Are AM2R fags still seething about this game?

Are AM2R fags still seething about this game?

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Reminder Metroid 2 for the Gameboy is still the best way to play it

So Metroid has never made a dime for Nintendo. Why do they continue to give the series a platform when other franchises have been left in the dark?

>So Metroid has never made a dime for Nintendo.

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I thought it was shit with a boring soundtrack and no monster variety

Metroid isn't that popular.

>when other franchises have been left in the dark?

nothing to seeth about when it's inferior in every way shill. :^)


Then why did SR sell so well?

The soundtrack was great, you queer.

It sold like shit

Not him but Star Fox, F-Zero, Mother/Earthbound, Kid Icarus are all pretty dry. Kid Icarus got a game a while back I guess but nothing since. It's all Zelda, Mario, Fire Emblem and Kirby. Metroid IS getting Prime 4 though. Eventually.

Nintendo was satisfied enough with the sales to green light Metroid V.


Sakamoto said he was working on the next game.

again, cope, he never said that

eternally BTFO. never show your face around Yea Forums again kid.

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Star Fox had two games on Wii U, is in that Ubisoft space game and Star Fox 2 got released on SNES Classic not too long ago

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Feel like one of the few people who liked both AM2R and SR.
THAT HAVING BEEN SAID I fucking loved AM2R, I think at this point I might like it above every other 2D metroid game. Movement just feels so fluid and snappy, refined from Zero Mission, the music is great, the environments are great, it retained the unique level design from the original and stayed mostly faithful to it in most aspects while also adding in new areas that all made up a very cohesive world. AM2R's SR388 feels a lot more alive and memorable than SR's, I'll say that.
But I'll also say SR handled the metroid fights themselves way better, they're honestly the worst part of AM2R. In that game you just spam missiles and hope you don't die, it feels pretty braindead. In SR you actually have to apply tactics when fighting them. I liked 360 aiming, I like the idea of the Counter but feel it couldve been implemented better, I think it had the best use of the grapple beam in any Metroid game ever. While SR had a potentially great artstyle, it's held back by the 3DS's limitations and 2.5d artstyle. Overall I still think it's a decent entry in the series.

God I miss am2r though. Should go back to it someday. Thanks for reading my blog

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SR is pretty good but AM2R is pure Metroidkino

That doesn't confirm shit.

This is correct, both AM2R and Samus Returns miss the point by adding shitty gimmicks.

Well they're not going to confirm anything this early into development.

Metroid II is a good game worth playing but AM2R is good enough to exist too.

I don't think AM2R is that good, yes the movement and level design is good but it looks and sounds very cheap. Most of the graphics are either lifted from other games or don't mesh well with the art style, and the music doesn't contain any good compositions.

I suppose in terms of graphics I find it difficult to rate objectively just due to the nature of the game. Know that doesn't excuse their lifting of assets but it is something they appear to be working on now
As for the music, there actually isn't a whole lot of original tracks. Most of them are just remixes of pre-existing songs, either from the original Metroid II or other metroid games.

These all sound real nice to me. And as for the actual original compositions,
Sounds very befitting of metroid as well.

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Nobody cares about that shit. If they plan on upgrading the game, they should make the metroid fights not suck so much and the Queen fight muuuch harder. Just removing 50% of the healing items would probably be enough.
Rest of the game is amazing.

>As for the music, there actually isn't a whole lot of original tracks.
SR got mauled for this, I don't think it's fair to let AM2R off the hook.
> Most of them are just remixes of pre-existing songs, either from the original Metroid II or other metroid games.
>These all sound real nice to me. And as for the actual original compositions,
They're decent but they don't really convey any mood to me, and they all use very similar soundfonts. There's nothing as distinct as, say, Lower Norfair and Red Soil Brinstar.

AM2R is a really really good fan mod of Zero Mission.
Samus Returns is an actual new game with new mechanics, It legitimately added more to the franchise than Fusion did (while having a still linear but nowhere near as condescending structure).

Metroid 2 is too limited by the Gameboy. Enemies respawning the moment they leave the screen, the controls, the very samey environments, etc. It was pretty much completely outdone by Super Metroid in terms of gameplay. The atmosphere is kind of interesting but I don't think it makes up for everything else.

In any case, all three games are fairly distinct from each other.

