>I-Its only going to do 1 m-million you guys!

Has this board become out of touch with the gaming industry?

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Other urls found in this thread:

still the worst MH

By far the worst MH in the series.


That was just fags of the other games like this tard.

Seething nintenlards

>using the subject field
summer is here

Have you guys played any of the first generation games?

>it's good because it's popular
World is not only the worst in the series, its existence is actively detrimental.

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>newfags that are playing world as their first MH game now defend it for the sake being able to include themselves in the fanbase
The only thing worse than this fucking game is you pieces of shit.

Just saying it's the worst undermines any valid points you may have. Theres things World does really well, and things it does really poorly. Just like every other MonHun.

oldfag hunters cant deal with world generally being easier than the old games, even though it improved on them in every other aspect

The first gen games were bad because of budget and hardware limitations as well as being the first of their kind in many gameplay aspects.
World is THE NEWEST with decades of experience behind it, there is no goddamn excuse for it to have ended up like this.

I fucking hate the model of this game. All this time gated live service bullshit ruins the game.

Best by a mile

It's all useless cosmetic shit.

Nice, a free attack jewel.

That is literally the only fucking point of playing the game.

>haha this casualised entry was a big hit for normies and now monster hunter is ruined forever
>haha Yea Forums btfo

Enjoy your Pyrrhic victory I guess


What is a good new hobby after everything becomes mobile games?

The worst post here by far.

Literally just an MH MMO
How did we fall so low

May be the worst MH but its still a good game

What's the issue? I haven't played MHW, but this mechanic never bothered me in games like animal crossing.

This. World fucking killed off Frontier and MHO. That should tell you how harmful its existence is

I was playing generations the other day, hunting a rajang. Set a trap down, took forever and a blango knocked me over. Stood up into rajang taking off for a blanka ball, chunked me for 3/4 of my health.
In world that trap would've taken half a second and I would've greatsword charged him for half his health. There is so much cool shit in world, but why does it have to be so easy

How does Monster Hunter do numbers like that? Are they just straight up lying? Here's some reference numbers:

All Worms games = 14 million copies sold. All Souls games = 15 million copies sold. All Saints Row games = 13 million copies sold

Just go look at sources like + and it becomes very hard to believe how the fuck this ONE Monster Hunter game is doing SO well.


85% of the game is grinding monsters for cool armor. What the fuck do you grind for when the monsters that drop cool armor only show up ever three months for a week? In the older games you just had access to every event quest from the getgo

oldfag hunters literally WANTS to press gather button for 2 minutes and watch gather animation for each item picked.

>This amount of cope
It's already sold 10 million and it will continue to go into 12-15 million thanks to Iceborne.

They had to replace their two existing MMOs somehow.

only here for the angry nintendies

Attached: IMG_20190713_214505.jpg (1024x768, 122K)

I don't think you know how big a series with a legacy of 15 years can get once it's marketed to the every day player. You should pop into some of the MH Discords on Google and see how many people are in 10-50 group chats for hunts even this late at night.

>he hasn't played Gen

Whats your favorite MH Yea Forums? Mine is Tri for WIi
>That underwater combat
>Having armor and weps not even available due to disconnection of servers
>dat undaaqua combato
Tri is still one of my favorites,. but MH for ps2 is my all time favorite
>Stunlocking with lance
>that online hub
>commemorator with fellow hunters.

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lol imagine rejoicing at 1 attack jewel ffs I feel sorry for fans of world

Anyone that doesn't automatically disregard average user opinions is an idiot. So Yea Forums said some dumb stuff like it does every couple of milliseconds and nobody should be surprised.

Just accept World isn't a good MH
A good ARPG/MMO, maybe, but certainly not a good MH.

>How does a MULTIPLATFORM game make so much money!?!!
Because it's on the platforms with established userbases. Steam and PS4 alone elevate the amount of sells possible.

Shit fuck now I kind of regret not buying World in the Steam Sale because I can't reclaim that free ATK jewel.

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Same. They always seem to believe that everyone needs them like it was the 1990's or something.

>Another attack jewel
Laughably that's the one rare jewel I maxed out almost instantly.
Not a single free element jewel though.

>but nintendo
>muh Sony

The game is also on PC and still is a casual non-color piece of shit

Why? It's definitely a weaker entry but I'd put it on par with at least Portable 3rd.

This and Steveposting are the reasons why Nincels will always be a laughing stock in this board


spotted the autist

Reminder that

Gore Magala
Lagiacrus (in a different image)

Are basically all now confirmed for Iceborne.

Based off the 15 anniverary image, we can speculate that Fatalis is likely in as well.

Attached: Cookie Leak.jpg (3024x4032, 1.29M)

user asking the real question

Tough run between 3U and 4U, but in the end I guess 3U cinches it out with overall better maps and less gimmicks.
Actually, every MH game I've played is "great but not perfect" and every game that does something better than the others, falters in a different area of its own.

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Those are some nice rewards. MHW is on the shelf untill icebornebut ill be sure to to pick that item pack up.

Motherfucker have you played fucking freedom unite holy SHIT it's so fucking bad

Why does in-home streaming have to be so garbage? I just want to play World on the toilet.

Why do people act like World selling gangbusters was some kind of foregone conclusion that was obvious from the beginning? Expecting it not to do particularly well before it released was perfectly reasonable, the game was a massive gamble that paid off.

Sorry but MHW still failed and the franchise is dead. Now we wait for Nintendo to pick up the ashes and resuscitate it.

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they said in an interview they think it's because it was a global release (instead of the former model of japan first; localization later) so everyone had the fresh experience from the off and all at the same time. Rather than seeing all spoilers, long before a delayed localisation. It's all one cohesive release now. That and the multiplat aspect ofc. But yes it took everyone by surprise not least Capcom. But it's only logical if you think about it.

in b4 seething nintendie etc

you realise pretty much all the 3ds games (aside from G/GU) sold like 5 million each, right? Both the normal versions and the ultimate versions?

MH has always been insanely popular. 99% of those sales were from Japan. Now combine those jap sales with sales from a global market because its finally hit mainstream.

Might as well ask how modern warfare 3 sold over 30 mil

A few months ago we had a 15 million milestone, what happened?

It's more accessible
It doesn't look like vomit
Not competing with dark souls

>even though it improved on them in every other aspect
Eh not really. Pretty much everything useful in World came from Tri, Gens or 4.

Because it was hyped the moment it was announced literally everywhere except on Yea Forums because of seething nintendo-only's.

>It doesn't look like vomit
You couldn't be anymore wrong if you tried.

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>right has more grafics
thanks for proving my point?

>it's better than old ass PS2 games so that makes it okay

How many times has listfag ban evaded today?

>Why do people act like World selling gangbusters was some kind of foregone conclusion that was obvious from the beginning?
Anti Nintendo shitposting mostly. So what we're reasonable expectations based on the performance of previous console entries are now jokes because people want to shitpost and essentially erase any of the Nintendo MH games from threads.
Its also why you'll see a lot of revisionism about what threads were like before World.

>haha look at God Eater and Toukiden fags and their easy games
As a MonHun fag that played God Eater for relaxing, this is hilariously fun to watch. What happened to all the big dick chad Freedom Unite players that said that difficulty is what makes MonHun the best Hunting game?

The guy hides behind proxies so it's probably at some ludicrous number by now. You'd think he would just ignore these threads instead of falseflagging as a group that doesn't come here.

I have clocked 500 hours on World and would probably clock a few hundred more with Iceborne
Im having fun with my first MH game and there is nothing you haters can do about it. Deal with it

Sorry but the water fighting is atrocious. 4U easily over 3U

b-bbut actually...

Attached: 1558184732008.png (1920x1079, 1.88M)

Anybody else just really like Monster Hunter and enjoy all of the games?

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Loving every tear, nintenfats

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ideal game for me would be old mh (same skill system, same map zones, same charm rng and online lobby system, painballs etc) but with mhw reskin. Then everyone would be happy I think. Graphics fags and oldfags alike.

