Are you ready to pay $200 for games Yea Forums?

Are you ready to pay $200 for games Yea Forums?

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i already don't play AAA games.
why the fuck would i care what they do


No worries, they are just going to fire them all and have indians make their lootboxes instead.

Good for them.

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developers and publishers can charge anything they like.
i'll tell them to fuck off and inform the world their garbage isn't even worth pirating.

Games nowadays are already 200 USD because of all DLCs and shit.

Fuck those kike marketing practices and those fucking commies insiders.

I'll keep buying indie games and Japanese games, that's it.

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A containment union sounds good, we all know what kind of devs would join that.

I'm just not gonna buy any games then

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>he thinks giving workers rights would increase prices
imagine being on the side of billionaires

I mean the CEOs and other people at the top could always not pay themselves 20000 times as much as everyone else and the problem would be solved.

Never ever going to happen of course.

No but I'm ready for justifiable pirating.

What about the other half?

The benefits from unionizing does cost money. Those paid vacations and health/dental don't come from nowhere. And for companies that don't want to lose profits the next step is passing that cost onto the customer

Actually if companies werent run by jews the prices could stay stable but cooperations would pay their shareholders not 2 billion dollars a year but only 1,5 billion dollar a year

You're retarded.

I bet this article is from like 2017 and OP made a shitty thread.

>Yea Forums : being a game dev is a terrible job, big studios treat them like garbage and you should become a software engineer instead which are treated way better

remember, if it's from the union, PIRATE EVERYTHING

if it's not, then pirate anyway

You're very naive if you think companies wouldn't try to push that bill on consumers. I'm not saying it's a bad thing for them to want to not have to work insane hours for peanuts, but they're not just going to give them the extra money and take that hit without figuring out some way to recoup the cost. It's either raise the price, or suddenly most game development is going to be outsourced to pajeets that they can pay even less.

They're those that are not afraid of getting fired because they actually work and are good at what they do.

If you don't suck, you don't need to unionize to protect yourself, you'll always be wanted.

Wait since when is Yea Forums against worker's rights?

I thought workers are by far the largest class of people

games already cost more than 200 dollars for 100% content

If they can fix the disease rotting the games industry from the inside more power to em

Every bone in my body wants to be cynical about it because someone is going to be leading this powergrab clusterfuck and it won't be 100% about working conditions but instead social issues like representation but you know what, if it makes making games something less horrific of an experience then I'm all for it.


Amen brother.

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So the problem is capitalism and CEOs and shareholders stealing their money from everyone actually working.

brainwashed americans

because as we know game corporations are currently doing their best to give you your bang for your buck and certainly aren't nickel and diming you since unions dont exist

>unions are worker rights

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>giving rights
If it was that simple, then why do most devs not want to unionize? I think its because they see through the BS, and they know its just a bunch of commies at the top making money for doing literally nothing. Unions had their time, but now theyre just money stealing cancer.

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>So the problem is capitalism
Ah yes, because there would be lots of good games under socialism

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This place is filled with americans. Their entire culture is build to brainwash them into thinking rich people are not just stealing their money.

Yes, it's true companies will try and bullshit their way around it. But imagine the look on the CEO's face as he tries to explain to shareholders how he's going to mass-market a video game for $200.

this, we already pirate everything.
making normalfags pay $200 for their "Press X for cutscene" console shit wont affect us in the slightest.

>if they're rich, it means they're stealing money from the poor
Imagine being a marxist in 2019

>rightcels: overregulation is a serious problem encumbering industries, we can trust the free market to regulate itself
>also rightcels: how DARE workers try to unionize those ungrateful shits!

If publishers choose to pass on the cost of treating their employees properly to the customer instead of treating it like any other operating expense then it's the publisher that's being a shit, not the employees.

Okay? Then why exactly does America not have a political party representing worker's interests AS ONLY COUNTRY ON THE ENITRE FUCKING PLANET EXCEPT AFGHANISTAN

They dont want to unionize because they know they'll be fired if they talk about it
Look at big companies like walmart and amazon that push anti-union propaganda at training.

Yes, that is literally the definition of profits. Not paying the people who made the product worth its price the value they added to the product back.

what the fuck why is that bocchi so ˢᵐᵒᶫ

jesus are you guys really that fucking brainwashed?

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>If it was that simple, then why do most devs not want to unionize?
most devs are 20-something interns straight out of college who are worked to the bone and then thrown away every few years for the next batch, while all the smart compsci kids do software engineering instead

literally required by law anyway
so doesnt change anything.

Man fuck you. You think that just because people work a full time job they are entitled to being able to buy food and a place to live?

This is great for the industry. I'm happy to pay a little more for games (or just buy slightly less as tradeoff) if it means devs are no longer fucked constantly and forced into constant crunch for pennies. Vidya is the primary hobby for most of us here, and as we all know it's blatantly obvious when a game is a soulless mess churned out for money. If the devs are happy, it shows.

>not being aware that the rich are functionally black holes of money, taking it out of circulation and providing no benefit to society aside from the misguided philanthropy they perform late in life to assuage their guilty consciences

You say that like they aren't already nickel and diming the consumer as much as is feasibly profitable.

He's not. They'd sell for $15 with a bajillion microtransaction.