Reminder that all 3 games are fun in their own ways and worth playing for different reasons.

AM2R is probably the only Metroid game that's actively hostile to the player. It's definitely the most interesting rendition of the SR388 story (and probably the most interesting Metroid game in general) but it's also one I'm probably never going to play through again.

Absolute 10/10 atmosphere though

I actually like the SR ost a fair bit too, though not to the same extent. I think SR got the better "main passage" theme, for example
Actually fits a lot closer with the original's in terms of tempo than AM2R's does.
I don't begrudge either game for indulging in remixes as much as they do because neither of them are meant to be original new entries. If metroid 5 once again has another variant of lower norfair/magmoor caverns though, it'll be a different story

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Given that so much of the original Metroid II's music was random bleeps and chirps, some new music would have been appreciated.
Overall both games felt pretty bland just in terms of setting, sometimes even forgetting a few of the smaller things the original game did to establish atmosphere. That said in pure gameplay terms AM2R was great, especially in terms of basic mechanics.

Actually reminds me, I'm really fond of the addition of the Federation ship to the map, along with finding the remains of the other research group deeper within the planet. AM2R feels like it's actively attempting to flesh out the environments you traverse to make them more interesting, but not in a way that feels intrusive to the actual gameplay. I'm a sucker for that logbook, as it felt like a really nice way of bridging elements from the Prime trilogy into a 2D metroid game. Those games have great world design but the 2D games have always played better to me, so AM2R combining aspects from both felt great to me.

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The federation ship itself may have been a little too indulgent with the fanservice but the research groups were definitely well implemented. I enjoyed how AM2R gave context to Metroid II's world which was honestly pretty thin. That said they did botch some of the environmental storytelling that was present in Metorid II.

>Star Fox
Has had more production behind it than Metroid and failed harder than Metroid.
A series with 2 good games, the most recent of which was decades ago. No one gives a shit about F-Zero.
A low budget cult classic that has been almost exclusively japanese and makes money no where else.
>Kid Icarus
Nothing game that got rebooted and shown massive favortism in a spin-off by the reboot's creator.

F-Zero, Mother, and Kid Icarus are only relevant because of Smash, their games are either incredibly old or they've had 1 good selling title. Kid Icarus could barely even be considered a franchise.

Metroid on the other hand, despite having been a classic flagship genre-defining series in its heyday, and a critically acclaimed series during a second revival, gets zero fanfare because it's not anime weeb shit and retard japs don't eat it up, despite it being successful overseas. This is what gives Metroid staying power and the ability to continue get intermittent sequels and remakes.

I can respect that. As much as I like both remakes, it does feel like neither of them really capitalized off the claustrophobic and uncomfortable atmosphere the original had, either intentionally or otherwise. AM2R strays the least distance as it still retains some ideas, like the amount of enemies dwindling until there's none left as you get closer to the queen metroid, or certain areas growing darker and darker the further down you go. It does overall feel lighter than the original, which I can see as being a detriment to some.
SR strays so far away from the original's ideas that it almost feels like the dev team thought they were mistakes to be fixed, like the final area before the queen being a big enemy gauntlet, or every aspect pertaining to Ridley's inclusion ruining the lowkey ending of the original. I can definitely see why some people take issue with that

>don't think AM2R is that good, yes the movement and level design is good but it looks and sounds very cheap.
You didn't play The New version?

Don't forget that Other M was blatantly designed to appeal to Japanese audiences and it blew up in Nintendo's face.

>It does overall feel lighter than the original, which I can see as being a detriment to some.
I think you can put that down to most of the inspiration coming from ZM. ZM doesn't have any menace at all. If future Metroid games take anything from ZM it should be the mechanics and not the style.
Although I still prefer Super mechanics, but I don't think we'll ever see them again.

I got the last update before the site got taken down, did they make many major changes after that?

>did they make many major changes after that?
Some fans put the New music (because the creator couldn't do it anymore for copyright reasons) and other stuff

Nintendo apologetic : the post

I'm really hoping Metroid 5 feels less Fusion and more ZM gameplay wise, it reeeally didn't feel satisfying in SR being unable to walljump off the same wall.
I would also like to see a return to Super's momentum physics and more vertical world design, but I agree things don't look hopeful on that front. Most people seem to clamor for its nonlinearity than they do things like having a run button that changes your jump momentum

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The thing about Super's nonlinearity is that it exists because of the deeper physics. Fusion and ZM add a few new techniques but remove too many with the removal of momentum.