I've not been following Iceborne, is the content really worth nearly being full price as an expansion pass?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO p-please don't post the list

The power of not being hostage to 240p bing bing shit platforms.

I'm the original maker of that picture and can confirm: I falseflagged all those replies for the screencaps. Sorry guys. may Jesus forgive me of my sins.

>more graphics
These are the people currently shitposting. In any case he's referring to the fact that World is visually messy compared to previous games where everything you need to see pops out.

Yea Forums is never right.
>MHW will flop!
>breaks records
>Black Panther will flop!
>breaks records
>Captain Marvel will flop!
>huge success
>End game will flop! burn out is real!
>it breaks record.

Yeah. Even enjoyed world despite it being a bit below my expectations.

>i-it was all a joke
Enjoy Capcom shitting in the mouth of Switchfags

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Monster Hunter World is the only Monster Hunter game I've played and I love it.

I've tried to play 3 Ultimate, but couldn't get into it.

>bing bing shit platforms

Attached: sales japan.png (750x401, 100K)

Nintendorks have been out of touch with anyone past 12 years old for years

13 million copies makes MHW the most popular Jap 3rd party game ever. It has even eclipsed western AAA loot games aswell.

Other than only one big stage the amount of monsters makes it worthwhile. Im kinda impresses actually, I thought Capcom would jew his way with 5 monsters and a few re-skins

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>same map zones
Fucking why? In what possible way a selection of flat disjointed rooms better than the sprawling multilayered zones that you climb all over, go through tiny passages, drop and fly up, where the fight can happen anywhere and the environments can present both tactical advantage or a hazard? I can understand when purists whine about mechanics, but there is no conceivable defense for the boredom of old MH maps.

only a few more millions to beat avatar engame bros

>sales makes bing bing 240p handhelds good
Just how dumb are nintensoys?

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>Casual Hunter Western and shitty capeshit movies doing well is a good thing

Marvel is for gay niggers though.


because it's just a straight up fight
no having to stop charging to avoid getting dragged into a slope, no having to wait to land off a millimeter ledge to avoid mounting, there is no height mismatch that makes your attacks disconnect, no useless corridors that needlessly consume map size then area size

For starters it isn't visually cluttered and monsters don't clip their entire upper torso into the environment.


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So with your clear and direct approach to quality estimation, I take it you consider Playstation and PS2 to be objectively better consoles than N64 and Gamecube respectively?

>Has this board become out of touch with the gaming industry?
No it's just infested with nintenlards, us sonychads knew it was going to do well and said so every thread.

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Yeah, I don't love it either but think for a second how many water monsters are there even? 4, excluding Cadouche. How many maps have water sections? Only 2(!!), excluding Underwater Ruins and Tainted Sea which are set-piece maps for specific monsters.
Just avoid those monsters outside of key quests and you're bueno.

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the game is shit, the entire series is shit
fuck all of you nintentard babies who said this shallow turd gameplay was good

I don't get it, literally every chan even reddit was saying this was going to be the best selling Capcom game ever. Why is Yea Forums so contrarian?

i honestly dont care if it does.
it made over a billion its first weekend. that is impressive enough.

yes. they have confirmed a good amount of the flagships. it is rumored/theorized that ALL the flagships are coming along with fatalis and some others.
khezu/plessy are being rumored from "leaks"

say it again DCuck.jpg

You can tell how much Capcom regrets making Nintendo exclusive games given how they are treating Switch now.

Man, just three months later that patcher guy was BTFO'd.

>calling yourself chad

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oof casual and Artspilled.

>literally every chan even reddit was saying this was going to be the best selling Capcom game ever
Except they didn't. Just like us they used previous console sales to come to the conclusion that it wouldn't perform well.

you want reasons? I don't mind world approach but that's not what made me love the game to begin with.

where you see flat disjointed rooms, I see key areas / arenas; separated by fast travel to cut out the boring bits in-between (that nobody wants to see or cares about. A bit like in real life. Points of interest separated in-between filler). I like taking a 2 second pause to look at the [old, simplified] map also.

That and it's original and has an identity. Whereas open world/sandbox is generic, NPC-tier, paint by numbers game design. a meme.

Space to fight / 2 secs to load > cluttered, stuffy open world / 1 minute for initial load


caught 1 already, you nitenchumps are so easy to hook

if you have to call your self a chad/other compliment it most likely means you really are not. just trying to convince yourself.

>b-but all devs will flock to Switch once it outsells PS4 in gacha island
This is what Nintenfags unironically said and believed.

Attached: 2019.jpg (1072x1168, 378K)


Capcom always weaseled out of exclusivity any chance they had. RE4 and Viewtiful Joe ran away from GC the first chance they got, RE4 in particular is second only to Doom in the amount of platforms it's available on. Dead Rising started getting ported to PC the moment contractual obligations loosened. There's nobody more eager to go multiplat than Capcom and trying to squeeze them into exclusivity will only bite you in the ass.

That’s cool. Can they maybe use all that money to get the fucking PC content out on time? The PS4 load times are too trash to go back to.

>Le falseflag shitposts to be screencapped on r/Yea Forums thread

Attached: Dobson Threads.jpg (512x592, 35K)

that shitty ps3 game could run on it. Zoomer Guilty Gear is shit.

>sales not good argument
>sales are MHW fans singular trump card

make up your mind

Don't forget


If sales are so important, how come Switch is not getting MH?

I don’t suck on joycons I entered this thread just to say that

>Zoomer Guilty Gear is shit.
Play me right now, I'm on both PS4 and PC.
Make a room and play me right now, you ain't about to talk shit about either of those games unless you can prove you're not a brainlet retard.

Attached: 1563410602899.png (736x754, 306K)

>I entered this thread just to say cringe

In the eyes of sonyfags sales only matter for their system and games. Brand loyalty has poisoned their minds.

MH4 stayed exclusive to great loss. Capcom got smart this gen and put their petty feud with Sony aside.

I love world I dunno wtf the shitposting is about. Handhelds are dead so it can't be about that.

Why did you buy it twice? The pc community is dead too so its not like you had a reason to.

It did got a 3ds port, what more do they expect?

Because I like the game and I have the money to spend because I'm not fucking poor.

Now make the lobby or shut the fuck up with your brainlet retardation.

>quads of absolute BTFO

right now.
It's Science time mother fucker.
I only have the PS3 continuum shift[/spoler]

>I don't think Nintendo fans are so stupid they would buy a piece of cardboard

That didn't age too well

>those rewards
fucking lame

At least the bantz are good enough to stay also fuck the switch

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>Tone down the difficulty and appeal to normies
>it sells well
Wow wtf bros?????? How????

>not a single American RPG hit the 10M mark since Fallout 4
How did American RPGs fell behind Poland and Japan so badly?
>inb4 Monster Hunter isn't RPG

>attack decos

>Has this board become out of touch with the gaming industry?

This board is actively out of touch because everyone thinks it's cool to be contrian.

>How does Monster Hunter do numbers like that?
They released the game on PC after not ever having the game on PC ever, except for an MMO that was inaccessible to the west. Of course people are going to eat up a superior game on a superior platform. M games have always been goat.

Ever since Dark Souls hit big and westshit devs fell for the microtransactions service fads.

>instead of using game examples he uses fucking movies
Go back.

Long story short
>mh usually performs like shit on home consoles with the best selling before World being Tri at 1.3m
>everyone expects world to perform like shit because of previous home console history
>because it was announced by Sony it gets a lot of console warriors polluting discussion to shitpost about Nintendo
>skip to next year and MHW sells well which surprises the MH fanbase
>gets the usual amount of criticism MH games usually get
>Sony fans are livid and kill any criticism and discussion by deflecting to Nintendo
>one person compiles criticism into a pasta to add to his shitposting folder which also contains epic store related shit and ruins MH threads forever
And that's the brief history.

So you decided to buy a game twice for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Talk about more money than sense.

