Is there a vidya related equivalent for pic related?
Is there a vidya related equivalent for pic related?
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You wouldn't feel bad if a methlab blew up, so don't feel bad that this studio burned down.
Both make poison of the mind.
fpbp, came to post this
I didn't take meth personaly for a decade from that methlab tho?
K-On, Dragon Maid, Nichijou, Lucky Star, Clannad, Violet Evergarden.
>duuurrrr wuts a [board topic] where [recent news event that I want to talk about on this board, for some reason]
Now fuck off
You should burn your mother down, she poisoned your mind with mental disability due to all that paint she huffed.
quick rundown?
Every fucking Tifa thread.
What were they smoking?
Anime is kill
but kyoani had nothing of value. This is a terrible analogy.
Go on Yea Forums.
the dude who drove his car into the nexon HQ.
Studio that makes nothing but weeb pandering moe garbage burned down
41 year old angry otaku burns down Kyoto Animation. 10 confirmed dead, 3 in cardiac arrest, over 35 injured
weeb bombed an anime studio
Ask again in two weeks.
Also, buy some put options for SNE.
Depends if it's one of my labs or someone else's.
Slice of life? More like Don't waste your life!
>ask again in two weeks
A-user what are you planning?
Based fuck SOL moeniggers
I'd rather live somebody else's life than my own lmao. I don't see how people can possibly shit on people having a better time than them.
one step closer to finishing off moeshit for good
How do 10 people actually die from this? Just jump out the window lol
>do some KyoAni contests
>get rejected
>KyoAni use your material anyway
>burn them down
But yeah, muh "41 year old angry otaku"
Haha bro just
Gasoline was poured upon them
Hetshitter women btfo by autistic yurifag
>mfw i just assumed this was a random shitpost but multiple people really did die and someone was arrested
Wh-what made him so mad
bethesda is next
Is anime over yet?
You should be asking Yea Forums because this is just Yea Forums's equivalent of the TDKR shooting
no suspect yet
Hey said they ripped him off, using a word that implies plagiarism.
The suspect was chased from the scene, arrested, and confessed.
It's related.
Talk about getting burned out on anime
I don't think I've ever truly enjoyed any Kyoani series. Not even K-on.
and you get that escapism through watching animu. Like, for example, Clannad, a seemingly joyous and innocuous animu about pretty girls and good friends, which shatters the illusion of escapism as succinctly as a crazy person stabbing you in the chest with a dagger when it ends with the two flirty MC's getting married, moving in together, the wife dying in childbirth, leaving him a distraught unshaven soulless husk for years with garbage piling up around his apartment while wife's parents raise the baby daughter -- eventually overcoming the pain to try raising his daughter and then she dies as well.
SUPER AMAZING TWIST but seriously fucking fucked up and the anime should've been been made.
The lack of "traps aren't gay" messages in anime, obviously. He couldn't take the lack of action to help the most oppressed group that humanity has seen since gamers,
they got him, idiot. it was known terrorist samichi haiido
they are responsible for moeshit.
should've never been made*
ooh that's good, gonna take that one, user.
You have to really sit trough Clannad first though
He can't keep getting away with it
I don't get it
the only fuck I give about Clannad is this
lurk more
Did i just get got
fuck that shit nigger, spoil clannad at every opportunity. I'm in the boat that I think this trash should be burned and buried so no one will ever be exposed to it again.
Like you might not fucking die for the tidepod challenge but you'll probably be retarded for life because of it. Clannad has the capacity to really fuck with your emotions in a wholly negative way and become scarred by it.
We need the same shit but with bethesda, EA and ubisoft.
Wow. I've been here as long as they started making those ClannAIDS jokes but i never actually bothered to watch it
What the fuck.
I forgot that they did some Full Metal Panic.
So that's one thing they made that I truly enjoyed.
If I did meth maybe I’d care if a methlab blew up.
Holy fucking based
What if that lab made boring meth that inexplicably killed you faster?
Okay, I just got it
Im pretty sure some wow fanboy is going to light up Blizzard one day
so just wait
fuck that got me
Can you explain it to me?
I guess they deserved the worst for neglecting Full metal panic. karma
Sam Hyde
I heard it was a muslim
>spoonfeeding newfags
Moe existe since the 80s. Lolicon is like late 70s
Please donate to their gofundme
Holy shit fuck
I wish some AAA shit studio that sold its soul long ago like Blizz or Bioware got firebombed, but westerners arent not nearly as obsessed with their hobbies like the nips are.
>only handed to them after the initial 24 ep run from gonzo
>fumoffu was better than anything else in the series anyways
They were right to leave it.
Based, guy finally realized that KyoAni moeshit was killing anime.
Take your non vidya crap elsewhere.
>reddit man
Oh shut the fuck up nigger
Fire Emblem 4
Funimation bow to anime
in contact with Koreans
rumored to possess memetic abilities
control weebs with a tsundere fist
own dakimura and figmas all over the world
direct descendants of Uchiha Madara
will bankroll the first cities in an MMO (Isekanotoshi will be the first city)
own basically every Adobe flash studio on Earth
first AI-created sentients will be moeblobs
It bummed me out going into the sticky and seeing it unreadable due to the sheer amount of tryhard edge posts. I wasn't even offended, it just gets tiring after a while.
He asked the magic conch whether he would get laid or not and the thread 404'd before he could read his reply number.
don't you love when americans post their everyday as bait threads on vee ?
No truer words were said this day.
Here I was thinking that one needed to know Yea Forums culture in order to get it but no, you need to know about reddit shit and e-celebs.
What's next, twitch references, pewdiepie, instagram? Get fucked faggots.
why are you so insecure?
A man started a fire at a Kyoto animation studio after spraying a flammable liquid Thursday morning, leaving at least 13 dead and nearly 40 injured, several of them unconscious, local police and rescuers said.
Many bodies were found on the second floor of the three-story studio of Kyoto Animation Co., where about 70 people were believed to have been working when the fire started around 10:35 a.m.
The police said some people witnessed the man screaming "Die" as he set fire. They also found knives at the scene.
The 41-year-old man, who was among the injured and has been taken to hospital, has admitted to starting the fire, according to the police.
>twitch references
Dumb nigger
Just wait for the chair to bounce like lol
Why did he do it?
I'm more bummed out by all the "SHOW EMPATHY!!!" soccer moms imploring anonymous to be less edgy. What the hell happened to this community.
How pathetically weak. I love tragedy and your weak ass willpower won't deter me. Say hi to Tyrone for me, cuck.
We got burned out.
Huh, after reading your post I'm kind of glad I was spoiled that this shit was sad.
People told me about how fucking sad that shit is and when I went into it, I expected sad shit which is already the WRONG mind set for this anime, so the entire first season was lost on me because I was expecting sad shit and then it didn't happen, so it must occur in the next season.Then when the sad shit happened, I just questioned it and none of it phased me because I had know about it beforehand.
If I went in expected slice of life comedy, then that shit would've really hit hard. Went into Angel Beats with that mind set and was taken aback from the last episode, so who knows how Clannad would've messed me up.
Straight cut wisdom.
what the fuck
You must've really hated having Undertale spoiled for you, then.
wha happun
Uh, isn't the main character like two people or something, or you actually play as someone else and not the character you thought.
I actually haven't been spoiled on Undertale, but I can't play it fresh ever again due to how much of a meme that game has become, I imagine it would just be lost on me.