I would rather these companies just shrivel up and die and these diploma mill wagies just find something else to do than to enshrine the likes of EA and Activision like as if they are some crucial function of the state. I'm not even disagreeing with the complaints of the employees, I'm just saying I hate the corporation you work for so I'd rather you do something else than prop up a company I hate.

>literally required by law anyway
oh sweet summer child, do you actually believe this?

>then why do most devs not want to unionize?
They probably think (Rightly) that if they do they'll be threatened with termination.
Also Americans have been propagandized against unions hardcore for decades.

Why would they suddenly lower the buy in price to their casinos?

No you won't. There are plenty of people good at their job who've gotten screwed over or had to fight tooth and nail at every turn in order not to.

oh wow I can't wait for my $200 western game made by feminists and pajeets

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>user: overregulation is a problem!
>also user: let's regulate workers
You didn't think this through.

>paying them for working is stealing

>they unionize
>they lose their job
>pajeet does their job better for half the salary
>jewish western companies become richer
all according to kaikaku

This. Visuals and sticker-shock count for a hell of a lot. The only reason they can get away with making people pay that much in DLC costs is because outside of collector's editions and shit, it's all seperated - $10 extra here, $20 extra there. Psychological slight-of-hand so customers never see that triple-digit price tag as the up-front cost and balk at it.

So they can rope in the poorfags and entice them to buy more within the game.

remember when game devs wanted to make game for the fun of it?

I just can't wait for gaming industry to die
Please kys already

Because the right is on the side of corporations, not people

>workers not wanting to be shit on for profits is regulation

not my fault you live in a shithole without labour laws, my dude.
you dont get 2 months paid leave a year?
paternity/maternity leave?
your country doesnt have free healthcare?

have fun knowing your taxes go to a military that's protecting other countries so we dont have to do our own protecting, lmao

It's not the wage increases. It's the cut in working hours and increase in benefits. You think it's bad now when a game takes 3 years to develop when those guys are working 12 hours a day? Imagine them working 8 hours a day with 1 hour breaks, longer vacations and so on.
It's going to be the next gaming crash.

It's almost as if that is exactly why people are trying to get those things you fucking retarded retard.

This is the biggest lie jews aka conservatives will ALWAYS propagate:

The prime example to deny this is fucking Coscto.
They pay:
1. higher wages
2. company-sponsored healthcare
3. The prices are lower or equal to companies that pay way less like Wal Mart

How they do it? Well they dont fucking pay shareholders billions of dollars. They actually give their workers wages they can live with.

>pajeet does their job better for half the salary
anyone that works with pajeets knows thats fucking bullshit

Everyone gets shit on. People shit on government, government shit on corps, corps shit on employees. The only one not getting shit on by anyone are the NEETs but they're being shit on by life itself. I do hope they unionize and bump the price to $120 at least. I'd love to see the western gaming market crash and burn. Maybe then they'd fucking learn.

Oh, boy, it's another corporate shill thread. Let's all talk about how trying to use legislation or mass action to force megacorporations into following some kind of moral code is an infringement on the human rights of the stockholders, and then suck an effigy of Mr. Shekelstein's circumcised dick.

Games are a soulless mess because they're made by people who got into to get a paycheck and leave. Enshrining their wageslave mentality with better benefits won't suddenly make them more inspired or have better ideas. Sure top down there is creative crunch and probably some creative people getting hit by that in these companies but EA and Activision aren't suddenly going to become bastions of gaming greatness.

If only all the studies didn't show that not overworking people increases their overall productivity. But i assume you definitely have had an actual job and never had trouble working 12+ hours every day. And if you did, you always was just as productive after 11 hours of work as after 1.

>unions are money stealing cancer
>the companies forcing mandatory overtime that isnt always paid arent
>The companies routinely doing 100 hour work weeks arent

That's whats happening when you put all your opponents into one bag.
>also leftcucks: that corporation is banning/firing our political opponents? WTF I LOVE CORPORATIONS NOW

>the problem is the people investing money and wanting the most return for THEIR money
Holy shit.

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>You think it's bad now when a game takes 3 years to develop when those guys are working 12 hours a day? Imagine them working 8 hours a day with 1 hour breaks, longer vacations and so on.

The fuck does this even mean? People complain all the fucking time shits broken on launch becasue it had to be rushed out to meet the shareholders made up monkey shit deadline. Game releases might slow down a bit but you also wont have people taking months off at at time after getting burnt the fuck out

I could invest my money into stealing all your shit as well. It would be a great return on investment.

activision and EA dont even pay taxes

LOL nigga just pirate

It's almost like every ideology fucking sucks and runs on the same basic rules of "the top dogs remain the top dogs, the middle gets treated like shit and the bottom gets treated like even more shit but somehow has it 'easier' than the middle" because humanity is incapable of doing anything else.

are you retarded?

Literally yes?
Are you serious.
An investment driven economy is cancer, in an investment driven economy growth is EVERYTHING, meaning that you're literally punished for creating a stable, competent business that does a particular thing well for a particular market.
It's why game companies have to continually "Expand their audience" and look for new ways to nickle and dime their players, because they HAVE to make more money than they did last year, EVERY year.
It always has to be more and more and bigger and bigger. It's not fucking sustainable.

