. They still don't have the crazy robots yet.

Otherwise you're dead. Suffering is necessary.

Oh ok, I haven't heard anything regarding a story whatsoever more than "Shit we got enemies invading us in conveniently varied areas in seemingly new and interesting ways constantly!"

>nearing what feels like the middle of a mission

>next version is level 104
>need to clear DLC missions on inferno for it to show up

Attached: 1549150288805.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

>imagine being ths ayyy
>desperately crawling away from this tiny creature methodically amputating all your limbs

>in conveniently varied areas
>conveniently varied areas
>varied areas

just take this in consideration: the events of 4.1 (if 5 wasn't a reboot) are seven years in the future. That's also why we don't have the songs from 4.1

I hope they don't have those flying dragon types which spew fire(?) in this shit. Such a complete drag to fight.

>mission 39 as fencer
>surfing on top of dead decoys, which are on top of the monster swarm, while my boosts recharge
probably not the best place to need a recharge, but hot damn fencer is the shit

>heavy plasma strips off the remainder of its armor and both its legs and its gun arm
>hover right up into its formerly smug face, screaming in agony
All fucking aliens, illegal or otherwise, must fucking hang.

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City centers, beaches, underground, metros, harbors, suburban areas, deserts, cliffy areas, open plains. There's decent variation for what it is no?

Mission 35.
2 spots open.
We'll wait 5 minutes then start.

>keep blowing myself up with stardust canon

This appeals to me on a disturbing level. God damn don't make me buy it and grind shit for countless hours.

>keep blowing myself up with the heavy mortar

>snipe off their legs and finish them off with a fuck hueg explosion as they desperately try to crawl to cover

Hardest can be harder than inferno for some people, and by some people I mean absolute shitters that can only get through inferno with their 3284934983 armor and hardest has limits on that.

They should make timing the songs with other people add some kind of short buff you have to renew every so often when within speaking range of each other.

>Tide starts to turn in your favor
>Sarge starts yelling to push harder
>Men start screaming "EEE DEE EFF"
>youtu.be/X5h8OJdSMbc starts playing
Post >yfw

Attached: donaldboner.gif (367x265, 558K)

YOU ME SOMEONE PLEASE. I want friends!!

>massive airstrike hits
>everyone starts yelling EDF EDF

>mission with multiple dropships
>manage to pick off one after another
>mothership comes, whatever
>get into the tank for high IQ tactics involving getting into the high slope to aim under dropships
>feel many projectiles coming at me, handwave them as drones
>feel TOO MANY projectiles coming at me for my comfort
>tank too slow to turn around, get out of vehicle to see what happened
>four red pepes behind me
>they shoot in unison and literally blow me out of the map

install this and have steam open while you play

Found this review on steam:
>Good game, garbage business ethics.
>All Dlc being sold is already in the game you just cannot access it unless you pay to essentially download a text file that enables access.

Who thinks like this? "If I have the content files then the DLC should be free!". It's not like day 0 on-disc DLC or anything right?.

Well yeah, that's what the Barga is supposed to be. It's a vehicle meant for putting together highways and carrying heavy shit. A literal bipedal crane used as a last ditch effort to punch that Mysterious Monster in the face because EDF didn't have anything else as big.
EDF is now composed of three different universes.
The original handful of games are semi-related or not at all.

2017 was a new established universe, with 2025/4.1 as a direct sequel.

EDF5 is the newest timeline taking place in 2022, EDF this time around is a private company instead of an international military coalition. Earth had already more or less reached a point of world peace in regards to there not being any conventional wars going on at that moment (only the occasional TERRORISTS). They were working on building an oceanic superhighway with the Barga units as key construction vehicles for it, but infrastructure issues had the project canceled, so the Barga units got mothballed and dumped into back rooms everywhere (until you go digging them out).

Who should the next kaiju be modeled after? I vote King Ghidorah

Aliens are fucked.

Attached: 1561350020754.png (895x916, 1.25M)

You know, its probably because the game is 3 years old.

>11 Jul, 2019
Or are EDF players referring to some arbitrary version of the game as the "actual" release?

game has been out on ps4 since 2017

>keep blowing myself up

like says, the game is three years old. its more convenient for the devs to prepackage the dlc instead of having to download several different packages.
the game released in japan on 2017 for the ps4


>keep blowing myself up by being in line of sight of the air raiders

The same face I had when this came on.

Attached: 1562895176250.jpg (625x472, 41K)

how do this?
theyre always surrounded by a squad of other ayy lmaos who incinerate me whenever i get close

Attached: Violence.png (500x564, 407K)

rip pirate servers.

The fucks a wasp? You guys talking about those bird things in the sky?

I still can't believe they stealth released this game and the only reason I knew to buy it on release night was cause of a single thread on Yea Forums three days prior with no source to back up their claim but it ended up being true. Best surprise of the year by far.

Attached: Dac2ohu.png (345x403, 121K)

>the intelligence lady is starting to stalk me
Should i be worried?

I had to replay the attack on the base mission ~8 times because I kept blowing myself on random bullshit.

Attached: gutter1.jpg (640x424, 192K)

>You have good taste air raider
Y-You too

What does getting hit by Spritefall feel like?

Mission 37
1 spot left
waiting 5 minutes.

tastes like lemon lime

>Not strawberry lemonade