'tis cold in my tent
'tis cold in my tent
Get a thicker blanket.
Here comes the cutscene knife
Fuck off, witch.
She looks like she fucks sons
imagine those lips kissing the base of your dick
can confirm
t. her son
Put it near the bonfire?
Worst girl
>invites you to her tent
>we end up fucking right next to the fire in the middle of the camp where everyone can see us
Wait a fucking second, that can't be my boy Alistair since he isn't gay.
Because it was too cold in her tent, duh.
I played DA 1 and 2 and the only chick I managed to bang was the pirate chick in 2, and that's only because it's basically a 100% guaranteed encounter.
Last time I played I tried my hardest to fuck the Elf blood mage but all it did was get Anders horny instead.
This is modded right?
>all it did was get Anders horny instead.
He's always horny
hurf derf
I miss dubs.
Pretty sure it's just vanilla Inquisition Morrigan.
One of the very few things they didn't fucked up, or rather unfucked after a blibical amount of bitching from her reveal trailer where she was some kind of Morrigorilla.
I'm pitching a tent right now haha
You too
made for kieran cock
Then have sex
>>Tis mole on my face
more like
No it's not, DA:I lips are juicy af. Even Sera's.
It makes it better.
The only good looking woman in DAI
He loved her
She's a woman. She'd be cold in a volcano. Fuck that, go drinking with your buddies.
Don't mind if I cringe
Honestly, i was more of a leliana kinda guy until i saw morrigans scenes in inquisition. Her fawning and reminiscing over the warden commander is quite possibly the cutest a 2-d woman has ever been,
>Use the faceapp age thing
>Get this
ain't you a witch or someshit? magic up some blankets.
She will make excellent gilf.
how racist can i be in cisquisition?
You can't, you only get a skinhead racist elf companion
>play this game for the first time
>meet Morrigan
>do her little quest shit so she becomes a party member
>talk to her 2 times in camp
>can already see her entire characterdevelopment for the entire game coming from miles away
never has a character disappointed me as much as Morrigan
she is peak blandness and predictability
Origins Leliana is objectively the best girl in the whole series. Hate that I didnt recruit her during my very first playthrough
Did you figure out that she'll eventually steal your semen and run off with your child-abomination-thing
You knew she would run off with your babby?
Game when?
I legit said this because I thought she was bullshitting me
It was so out of place when she treated me like shit during the whole time
Kieran x Morrigan /ss/ is the only good thing to have come out of BioWare's entire existance under EA.
Is it me or is the sfm porn scene dying? hardly anyone puts out quality that isn't under 20 seconds anymore
I don't like Mass Effect, would I like Origins?
It's Blender's fault, anything in Blender longer than a few seconds takes literal days to render so you need an extra PC with good hardware just to render shit there if you want to use your computer for other things.
It's dumb because the one who still makes the best looking animations still uses SFM.
Depends on why you dislike Mass Effect. Probably won't like Origins either way.
What didn't you like about Mass Effect, if you didn't like the bioware writing and generic setting then chances are Dragon Age will just be more of the same for you. Gameplay is very different though, Dragon Age is slow and tactical and not at all about pew pew pewing your way through the game unless you have it on easy.
I don't like cover shooters, and the setting seemed incredibly generic.
Generic fantasy>generic sci-fi.
Nooo! Curse you!
No You would hate it
But pirate it anyway
There's no cover mechanics in Origins so you might give it a go. There was this one fantasy game that was part- cover shooter, but Dragon Age never dabbled in that, only dabbling in turn-based grid movement as well as hack n' slash side games you can find on Newgrounds.
>install nude and sex mods
>forget about it
>arrive to Ostagar again
I still prefer the low key version of Flemeth dressed in rags from origins she's too flashy in the sequels
post the "no way fag" edit
I learned SFM in less than a week when I was bored but Blender is such an engima with its retarded user-hating UI that I lost interest in it. It has pretty much no reason to be any more complicated than SFM but it does its best to be.