Not to mention that an investment driven economy allows for total fucking scams like with what happened with Toys R Us, where a cabal of kikes buy a company with borrowed money, shift that debt onto the company their bought, drain the business dry and kill it despite the business being healthy and profitable.

"MUH INVESTMENT" is literally everything wrong with modern capitalism

>we can't improve working conditions, the AAA game industry literally cannot exist without overworked, underpaid drones being forced to rush buggy, unfinished garbage to release!
then maybe the industry should crash you fucking idiot

why are you buying games with feminins in the first place retard?

>You browse this board with people this brainwashed by jews
Jesus Christ what the fuck

It's not that i can't exist. it's just that their would lose their money printing machine.

Why do Americans hate unions and love the unwashed dicks of billionaires in their mouth?


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"pay" he says


>Fearmongering over unionized workers

How's corporate ass taste? Can someone spout some shallow thoughts on the minimum wage while we're here?

It doesn't matter. What determines the price of video games is literally what people are willing to spend on them. If they increase prices and that tanks sales then guess what, price goes back down again, regardless of whether workers are unionized or not. What is more likely is that they will look for other ways to jew (i.e. pump out more microtransactions and preorder bonuses)

The entire country is build on jew propoganda. Come work here instead and your life will be better! PSYCH, it's now worse than ever.

Holy fuck how dumb can you be lmao what youtube skeptic do you get your thoughts from

Costco is by far the least evil retail chain.

Is it true that the unions they have been proposing exclude programmers?

Damn it feels good to be a PC gamer. Can play all their cringe games for free and give money to indie devs that aren't in their AAA gayming sphere.

It seems to me that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed billionaires.

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>also rightcucks: btw I pirate all my shit

Years of segregating poor and rich and pull yourself of by the bootstrap shit. That isnt to say their arent plenty of self made people who built something worthwhile but the fetishization of a bank account regardless of how someone gets it is ridiculous

Funny how vidya is the only industry where unpaid overtime is the norm
Sounds to me like the solution is a legislative one not a union one

The greatest scam of all time.

You say to tax the rich in america and people earning 60k flip out

As an american, I wish you weren't so right.

this but unironically

yes, once you a hired by a employer he needs to cater to your every need, you are the most important thing in the company, mommys little sunshine

That's the trade for working at an ostensibly more stable job.
Don't like it? Be self employed. Can't do anything useful? Suck it up buttercup.

First of all, we're not talking about purely "GROWTH MUST ALWAYS CONTINUE" boomer mindset, we're talking about the very concept of, should people be allowed to their invest THEIR money for potential gain.
People should be allowed to invest in whatever the fuck they want, whether it's a more stable investment with little growth, or risking it on get rich quick schemes.
It is those investors fault if they go bankrupt because they invested assuming it would be rapid growth forever and always.

Tripfags are entitled to nothing but scorn, even unironic Marxists deserve better than you, at least even they are deserving of (You)'s

>Nearly one half
So less than half?

Highly doubt it'll be $200 for a game, but I'm fine with unionization. Happier devs will mean better games. Hopefully there'll be pro-white unions that start popping up, because we need those and we need unions to be more pro-white.

>vidya is the only industry where unpaid overtime is the norm

OMFG my dude please you cant be this dumb. this shit happens all over its just Devs are one of the few groups speaking out about it

>workers arent the most important part of the company

Actually true

Friendly reminder that worker productivity plummets to almost nothing after you pass 50 hours worked in a week.
The issue in the game industry is a complete lack of competent project management.

There are unironically Americans who don't understand that not every dollar of their income is taxed the same

>He actually believes this
Oh, they got quite a hold on you, didn't they?

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I hope this is sarcasm, user.

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Why wouldn't you want to play games with high production values?

Go throw money at a the ground and see how long it takes before a video game grows out of it.

I fucking am actually. Imagine how much better online gaming would be without all the poor people. Games should be a luxury item that only the rich can afford and play. Poor people should just be relegated to watching rich people play on stream or in esports. It's about time the lazy, uneducated, dumb masses get priced out of vidya. Can't fucking wait my friend.

Dude, the last game i bought was darkest dungeon. The only thing i play nowadays is Morrowind, DD, and PS1&2 games. I dont give a single flying fuck about anything after 2016.

this basically
I only buy AAA full price if it's Japanese or a decent dev, which is rare

I got Rain World for £2.50 and it's been entertaining me for hours and hours comparing very favourably to the price point.

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Then I'll just play old games until I die.

It would be pure kino if devs unionized on the launch of next gen. It would single-handedly kill the AAA games industry.

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just your bog standard american attitude, if a monopoly company aint reaming me up the ass it must be communism

>workers arent the most important part of the company
i only play indie games fag

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Free marketers would have you believe that everything is reductive and everyone always has to act in the most evil possible way or else it's communism.

So on a scale from super poor to very poor, where are you?

Based, I hope these weenies unwittingly tear the whole thing down. Then we can return to the glory days of garage devs.

I'm ready to pirate.

you do realise most countries have massive external debt which can only be paid if their economies expand?

>if you don't become voluntary slave labor we'll replace you with robots!
that just proves their point, retard

Nealy half of game "developers" aren't even involved in game development.

Have you paid any attention to how AAA games work these days? They make a 'game' cut half it away and put it behind two DLCs, then when it's released its a buggy piece of shit for two months and no one plays it.

