>alien constantly on your ass out of hundreds of other people on the station
>comes out of the ceiling and immediately hones in on your exact location out of all the other rooms on the deck
>never checks lockers (unless you’re in them)
>never checks crates (unless you’re in them)
>waits for prey in a vent with slime dripping down only to immediately teleport to a vent 30 feet away and kill you
Can we all agree the Xenomorph AI was terrible and ruins the game already?
Alien constantly on your ass out of hundreds of other people on the station
It's literally a door opening simulator with "le spooky boogey man" thrown in where you just hide into a locker and fall asleep until he fucks off.
Most overrated pile of shit game ever.
From what I've experienced it was never a hone in. Unless you ran like a retard. The lockers thing is whatever but some of that ceiling vent shit was not great. Also who knows maybe it just smells Ripley's mom on her.
Someone never got past Medical
> "alien constantly on your ass out of hundreds of other people on the station"
Because there's only 1 alien right,
The AI wasn't 'terrible' by any means. In fact, it's very much the opposite. It's just not very 'immersive'.
Still, the game was a massive waste of potential and the QTEs were fucking cancer. There has to be a full hour of lever cranking in one playthrough alone.
>alien constantly on your ass out of hundreds of other people on the station
>Thought the same thing
>Reached the hive
I don't know how I did it but I survived without dying once.
man one of the DLC levels includes a challenge where you're hunted by two xenos at once
I didn't play it after I beat the game because my heart was still recovering from the habitation decks at the end of the base game
Also the games on nightmare is literally broken. Almost no items of any kind and holding your breath in lockers/wrestling working joes are literally disabled.
Technically it was supposed to open lockers and do other interesting stuff but it scared play testers to much so they took it out..
Great game, one of the best I've played. Great visual and audio design, pretty good gameplay and feels balanced even on hard. The game actually rewards risky gameplay too. After playing a lot if Dbd this game was easy for me.
Too bad it's so difficult to convince other people this game is good and to trade off my key because the scariness/stress factor immediately turns most people off. But quite literally a better entry to the Alien franchise than Aliens or Alien3.
Just watch Alien, play this and you don't have to touch the Alien franchise again.
The AI basically rubber bands on you even if you remain perfectly hidden.
I also noticed the searching thing, I quickly stopped hiding in things because it guaranteed that the alien would stick around longer searching to create a fake sense of suspense, it ruined the pacing and quickly got old.
The AI is also very inconsistent which led to some frustration.
>think that explosive bombs are useless against ayy for some reason
>hoard them till the end of the game
>running low on flamethrower fuel
>ayy encounters are happening more and more often
>"oh no no my playthrough is fucked"
>only bombs left
>try it against ayy
>it works
Which one was that. I beat all the DLCs but I must have blocked out the memory.
But yea the DLC taking place on the Nostromo was neat. Made me want to actually play a game as a crew member in a small space vessel conducting missions in space, even without the Alien.
The robots were 10 times more scary than any of the alien bits. Change my mind.
I played for the first time on nightmare and it wasn't even remotely hard, you just need to walk at normal speed when nobody is watching, crouch when you can be heard and sprint only when you know it's safe. Also, distractions and the flamethrower are OP as fuck.
>alien constantly on your ass out of hundreds of other people on the station
theres other xenomorphs you fucking retard, its also the ingame explanation why an alien forgets your trends and antics between levels
>comes out of the ceiling and immediately hones in on your exact location out of all the other rooms on the deck
the tether is in place so the alien doesnt fuck off completely for large sections of the game
granted it gets retarded with how short that tether is above Hard, but a mod fixes it at least, as well as making the Alien occasionally going on all fours and silently skulking around outside the vents
>never checks lockers (unless you’re in them)
>never checks crates (unless you’re in them)
wrong too
both of these happened in medlab, hid under a sickbed and the fucker checked both lockers in the room and the bed next to me before fucking off
>waits for prey in a vent with slime dripping down only to immediately teleport to a vent 30 feet away and kill you
this is bullshit and I agree
>The game actually rewards risky gameplay too.