Origins is more like Kotor than Mass Effect
>install nude and sex mods
>forget about it
>Alistair and Warden get captured
That's ok, I play fem warden who becomes his queen.
>start walking towards the door
>Alistair's dong suddenly teleports inside your Warden
>game's pathfinding AI goes haywire and your Warden just moves up and down on Alistair's spear
>Alistair's Templar fortitude gets stripped away at the sight of his Warden skewered on his long shaft
>user stops playing and jerks it for 30 minutes
>long shaft
Alistair has his own adventures after origins in books as the King I was reading on the wiki he tries rescuing King Maric with Varric, Isabela and the Arishok Sten
Yes, try it. I dislike ME but I love origins
No way slut
What's that hole? Why is it there? WHAT IS IT?
Someone post the Inquisition webm with the goofy animations, it never fails to make me laugh
Idk, probably just a huge drill hole and there either was a water well once or there was supposed to be one but it was never built
some cool shit down there check it out
Ever lick a lamp post in winter?
I'll get you an extra blanket.
>Hey, Al! How's your sex life?
She could easily beat doomguy
>lord of hell
>measly witch
What's the matter afraid you'll be impressed, of course you would, you can't bare the idea that I'm actually interesting in any way, can't blame you, I'd probably have a superiority complex too if I lived all my life in a swamp with a scary witch.
>where everyone can see us
Absolute Chad
>post ITT for the first time
>meet user
>Reply to his shit so he gets a (You)
>Read 2 of his posts in thread
>can already see his entire characterdevelopment of incelibacy for the entirety of his life from miles away
never has a character disappointed me as much as user
he is peak blandness and predictability
Everything is too flash in the sequels
I think you can tell Leliana he has a big one she asks how he performs after the sex happens
The fuck is this image
No thots allowed
There was some poll about which companions people would want in their ultimate party
Yeah you were probably playing an elf. Elf men usually have 2 inches so any human dick would seem big in comparsion.
Alistair is half-elf but looks pure human
Seethe harder, shem.
morrigan pls go
Morrigan outright asks if the sex is any good with him though. She was wondering if he had a big dick. properly wanted to know what to expect when she offers to cuck you in order to save both of you.
Was this the most picked or something
If it comes to that conversation then she can't cuck you because you're female
Gaider stated in a now deleted post that Ali's dick is 5.6. Not sure why exactly that length
The Fow vid where she gets raped in front of her son is pretty hot
Alistair has to fuck her if you play as a female with your consent it takes some persuading for Alistair
Not true. You can tell her that you don't want to and then you can get Alistair to jump in.
link, please?
>fucking your husbando with your consent
>not cucking
it's his self-insert
No that's Dorian.
Tbh, there should have been option for threesome. She was saving both of your lives after all.
morrigan is a shit character, only incels like her
Why? You aren't required for the ritual and Morrigan isn't into chicks.
So where is your Morrigan shrine?
maybe bioware will take the hint and bring the warden back
Nah they can't. Unless they go back to non-voiced protagonists and this is 100% not happening
Go back.
voiced protagonists were a mistake, I have not liked a single protagonist voice in Dragon age, is it popular?
They won't the warden is a blank slate with too many variables and the wardens are mostly edgy fucks that summon demons like that Avernus guy in origins now.
Never gonna happen. Especially since the warden can be dead. Bioware wants you to forget all about them and will always have a excuse as to why they can't show up for the latest threat.
For shame though. Imagine her taking Alistair from behind doggy style while licking Warden's cunt.
Are bioware and Bethesda the same?
I just want a non-voiced protag Warden crpg adventure where he does his own thing with Divinity levels of comfiness
Just set the game not near ferelden so you avoid having to display too many choices (which they need to do at this point anyway), as for dead wardens leliana survived a beheading so why not
Would unironically play a whole game with the Warden in the Deep Roads, maybe some fade sections too
Because your missing the part where bioware wants you to forget about the Warden.
why do they want to forget their best game and keep ignoring the things that made it great
Because those things that made it great don't bring in the cash money.