Yeah I'm skipping on the next couple years of AAA gaming. All so a CEO can take home a 10 mil bonus before switching corporations.

If you haven't caught onto this joke already you are the punchline.


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I wonder what will happen in the future when robots make better games than humans do.

based and redpilled

You again put all boogiemen in one sack.
But Starbucks Communists DO exist

They could also be paid if the rich didn't sit on all their wealth without ever paying a cent in taxes.

And how did they get this massive debt in the first place?

You're trying to sound clever and insightful but you've just reposting a quotable cliche.

>if you don't become voluntary slave labor we'll replace you with robots!
spoken like a true cuck, i'm sorry you can't fend for yourself and actually need someone babysitting you

I think what will happen if this is successful is that a lot of bloat shitting up game development will get cut and the people left over will be more passionate and more competent. Basically going back to the AA golden age of the late nineties/ early 2000s.

Like how Bioware hired two hundred interns to do animations for mass effect andromeda and none of them knew what they were doing and it sucked. Instead of that happening they'll hire a small group who'll do a good job

>also leftcucks

>unpaid overtime
Literally illegal to force people to work without paying them. If this was the norm, developers would be getting sued left and right. Seems pretty slimy that these people literally have to lie to get anyone to listen.

Imagine all the pink haircuts from bioware.

This is some nigger whose never been in a union or around one. You know it costs money to be in a union right?

You have to have lawyers on retainer, book meetings in venues that COST MONEY, appoint positions then have people to manage those positions within a union.

A union isn't a verbal contract like in your dream world, it's a real thing which requires resources.

Don't act so smart when you're actually as dumb as a brick.

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i don't think you understand business or economics in general if you think the US economy is investment driven
the vast majority of US business isn't even publicly traded, and taking out loans to start them is much more rare than you'd think
even for a 100K$ loan you need some pretty damn good credit and charisma

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Learn to code.

Union will defend the worthless cucks, as they did in every parts in the world.

Union would be SJW if they are a legal entity.

>steam is good
>steam is bad

I pirate

I'm ready for them to cut their "ethics department" and "diversity department" to save costs.

Please reupload a bigger version of the picture.

this is the ugliest stylization of a cartoon I've ever seen.

Not illegal at all. You just have to remember never to directly say they are forced to work overtime, maybe it's just that bad things might happen if you don't.
And the people working for you are not actually your employees anyway, they are just individual freelancers who happen to have worked there for 20 years.

That is all

>The issue in the game industry is a complete lack of competent project management

Honestly this is everywhere. Project managers everywhere are boomer tier. The only places which aren't are companies filled with autistic savants which don't have any management structure, they just funnel their autism into specific tasks, Valve is probably the perfect example.

So just quit and make your own game?

Battle Brothers was made by literal 3-5 dudes in Germany.

because in order to pay for those production values the game must sell fuck tons of copies, and thus must appeal to the lowest common denominator of civilization. its why all console games are the same vapid 3rd person action adventure game. it is mathematically impossible for a AAA game to be unique or interesting or appeal to niche taste. they are the vanilla ice cream of video games and they suck.

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Unions sound logical and good, but in reality they just destroy every company to the ground.
It's like making a 5 year old a captain of a warship.

Even if it is happening imy glad at this point. These retards decide to get these jobs and then get shit all over by executives.

Make some better games you piece of shit code monkeys.

I wish mainstream games were as good as vanilla ice cream. That stuff rocks.

Amerifat logic

Right. So why haven't you quit your job and become a billionaire yet?

Hope you goys are ready for the credits of every game to be full of Pajeet and Ranjesh when this shit happens.

It's not even very hard to make vidya nowadays.

You have UE4 as the engine.

ALL you need is dedication to MOLD the engine.

Americans say the same thing about raising the minimum wage, that their burgers alone will cost dollars, even though some chains are already doing it and prices haven't magically shot up.

>these are the same trustfund commies who make posts about overthrowing the billionaires

Honestly aside from the number of staff development costs haven't gone up that significantly. It's just marketing budgets that get overblown like crazy. Look at at Activision Blizzard and how much money they spend on overwatch league, it's probably well over double then what they actually spend on developing the game at this point.

The really interesting transition will be when robots become better politicians and managers than humans.

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>Union would be SJW
This. If you've followed any of the major players in the game workers union, they're all far left and simply want a PAC to enforce their politics. It's why the majority of talking points centre on things like sexism instead of workers rights and they talk about how if they had a union they would've stopped Jessica Price from being fired or talk about blackballing Brad Wardel

The publisher centric model needs to die anyway so please do it.

yeah, much more healthy to have people who work their not able to afford basic needs.

*cost 10 dollars

I don't play American games.

Sure, user. It's definitely the common low wage income skimming off of profits to buy expensive shit and go on paid vacations and definitely not the CEOs and chairmen, right?

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the game industry makes more than both the music and movie industry combined. the latter are unionized. Even if the industry loses half its revenue, it would still be as big and profitable as hollywood. And there will be companies that close because of unions, because they're ran by greedy dickheads who skipped into the games industry for a quick buck. shovel out some shovelware, charge for lootboxes, ez money. there was a whole wave of wall street dicks who entered the games business in the mid 00s. that's why activision and EA became such monsters and consumed so many smaller devs. none of those CEOs care about games. They could be selling you a soda, a burger, an album, some steel, it doesn't matter. They'll leave because while being financial geniuses they'd rather pull out and run than lose 10% of future earnings that would still make them rich as fuck. that's just the mindset of the wealthy. life loses all it's grit and challenges so they obsess over percentages. it's like a grinding game to them. Making $999,999,999 is shameful when you could be making $1,000,000,000.