I loved how it punishes player for both hiding like a bitch in a locker for 20 minutes and panicking and running away in random direction at full speed. You have to constantly move but also stay quiet.
>Just watch Alien, play this and you don't have to touch the Alien franchise again.
Prometheus and Covenant are absolute kino though.
>have achievement for completing it on hardest difficulty
>google says it works for both hard and nightmare
>don't remember on which one I played
Is there any way to find out?
You are becoming hysterical
Check your save files. If it's on steam it might use cloud saving so just reinstall game and load it up.
How can you admit that there's multiple xenos and then say the 'teleporting' is bs in the same post?
This. You set the androids on fire and they tell you that they can withstand temperates of like 900 degrees and fucking walk through the fire and flames as they try and choke the life out of you.
the hive area with the facehuggers, as well as the unavoidable alien that chases you to the elevator got my blood pumping, but the working joes were definitely among the most unnerving thing to sneak around in a game
I hope they make a return if there's a sequel
I googled more and it says the HUD is disabled on nightmare. Well, seems like I'm filthy casual because there's a healthbar on my screenshots.
The worst thing is that the Alien and the Androids are non-hostile towards each other as well.
Whereas human enemies became a huge relief to stumble upon because I knew I could at least count on them to distract the other two.
It wasn't available on release, so maybe you just couldn't play on nightmare.
Is there a fucking button to press to counter the working joes? I always see this circular graphic show up right around their chest when they grab you but it’s absolutely too fucking fast to even see what it is
There's a health bar?
Must be removed automatically if you use the VR mod. Or i just don't remember it.
Have you tried not becoming hysterical?
Took me a while to learn that too, kept trying to dance the alien towards the Androids with items but they never fought. I think maybe lore wise it's because those early gen Androids don't register as organic to the Alien. I dunno, just a theory.
I love the fact that you can scare the aliens with the flamethrower. You can shoot one spark off and then back away and it'll be too scared to fight you
Also that last hallway where you're forced to run away from the alien is bullshit
spoiler: Weyland Yutani bought up the station in secret and used it as Nostromo 2.0 and keep the aliens alive at the cost of the entire crew (who were forcibly stranded once WT picked up on the Alien presence on the station)
Working Joes acknowledge the Alien and act as if its an anomaly instead of something hostile
because the motion sensor shows the fucker uses sonic speed to get to the next vent
I’ve tried but I know there’s a fucking button that shows up.
Fuck that explains quite a number of things really.
They see androids as father figures and role models.
I don't even remember playing it on hard.
I play all my games on normal so this is a surprise for me.
check out the ai in games youtube channel where the uploader explains how the xenomorph uses a dual ai hunting algorithm.
I think it's for lower difficulties like easy that they let you fight them off.
Alright this thread has inspired me to post screenshots.
I think these two were supposed to be hostile and get insta-killed by the Alien, but in my playthrough they didn't trigger and I managed to walk right up to them.
The sign of a good horror game and now one of my requirements to playing one: friendly NPCs.
Also, safe hubs. at least initially
Oh and forgot to say obviously don't open these if you haven't played the game yet.
Half the things you said is a lie though.Really fun game when played on Nightmare difficulty.If you want alien to chase you less just play on Easiest difficulty.
unironically Lovecraftian
“Halloa! Below there!”
T. Someone who sucks at alien isolation so he cries on v
Anymore games too hard for you OP?
I want to be a big xenomorph mommy and take care of my kids!
What could be below... ?
I cant even get past the first fucking encounter. I literally just get impaled no matter where or what I do. I gave up in this game long ago
Oh fuck
Shhh Nina is sleeping
not all the humans are hostiles. just keep your distance from them and you'll be safe.