>Fucking mods muted me for "Flamewar" for telling a Nintendie to back up something he's saying.

Ah ha ha ha


Honestly even as a hardcore MH fan, I really enjoyed world. It was different, yet familiar. Even I was getting tired of fighting the same exact monsters in the same plain grassy fields or snow level for the millionth time.

that aint me.
this is. Zoomer Potemkin is gonna show you the power of science.

Back up what exactly?

I'm sure its good for people who need it, but the rest is meh.

Maybe you shouldn't have been shitposting.


people love to undersell MHGU but it's a fantastic little game. great value for money by today's standards. MH portable team are all allegedly shitlords. until they get called in to help with Iceborne. Personally I like portable MH. designed specifically with that in mind. it is perfect Switch ammo.

And thats wrong because all the shitposting and console wars comes from the Nintendo fans who fell robbed of their exclusive niche title. That and a lot of offended hipster gamer feelings

>[PS4] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,958 (New)
>[NSW] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 7,075 (New)

>[PS4] Super Robot Wars T (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 03/21/19) – 88,093 (New)
>[NSW] Super Robot Wars T (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 03/21/19) – 44,051 (New)

>[PSV] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 07/21/16) – 43,753 (New)
>[PS4] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 05/25/17) – 27,741 (New)
>[NSW] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (NIS, 06/28/18) – 6,431 (New)

>[PS4] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 02/22/18) – 46,411 (New)
>[NSW] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match DX (Bandai Namco, 02/21/19) – 7,651 (New)

>[PS4] Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Limited Edition Included) (Sega, 03/21/18) – 62,921 (New)
>[NSW] Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Sega, 09/27/18) – 5,596 (New)

>[PS4] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 01/31/19) – 18,679 (New)
>[NSW] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Koei Tecmo, 01/31/19) – 8,046 (New)

>[PS4] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 01/11/19) – 41,510 (New)
>[NSW] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 01/11/19) – 26,588 (New)

>[PS4] Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 27,734 (New)
>[NSW] Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,473 (New)

>[PS4] Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (SIE, 08/03/17) – 30,384 (New)
>[NSW] Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Bonus Edition (Sega, 08/03/17) – 5,217 (New)

>[PS4] Dark Souls Remastered (From Software, 05/24/18) – 71,739 (New)
>[NSW] Dark Souls Remastered (From Software, 10/18/18) – 14,646 (New)

Honestly I just miss local play the most.

This. Vitafags never shat on MH4U. Only lameented it not getting ported. Nintenfags play ugly.

>the PC community is dead
Are you aware telling blatant lies that can easily be verified as wrong hurts your credibility?

w-where are my soitch games

>killed off Frontier and MHO
Is that supposed to be a bad thing???

I hate that having a monster hunter thread is fucking impossible these days because Nintendo fags are still asshurt about it. You people need to fuck off already.

Not exactly
Yea Forums just got tortanic once and still trying to ride that high again ever since

>who fell robbed of their exclusive niche title.
There's two problems with that
1) they don't hold on to exclusives. Even with games like Octopath they had a "more people the better" outlook
2) they still have 6 exclusive MH titles and a spin off.

I haven't played since the zero horizon dawn thing on ps4, they've added new monsters and shit right? I got bored after I beat xeno, there wasn't really much left to do, tempered stuff I guess but it seemed like I was done. How much content does the new stuff have? Like are there new story quests or is it just new monsters I do once or twice then there's nothing left? I'm interested in iceborne, especially at a reasonable price point like $40 but eh.

It's not nintendo fans.

Attached: 1563142101099.png (783x645, 103K)

>daily login bonus
>timed DLC
this kills the MH

Yes it is, they're notorious console warriors and have been shitting the board up for years.

>muh nintendo
Every time.

Its weird though... How before worlds Nintendo fags and Sony fags got on with one another, you could discuss the PSP games, PS2 games, the one on PS3 and Wii and 3DS... But as soon as Worlds came it was console warring... Hmm I wonder why? Is it because world babs got an inferior game to its predecessor and lash out on anyone calling the game terrible by calling them a nintendo fag? Surely anons cant be THAT insecure...

No, no, you don't understand OP, there aren't layers and layers of tedious bullshit lying over an otherwise great game. The game's available on the major consoles and PC which has made if far easier to get into multiman hunts and actually find people to help you without going to obscure corners of the internet. This has casualized my series and it's harder to gatekeep now! RUINED FOREVER!

Pay attention

Attached: thoughts.png (1190x1348, 80K)

Says the person who thinks it has a strong pc community. Even the most popular fighting games are a fraction of the size of console communities.

The reality is that Capcom doesnt care about the Switch and the fans blame it to anyone except Nintendo for making a shitty console.

>those smug anime avatars
Shame we couldn't hear the cries of those fatsos later on.

>post proof it isnt

MH on home consoles has always been like this. Events are always avaiable on portable only because you were supposed to play locally.

Yet there's never any proof of console warring on their end. The best you'll ever get are game comparisons.

>Its weird though... How before worlds Nintendo fags and Sony fags got on with one another, you could discuss the PSP games, PS2 games, the one on PS3 and Wii and 3DS...
Yeah, fucking bullshit, before World was even announced any time I entered MH thread it was already guaranteed to have a bunch of shitposting about Sony and Nintendo.

Long story short:

>A playstation monster hunter game is leaked on Yea Forums pre-E3 2017. Nintendo fans go into full defence force mode claiming it would be impossible, unlikely, and inconceivable for Capcom to betray Nintendo.
>Lo and behold, a new PS4/XBX/PC monster hunter game is announced at E3 with some middling, half baked footage. Concern for the game at this point is genuine, as it seems Capcom are unsure of how far to take the product into next-gen open world sludge casualization.
>Sony fans go into defence mode while Nintendo fans gloat over what they percieve as a game destined for failure, Capcom will come cap in hand back to Nintendo to make MH5 portable for the Switch
>Monster Hunter World's beta is released, the game is actually just like the old monster hunters but better in just about every conceivable way imaginable. Sony fans are assuaged of their need to defend the product and Nintendo fans get majorly butthurt as they've been knocked off their high horse. Concern trolling about the sales for the game rises around the december-early january period.
>Monster Hunter World is released, receives impressive critical attention and early forecasts for sales are very positive
>Nintendo fans seethe and form discord groups to shitpost about the game on a plethora of forums and Yea Forums. Concern trolling now reaches an all time peak as posts crop up innocuously questioning the long term sales potential, and the "legs" the game has.
>The nascent inclinations of the listfag begin forming right about now, as Nintendo fans nitpicking is compiled and spammed and disingenuously posted in every thread under a guise of "veteran" disappointment
>Monster Hunter World sells over 10 million copies, the best selling MH game ever, and the best selling capcom game ever
>Iceborne is announced, all the Nintendo fans favourite monsters are likely going to be in it, the seething at this point is reaching supernova-status

I left after 3U because fuck handhelds and fuck Nintendo for not supporting the Wii U. World was a nice return though, I played it for 250 hours which is fine for a casual like me. I'll most likely double dip on PC before Iceborne comes out now that my PC can more than handle it.

and yes, the doomsayers getting kicked in the stomach was great.

Yeah. despite the Switch selling FIVE (5) times more than the PS4 every week, the Switch owners simply don't buy anything other than first party Nintendo games.

>MH on home consoles has always been like this
False, Tri was the last game they did it with.

tell me when they've sold all 13 million, retard

>but Japan

who gives a fuck? Their countries devs are wasted on them, they dont buy games like REmake 2, DMC5 and Sekiro. We do.

Attached: BC52D2CD-7A0B-464A-A8EE-818B53E424C1.jpg (750x557, 74K)

Even the devs themselves said that they casualized the fuck out of World because they expected it to be many people's first MH game, so now in Iceborne they have to dial the difficulty up hard. Why do people still argue otherwise?

Forgot the image

Attached: tactical.png (1702x365, 83K)

Yeah no it wasn't lol.
.t Have always been in MonHunt threads.