I have quit my job before and I earn more than enough to feed myself.

I have a gif but you're not allowed to see it.

I dont fucking get it
How is workers rights political?

It's almost as if you're on a forum and not speaking to a single entity.

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im ok with it as long it accelerates the death of the western """video game""" industry

>Are you ready to pay $200 for games Yea Forums?
Literally never happens. No one will pay that much for a game. That's the only thing that dictates the price of a game. If they could get away with $200 games, they'd already be $200.

A headless chicken is a better politician than what we currently have to deal with.

Stop drinking the kool aid retard you're being fed bullshit

Honestly at this point, I bank on the idea of Nier Automata where androids inherit humanity.

Fuck unless humanity gets rid of the leftist scourge, it's not going to get better.

>It's going to be the next gaming crash
sign me up. Maybe video games will go back to be a niche interest again and not normalfag trash.

left wingers make everything a political issue

Don't shit talk vanilla ice cream like as if there isn't an art to the craft of the conventional. AAA games are closer to Disney-Marvel in terms of scope and aspiration.
>food analogies

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Don't be mad because you're getting your shit called user, you're not even refuting anything i said.

Will unions finally kill big ass publishers or they'll just outsource their AAA development to pajeets and chinks?

Crash won't happen. It's impossible. The industry is too big for that.

The Union will enforce political decision such as "gender equality" or "diversity quotas".

America has somehow managed end up with a political system where people are happy that big companies get to crush them under their heels.
I'm not sure how or why that happened, bu there you go.

So these overpaid monkeys are retarded and never heard of a tape recorder? Because a threat like that would be practically Insta-win in court. I'd suggest they get a job at McDonald's, but I don't want any retarded faggot that helped make a triple A game touching my food.
I hope they DO unionize, I'll have a hearty laugh when they jack up prices to offset costs and people stop buying the garbage they create.

Right wingers are saying unions are bad in this very thread, user
This shouldnt even be an argument

Why are Americans so afraid of unions? You really like to lick corporate ass that much?

>Shareholders are the problem
>Not my refusal to engage in the economy

You are a dumb cunt if you don't invest your money. Especially if you are an American, their entire tax structure is designed for investing not working.

Well there was that VA union strike a few years ago and what happened is they hired scabs and new talent and it was great, we actually got to hear some new voices in video games for the first time in forever.

Hopefully both.

It shouldn't be, but the powers behind our governments and corporations turn it into something political. That way we'll be too busy fighting amongst each other instead of actually demanding standards in life and the workplace.

Line break, you fucking mongoloid.

american culture is centered around corporation-worship. where do you think console warriors come from?

Except unions ANYWHERE do not protect worker's rights.

>games get even more cut intop pieces and sold seperatley
>games as a service becomes the new AAA standard
>Rajesh and Lu Wei will fill the credits

>one man winning against a corporation
This is the entire purpose of unions.
A corporation could just throw money to delay a case until the individual is drained of funds and continue fighting

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>American who has never looked at another country.

Because anyone outside the union is unfairly fucked.
>We all agree to work for $20/h an no less!
>"I'll work for less."
>Scab gets murdered by union

It's not just fucking american, retard.

>I don't get it! how is global warming political
>proceeds to fill their manifesto with socialist policy

"Good politician" as in good at playing politics. Maybe you'd prefer a chicken, but a chicken can't win elections.

I'd rather see the games industry collapse than appease the rich. Any artform that relies on underpaying workers has to be culled.

>paying for aaa (((videogames))) in 2019

Cant wait to get a modded switch or gaming pc and never pay a dime to these fuckers

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inb4 Germany and Japan

Those are the states, NOT union.

my god man, leave the house. there's no way you make enough money to be bashing unions.

Why would you not be in a union? It costs like 12 dollars a month, at least in my country.

Even without that, right wingers deny climate chante

carry over from the red scare. Practically two generations were raised on the feae that the Soviets would march into our country and take everything away.

I remember when Reagan sau
id Medicare would lead to socialism. This was over hald a century ago. Now every boomer is demanding the government to keeps its government hands off of its government funded medicare.

Yeah because making 20+ an hour for sitting in a chair and moving your hands must be TORTURE. Why are game devs all such whiny, spineless, entitled pussies?

Because I'd rather undercut the union for job security and the benefits of being a hard worker.

>vidya game

Preventing companies taking advantage of people should be the government's task.

There are european countries where there is enough regulation by the government so that people just work 8 hours and are satisfied with their salary, meanwhile their economies work.

It's pretty sad that in the USA the only solution to not get fucked by a company is to make a union and burn the whole thing to the ground.

Again, this is a governmental issue. Americans are getting fucked big time meanwhile being brainwashed that their country is the best on earth.

Don't even get me started on USA healthcare.

whens the last time game prices went up?

Unions are incredibly strong in my country, Sweden. They are strong in the rest of the Nordics as well.

just don't join SEIU. They threw me under the bus. As far as unions go, they're shitty.