Some shots of the Sevastopol exterior
man, I can't believe they released a follow up on a fucking cellphone. Has anyone here played Alien Blackout?
its 5 nights at freddys set in Alien
dumb game with nice looks for a mobile game
Normally I hate the MGS guard routine in horror games, but your albeit weak ability to fight back does make it a bit more bearable.
Yea I know. I came across 3 or 4 that were part of a non-listed mission that you could 'rescue' and tell to head back to the marshalls. I don't remember if this was one, I don't think she was, though she was non-hostile.
I think I remember hearing gunshots shortly after I left this room.
a good trick is to hold the crouch button and then peeking away from the alien so that it cant discover you.
You can listen to what the people are talking about to determine if they're going to shoot you on sight or not. If they sound like looters they'll attack you. If they sound paranoid and scared and are armed, they'll threaten you but leave you alone if you back off with your weapons holstered. If neither, they're friendly.
Next up some fatalities.
>MGS guard routine
I'm pretty sure nothing in this game has a 5m vision range, exactly 60 second chase mode and the complete inability to follow you into specific parts of the level.
>game looks like this and runs like butter on medium rigs
other companies could learn from CA, they know how to make corridor games
I also thought this game was shit but was ashamed to say so. I feel so free now.
Sevastopol. Home.
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Anyone here played Prey (2017)? How was it possible for a company known for very atmospheric games to make a retro-futuristic space station alien infestation feel so bland and non-threatening compared to the same concept produced by a company exclusively known for RTS games?
I don't remember what the in-game explanation for this was, but at some point I remember thinking that Samuels was evil.
idk, but CA are working on a FPS now
>I don't remember what the in-game explanation for this was
He was an android who was programmed to protect human life even against Seegson properties
this was like hm dismantling a sentry turret with his hands
And NOW ladies and gentlemen, we're showcasing the latest in Seegson automaton technology! Meet the all new, all improved Working Joe! He'll make sure you'll never work again!
I've talked to multiple horror game fans who had a hard time getting into the game because the difficulty curve really is all over the place. It's obvious that CA had never made a game like this and didn't really know how to pace the progression, making the immediate beginning of the game the hardest part. I don't blame people for quitting before getting to any of the better parts. There's some true bullshit in the start and I was only able to manage because of extensive experience in classic stealth games. Medical is bad but at least it's supposed to be horrifying and you're supposed to feel trapped and completely powerless. It's the civilians before that who are the real problem. They're armed with guns and guarding every important location, and you don't even have the wrench yet at that point. You're just fucked if they see you.
I liked how you could revisit every area of the ship, though some areas were more difficult to reach than others.
Just make a noise then hide, or let them see you then run and hide. The alien makes short work of them. They're much more bearable than Metro 2033 AI humans.
RIP my old friend. Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human.
Medlab is actually the worst because the fucking level design includes more than one longer hallway where the Alien gets tethered into patrolling for ages
if youre a newbie / scared / dont use your consumables you can be stuck indefinitely until the AI decides to make the Alien fuck ff only to appear 15 metres ahead because thats the closest vent it can use
Afterwards the game feels way easier because you get more tools, but you also dont have these long ass walks with no siderooms where the Alien can just rush and rape you
I had no real problems with the architecture itself, the problem is that the manual override of the treatment room locks is inexplicably time limited to something like 15 seconds. Sometimes the xeno just decides to stand outside the door until the lockdown expires. Imagine if there was a fire and someone would have to stay pushing the manual override button to keep the door from opening and spreading the fire and smoke.
There was a lot of meticulous thought behind the design of the game. This part was showing how Seegson tech would have interfaced with (centuries older) WY tech (runs all the lower level operations at the highest privilege level), but it's clear they took inspiration from how things are done in the real world (power plants, space stations, etc that still run on floppies etc).
Anyways I'm going out to buy some breakfast. If this thread is still up in half an hour or so I'll keep posting.