>claiming it would be impossible, unlikely, and inconceivable for Capcom to betray Nintendo.
You're trying too hard.

dont be such a snowflake. besides, 2/3rds of MH threads these days arent even about MHW specifically. It's just as common to have a general MH thread talking about legacy monsters be shitted up by sony fanboy weirdoes who can't help themselves but stir shit.

Cry more nincel

He's been trying to revise history for, I guess we can say years now given it was revealed in 2017.

>>Monster Hunter World's beta is released, the game is actually just like the old monster hunters but better in just about every conceivable way imaginable.
Hello bab

Attached: Ahhahahahah.jpg (1676x2117, 729K)

Way to prove him right.

>1) they don't hold on to exclusives. Even with games like Octopath they had a "more people the better" outlook
That's complete bullshit user

They have been for a while, but it's not just because they're out of touch. Many of the folks here are brand fucking new, they repeat what they see and dont understand why a game will or wont work, and some of the older anons genuinely think they're still the core demographic, even if in many cases they never were.

It's a real shame isn't it.
I wonder what it was about the ps4 that turned sonyfags into absolute asshats? I mean, they were fine before that and were even welcomed in MH threads when we played FU.

>Glavenus with a green tail
Slime? Poison?

we're really living in the best time line

And guess which game was the last developed for home consoles. P3rd HD, 3G HD and XX HD are barely touched up ports.

And what has Sony to do with World anyway? The game is on every important platform

Animal Crossing isn't a live service game, unless you mean Pocket Camp or whatever. In Animal Crossing you're free to change the time on your system clock and do the events that way. This kind of game, it's connected to a server, so you can't do that. I fucking hate this kind of game because God forbid you buy a game a couple years later and have all this content you can't access. Now compare it to something like The Witcher. No matter when you buy that game, you've still got access to everything. Why can't all games still do it like that?

Reminder that console warriors aren't Monster Hunter fans

>any criticism against world must be consolewarshit as it is perfect game delivered from the heavens by God himself

imagine being this insecure.

Objective MH tier list 4.0. Toddlers need not reply.

God tier:
>Every MH before it
Overrated garbage tier:
>every MH past FU

It's a monster Hunter game though are you fucking mental?

World is the best Monster Hunter game though

I mean lets be real here... It was shit.
It was the most casual MonHunt to date. There's no challenge on anything.

Attached: file.png (377x123, 72K)

Why does the aliasing in this game suck so much shit? I don't think you can not make this game look bad.

>actually thinking 3U is better than 4U
3U was absolutely fucking awful with weapon combos, let alone trying to dodge was like being made of stone

then there's the lack of online multiplayer in 3U as well
>inb4 b-but muh local play
doesnt make up for shortcomings

user, slapping a poorly drawn neckbeard in a Mario outfit isn't proving your revisionism right.

Why does a game need to be challenging to be good?

next time use less buzzwords and more constrictive criticism

This is horseshit. There had always been fights, especially between FU and the Nintendo games. Even if I played some FU I started properly with Tri when it came to the Wii and if you think World and Worldbabs got shit for being casual imagine how the discussions were when mainline MH got moved to the goddamn Wii and left Playstation altogether. I loved Tri, but fuck me the console warring made it hard to discuss. Much harder than World, at least what I remember.


Attached: absolut_vomit_by_thejacobskid-d21qcw5.jpg (600x681, 176K)

>4U better than anything
That's a YIKES for me dawg

>51 hours
Begone casual normalfag scum like you doesn't belong here

Then find one post that isn't a clear Falseflag, and by that I mean something like

Fuck off back to resetera. MH is not a walking simulator with no challenge.

I'll fuck off from MHW threads when he fucks off from legacy MH threads. So neither thing is going to happen.

>World is the best Monster Hunter game though

>Yes it is, they're notorious console warriors and have been shitting the board up for years.
No they haven't. Shitposting on this board has always been a handful of spiteful autists that can't cope. Theres a reason we say that autism is a hell of a drug.

It's a game designed around boss battles user. If there isn't a challenge then what's the point?

lol Im sorry I dont have 500 hours to dedicate like a complete fucking autist to being a pro at every game I play, some of us have lives Nintendocunt

>game designed around challenging boss battles

Fucking retard.

>sold the best on pc
>lel let's release it half a year later on pc

MHW is the biggest BTFO NintendoGA/v/ and toddlers have ever received, prove me wrong.

Attached: 1562305975689.jpg (1920x2160, 2.02M)

>actually thinking 3U is better than 4U
It has significantly better hunter-monster balance, better weapon balance, better maps, event quests aren't literally 90% cut in the western release, and the combat is still classic MH. 4U is where things started going to shit.
>weapons and monsters basically don't even feel designed around each other
>abandoning classic "turn based" feel of combat in favor of more action
>monsters prioritize fluidity and visual flair of animations over actual quality gameplay
>verticality cancer
>Yuya Tokuda as main planner
That man singlehandedly ruins everything he touches.

>at least what I remember
You can't remember very well then because there wasn't any shitposting when that happened. Yes, we had criticisms about the changes Tri brought however it didn't go into console war shitposting or anything close to this. Everyone just took the game as it was and didn't have any kind of brand loyalty.

>b-b-but nintendo

Every single time.
Do you meme spewing retards even read the thread?

Get bent gatekeeping cunt

Attached: listposter exposed.png (1101x364, 82K)

The Switch
Neo-Yea Forums still isn't over them.

>has Yea Forums, the board that has been colonized by /pol/tards, r*dditors, neoFAGs and REEEEEera niggers become out of touch with the industry
Gee user, you tell me!

It's a game where you hunt monsters with friends. The devs deliberately design it to be as non-competitive as possible and want people to just focus on playing together and achieving the goal, not caring about who contributed what. And multiplayer is always given as an option for those who can't beat something on their own that way. The devs explicitly condone carrying players.

How do you get any kind of focus on challenge from that?

>daily login bonus
Fucking yikes

>There's no challenge on anything.
never understood that complaint. the dragons can one shot you, people cart left and right and at least when I played (stopped after Jho update) and jumped into someone's tempered hunt there was a ~70% of it failing. 80% if you were playing with Japanese players. 90% if it was Kirin.


It was, until it hit the shelves and we all saw their criticisms were spot on.

>challenge = time spent
>not difficulty of the mechanics
why didn't you fags just stay in mmos

not for me or I'd have bought a new console and the game by now, I really would.

>the dragons can one shot you

>peopel still fall for listfag even though he's been outed at the main source for almost all MH shitposting
Why is this thread even alive?

>confusing shitposting/trolling with seriousness
>being this new


>the dragons can one shot you,
Not even Xeno's AOE one shots.

Listfag bumping it himself mostly.

Name me a way to survive Nergigante's dive without the defense ghillie.

>noooo my super secret club

After 4U its the best monster hunter.

Attached: 1530041117649.png (672x834, 105K)

Not using LR sets.

Watch out boys he's got wojaks

Have fun not dealing damage to it then.

Read that again user, carefully.

Most of western fans only ever played the Ultimate versions of monster hunter.
And in all ultimate versions G rank is where the game acualy starts.

World is basically the base version of the game. The versions meant to get people in to the game.
Only games you can fairly compare World to are the First PSP monster hunter Tri on the WII and Base Gen.
People still fail to realize that once Ice-borne drops then and only then is it fair to compare the game to rest of the older games.

Its the same shit how people compared base SFV to Ultra SFIV.

Attached: 1558736919356.jpg (640x600, 40K)

It's on multiple platforms and has been under $30 plenty of times. Also the game is piss easy to get into even the consoles mouth breathers can go it.

You'd have a point if people weren't comparing it to the base games.

>Only games you can fairly compare World to are the First PSP monster hunter Tri on the WII and Base Gen.

And those are still better than World.

Cha-cha was a bro tier sidekick. I'd take him over a cat any day.

It's not like G rank games don't have LR and HR to compare with.

