You can't name a better zombie game because this one has it all.
You can't name a better zombie game because this one has it all
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Except...the DLC.
Combat vs humans in general was the worst part of this game and one of the many reasons why the DLC sucked so much.
Seeing the sequel focus so much on human vs human combat is extremely depressing, it's like the devs don't understand why their own game was so good in the first place.
Dead Island was better. Actually I couldn't play Dying Light because it was so similar.
If someone would make a battle royale with dying light movement mechanics, they would literally steal the entire genre.
Everyone would quit overnight pubg especially.
So basically what you're saying is they should have kept the movement options from Titanfall when making Apex Legends instead of removing it all.
never played either one but the worst aspects of br and arma and seige is the clunky as fuck movement.
Taking that away and giving it dying light mechanics would steal away every audience involved.
Either do BR or do left 4 dead 3 mode and you would get everyone playing it.
They did. It failed.
>If someone would make a battle royale with dying light movement mechanics
they did kinda
>Dead Island was better
Go to your shitty opinion elsewhere. No, really, how could you think that Dead Island could be, in ANY way better?
>Worse combat
>Horrible pacing.
>Useless skills.
>Bullet sponge enemies.
>I hope you love taking 20 hits at high lvl to kill a normal zombie.
>Slow as shit movement.
>Corridor levels.
>Dated as fuck graphics even when it was released.
>Selling an expansion as another game, while keeping the same enemies, a boring new character that adds nothing, and shitty defense missions.
While Dlight:
>Copying Mirrors Edge parkour and actually doing a good job.
>Huge maps that could actually feel small because you move fast as fuck.
>Introducing new zombie types as the story goes on.
>Feeling like shit when you begin, actually having to run away at night unless you use cheap tactics to counter the hunters.
>Feeling like god at endgame, cutting enemy heads and limbs like a fucking samurai and getting into hunters nests shooting at anything doom style.
Dead Island and Riptide are a joke compared to DL.
Apparently the best way to deal with zombies is turning whatever melee weapon you find into an insane mad max contraption.
None of your criticisms actually apply to Dead Island... enemies were not sponges and the feel like shit to begin with only to end up as a zombie slaying god applies 100% to Dead Island, so I don't know what game you played.
I mean you can watch it on youtube. You can instakill most zombies by just kicking them then stomping on your head.
Did ayone ever use a shield?
Dying light lacked what state of decay had
State of decay lacked what dying light had.
If we someone combined what these two games excelled at, we'd have the perfect zombie game
Will Dying Light 2 deliver or be a disappointment? I hope scrubbing the police niggers from the city would be satisfying, maybe there's a hippie faction or some zombie death cult that would be fun to give the city to.
Everything about this game rubs me the wrong way, not even co-op made this game fun for me. Even Resident Evil 5 and 6 were actually fun in co-op.
Floaty parkour for kids and pedestrian first-person-melee combat transplanted straight from Dead Island with a questing system. And of course the good old, vomit-brown Walking Dead aesthetic that contaminates the zombie genre these days.
You run around on rooftops, auto-grabbing ledges, if you find yourself on ground level, you literally jump over zombies like a bing bing wahoo, and if they occasionally need to be killed, you left click with some pipe or wrench until they drop in a completely uninteresting and outdated melee system from the 2000's. That's the whole game. Auto-parkour a bunch with space and left click half heartedly to swing your weapon.
I cannot understand what people find exciting in this. If the game had only guns and some sort of an emphasis on surviving on ground level instead of Assassin's Creeding everywhere, they may have had a good game here, but like this, it's abysmal. You couldn't pay me to reinstall this game, it bored me to tears.
thats not what I meant
I was in the beta for that and it was fucking stupid
it was in like an area the size of a football field with 10 people with all these stupid as fuck abilities and blood sample collecting dumb shit with a scramble to a helicopter.
It was fucking retarded.
Implemented like a normal game just like pubg and also maybe put zombies in or 50/50 humans and zombies or dead players become/spawn in as runners or tyrants or some shit.
Its pretty logical to do but hey I guess im retarded
Left 4 Dead 2 was the last good zombie game.
Or you know maybe the vs invade mode they already put in the game in the first place but large scale.
>shitloads of easter eggs
>shitloads of references
>every little place had something unique/fun
>multiplayer was based
>vs zombies sucked dick
was it k i n o?
You don’t know how to have fun, physics and ragdoll are god tier
Keep your autism out of my Zombie vidya, hasn't the genre been raped enough already?
>being so retarded that if you wanted not to jump in a game you dont press the jump button, but you do press the jump button and then get upset
Honestly this game actually becomes WORSE over time. I hate the Grappling Hook, Fast-Parkour, and all the dumb gimmicks that aren't combat based. Tic-Tac is okay though.
I wish there was a Realism Mode that would just put you back to Level 1 permanently. The game was MUCH scarier as a little noob running around, hiding because I had a lead pipe.
Running around as Legend Level 25 with my superhuman-strength air-kicks and head-stomping with an Electrified/Poison Golden Katana with 300 Health Kits and endless supplies of grenades becomes boring very fast. I liked feeling "vulnerable"
>it's another 'Night Hunter that ragequits because he realizes you guys aren't complete idiots and will actually put up a fight' episode
g fuckin g
>You can't name a better zombie game because this one has it all.