Just make it fanmade or something and synch it with him rejoining with his LI at the end.
I will beg Claudia Black on twitter to record a one liner for free
Imagine getting to watch the templars flay her skin one inch at a time from her toes to those thick pouty lips. Imagine as they're about to remove her eyes that the last thing she sees is your smiling face, after she thought you two had a special relationship. Imagine all the horrible things your could do to her that could be repaired with magic
She is probably too busy shilling far left politics to read your DM
>Claudia BLACKED
I hate you on a personal level
Please tell me this is a joke. I'll laugh, I promise. Just fucking say it.
The fuck, man?
Why can't you fuck both Leliana and Morrigan? Why do they insist on you breaking up with the other? Fucking feminist garbage.
fuck off reddit
She is just a confused woman that had a failed marriage so she was the perfect target to be indoctrinated by that shit
The biggest wasted opportunity.
didn't DAO make a lot of money
Because polygamy is degeneracy and because they don't like each other.
DA:I was apparently their best selling game ever
Idgaf about degeneracy. My warden is an elven arcane warrior chad and roasties should obey him
should be when it had an advertisement budget orders of magnitude bigger than its predecessors
Because it's incest and that's not legal.
Warhammer, Tolkien elves are chads. Dragon age ones though....
As if Hawke's care about such things.
Should I play da2 and inquisition? I played origins and awakening 9 years ago and I playing ultimate edition for the first time right now. Is inquisition really as bad as people here say?
Origins is good.
I said something of that nature irl once. Took me two years to realize what she meant.
Not them, but what gave it away
Inquisition is a slightly improved DA2 but it guts a bunch of staples of the series like blood magic and attribute leveling. It has these big pointless open world areas with MMO style fetch quests.
Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, the devs probably care tho. Also if it makes you feel any better imagine he doesn't want an incest baby.
Just pull out or use magic condoms.
Morrigan was a wild woman who lived in the jungle. I wonder how hairy she was and what she smelled like
Pits are shaved at least but she may have a lil korcari wilds going on further south
It's not a jungle it's more of a swamp
>Pits are shaved at least
That's just the game graphics tho. Obviously, the devs wouldn't design females with hair. But considering the lore and stuff, why would she even care to shave? Where would she even get a razor from? Do razors exist in the dragon age universe?
hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer
In places like Denerim probably Loghain is clean shaven
why is incest not legal?
>Do razors exist in the dragon age universe?
user, are you serious...
>not having a foursome with the pirate chick, Zevran and Leliana in DAO
I don't recall seeing a single razor in origins. Haven't played 2 and inq so post a screenshot if razors exist in those games
She had to be a temptress leading poor fuckers to their death at Flemeth's toothed vagina so that is why she shaved her pits
Razors aren't rocket science so of course they exist. But she can probably do it with magic.
>Do razors exist
If they have sharpened swords and axes what stops them from making razor? Daggers at last
>Becomes a drunk loser and abandons his oh so important warden vows if he cant get his own way
I don't recall a lot of other things, doesn't mean they don't exist. People started to shave since probably before ancient times. It's a silly question.
>But considering the lore and stuff, why would she even care to shave?
Luring men was part flemeth's training for her. Flemeth chooses pretty girls, cultivates them, body and mind, in preparation for possessing them. Flemeth does some kind of weird sex-murder-blood magic so being alluring is useful toward that end.
If they existed in the roman empire and medieval europe then it sure as hell exists in DA:O
Any civilization that can make swords can also make razors
based and redpilled
Why, 'tis cold in my pants too. Should we warm each other, m'lady?
>I dont recall seeing them shitting and farting so they never do it
Alistair, compose yourself!
Claudia Black could narrate my diarrhea and I'd still get an erection
You can see chamber pots in places
Because they're women. They get jealous and don't want to share.
This, what a fucking loser.
Replace Alistair with Sten.
She's a tsundere you dumb weeb.