When the Switch came out.

America has unions and it absolutely does not help.

Big corporations are the problems.
Union is a problem as well.

Belgium here. They do it here too.

>195 nation-states in the world
>Only 19 (Plus maybe some gulf states that won't tell anyone their finances) are in the black.
The world is just fucked, isn't it?

If fucking movies can make it work, games can too. No one wants to get shit done in a timely manner because "we'll just crunch it lol". Well maybe they can unfuck their shitty industry at the same time they pull their heads out of their asses.

imagine defending activision or fucking EA in 2019. Imagine being that much of a braindead corpocuck that you literally cannot imagine the taste of your masters cock deep in your ass charging you for 45 different DLCs so they can report record profits to their shitlord shareholders while the people making their games get milled out like cheap whores

imagine being so hot for it you look at epic and think its an unironic good that tim sweeney is throwing around china money and treating employees like retarded sweatshop workers so he can try to become a monopoly. fuck these companies. if unions hurt them, good. i hope they do. I hope these companies feel the fucking boot on their neck and get their shit together. I'm tired of creatives being burnt out in this industry. i want some good fucking games and i want them to stop chopping them into bits and pieces for their retard shareholders

explain further

Sweden is going to burn in the future so I don't think it's a good model to follow.

Maybe Denmark, but I don't know of a game developer's union in Denmark and how it helps.

This. People always complain that 'games cost so much these days!'. Then you look at an AAA game budget and see 50-75% is for marketing, and even the remaining amount is way too much due to mocapping famous people or having top much staff.
These people know how to make money. The games aren't becoming more expensive because of quality, but because the investment nets them even more profit.

denmark has super strong employee protections, those fuckers get like, a months worth of paid vacation days. can you imagine having that in the US


You're right, there are also many hard right capitalists who believe global warming is nothing more than a trojan horse for expansion of state powers and the GND proved them right. Look user, i believe global warming is real. However if you were serious about combating it wouldn't you be most interested in what was both most pragmatic, effective and had the most successful chance of being adopted? why would you fill your policy with partisan politics when that drastically reduced your chance of it being adopted.

Nobody on Yea Forums buys these games and cares one way or another what happens to the employees. It's only these same shills who talk about sticking it the man but then say why it's really important that EA and Activision employees have their jobs enshrined by the state instead of just letting them die.

EA with an union doesn't make it good.

The problem with EA is its shitty practices, not how it treats its codemonkey.

We've got "workers rights" but who is enforcing them? Unions are basically a necessary evil at present. I mean, I like your idea, I just don't think the best solution right at this moment is to abish all unions and just let corporate power seize all control.

Maybe when we actually make more robust laws and really enforce them. Until then we're stuck with them.

So you've never heard of a class action or a lawyer working pro bono or on contingency? It's okay, neither have these mouth breathing game devs.

Yea Forums are retarded contraians just looking for a response. Why would you take anything said on here seriously

>"game developers"
Shitty 10 minutes indie developers doesn't count.

Those are STATE's regulations and has jackshit to do with union.

law 40 details that the greedy and miserly don't understand power and it will only destroy them in the end.
if these billionaires just did more with their money. i don't believe in communism, but people with that kind of money have the power to make the world a better place. philanthropy does wonders for a person's public image; they don't even need to be altruistic about it. what good is all that money anyway compared to shit if all it does is lie around in big piles.

Piratepilled bro.

>workers arent the most important part of the company
No, because they're all replacable easily unless of course you are outstanding, which unionfags clearly are not. They want mediocrity privileges.

Only the state can actually combat climate change. There is no incentive for the rich to care about society.

If you were to make climate legislation without things like a program to get people affected back into work youd get the right wing saying "what about the coal miners??" But if you add that stuff you get "socialism!!"
Its a losing battle either way.


What job security? If your only merit to the company is that you'll work for less, they'll discard you the moment they find someone that works for even less than you. You'll be competing with illegal mexicans in how little you need to live.

The ones enforcing them is the state.

All the union can do is protesting, it's still the goddamn worker's collective who decide they want to work or not.


How cucked are you to defend rich people?


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9 times out of 10 corporations just settlw out of court and don't change their ways. So it's a continuous, time-consuming and expensive process of litigation with no change in policy because court systems by design give corporations a measly slap on the wrist.

>letting unions happen
oh Yea Forums

the half that are diversity hires.

On one hand I'm happy these virtue signalling developers are about to destroy the industry, on the other I know they will push this shit on the JP video game industry too. As seen by Square Enix having an ethics dept.

>entertainment industry
pff hahahaha

Nice projection, who are the people regurgitating "their business/platform, their rules" and "should have read the terms of use"?

Leftists are the biggest corporate lemmings of them all.

Or maybe they want better negotiating leverage.

Who run the union?

Rich people.

Not surprised, they do twice the work for half the pay they could be getting anywhere else in the tech industry.

I'll just stop buying games at all if they raise prices. $60 is already way too much with how much content is cut and re-fed as DLC/microtransactions.
>but games are getting bigger!
Then maybe they need to stop.
Maybe games don't need to have 3000 man teams. Maybe they don't need to be 100 hours long and get updates every week. Maybe they can be a bit more modest, and be a more modest price in return. I pick up maybe 2 games a year since 2010. They just don't make good games that you get for their asking price. You either get them for the "gold" price (which is $100 more often than not), or you wait a year then you get that gold version for $20-$30 instead. It seems like they realize these games don't last long at this ridiculous price, is it really that valuable in that initial window to justify this shit? I just can't imagine. But i'm also not a dev, so whatever.