In 2034 I'll show you
>start playing for the first time recently
>max level guy joins the second I finish the prologue
>zips around with a grapple gun shooting baddies for me with a silenced pistol
>drops a knife that does like 10000 damage and freezes enemies
it's like Borderlands all over again
That one and 7 days are competing for the longest early access game.
Literarly would be a god tier game of the devs gave a shit
>You can't name a better zombie game because this one has it all.
Stubbs the Zombie
DayZ mod
so black ops battle royale?
It has no reason to play after you finish the story, which is fucking annoying because the world is amazing.
>no reason to play after story
>amazing world
Theres your reason
>No character creator
>No dialogue choices/branching storyline
>Retarded level up/skill unlock system
>Small map
>Shit setting
>Shit story
>Weapon degradation
>Weapon's permanently break
The objective truth of this game
nah black ops was garbage too
Next update is already going to make the game kino, no need to wait much longer.
Dead rising is better
>find a sledgehammer
>hit a zombie five times
>it breaks
Fucking retarded game, Dead Island was just as bad.
It's not very fun. A big point of it all should be finding cool loot but shit is always disposable so it loses all impact. It's not a good loot game, the combat is mediocre, guns are crappy and upgrades outside the grappling hook are not very exciting either.
The only thing Dying Light has going for it is the co op mode but at that point why not just play dead island? At least the combat was better there.
Trying to lockpick cars while 50 zombies attack you is the most infuriating shit ever
It's a poorly designed game and proof of it is that all the upgrades let you skip mechanics.
>What's that? You don't like combat? Well now you can just push and headstomp eveything!
>Oh? Parkour no likey? Here's a grappling hook so you can say fuck to that!
>Not a fan of stamina? It's gone now!
>Hate sneaking around? Wear these zombie guts and you are a-ok.
You know a game is crap when your reward is not having to deal with it's annoying shit.
It really wasn't
Day's gone, I get every fucking zombie game that comes out, I'm hype as fuck for dead island 2.
Day's gone is the best zombie game out, it looks the best, it play's the best, it's got the best story and the hordes are fucking amazing.
It was very satisfying and fun especially with friends.
You could also use the bow from the Ranger pack or whatever it was called. You only needed scrap metal to craft more arrows.
>>What's that? You don't like combat? Well now you can just push and headstomp eveything!
>having an option to instakill a zombie on the ground is bad
>I rather slash him up like ground beef instead of using my foot
>>Hate sneaking around? Wear these zombie guts and you are a-ok.
>requires a corpse
>less visibility
>falls off after 10 seconds
Truly overpowered
any given zombie game where:
>your crowbar doesn't break after two swings
>no rubberbanding
>no pointless grind upon stupid grind
>no magic clown car of zombies or specials spawning from thin air behind you
>not a groceries simulator
funniest game ever made
Dying Light starts out fucking amazing because it genuinely feels like a true survival horror game. The increased mobility is countered by having huge swarms of though zombies you can barely kill and it makes traversal this super interesting thing were zombies are more like an enviromental obstacle you want to avoid, the nights are also scary as fuck.
It's a shame that once you start getting upgrades and becoming more powerful the game turns into a generic Far Cry with zombies, it was fun for a little while but I really lost interest quickly.
One of the shittiest opinions i have ever heard in general about anything.
Dead Island was worse in literally every single category of comparison, god what an awful game, and i really tried liking it when it came out, it was even terrible in co-op.
State of Decay had the potential to be the best one, but DL is still kang.
The combat was just better. They tried to make it into something else in Dying Light for the sake of it but that only made it more repetitive. The story in DL however was total dogshit
Way too aggressive weapon degradation ruins the game. I will also eternally hate it for it smothering Hellraid in the crib.
Days Gone? It scratched that itch that never got scratched with other games. Gunplay could be a little more realistic, but one thing I appreciate is that the enemies' "level" does not increase as you progress - they just throw more enemies at you. So when you do get better guns, they're actually better; so there's a sense of progression.
To be fair, it's hard to play Nighthunter against an organized group, though I do like the challenge.
This. It speaks volumes when the modders managed to program actual vehicles before the devs did, when it wasn't even a massive task. Mod communities have truly made devs lazy; why add improvements when others can do it for you free of charge?
Dying Light fucking sucks, Resident Evil games are better.
Dead Rising 1
>killing a bunch of zombies then spamming the loot button when their corpses dissappear
do you have a compulsion to just say 'nigger' constantly or are you just retarded
Do you have a compulsion to point out every time someone posts certain words but not think you have a compulsion?
I really liked days gone
I'm curious how the story is going to unfold in the next game
t. nigger
is it ever coming to PC?
>get assault rifle and a steady ammo source, headshot volatiles left and right, feel like a god
>then waste bullet after bullet trying to headshot one ordinary zombie that just slowly waddles back and forth
The game made me feel like such a dumbass sometimes
>not ninja star freezing zombies and bruce leeing every single thing in sight
I hated the ending of the dlc. The game abruptly gives you a choice between nuking Harran and trying to save your friends. In the nuke ending, you and your friends die to stop the virus from spreading, but the other ending results in you becoming a zombie and somehow escaping to the outside world (which I assume is the canon ending). Either way is just unsatisfying to me.