Why did you quit Overwatch?
I stopped having fun with this game a couple years ago and haven't touched it since.
Why did you quit Overwatch?
I stopped having fun with this game a couple years ago and haven't touched it since.
I played it yesterday to get the summer Torb skin
And then I got it
And then I'll play it again when there's a new hero or map because this summer event was disappointing as fuck.
They took away the fun parts of all the characters I liked
I lasted only 5 seasons... Got to low Grandmasters, my 5th season I just did placements and that was it. If I wanted to play a game where I get stun locked most of the game I could play fighting games
I didn't like how they kept adding characters
i played it for a month after it released and then quit because i realized i could just start playing tf2 again so i did
characters get completely reworked all the time, you dont have a chance to get used to the pace of the game
Right after launch promotion ended. Button mashing casual piece of shit.
Blizjew is not getting my money.
community was shit
stopped playing to play a different game and when i came back i was getting owned by a hamster ball so i quit
It stopped being fun when blizz started enforcing all of the rules for competitive, which by some genius mind decide to enforce it on casual play as well. You couldnt fuck around and get laughs off anymore, and its either you win within the first 5 min, or you will loose, no inbetween, no miraculous comebacks.
I liked to play Pharah. Reminds me of like a UT2k4 rocket launcher playstyle.
Then they just kept adding more and more characters that countered her and more shield characters which were so boring to fight against, so i never went back.
Idk if they buffed her because of this or if pharmercy still reigns supreme in pubs because people can't aim whilest sucking in diamond+, but it just felt like any decent player nullified her intended playstyle of flying to just being on the ground spamming rockets at shields, and so i said fuck that and quit.
People bitched and moaned and bitched about goats and its been replaced by something even more fucking dull and stalemate based.
The fanbase killed the fucking game, from the first added hero onwards all of them have been fucking awful no fun allowed piles of shit only some of them are "skill based" and some of them are for "shitters"
They keep adding shit maps and characters to the game but they haven't sorted out the already existing shit maps and characters in the game. Also, balance updates are a lot less common now
I got sick of the woke developers ruining fun.
It's legitimately one of the worst balanced games I've ever played.
During the beta. Garbage game, too bad there are interesting characters trapped in it.
I stopped playing when I realized it was made for queers.
Few months ago sometime after the zodiac event. Felt like I was in a boring repetitive cycle and could just look for other fps/multiplayer options.
There is no back and forth with this game. It's 90% onesided stomps with it being a coin flip for which side you end up on. It's exceedingly rare for a match to actually be considered close.
no significant updates and the core gameplay is fucking shit
cosmetics are shit, and a forced gacha loot system is gross
toxic community and a ban-happy dev team that supports them
game is built around doing a job instead of unique skill
because after half a week I realized that the gameplay is shit
today actually
too many retarded teammates on every match
also the fucking nerfs made an unrealistic game even more unrealistic
we both know you'll be back tomorrow you retarded monkey brain, if you didn't quit in 2016 you're actually retarded enough to keep coming back
Realizing that I’ll probably never have fun without playing with people I know. It sucks to get match with super retards or assholes that aren’t team players.
Quit at the beginning of season 3. Thought it was stupid that they started enforcing bullshit rules in quickplay, like no duplicate heroes. Balancing was completely fucked. D.va was one of my mains and I remember thinking to myself she could use a minor buff, but Blizzard comes out with extra health, more time for her shield, a missile ability, and whatever else I can't remember. Really showed me that they have virtually no idea what they're doing. Finally, fuck every match feeling like a coin flip, personal skill seemed to play zero part in determining the outcome.
>started enforcing bullshit rules in quickplay, like no duplicate heroes
This. Also god damn they need to fix the hitboxes, Genji literally reflecting half the shit that's not even aimed at him.
oh this, so much this
and imagine banning your consumer base for your own fuck ups in the coding, even in arcade
1 of 1 hero, even in qp, was and always will be bullshit
They nerfed her armor a long time ago. Nerfed the time on D matrix too. And they nerfed its range recently.
Because they removed the most fun ability in the game, scatter arrow, because some no skill losers cried about it.
Funny that these idiots cried about Hanzo, even though he has two hard counters, because of his scatter, meanwhile the game has much more even bigger balance issues they should've complained about
2-2-2 is coming. It will save comp.
Bro I'm Pharah main too. That's accurate.
The game doesn't lend itself to the FPS rocket combat, plain and simple. No reward for situational and spacial positioning. Pretty much all the classes have either a shield or a healing move. Not to mention "panic button" escape abilities. It's fucking tee-ball but they give you major league shoes and gloves. I dropped after three weeks.
Game sucks because of attacks that 100% will kill you if you get hit by them.
Freeze and Shieldbash being the two main offenders.
The game eventually got to a point where fights were very samey. I feel like the game was at its strongest around the time of the first major Lucio rework. Sure, Reinhardt was still the dominant force in the meta, but it was a healthy-ish meta. Matches sometimes got into stalemates, but more often than not it was a time when a teamfight was the most variable. We hadn't yet gotten to the point where fights would either be over in ten seconds or drag on into infinitum, but instead they were quite variable.
And honestly, I kinda wish they continued down the route they were going with Orisa. Trying to find alternative Main Tanks who could be used instead of Reinhardt, and thus open the door to the characters whom aren't particularly well supported by Rein. Of course, the problem there is that if Orisa IS a good Rein alternative, then both just get used, and you bring back a barrier meta. Perhaps if they'd intentionally designed the two not to pair well together, then it'd be a different story.
Oh, and of course, the story remained in Act 1... forever. I 100% appreciate the idea of taking it slow and setting up where a bunch of characters are, but following the idea of Overwatch as having a comic book style story, they should've had some short-term villains to deal with. Have a short that ends with Reaper and Widowmaker successfully breaking into a vault, only to discover that Junkrat already stole whatever it is they're after. Now you can have a short-term conflict where the characters are after some random McGuffin item. When you want to tell a long-form story, make sure you have some self-contained threads within to make sure it doesn't get boring.
Faggot propaganda, endless brown DLC characters, and a shitty team-reliant metagame that kills solo carry potential.
it's not fun, it never was.
I didn't, I play it every week, just the fun arcade modes, rarely ever go in competitive since it's full of actual autists, like ITT, who think it's their career or something and get suicidal over a balance tweek as if a referee just took them off the pitch of a professional sporting event when it is all 100% meaningless
>plays OW arcades modes
>calls other people autists
Oof yikes that's kinda cringe!
>game is built around doing a job instead of unique skill
This. Games are supposed to be fun not a fucking chore, fuck blizzard and their no fun allowed socialist faggotry.