Some examples?
Personally I'm thinking of the Disney union strike where everyone who kept working went on to become some of the most respected and well paid employees in the company.
A good company understands the value of someone who doesn't stab them in the back the moment a union rolls around.

This pretty much

I only play Japanese games so go for it kikes

shareholders are the problem. there's a difference between investing in publicly traded stock and being a rich billionaire fuck with a fleet of yachts and a private jet investing in private companies.

a bunch of crusty old fart fuckface boomers are more interested in increasing profits by 0.1% even if it means slamming their "investment" right into the ground and destroying everything the company built in the process. shareholders are the problem. everybody here complains about EA and their massive developer graveyard. if EA weren't ultimately driven by boomer shitheads who have never even held a controller in their whole life, maybe that developer graveyard wouldn't exist.

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Which they WILL NOT get under union.

ahh, i can see it now
>year 2021
>"we don't discriminate against straight white males"
in an increasingly blue hair'd world, it will be a sight for sore eyes

Ironically, it's the exact opposite of what you're implying little zoomer

You will find indieniggers asking for union.

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what a fucking ugly ass anime character

this isn't diversity. this is just leftism. they don't create. they do not innovate. they are a cancer that consumes and destroys everything in its wake

Maybe in burgerland. But as far as I know not in EU.

Private companies suck too.

Reminder that these are political shill threads. Stop falling for it you retarded zoomers.

Jews run unions, the same as they run the companies.

>most likely won’t increase shit
>if it does it’ll be pretty marginal, considering demands curves
>pirate and steamfags won’t care
>dedicated buyfags will jump at the chance to flaunt their wealth for no actual benefit
it’ll be fine

It's weird how Yea Forums supports CEOs but not everyday employees despite the fact that a majority of people her are in the 99%.

Don't forget Bocchi

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But the state never does. When was the last time you saw a CEO behind bars for not paying their workers enough? Or a business going under because of it? Your country may do that, ours doesn't. In fact the FAIR standards of labor act is quite toothless

yeah, I've accepted it. I mostly only play f2p games these days anyway

Name one video game company that can exist without any workers whatsoever. If you can't, shut the fuck up. You don't get to start a company and pretend like you did it all by yourself. You depend on each and every person that works for you, who does a job that you cannot exist without. If you could run the company and make a game all by yourself, there wouldn't be a need to hire those uppity replaceable workers, would there? They're not just guys hanging out in your offices begging for change. This is why owning a business tantalizes such shitty people. Imagine being a moderator on Yea Forums, the power in your hands to delete things and enforce rules. Then imagine them getting paid millions a year. That's your average CEO. Literally a fucking tendies-eating child who has unwarranted self-importance. I think 10 modelers, 3 level designers, a few concept artists, some programmers, and some sound guys could make a much better game as a group than Bobby Kotick by himself. But I don't know, what do you think? You think ol' Kotick should just fire everyone and Ayn Rand his way into the best game of all time?

Why do I support EA's everyday employees anymore than I support EA's corporate suits?

Same damn companies.

Unions are fine until communists use it as another vehicle for their retardation. Unions in Britain exist solely to attack the Tories (not that I particularly care, Tories are fake conservative Blairites) in Britain and are run by Stalinist dinosaurs as old as Lenin himself, they have little public support and it's reflected by the fact only 30% of their member even turn out for meetings or votes.

Chances are that they're just russians trying to stir up the political pot. I can't see any reason why a dumbass NEET would support billionaires that consider the rest of the world as ants.

I want to play good games. Great production values doesn't equal to great experiences. Case in point: The Order 1886.

So in the end they pay the person/people anyway. Seems like devs should band together and start suing their employers for all their wrongdoing, and then sue more if the behaviour continues. Of course they'll never do this, because they're mediocre at their jobs and didn't have the good sense to get into a good field in the first place. I used to think black people were the scum of the earth. Now I'm pretty sure it's game developers.

this is the horrible truth
nothing ever changes
everything just keeps going and going

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imagine getting a new bullfrog game in 2019. A new syndicate. a new theme hospital. a NEW DUNGEON KEEPER. i'm sure plenty of people at EA would love to make those games but they're being stopped because it won't make call of duty money

fucking greedy shareholders holding us back

>But the state never does.
The fact you can paid vacation is because of the state's regulation enforcing their companies.
>When was the last time you saw a CEO behind bars for not paying their workers enough? Or a business going under because of it? Your country may do that, ours doesn't. In fact the FAIR standards of labor act is quite toothless
Pro-tip: if it does happen, it would be the state doing it.
Union can't do jackcrap.

well when they say stuff like "my country doesn't have unions and we do just fine" I get a little suspicious.

>The Order 1886
Did anyone actually hear about it besides the blatant shills on the week of release

Why do workers existing mean you NEED to have union?

Name ONE vidya company without a boss or whatsoever?