Did they change something because fucking I saw so many quests fail because of a divebomb, or a big BZZT from Kirin or the Vaal breath or the Teostra bomb. Nevermind tempered Jho using people as cocksleeves. Even the regular attacks hit like trucks. I even saw people get two-shot by Anjanath because he would jump on them and they would get up right into his snotrocket.

Base gen arguably.

But tri and the first psp game had pitiful monster roster and the first game on the PSP has a shitty SP component and good luck finding people to play whit outside of japan.

>First PSP monster hunter
FU is still an ultimate version you retard.

>want to hunt something
>check sessions hunting said thing
>there's always at least one

You were probably hunting with idiots who didn't realise HR sets were a thing.

I think world is fun.

What in the fuck are you doing. They weren't talking about MH you retard.

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FU is not the first game on the PSP you double retard.

Attached: Capture.png (292x504, 282K)

You can literal dive through it.

Attached: 1557389389357.png (210x260, 15K)

Pretty much, yeah. Why do we have /vp/-tier gen wars again?

Attached: i love legi.jpg (838x1102, 87K)

>muh sales

Attached: 590.jpg (640x640, 33K)

They should have been in a mh thread retard.

steam summer event boosted their sales a little i guess

>attack jewel
>heavy armor sphere

Attached: 1561753109626.png (490x850, 776K)

You're really going to call someone a retard when you can't even read?

Toddlers getting trolled by based listchad

Lot of seething going on on this thread

Attached: 9abcd81.jpg (828x642, 66K)

Yeah, that's evading. How is the ability to evade a counterpoint to an argument that enemies can one-shot you?

Freedom is still an ultimate game jackass.

>Why do we have /vp/-tier gen wars again?
We didn't until World so I'm going to say Sony brand warriors.

Call me retarded but you asked a way to survive it that wasn't the suit and I gave it to you, what more do you want?

Attached: 1558744511016.png (560x407, 16K)

>turn based
go play your shitty jrpg FF trash then buddy

let me help you
is that way turbofag

You are retarded for disregarding the context of the conversation. Look at the reply chain. The whole argument was about whether the monsters in MHW are dangerous. If you count ability to evade as negating the danger then no monster in any MH is dangerous because you can always evade damage.

Anyone that knows Sony knows they do this shit
Print a retarded amount of games then brag you shipped out so Million of companies
Like GTA SA shipped 21 million copies despite selling far far less and that’s still the most popular game on PS2

its still garbage

Umm sweetie, why would i go to reddit when they're all 4Ubabs

The power of the attack is balanced by start up time. Same with the teostra explosion.

Who doesn't? This isn't exactly groundbreaking territory. N64 and GC had some gems but the PS2 still has the absolute best game library of any console ever.

Because reddit is all Worldfags?

They're somehow both

It a shame that I have to give Capcom another $50 before MHW starts to feel like a good Monster Hunter game.

You do realize nintendo and mircosoft also reports copies shipped not sold plus sony didn't release those numbers capcom did
Now fuck off tendie

I think in this case the distinction is that Nerg's dive literally always gives you time to sheathe your weapon and superman, and barely any timing is required. The dive is probably one of his least dangerous moves, especially since he loses his spikes afterwards. His actual dangerous moves are the ones where he shoots spikes out. Those hit crazy hard in crazy big ranges and if you're caught out of position you'll probably just die, since you don't really have the resources you need to dodge both the attack itself and the wave(s) of spikes afterwards.

Who let /MHG/ out of it's containment discord?


Eeh yeah we did, it just never got this bad before. There was always a little animosity to go around when the series jumped from PS2/PSP to Wii. In fact the whole thing was really similar with arguments about casualization and fanboying because of the shift in platform. It just never got this bad before and that certainly has a lot more to do with the state of this board as a whole than it does Nintendo or Sony fans individually.

You. You are the problem.

>Cat loli poster hasn't shown himself ever since World's success
Do you think he killed himself?

Attached: 1504333138905.jpg (1024x1024, 112K)

>You do realize nintendo and mircosoft also reports copies shipped not sold

Because Nintendo fans are completely assblasted that, after they spent MONTHS dedicated to doomsaying MHW, World turned out to be the best game in the franchise and not on the Switch.


Yeah, I'm enjoying World but it pains me to see that I'm not even going to be unlocking like a quarter of my weapons until right at the end of High Rank (i.e. when I'm probably going to stop playing).

The sections where you're running around looking for footprints to unlock the elders also feel like blatant filler they added in to slow you down. Instead of just forcing you to run 3-4 quests like most of the other games would, that is. It kind of makes it feel like it lacks content.

Still, I'm having fun grinding Los and Nerg for however long that lasts.

>nearly 200hrs put into mhw and this will be the only attack jewel I'll ever get
Also fuck this, I'd rather they add the transmog system since we all know it's already in the game.

Attached: 1562791539334.gif (312x390, 1.87M)

>There was always a little animosity to go around when the series jumped from PS2/PSP to Wii
Not really, you might be confusing criticism with gen wars however.

can't the GS block it now since the new patch?

they want to keep people entertained with shitty mobile tier timed quests that reward you layered armors.
you wont see real transmog.

The insanity is this game isn’t even an exclusive
Pc sold like 4 million copies

You should have at least 3 with the story handout gem, save the pukei witcher gem and this 13 mil freebie.

You were born 2016.
Trump got elected right afterwards.
You caused this. You did. Shame on you zoomer.

>it's a Yea Forums talks about monster hunter episode
threads about games you love are never enjoyable

Get out newfag

Dance thread?

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user pls.

>all multiplats

Doesn't matter, as long as its not Nintendo they group it as Sony. I don't know why they hate them so much.

More like 6

Perhaps to some degree but I distinctly remember diehard FU posters who liked to chime in about how casual Tri was on the regular - much the way you see people rail on World now. But the difference is it never derailed or deteriorated discussion the way it does these days. It was nowhere near this bad, but it existed.

Sony's steamrolled Nintendo for the last 4 or so console generations. They've developed a bit of a chip on their shoulder over it.

Wait what confirmed this? Should i be hyped as fuck or take it with a grain of salt?

Attached: Diablos.jpg (630x630, 59K)

mhw is the future of the franchise and it makes me happy
now if only bitter boomers and GU zoomers were to die off, that would be great

Why would that make sony fans hate Nintendo?

>bought a gamepad
>emulated XX
>kill great maccaoh quest
>pick it up
>equip the hunting horn because i like making noice
>keep dying because for some reason the hunter does this dumb flexing animation after some hits
is there a reason the hunter does that? is that the same with all weapons?

Attached: DnO5QMdX0AE7NGv.jpg (438x397, 70K)

>now if only bitter boomers and GU zoomers were to die off, that would be great
You want nearly half of world's playerbase to die off?

Technically nothing is confirmed until we see stuff in game, buuut monsters have been getting revealed off of the 15th anniversary image, and now there are a bunch of cookies with some updated(?) monster icons, and iirc the Zinogre icon matches one that was leaked a little while ago.

>because for some reason the hunter does this dumb flexing animation after some hits
The fuck are you talking about?

>Stop liking things I don't like

because the only thing letting down worldfans is the sony sector, with their wojaks and bingposting. Xboners and PCfags dont care enough about nintendo to do that. I mean Sony do have a lot of assblasting to make up for, after losing franchise for 10 years. Hence any criticism of world is rejected outright as bingposting.

Xboners and PCfags need to boot out sony guys polluting the MH gene pool. and then we'll ALL enjoy wholesome, balanced MH threads again.

I didn't "spend months dedicated to doomsaying". Come off it, dude, do you really enjoy this level of exaggeration? I thought World would suck. Bought it, been enjoying it. I still think it's a step backwards. They ruined a lot of weapon playstyles. If I weren't playing HH, the one weapon they arguably made better, I'd probably be a lot more upset.