A Metroid game where you can sequence break with mockballs but also with shinespark chaining would be amazing.

What the fuck are you talking about

Am I the only person who was painfully aware they were playing a fan game after feeling how AM2R controls felt? I see so many people praising it, but it just doesn't feel right to me.

I actually was very excited to play AM2R at it's release but was bored after like 10 minutes since i already had the half game finished already and every room was the fucking same bland empty shit, and the "bosses" were almost all the exact same.

Also couldn't catch the atmosphere really well at all. Subpar fangame IMO.

You kids should shut the fuck up about Mother ffs.
Also since Iwata is dead, it will NEVER happen since it was HIS. Also that will be the same reason why 3 will NEVER come to the west, since it would need his blessing to censor it to a cripple to please SJW-Americuckland. Which he would never give since it's the main reason of the game.

How the fuck is a post illustrating a string of failed games series from Nintendo apologetic to Nintendo you fucking buffoon?

>Most people seem to clamor for its nonlinearity than they do things like having a run button that changes your jump momentum
But that's because it's way more important. Waypoint markers made Fusion completely unplayable for me.

AM2R felt like ZM refined to me, like the same team that made ZM went on to make some other metroid game with the same basic physics and controls and tweaked them a bit. Something as simple as instantly going into morph ball at the touch of a button, while also giving morph ball slightly faster speed feels so fucking smooth and satisfying, and when you combine it with things like speed booster or 5-bomb drops(which have actual uses in this unlike in Super, here you can use them both as an offensive tool by spraying them on an enemy or use them as a means of traversal by shooting them upwards in a straight line), it really becomes an elevation of an official game's mechanics. In my opinion, at least

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The unskippable cutscenes were worse desu. Navigation in Fusion was as interesting as ever, it's not as if knowing the location of your objective was enough to get you there.

>and the "bosses" were almost all the exact same
Yeah I don't think either remake even tried to capitalize on the idea of different Metroid forms. You don't have to limit yourself to the same 5 forms on repeat for the entire game. SR especially given that it's the official remake headed by a guy who worked on the original, you'd think they'd have more creative ideas in regards to a remake unshackled by the gameboy's limitations. It would've been really cool to see more stages of metroid evolution, more variants that weren't just alternate colors, just more variety in general. But that didn't happen unfortunately, in either remake, and that's a shame

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>OP proves opposite is true.
Why did you make this thread?

I enjoyed the original more after playing both remakes actually.

AM2R was unironically more fun.

I liked how some of the soundtrack sounded prime-esque here, though. Nice touch, nice vibe. Didn't really have the oppressive feel the original had, but it was nice.

Does anybody have the twitter screen cap of the crazy lady going after Mark Brown for quoting her in his video without her permission?

I am assuming you wrote this post, because if you didn't then you are the most gullible person on Yea Forums.
The entire context of the post is that there was something wrong with the games and they simply just failed.
>F-Zero only had like two good games (which is an opinion, a shitty one at that)
This is completely ignoring the fact that F-Zero only had three main entries in the franchise, the only way I can assume someone would make this post is if they're trying to cover up the fact that Nintendo has a economic incentive in not making new games for older franchises and not that they're so fucking stupid that they think Nintendo only releasing THREE (3) mainline titles is somehow a statement on the quality of the games.


>I got the last update before the site got taken down, did they make many major changes after that?
A lot.
Current version is like 1.4 or something and even has Fusion Mode.

That """fan""" is just the original creator under new alias bruv for lawsuit reasons.

What are the odds of SR getting a Switch remaster?

Because woman. Very progressive, every company needs one

Women don't play Metroid. They like to rope in Samus as a "strong Female Character" but very few of them can beat the game, or even challenge it.

I don't give a shit about some fangame, I'm pissed that 2D Metroid was gone for 13 years and the best idea that Sakamoto could come up with during that time was another remake.

It's not like Metroid is an annual release. You have plenty of time to come up with new ideas.

The Metroid Prime subseries got completely ignored in Japan because nips don't play shooters. After that Nintendo kinda put it on the backburner and it's been there ever since.