Lol you're dumb as shit it's a totally different alien than the one that was harassing Ripleys mom. You didnt play the game
Aliens are psychic, user.
They also pass down memories to their offspring.
It has its flaws like any fps but I think my heart will never be the same after playing this awesome game.
I just got the vr mod using my Dell WMR and steam controller. Anyone experienced random crouching that you can't get out of? It's bizarre. Randomly will crouch and then stand whenever it wants to.
But one xeno born from an egg on an engineer ship and killed with the afterburners of an escape pod is not going to be passing down shit to another xeno born from one of those same eggs on the engineer ship.
>game made for alien fans
>first-person with a MC that has never met an alien before
The player's meta knowledge is in such a terrible contrast to the MC that it ruins the mood most of the time. The only time where it really worked was the original movie DLCs which were better designed as games too and not a cinematic trek of spooks for shitters like the main campaign.
The MC really ruins the game. She's a fine character in a vacuum but in the context of the narrative and player expectations (and the first person camera especially), she only works for players who have little to no knowledge of the franchise.
Listen, there's something about the alien you should know. Oh no. It's too late.
This entire station must be purged.
I've been an Alien fan for decades. Game was great and you are wrong.
I dunno this part kind of took me out of it. Since when could they breathe in space?
i want a sequel set in a weyland test facility.
Gimme some fucked up aliens and have the mc work together with other test subjects
Do they even need to breathe?
You gon git
It's not the lack of oxygen that kills xenos in space, it's wind or other forces blowing them into open space and the freezing temperature.
>in space
>the facehugger death sounds
by wind i mean when the interior of the station cracks open you get sucked out into open space
Real talk
With the upcoming ALIENS game by COLD IRON STUDIOS confirmed to be an MMO shooter, how do you think shit will work?
>It's great if you're an Alien fan
this has been the consensus since it came out
Don't play on the hardest difficulty.
Ok ok aliens are freaky and all but I think we should discuss the bonus situation.
I realize now I only played the Crew Expendable and Last Survivor DLCs.
I didn't play any of the other ones.
These fuckers were creepier than fucking androids, mumbling about some shit and completely ignoring me.
Literally just beat the game with Acer WMR. Don't have a Steam controller but I didn't experience what you described on the VR controllers, an xbox controller, or mouse and keyboard.
Hm must be my controller then. does being at sitting level make you crouch?
Yes, if you're using the motion controls.
It's a shame that the game is way too centered around the xenomorph as it makes the game very repetitive. The game had a lot of potential with a great art direction and a creepy atmosphere but you just get from A to B and try not to get caught by the xenomorph throughout the whole game.
Ah, I'm sitting and it kept doing that shit. That may be the issue.
Sounds like a classic case of being bad
protip; you can throw a flare and then sprint to the end of every level.
Mother VR does this wierd think where it automatically resets your VR position with every loading screen so maybe make sure you're in your default position before starting the game?
No you didn’t.
>alien constantly on your ass out of hundreds of other people on the station
You do realize there isn't just one alien right? You find a hive with shit tons of eggs and you see a bunch of xenos at the same time during the ending.
The facehuggers were the scariest enemy in the game. You can hide from the Xenomorph if you're not retarded, and even if you get caught by a Working Joe you can usually escape with some lost health, but imagine walking around and suddenly you hear the little screech sound and you know that there's an instakill crawling somewhere along the ground in a straight line towards you.
>those noises Amanda makes when one of them gets you
>that scene where you explore the space jockey
i love the sound design
Instant boner
>you just get from A to B and try not to get caught by the xenomorph throughout the whole game.
You literally don't
the alien rubberbanding was pretty bad before patch 1.02, got much better afterwards.
if you haven't already look up facehugger erotic fiction in hentai foundry - a love story - is short but good and the species 8 series is just non stop facehugging. make sure to enable all filters
There was aolso two aliens near end of the game too.
Not many have played it to end on Hard.
Then just get the mod that unbinds you to the alien.