Everything bad that happens is an old gods fault

>everything bad that happens is an old gods fault
>the legion invasion? old gods
>the orc invasion? old gods
>the lich king? old gods
>garrosh? old gods
>sylvanas? old gods

when did blizzard writing become such fucking garbage?
I mean it was never great, but this shit's abysmal.

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are you fucking stupid? The Old Gods are puppets of the "Void Lords" and guess what? Void Lords are actually a big ruse and are made up fairy tales by the Titan Pantheon, the real bad guys.

dude tentacles im going mad aaahhhhhhh lmao

>chaos goes against order

better than ffxiv still

Maybe they should've kept on copying everything from Warhammer.

nice joke retard

so the titans are...

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You say that like it's an accomplishment

You forgot before that it was Sargeras then old god now void lords then it will be Pandaren next.


>hen did blizzard writing become such fucking garbage?

Just check who their writers are and additional questions cease to exist.

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also probably a tranny
also.. fuck this age of political correctness bunch of children living in a fucming bubble

The ever increasing scale killed my interest in the games lore. Stopping Kil'Jaeden coming through the sunwell felt massively more important and threatening than going all the way to argus and sdestroying the entire legion, legion should have been the last expansion and should have cost the lives of most characters to barely stop Sargeras entering Azeroth instead of going all the way to argus for a single patch to bitch slap titans. World souls are cancer too, it's hard to feel like an adventurer when you're dealing with threats on a cosmic scale.

The problem started with the ever increasing scale. After defeating dragons, demons, old gods, illidan, the lich king and even deathwing, what else would have been left? They just made up more and more powerful foes and it became more and more retarded.

Well i wish i got pointlessly mad about that tweet like you do but i cant. It was just a person asking in a polite manner to not use the words there. It doesnt feel spiteful or "higher-than -thou", its just a simple rule she put on her own twitter followed by what happens if you dont want to respect it

this is the writer of a world of orcs and humans, in a near lawless world.of both murder and rape.
i cant take her retarded as seriously if she cant handle an internet version of the things thay should be in the world she writes for.

>the legion invasion? old gods
But Sargeras and his burning crusade was a crusade with the end goal of defeating the void lords, who created the old gods just to piss off the titans

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It is a mystery.

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old gods allegedly made azshara hunger for sargaras dick in some 4D chess move to use the legion invasion to break free

like you would welcome black lives matter activists shitting up your twitter posts assuming anyone even cared enough about you to regularly respond to you.

Random nobodies with no power or influence don't have to manage their community, that's not the same for a writer who has been around since WC1.

>when did blizzard writing become such fucking garbage?
World of Warcraft 1.0. WoW was loosely based on the Warcraft series and took several liberties to begin with. As the series continued, the retcons never stopped, and eventually crossed over with the actual canon of World of Warcraft itself.

>Void Lords are actually a big ruse and are made up fairy tales by the Titan Pantheon, the real bad guys.


Yep. This shit should have been in W4 instead, and WoW should have remained about worldly matters. You know, like Alliance and Horde beating each other with clubs and swords and shit.


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