Reminder to the commies, you are free to take out a loan, start your own business and hire your own employees to be underpaid, making you money and elevating you to a member of the rich elites. There is nothing legally or physically stopping you.
You are owed nothing by the world.

libcels cannot meme


not him but unions create a unanimous political body that can communicate with the state. a single worker bringing concerns to the state is very different from an entire workforce of hundreds of employees coming forward with the same concerns. this is why unions are important.

For what business? I work at a factory and some times work the weekends for the sweet sweet ot and my work rate is the same no matter how many hours i work

It depends on where you live mostly. There are absolutely good unions that fight for equal worker rights, demand fair wages, vacation time, all that jazz.
There's also straight up cunt unions that basically exist just to take a chunk of your paycheck and keep companies from firing bad employees. I remember one I worked with there was a running joke that it was run by a corporation as a false flag because they acted exactly like those insane retards you see in those anti-union videos places make you watch when they hire you. And the representative's only advice when people were mad at some dumb shit going on at the company was "Well just quit if you hate it so much."

Though said representative got fired from the union after about 10 people DID quit on his advice, so that may have not been standard practice, but still.

Yeah man, the unions are definitely going to fund these games, sure.

Yea Forums has a monopoly on complaining, so no one else is allowed to ever do it

>yeah I'm against unions how did you know?

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Ha, if they unionize nobody's going to have the money to pay Denuvo anymore

>not him but unions create a unanimous political body that can communicate with the state.
That union is an instrument of the state, NOT the worker.
>a single worker bringing concerns to the state is very different from an entire workforce of hundreds of employees coming forward with the same concerns. this is why unions are important.
Which you can have through direct protesting, instead of "union".

Unions force you to vote democratic. This is legit, Unions are evil but apparently a necessary evil.

>You have to be a grey boomer to invest

Stay mad lazy poor fag. If you stopped blowing all your money on amiibos and put it into a smart investment you would actually get somewhere in life. Your job is just a arbitrary role you fill, where as your money is the most direct way to make your voice heard.

Communists show themselves.

Union VAs are also forbidden from taking jobs for games that have non-union VAs in them too, which severely limited how many jobs VAs in general could get, which didn't help matters IIRC.

maybe not directly but ubisoft lets its employees direct weird pet projects sometimes, no reason why EA can't do that too.

>this thread

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i think you're just being a pedantic little shithead. a union is a political body that enables "direct protesting", it is a body that is legally recognized by the state. how is it an instrument of the state when it is LITERALLY created by workers?

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>nearly half

Ok get back to me when a majority want it

Good unions help a bunch of workers.

Bad unions can influence the world, badly. Just like they implement political correctness.

the only thing unions can do is recommend things to their voters. No one can tell someone how to vote.

lmao r/gamingcirclejerk getting blown the fuck out

>Name one video game company that can exist without any workers whatsoever
Why are you moving the goalposts? I didn't say they could, but no codemonkey is outstanding.

Any of you guys work or worked at a place that's clearly anti union and will hunt you down if you even say the word? Lowe's has a training video that literally tells you not to join a union and has greased up Italians playing as the union dudes.

I can't say much about them myself but friends and family liked being in the plumbing and carpentry unions. They give you a lot of training if you have no clue about the job, give pretty decent raises, and from a lot of them retiring pretty quick I assume they run the pensions wisely.

Unions get corrupt easy. Look at Chicago.

Yeah, that's a problem with EA.

Ubisoft is shit too.
>a union is a political body that enables "direct protesting",
An union is an organization where you pay money to be in, a corporation within a corporation.

Direct protesting is you calling other workers together to go on a strike, NO money needed.
>how is it an instrument of the state when it is LITERALLY created by workers?
How is it LITERALLY created by workers? The state creates it and enforces a representative.

They pay, but it's a drop in the bucket. So yes, without a union or someone to enforce the rules, you're wrapped in perpetual legal battles because companies didn't follow regulations and you keep getting injured by slippery floors, unsafe equipment, etc.

A Bullfrog game could arise from a middle size dev team that did not require billions of dollars in proft to sustain themselves. Ironically unions would do nothing to resolve what you ask for because the company would still be massive and appealing to the lowest common denominator. Only the hobby returning to a state of being run exclusively by passionate enthusiasts could ever bring that back. People who come from a diploma mill wagie background will never be able to create that sort of passion even if they are treated better. Some faggot is going to try torture this post into a false dichotomy by stating that I am supporting employee abuse by stating this, but it's not an if/or logic claim. Most of these employees are being abused, but they really have no passion either. That's why they're so quick to complain, because this is just another job to them, and that's why they're quick to dislike any sort of crunch or struggle, because they don't really care that much. Only breaking the industry down again can bring back what you want, not enshrining mediocre wagies jobs with state protections.

Fuck off until you hold a job.

>No one can tell someone how to vote.
Oh yes they can, are you kidding me?! Maybe not primary elections, but anything below you vote democratic because they support the unions.

>he pays for video games

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They can force it by dismissing said worker from an union or boycott said worker for being racist/sexist/bigot.

wal-mart will literally send dudes out to close down a store if you unionize it
most middle manager types are totally worthless and only got there because they know how to suck their boss's dick. managers who can actually command and shape a team are rare as fuck but you could get rid of like, 99% of that middle management class and be better off for it.

Looks like I'll have start chugging onions and tucking my penis because I just became a Japanese weeb game fan I guess.