Not to mention that metroidvanias are now seen as low budget/handheld tier games in Japan, so again Nintendo isn't really interested in making a "proper" big budget Metroid title. They tried to make it a TPS with Other M but that also failed.

If you're gonna advocate for Metroid 2, at least advocate for the color romhack.

>The Metroid Prime subseries got completely ignored in Japan because nips don't play shooters.
They seemed to have liked Hunters a lot. So of course in typical Nintendo fashion they did absolutely nothing to capitalize on that.

The glass tube puzzle in SuperMetroid has a crucial hin to it, mrtal remnants of an allegedly similar tube a bit earlier.

Notice that for the glass tube, it is the glass part that draws attention, not metal.

Regardless, about that broken tube serving as a hint. The metal parts are near the edges of the screen, the middle of the screen is empty, no glass shards visible.

The room has enemies emerging from the door opposite to the one the player entered when first entering the room.

If the player wats a second, those basic enemies first go right through the tile drpicting disfigured bent metal flooring of the tube (its just a sprite bruh no biggie), two seconds more, they enter right into seemingly solid floor.


Attention hijacked.

Good luck seeing that hint about that tube NOW.

Meaning the hint about completely inconsequential floor secret occupies effectively the same screen space where player has to imagine glass tube connecting two bent metal casings. The secret essintially breaks those two metal casings into separate entities as opposed to part of previously the same hypothetical whole.

It's an intentional red herring, deliberately obfuscating the solution and deraoling player's train of thought.

I got the same vibe, I also didn't like how their solution to making metroid fights interesting was by giving them iframes. Dumping ammo into bosses and trying to go for a quick kill made the older games fun for me.

For those that don't know, AM2R didn't end at 1.1

>SR got mauled for this, I don't think it's fair to let AM2R off the hook
SR music is literally ambient noise, compare to AM2R using a shitload of catchy tunes, eat shit.

>I got the last update before the site got taken down, did they make many major changes after that?
Metric fuckton of new content and changes.

How come Sakurai didn't add that suit to Smash?

Looking forward to see if the AM2R guy can make the next Ori game better than "Blind Forest". That one was kind of slow.

I don't get how you can say that it sounds cheap. The sound design in particular is just stellar.

SR had a better atmosphere for it.

It had a lot of heart for a fan game, but it was still a fan game. Though it was better than most other recent popular Motroidlikes (*cough*Hollow Knight*cough*)

I played Sammy Returns first now I’m having a harder time getting into AM2R

That’s just unnecessary. and untrue

Aside from it's size, HK doesn't have that much going for it.

The only three Metroidvanias that matter are OG Metroid, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Axiom Verge. Everything else is a derivative timesink.

Axiom Verge is a good game, but it's pretty derivative.

It has better level design than Samus Returns

Not even remotely. HK has too many big open areas with too little going on.

No it doesn’t.

Why? It's a fine interpretation on its own.
But AM2R > SR always.

I had to keep myself from quitting because of how boring and empty all the areas were.

No, it's just extremely meta. Calling it derivative is more or less similar to calling Borges derivative.

I cant refute what you’re saying because it’s just not true. There are some big open rooms but basically every game in the genre has open rooms without much going on. They’re hardly abundant.

Is 143 the last update? I have 1.4 and just decided to wait until things were more complete.

Nah, he's right. There's nothing to do in HK other than collect money to spend on crap that you don't really need, but gotta collect em all. Even the DLC content breaks down to that. Its only saving grace is a ton of bosses, but a lot of them aren't that well executed or fun, still even a lot of bosses. Story and lore are naff too, as they rely on you caring for no other reason than you're playing a game.

Calling something "meta" doesn't make it special. Looney Toones cartoons are "meta". Axiom Vegre borrows heavily from Super Metroid with a layer of pseud philosophy pancaked over everything.
Borges was a hack.

>Design an item for the next 2d Metroid game that feels fun to use, works naturally along the normal kit and is useful

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Grapple hook can grapple life forms like a whip, can be used as normal grapple point, balancing to hang, pull to activate switches, physics puzzles, etc

How is that any different from the grapple beam?

Borges was pretty derivative, man.
>Have you heard about the Kabbalah? It's soooo deep!
>He's a page of references for my short story.