You're allowed to dislike World, that doesn't make you a buttblasted Nintendo fanboy. Generations was highly controversial when it first came out and there are still plenty of fans who hate it. You're allowed to dislike entries in the series. They all have their flaws. It's disingenuous to suggest that everyone who has a problem with a game is just mad it wasn't on their system.

Like fuck's sake who isn't an idort these days? If you really like games, every console has something to offer right now. You don't need to be upset, unless what you're upset about is your mom only giving you enough allowance to buy one game, in which case you're a literal child and your opinion doesn't matter.

Literally Children, huehues, people don’t know about Jesus anymore they rather defend Sony instead of reading the good word amen

That doesn't even make sense.

>Months of farming ps4 and lol no attack gems
>Playing on PC this will be my 3rd one this week.

Attached: 1513274616656.jpg (526x567, 74K)

Take your pills, nintenschizo

someone told me it was related to the alchemy style, ill try picking another style and see if it keeps happening

how can one tranny be this assblasted?

Leaving you fucking causal

You guys are reading it wrong, I'm wondering why Sony fans hate Nintendo.

Autism doesn't have to make sense.

If you can't see the glowing red dinosaur you need to go to the optometrist immediately

It's a new copypasta.

Way to expose yourself, nimrod.

we don't hate nintendo, its you fucking obnoxious furris we hate now die alone

Short answer: No.
Thy don’t even own the game


its not you dick, i am legitimately puzzled as to why its happening, i literally spent 45 minutes hitting the thing, it limped 3 times and died because of that shit

Didn't know about the Witcher thing.

>have to do dogshit Leshen fight again, now with escort mission

Never mind, fuck that shit.

Only idorts should be allowed in MH threads.

Attached: image.jpg (1024x813, 305K)

Oh fuck yeah I got brachydios and narg AND glavenous anything else is gravy, here's hoping!

Attached: Please god.gif (292x361, 46K)

>nintendo is the only one not to get the game
>immediately starts shitting up threads because they can't play with the toys
Occam's Razor

So you just hate them for no reason.

I recognize that render's texturing and lighting, and that makes me sad.

Attached: CwLh4pvVYAA-iYy.jpg large.jpg (600x600, 54K)

But that’s wrong you retarded fool

but its for free on pc

That’s because Wii60 still runs deep with Xbox plus cross play
PC fags love to emulate Nintendo games so their basically Nintendo fans
Hell one of the most popular MHW mods is Yoshijho gives Deviljho a yoshi paint job

Strange way to spell cognitive dissonance.

>i honestly dont care if it does
Why would anyone ever care in the first place?

the fact that this is so popular just means crapcom will make more like it, which is awful
we live in the darkest times, PSP chads rise up

That's not how occam's razor works.

>PC fags love to emulate Nintendo games so their basically Nintendo fans
Thing is so do some Sony fans when they emulate using a vita or psp.

>PSP chads rise up
World has far more challenging monsters than P3rd.

The posts next to it that's it's illustrating clearly are though

A bunch of retarded austists really thought Nintendo would go bankrupt and start porting games to PS4 meme was real
>Implying the 3DS wasn’t printing money
>Implying there wasn’t millions of people who’ll break down GameStop’s door for a new animal Crossings
>Implying Mario isn’t worth 50 billion

That's not exactly a high bar given p3rd is one of the easiest games.

>Has this board become out of touch with the gaming industry

No we just have a lot of nincels here

>A bunch of retarded austists really thought Nintendo would go bankrupt and start porting games to PS4 meme was real
Literally nobody thinks that, only Switch owners beg for ports and for the PS4 to fail.

>Mario 3d world ps4
Still cracks me up

That’s always the thing that confuses me
>All this anti Nintendo posting
>Basically call for their office in Kyoto to be burned down
Also them
>Hell yeah we got, Super Mario world, Link to the past, and Kirby Magic mirror running full speed on Vita

True. The "it's a spin-off it's a spin-off it's a spin-off it's a western it's a spin-off, nope this isn't actual MH, that's on 3DS" coping started immediately even as the trailer was airing. Watching the announcement with Yea Forums was fun because you could see the panic happen in real time. That quickly turned into hatred, and cursing Capcom's betrayal.
Then from the other side of the fence you heard
>Now you know how we felt!
from the Playstation crowd.

Sony Chad here
I own every PlayStation, a gamecube, and a Wii u for this reason.

I know but I hate the leshen hunt and never want to go near it again.

Ah shit I remember that

Attached: 28F6B553-EBFD-4A4D-9E70-875103E466C2.jpg (600x458, 65K)

Almost like there is actually a lot of crossover between these fan bases or something. I think deep down we all know who is really behind all of the Nintendo vs Sony nonsense. Australians.

is this game even good if you want to play solo?

None of that happened, especially not this
>>Now you know how we felt!
>from the Playstation crowd.

>nope this isn't actual MH, that's on 3DS
How the fuck can people say this with a straight face? The 3DS was a massive step down from the fucking PSP with its 5 centimetre screen and nigh unplayable controls. It's the worst possible platform for a game like Monster Hunter, even mobile is more playable.

>yfw MonHun will never EVER be exclusive to Nintendo again

Attached: 1552859718595.jpg (894x1024, 76K)

MHW is the game where literally every other platform shit all over Nintendo. I'm pretty happy about it, since there is no more obnoxious fanbase than Nintendo. Remember how hard they whined about it not coming to Switch?

The seethe is hilarious. If we're lucky, the success they had leaving Nintendo will make Capcom just tell nintendo to go fuck themselves and stop releasing on their systems altogether.

>even mobile is more playable
Alright calm down. I’ve tried playing FU on my phone and I wanted to kill myself.

fun fact: if 4u and XX had been vita exclusive, they both would've sold less than 1 mil.

I did too and I find the form factor of a mobile far better than a 3DS. Not perfect, but better.

Kirin's elder horsedong

>caring about corporate numbers
Literally npc

Buy a pair of MOGA joycons

>actually playing water based hunts

I think I’d rather just keep playing it on PPSSPP/Vita if I’m being honest. At least I can transfer my save data between those two.

Right, the best games are the one the one that sell 2 copies total. Being a hipster is not NPC at all.



>held back for years on nintendo's shitty handhelds
>comes back to console with pc release
>pulls 13 million sales

>it's the worst MH!
>okay it's not

It did. Those E3 threads were full of speculation and legit fucking hatred. Even moreso because it was during the Sony conference and it only had the PS4 logos so people thought it might even be exclusive, or a Street Fighter 5 deal.

And even aaaaafter Capcom came out themselves and said "We consider this Monster Hunter mainline, but with a different title" Nintendo fans wouldn't accept it.
>Nope that's not true, the real MH is coming to Nintendo later, this is just western pandering spin-off trash, it doesn't matter

The majority of people haven't played the first generation games and why should they? They're lacking in content, mechanically sluggish and outdated. There is literally nothing redeeming about first gen.

I'm so incredibly happy that Glavenus is coming back! It's nice to see the Nintendo exclusive monsters being salvaged to proper systems.

>switch release
world is just a more appealing title over the traditional cartoony version.

Shitty ink most likely

>Those E3 threads were full of speculation and legit fucking hatred
No. Not even close unless you took the "ohnonono" posting to heart.


Shitposting aside monster hunter world is legitimately one of the best games ever made. We can bicker about minor issues all day but the core game is insanely fun massively replayable and utterly unique in its genre. Hell the closest thing we have is Dragons Dogma, and that game was half finished.

Call me strange but there’s something very satisfying about going back and fucking with the first gen for me.

>It's nice to see the Nintendo exclusive monsters being salvaged to proper systems.
Only to get butchered.

Attached: Glavenus.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

oh shit, i will need to make another character before 25th to get 3rd attack gem for nothing, nice

Attached: 1156163736612.jpg (1280x960, 215K)

That looks great to me, what's the problem?