>Cringy anime poster yet doesn't even know the tsun type
Wtf am I witnessing
It's a well.
Well let's see. Because male on female incest can result in a malformed child, because it can encourage having intercourse with your kids, which can be seen as encouraging pedophilia, because it encourages a lack of socialization, because it encourages a lack of reproduction or faulty reproduction that will potentially make the child suffer, because it likely feels incredibly wrong morally to so many people. Yes people can try to claim that as long as there's no reproduction it should be allowed, but that doesn't normally stop people from feeling like it's wrong, morally bankrupt and something that should be actively discouraged. It being allowed without reproduction does make the posibility of reproduction between siblings more likelyas well, thus making it even less appealing as a thing.
As opposed to illegit said?
swooPING AS usual i see
> Because male on female incest can result in a malformed child
But the chance is the same as a normal 30y woman having a child.
the problem arises only when the kids of an incestuous couple engage in incest.
I think it's actually legal in many countries.
Me too. I just tell myself it is because she is getting closer to achieving her goals and restoring her full power as Mythal so has dropped the old lady in the woods facade.
dude there's dragons and shit why can't incest be legal
>But the chance is the same as a normal 30y woman having a child.
Source? I call total bullshit.
>malformed child
oh boy, here we go again, comparing hundreds of years of inbreeding with a modern couple of siblings having sex for pleasure
>because it can encourage having intercourse with your kids
okay, it seems you're just baiting, because nobody can actually be this fucking retarded, we're talking about two consenting adults winding off through sex, pedophilia doesn't even come to the fucking equasion unless you do some real mental gymnastics, applying the same though process, you could argue that everything out there "encourages intercourse with children", oh boy, a child eating a steak, MUST MEAN THEY WANT A DICK IN THEIR MOUTH, shut the fuck up
>it encourages a lack of socialization
how is it anti-social to socialize with a relative? Are relatives lesser as human beings because they supposedly can't offer same type of socialization as people you're not related to? Lack of socialization comes from complete solitude, not if you're with someone.
>because it encourages a lack of reproduction
but it's okay to have one night stands and fuck hundreds of people on tinder with the sole purpose of NOT procreating?
>faulty reproduction
We already discussed your faulty logic behind inbreeding, and where the fuck do you come up with this shit about the child "suffering" from having blood related parents? They're parents just as anyone else would be.
>because it likely feels incredibly wrong morally to so many people
you don't know, so don't argue. It's the stigma that makes it feel "morally wrong", having society constantly nag at you that its BAD BAD BAD. Siblings that haven't gone through this indoctrination do sexual shit with each other without a second thought because it's a natural state for human beings
>that doesn't normally stop people from feeling like it's wrong, morally bankrupt and something that should be actively discouraged
as already discussed, it's the stigma making it """"wrong""""" and """""morally bankrupt""""""
>i don't have a dick
>Incest loving man is seething while trying to defend wanting to fuck his sister.
Doesn't she have this trinket that the Warden can question about? I think the Warden also phrases it as "This is something from civilization, how the fuck did you get it? You're a wild woman.".
>ywn lick Morrigan's armpits
>hurr durr he's defending incest, must mean he wants to commit incest
truly a sub 60IQ NPC tier way of thinking
Never have I wanted to fuck any of my relatives and never will, but I understand the reality that people who want to do so, should be allowed to. If you're not here to dispute any of my points, cease with the inane shit slinging.
Doesn't she NTR you though?
>If you're not here to dispute any of my points, cease with the inane shit slinging.
I'm not here to talk with incest loving evolutionary dead ends.
Mom or aunt would be better desu.
Why not
she fucked her own son
So you admit to being a retard ignoramus, good. End of discussion.
Man would I love to see some K-pop star cosplaying as Morrigan!
every mom should
Parental incest is sick and wrong, but brother-sister is kinda hot.
One generation of inbreeding isn't too bad. If you're worried about it, just adopt.
>Parental incest is sick and wrong
>tits cold in my tent