Well no shit, it's about unfucking the genre from what Super Metroid did to it (by means of introducing environmental clues, marking the main progression path, going through all the essential exploration-affecting abilities). It doesn't BORROW from Super Metroid, it half-mocks, half-fixes its crap.

VERY basically
SuperMetroid blueprint of the genre
- correctly deciphering and following hints and directions you speedrun the story, collecting all the main upgrades
- just before the endboss you return to the beginning and meticulously faceroll through everything collecting all the garbage there is
These are essentially two different games. Completing the games, that mark the main path, the way is the most time-effective way to play tgem due to rechecking every room only once. First you min% speedrun the story (essentially linear puzzle-platformer), then you 100% collectathon (essentially some sort of freeroaming platformer). Neither of these two halves is Metroid game proper, because Metroid game proper is when you pass to the same room three hours after you first passed it, and you INTERPRETATION of the exact same decorations in it changes due to you now playing different game in it (due to acquiring 3 new exploration-affecting abilities). Splicing the game into story and collectathon basically makes those interpretations obsolete. First you follow strictly environmental (unrelated to layouting) clues, level artistry, second you follow strictly layouting (unrelated to environmental dressings) clues, actual level design. These two games just don't intersect, however Metroid experience is only possible whenever they do.(cont)

>It doesn't BORROW from Super Metroid, it half-mocks, half-fixes its crap.

The only thing Axiom verge does differently is load you up with superfluous weapons and upgrades.

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Seething? Nah. Do I still think AM2R was better? Yah.

>It's a speedrunning tranny has a mental breakdown because he can't reconcile his autistic playstyle with the fact that the game was never intended to be played that way episode

since metroid 2 is a pile of shit and supposedly "the best way to play it" i couldn't imagine how bad am2r and samus returns is

Let's be honest here user. F-Zero had a single good game on the N64, just like Starfox. Which is why both series are dead now.

Also, by the way, reinterpretation thing only works when you don't know exact implementations of abilities in advance (so that you can't memorize for later all the suspicious spots), so, so much for SuperMetroid onward in which said abilities are basically memes.

Anyway, what Axiom Verge does:
- oh, you've found the new essential upgrade
- good luck randomly stumbling at as many secrets as possible while looking for the next one
- yep, what you are collecting, during your attempts at 100%ing, are fragmentary tidbits of nonsensical lore to the story you explicitly don't have a single say in - and a gajillion of completely useless junk weapons
- and by the way, to collect ALL the weapons you need at least three consecutive playthroughs. IF you are lucky
- have fun randomly humping the walls in as much as four different ways too, by the way
- hade enough already? no? don't you think that those 100% ratings are simply stupid, and, as the creator of the game, certain Thomas Happ will still know incomparably nore about it than you ever will with whatever 100% ratings? why do you even care? is the optional content, with the diminishing returns connected to it, even worth it?
- oh, had enough already? here, final boss, good luck, don't let the door hit you on your way out.

In other words, Axiom Verge proposes the following essentially anti-nerd way of constructing and playing such games
- clues to the main path connecting essential upgrades are indiscernable from clues to secrets at best, missing entirely at worst
- wandering about from one story upgrade to next you stumble at as many secrets and, more importantly, as many reinterpretative Metroid-experiences as possible
- before the end you make order of whatever loose ends you can WITHOUT chasing any 100% ratings
- you go and complete tge game
- you uninstall it and never return to it again. you can't enter the sane river twice anyway, due to now being completely spoiled on all the abilities

So Axiom verge had a poorly implemented story and upgrade scheme and you're just pretending it was some kind of avant garde statement?

No, it is an actual avant garde statement, that's what I am saying.

People like you are the reason some faggot can wrap a urinal in plastic and call it art.

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What was your problem with GX?

People like me can distinguish one from the other, now that we are at it.

1.5 will be the final version but it may be years away since it will just be graphics-only complete visual overhaul.

All you've down is read too much into a poorly designed game.

Ah, OK. Then I'll final give it another play through, visuals don't bother me as much as content. Thanks.

Low if Metroid V is coming

The main thing of 1.5 is that they want to give it more 32-bit 2D look and get rid of all the assets that were recycled from ZM and SM replacing them with proper new ones.
I don't see a point in waiting for 1.5 especially since it might not even come out.