Because it turns out not restricting your game that doesn't work on handhelds to handheld consoles only isn't a good idea and that when you put proper budget and marketing into producing a AAA version of a game that's already the call of duty of Japan you sell gangbusters

MH1 and Dos are the most unique games in the franchise. Everything after Dos followed the portable format until World went back and started using systems only found in 1 and Dos. How well they did it? That's arguable.

>We were only pretending to be retarded!!!

That fucking looks a million times better than literally every other MonHun game.

>Pokemon LGPE sells 10M copies! Pokemon SwSh will sell well too! Stay seething, haters! ;)
>W-who cares about MHW selling more than 13M units?
Nintentumblrinas are fucking hypocritical and have no self awareness.

Attached: 1563331961511.jpg (960x923, 92K)

>attack jewel
>gold prints

>b-but switch is selling like hot cakes!
>b-but nintendo games sold better than psp games!
>b-but sales dont matter!
which one is it?

They're honestly the Apple fanboys of gaming

Dos is a really cool game, it had a lot of interesting little systems, and hunting in it felt more authentic and less arcadey. Like the game revolved around being a monster hunter rather than the progression system. It didn't work for shit but it's still interesting.

Funnily enough, Iceborne is shaping up to be the LGPE of MH with its overreliance on fan favorites.

Attached: 1542456334820.jpg (900x600, 290K)

>>Pokemon LGPE sells 10M copies
user, they hated the fact that it sold well.

>>b-but nintendo games sold better than psp games!
Nintendo Monster Hunters definitely did not.

Make up your fucking mind faggot

Attached: dab hunter.jpg (1005x613, 208K)

>Pokemon SwSh will sell well too! Stay seething, haters! ;)
What on earth are you talking about? They're livid about the fact that it'll still sell well because of the pokemon brand.

Relying on fan favorites isn't what made LGPE shit. It's the fact that it's the same game, again, but somehow even simpler and shittier than in the past. You're being really disingenuous if you consider relying on favorites anywhere near the critical flaw of the game.

>3 Gold Wyverian Print
At least now I can make the gems I'm too lazy to farm. Thanks Capcom! That reminds me, when is their weekly seasoned events start? Or has that already begun?

Attached: 2019062101505600-2AE606B8659FEA852E0ED6470C9814D9.jpg (1280x720, 353K)

>take favourites and redo them from scratch
Beats literally copypasting them from older games and sets up good groundwork for next games.

Don't expect sonyfags to make sense or know what they're talking about.

First post best post. T. Own MH world on PC

Never played monhunt anyway. Whats so fun about it? Is it like Pokemon?

Reminds me of courage the cowardly dog cooking porridge or something for his babified elderly owner
Ahhh, perfect

It's similar to Dark Souls but fast paced and not dark.

It's an action RPG that's highly skill based, with a fun setting, cool monsters, 14 different weapon types that each play and feel very different from one another and a fantastic progression system.

It's basically a game that used to be designed around boss fights and playing said boss fights with friends.

you mean all event quests or festival? from they official website all event quests will start from 25th
i hear some rumor that they will bring all festivals at once wekk after week for month or something like that so people will be able to unlock everything but i doubt it

You're adding things no one said.

>Whats so fun about it?
A unique charm to its characters, environments and music, that conveyed a magical sense of adventure and achievement.
A weighty combat system that required careful positioning and knowledge of your foes, which felt good to play and rewarded skillful players.
Monster designs that were unique and colorful, but still believable as creatures living in the respective ecosystem you fought them in, with movesets that were punishing, but fair.
A large variety of weapons and armors that looked cool as fuck, could be discerned on a hunter at a glance, and told a story about the materials it was made from.
A sense of camaraderie and companionship with strangers, bonding over a common goal and having fun.

In short, all things World sorely lacks.

Attached: 1563448728803.png (800x480, 827K)

I've seen all these things said by people at one point or another

>They are being autistic retards so my autistic shitposting is completely justified
This is Yea Forums.

I'm glad my friends got me to buy this game. Been having a lot of fun. Tried getting into MH back with Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii and never quite broke it in.

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World does the first three points better than any other Monster Hunter by a long shot.

Not a rumor, it's confirmed. Starting next week for the next 5 weeks there's gonna be festivals, starting with summer until spring and then the appreciation festival

Not about World they haven't.

The only thing in 4 HR that's harder than most of World's endgame shit is Lv90 GQ Frenzied Brachydios

I legitimately will never understand the popularity of Monster Hunter

nooooo the ListChad evaded again
MODS PLEASE stop him I can't cope with his arguments

Sure thing bud.

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At best it's only the first one given how subjective it is.

>Held back
>Every Nintendo MH has sold gang busters

OH FUCK, i don't have time for this next month

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Don't get hit, hit it until it dies. Basically a 15 years-old action game series about preparation and commitment in a cool low fantasy world.

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This board has always been retarded. It's just getting much worse now due to the influx of underage newfag tumblr/plebbit/pol zoomers now Yea Forums's more popular than ever.
Rangebanning the mutts would clean up 90% of Yea Forums.

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>Snoys claim a multi plat as exclusive per norm just to shitpost like the cuckolds they are
>Wow. How can you guys hate us?

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It looks like a movie rather than a compressed jpeg, you just made an argument in my favour.

Name one bad point i raised

And then there's fags saying Yea Forums was dying

>Rangebanning EU and AUS and BRs

Remember when they did it with RDR2 only to get mad about the Xbone version when it had one more point on Metacritic?

It's dying, just not due to lack of audience.

>low fantasy world.
Also, the MH franchise is only 13 years old. The World franchise has just turned two years old.

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>>Every Nintendo MH has sold gang busters
It's nothing compared to Monster Hunter on the PSP and World. Portable 3rd beat every Nintendo title and it wasn't even sold outside of Japan.

All these points are subjective, except for the weapon models and the online system which are objectively flawed. Your third point in particular is utter bullshit because it's very easy to tell which armor is made from which monsters, especially the new ones. Cope some more

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None of these things have been said about World.

I still don't get how World sold that much.

I get that MH had an existing audience on PlayStation from the PSP days. I get that there has been demand for a "AAA-like" MH on home consoles. I get that there was marketing in the west for it.

But what made it so different that it became the most successful Capcom game ever by a wide margin?

Oh were dying alright

Sony should buy Capcom
Just for the laughs alone would be worth it

Multiplat and ps4 drought. That's about it.

It's always mutts that post trannies, push the toxicity/racist gaymers meme, have dumb e-celeb breads and link resetera and kotaku articles. These are the threads that kill Yea Forums
So fuck off shart and go suck some nigger dick.

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2014 was a mistake

simply ps4 install base and no surrounding releases

>Why abandon the fanbase like that to pander to a bunch of Sonybros and drooling casuas that don't even play or care about MH? 4 and 4U are some of the best AND best-selling games in the franchise and they truly shine on handhelds. Capcom are fucking retarded for this.
Those posts were real and the Anons were right too. At the time it did seem like a soulless corporate attempt to appeal to a western audience while spitting on the handheld fans that had supported them.

By that point like I bet 80% of the MH players on Yea Forums were on Nintendo, the rest being PSP stragglers. In general it didn't make sense that instead of making MH5 for Nintendo like everyone expected they made a complete revamp shiny console game to appeal to westerners who love cinematic action. You bet your ass people were mad.

People legit didn't know back then that it was multi-plat because it was announced at their conference and looked like pic related. Or it was some Sony/Capcom deal like with SFV. Either way people figured out pretty fast that it sure as fuck wasn't coming to any Nintendo console.

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They couldn't afford it. Not that there would be much gain in doing so.

Pray tell which design looks like it's actually made from a monster?

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Oh fuck me has my 400+ attempt attack jewel grind finally ended?

I have literally seen people complain that the complexity of the maps and obstacles like trees make the game too hard, at the same time complaining that the game is too easy.
I've also seen people complain that recreating the old monsters is rehashing.

Elder Dragons and Wyverian alchemy aside, the game's generally got a grugcore aesthetic. Dunno if I'd call it low fantasy though.

