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This wait has been so annoying

yeah i remember them announcing Joker when Ultimate came out and then it was dropped like 4.5 months later. i wouldnt be surprised if it was late July, or late August. either way, they will only announce it the day before it actually comes out

Sooner the better. Sooner hero is out of the way I can foam at the teeth over Banjo some more

You're a bitch if you play him with the XI skin

The VIII skin is the best looking Smash bros character to date

August 3rd

VIII Chads rise up

ill just use the skin that looks the coolest or has the colors I like. isnt there one that is orange and purple?

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>you’re a bitch if you play the hero from the best game

All of them look absolutely fantastic, fuck outta here.
Solo is my favorite thiufh.

>akira toriyama
Is this a hidden dose?

This month if we can trust the whole thing about Nintendo accidentally revealing he’s coming out July.

They all look great though.

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>best game
Son, you just went full retard

It literally is the best game though.

I'd argue 5 is the best one.
11 is actually up there in my top 5, but 5 is my favorite.

VIII babies are the worst

Chances are directly after the Splatfest. It makes no sense to reveal him now and have him directly take away from the most important Nintendo event of the year.

>Chances are directly after the Splatfest
when does that shit end?

The 22nd


The final two DLC characters are Spyro and Crash and they will be released together.

So either he's coming on the 23/24th and then immeditately takes the wind out of FE's news buzz or they're actually gonna pull him to the literal end of the month

>So either he's coming on the 23/24th
that was my thought too: the new spirits shit ends this friday and, as far as i remember, they didn't run any special event with the release of joker since he came with his own spirit board and shit

All the update are Friday, so it’s eitheir tomorrow and in August

Who here a III Chad?

12 minutes

Before what
Joker launched on a wednesday though

People actually play and like Dragon Quest? Why?

>you retard
I still can’t believe that’s the actual line. I thought it was something an edgy fan translator put in

Yep. Even Trunks is surprised from it.

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VIIIfags aren't DQ fans, at best they'd like DQXI.

Honestly, 6, 8 and 11 are the only good games.

But that’s not ROB

Smash Bros characters always come out a week after you totally lose interest in the game.

Next month in game magazines

The fuck? It's the worst of the Zenithian trilogy and would be a contender for the worst DQ if 1 or 2 didn't exist.

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hoes mad

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Time to main XI’s alt until Dante is added

Just play red Joker
He even has Dante's gun movement

>they will be released together
why would you say that? sakurai would never do something like that. your picks are good, but thats a stupid gimmick you decided to go with

Erdrick to rep the best jrpg in the history of gaming

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I wonder when will Nintendo understand that not giving a PROPER release window will backfire on them.
They had this silence issue back in Smash 4 when they released Mewtwo in April and then released 3 characters in June and we wouldn't even know it if someone didn't datamine it.
They did the same thing with Cloud and when Corrin and Bayo came they only said "February".

Oh yes they fucking can and they will. They do this on purpose. They want us to speculate and discuss this shit until the day it drops. It builds up hype, and they drop it out of no where to have another explosion in hype.

I know it builds hype, but after a while you need to stop. It's getting toxic.

Is this character a girl?

IV is for absolute gentlemen and scholars
III is for Oldfags
VIII is for faggot westerncucks
XI is for newcomers/Casuals but not the bad kind


DQ8 is probably the worst dragon quest outside of 2, except 2 is short so it's not as bad while DQ8 has slow as fuck battles and is a slog to get through. only sonyfaggots say 8 is the best.

XI is better than VIII by a country mile

no VII fuck sakurai

the dude's a midge

I feel like XI and VIII are pretty close in quality, with XI edging VIII out by a bit.

It'd be a larger gap if the music was better, and yes I'm aware we're getting and orchestrated soundtrack, but aside that I think VIII just had nicer songs, its world map theme is fucking god tier.

Overall best game in the series is probably V

XI has way better pacing than VIII and its vignettes are actually good.

You are all fags 4 is the best one

Agreed, I like its cast better too, and they're all part of the reasons I rank it over VIII. Its actual world map is less fun to explore, though, and doesn't have as many interesting rewards scattered around the same way VIII does, it feels like more open space rather than unique landmarks and scenery.

There's a lot of things one of the games do better than the other, overall I think it leaves them relatively close.

4 is top 3 but 5 is the GOAT

I could see them being released on August 4th, right after the Smash Ultimate finals at EVO.
>but nintendo doesn't care about evo
Last year they announced a Smash direct during the Melee finals at EVO.

A few days after splatoon 2's final fest.

Attached: AniamlCrossing-PocketCamp-FreeGifts-Splatoon2-FinalFest-Splatfest-2[1].jpg (868x515, 48K)

The july video tho

Going purple 3 for my boy.

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so he wont be legal in evo?

Nope, Deadline was Yesterday

Retarded theory time but
If the July video is in chronological order it would put Hero right after Marvel's release and before Three Houses (not sure what's up with fortnite though considering the new season doesn't start until august)
Which would essentially make him a lock for july 20th to july 25th

If you think so.

Found the faggot who never played the 3DS version with the orchestral OST modded back in

>each using a different sword and shield combo
These do look great. I'm I crazy or does VIII look super cute here? I don't remember him looking so handsome in his own game

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thanks doc

I’m surprised they got fan favourites like Angelo and Terry alts instead of just the standard “all mcs” approach they usually do

God damn Sakurai can we get some of that awareness for games like FE or...?

August 3rd after the Smash Direct that shows off Hero and Banjo and shows the final two DLC characters, Reimu from Touhou and Frisk from Undertale, the first two indie reps.

Real men run III

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go back to twitter, faggot

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