>They tried to make it a TPS with Other M but that also failed.

two things:
1. Other M isn't a third person shooter
2. Sakamoto wanted that trash to be a rail shooter

Ehh not a AM2R fan but just started playing after finishing axiom verge and environmental station alpha.
Doesnt scratch the itch and a little disappointing. Its decent but kinda getting boring. Not that many movement options, esp early on, and decent puzzles.
Also the aesthetics kinda suck. I mean does every metriod game have to look that similar? I mean i know this is to reintroduce classic metriod but they could have been more creative.

The racers weren't as balanced and the computer was such a blatant cheater that playing without friends was shit.

>again with this bullshit
Nips didn't liked prime at 1st because of the controls, even they see FPS as MKB only, though most of them were doom and quake players, and loves the N64 ports.

they loved Hunters because the controls ended up better.
In the end, Nintendo did NOTHING to capitalize on that because the Godfather was still in charge.

Why even praise Samus Returns when it looks so shit? Gameplay isn't great either. 2D Metroid should be moody, atmospheric, with solid side scroller shooter gameplay. Samus Returns is none of these.

Movement is more satisfying than like 90% of the competition

I think you're just dead inside, AM2R music is great.

>2. Sakamoto wanted that trash to be a rail shooter
He wanted it to be a sidescroller with 3d environments, like Klonoa, before Team Ninja convinced him to change to 3D.

It's disappointing that Samus Returns didn't use a similar camera system.

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>It's disappointing that Samus Returns didn't use a similar camera system
I'm grateful they didn't.

Just like Metroid NES vs Zero Mission.

He did

I expect them to finally confirm it this September, December, or sometime next year showing it off on the Switch Lite.

This and it's why I love Metroid so much.

Sakamoto wanted it to be a 2D game, some retard mistranslated what he said to rail shooter and faggots went with it.

Team Ninja inadvertently ruined the game.


that seems to be the #1 "defense" for Other M.

Like the story not being translated properly

No, it's you, who are evidently unacquainted with the refutation technique, called "reduction to absurdity". The game is not poorly designed, parts of the game are rather designed in implicitly absurd manner in order thus to convey a point.

Nah, the story was just shit and Nintendo went all Sony on it because Sakamoto finally had a team that could make the Metroid story he wanted, when it failed he went back to making proper Metroid games and letting his own team do their own thing along with the third parties he worked with.

Also a stark difference between Japanese and English cultural sensitivities.

Samus's monotone, robotic dialogue to a Japanese person would make her seem cold and calculating. Unfortunately, to the average English speaking person, it just comes off as wooden.

Sakamoto showed suicidal levels of stubbornness when making Other M, but he would have been 100% justified in shooting down Team Ninja's request to switch to 3D.

2D games were going through a renaissance on the Wii and choosing that of all times to experiment with 3D was insanity.

>Team Ninja inadvertently ruined the game.

they tried to salvage the gameplay from Sakamoto wanting it to be a rail shooter. They could do shit about the shitty story

>Sakamoto showed suicidal levels of stubbornness when making Other M, but he would have been 100% justified in shooting down Team Ninja's request to switch to 3D.
That and his refusal to push Zero Suit Samus any further than what Team Ninja and D-Rockets wanted to show of her were the only two things I agreed with with Sakamoto on Other M.

Again, he wanted a 2D Metroid game, they didn't if they would have went with that, the high production wouldn't have been needed and Sakamoto wouldn't have went crazy trying to make his failed Metroid movie.

>playing a romhack of a romhack
wow, just spit all over the author's original fanwank why don't you

I remember when v1.2.whatever was the final version. And yet here we are at 1.4.3.

>mfw playing AM2R 1.4.2 on Fusion mode
>mfw Core-X after Torizo
That shit was so fucking hard

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One of the worst parts of the game. There's only 1 good track and they fucked up the Queen theme.

>A series with 2 good games
F-Zero is a perfect series.

Imagine calling this music shit unironically

>Again, he wanted a 2D Metroid game,

and how would a Rail Shooter be 2D?

Queen's theme in AM2R is the best track in the game.

I thought most people agreed that Metroid 2 is garbage since you can't tell any area apart.

Meaning the camera was restricted to being a sidescroller.