This whole “us versus them” mentality that permeates this entire board has ruined MH threads and I hope every console warring Nintendie and Snoy choke to death on their own spit. You people don’t deserve this series.

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>Those posts were real
They most certainly weren't. Any post that was talking about a specific platform rather than just general handheld and home console were just there to shitpost

Ah, that's the information I was looking for. Thank you!

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the snoy groupthink has changed so fast from "lol @ crapcom they are a virus" in 2017, to "omg Capcom so good we always love Capcom such a great company, such legacy, we always were such loyal fans". embarrassing.

Both of them look like it, if anything the one on the right looks like it was actually made from monster components, took the tusks and fashioned the bow from them

Because it was everything Monster Hunter fans had wanted for years

How do we get rid of the nohunts?

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Replace captcha with a HR Tigrex

>that the complexity of the maps and obstacles like trees make the game too hard,
You're confusing tedium with difficulty. No one has ever said World is hard unless a fanboy attempting to quell criticism is around.

>at the same time complaining that the game is too easy.
Which doesn't contradict the previous claim which you've mistaken as difficulty

We can’t. This place is beyond saving. Coming here is just habitual at this point.

>51 hours
>breezed through all the key quests and never touched it again
lad, you could've at least tried behemoth/leshen

Make a Sony board.

That is and probably always will be TRI.


Like clockwork.

P3rd and base World exist so no.

Making monster hunter for nintendo in the first place didn't make sense, especially when no game on nintendo sold as well as Portable 3rd.

P3rd isn't missing half the weapons and doesn't have jank ass swimming

They're both better than Tri. Tri was awful for so many reasons. Only Tribabs would disagree.

On the contrary, it was because it appealed to people outside of the MH fanbase and added things people didn't want.

200 is nothing.


Why can't you people just get along

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Tri is the zoomer game you underage shit. FU blows it away.

>They're both better than Tri
Nah, P3rd casualised MH hard and it hasn't recovered since.
As for World, despite having more monsters it's variety is ass having mostly flying wyverns and brutes with similar moves.

Tri is based because it had Loc Lac.
I miss it bros.

user, if Tri is a "zoomer" game so is FU.

Agree to disagree. There just weren't many Nintendo fans jumping with joy at the idea of paying $500 + tip to play what they considered to be a westernized sellout game. Not shitposters, actual fans that had spent hundreds or thousands of hours playing MH on 3DS.

No, Tri is the line. It's casual shit.
Tri removed trample which remains the single biggest casualization in the entire series.

Reminder that the only thing world actually added that was brand new was the slinger and moving while using items. Everything you hate that you can name all started with 4th gen.
Even mantles can be traced back to 4th gen additions.

Wow and here i thought i'd never be getting my second attack jewel!

why do you fuckers lie so much 85% of Yea Forums and all of /vp/ hated that lgpe sold so much but expected it became the name.
and the expect the same to happen with pokemon s&s.

>Not shitposters, actual fans that had spent hundreds or thousands of hours playing MH on 3DS.
They had no qualms with having to buy a Switch for Generations Ultimate. Almost like they're over attached to a mega corporation.

>Not already having a PC
Fucking hell the port doesn't even fry toasters anymore

>Tri removed trample which remains the single biggest casualization in the entire series.
Not really no, trample damage didn't really do anything big to change the course of a hunt. If anything it's the single smallest example of casualisation.
While on the other end of the spectrum Tri added blights which made a significant impact when it came to the difficulty.

>He didn't save Pukei

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if Tri is casual in your botched lexicon then world must be baby/spastic tier

>There just weren't many Nintendo fans jumping with joy at the idea of paying $500 + tip to play what they considered to be a westernized sellout game.
You're right but not for the reason you think. Many of those Nintendo fans already had pc's or PS4s to begin with meaning the people who would be paying 500 to jump on the World train was small.

Trample damage was worthless and it only meant you couldn't stay near the feet which you shouldn't be doing anyway because not many monsters have anything good there.

what do you mean?
haven't played in over a year btw.

>cant even talk about mhw without bringing up sales or nintendo

must be a really great game

>Tri removed trample
In what universe? I remember vividly how lvl 140 Black Diablos in 4U could eat 1/3 of your health by just turning around.

Play through The Witcher collab.

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Not him but blights > trample
Hell, thunderblight made stun an actual thing to worry about back then and then you had ice and water that affected your stamina and thus your evasion.

Or Garuga enraging on top of you doing just as much damage as his charge

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Tri didn't have it but they added it back in either 3u or 4 if I remember right.

what the fuck

It's awful, please don't.

It's not the worst, but it's pretty fucking bad.

Tri has trample you dumb fucking mouth breather.

just tell me do you get an attack jewel out of it?

That and tri had a separate item to cure each blight.
>tfw having to bring 3-4 different kinds of blight seeds when fighting Alatreon

Well, in that case, that maybe true. Didn't play vanilla Tri. But he was talking like it was some linear progression and "Tri is the line", implying it got worse after that.

Tri has trampling. It just doesn't do a lot of damage.

Trample was huge you dumb cunt. I'm sure you're a tribab shit though.
Nothing in tri matches at nerg. But my point was tri made shitty changes. Swimming shit, removing weapons was unforgivable shit, they made the hitboxes too forgiving.
Tri just made too many shit changes while having like 10 monsters.
I can tell you started with gen 3
You're insane. Nuthugging is a valid strategy now against something 20x your size.

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Yeah, it's a sidequest where you have to keep a Pukei alive during the terrible Leshen fight.

Do both the Pukei and Gajalaka sidequests in one sitting. You can only get one this way, but it's practically a free decoration.

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In a ways it was, P3rd changed a lot for the worst. Hell it's the reason why we have perpetually lit caves.

what female character should i made anons?
i already have male hunter

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I wish this game were fun.

Hory shet, free attack jewel for doing nothing.

>Tri just made too many shit changes while having like 10 monsters.
And that's exactly how MH fans feel about World.
Also monster count and variety are two entirely different things, World's roster was shit because it was padded with samey flying wyverns while Tri only had about 2 sets of clones.

Why do people even care about oldfag's opinion? They hate anything new. This applies to everything that has ever happened, ever.

>And that's exactly how MH fans feel about World.
Speak for yourself. MH fans loved World, despite the transitioning to the 5th gen resulting in a reduction of the monster roster, since they couldn't just copypaste the older gen monsters, like they did in the handheld games. And with Iceborne reintroducing the fan favorites as well as new 5th gen mons, it's going to be by far the best game in the series.

>They hate anything new
BZZT wrong!
They hate anything bad hence why they didn't stick with just MH1.

>MH fans loved World
And yet they went back to FU, 4U and GU after about a week of playing MHW.
>it's going to be by far the best game in the series.
Not really no, with iceborne we can now judge it as an ultimate game where its still lacking in that sorely needed variety. Not to mention all of the other problems that came with World like the cluttered areas, over powered weapons and reduced monster HP.

>And yet they went back to FU, 4U and GU after about a week of playing MHW.
Wrong again. Those games have less player count combined than World does.
And as an "ultimate" game, Iceborne is by far the best one in the series. The weapon balance is better than it ever been, and the new maps feel more alive than the dead empty arenas of the mobile games. As for bloated monster HP, it was already fixed after 3U, so unfortunately World can't take credit for that.

>And yet they went back to FU, 4U and GU after about a week of playing MHW.
Lol fuck off I can't go back to those anymore after playing World, they look like shit and feel incredibly tedious to play.
>inb4 hurr not a real MH fan
I've probably been playing this series longer than you.

Iceborne might end up being the best, but World's chance has been and gone. It's not really fair to count IB as part of it when comparing with games like 3U and GU, which aren't counted as part of Tri or Gen.

>Those games have less player count combined than World does.
Duh, veterans are outnumbered by newcomers by a large margin

>it was already fixed after 3U, so unfortunately World can't take credit for that.
You do realise that it was World that changed the HP values right? Up until then they were the same.