Tips for fishing? Whats some good holes? What are good catches for a level 23?
Ff14 fishing
You try to catch either fish that are crafting material for alchemists or culinarians, or you catch fish to level you up via levequests. Check the leve master in town to find an appropriate quest.
I just like finding new places to fish, I'm in no rush to level up.
Been finding a lot of luck with south shroud rivers, they give me a lot of HQ princess trout
Well generally the zones relatively generally follow the standard level for battle classes, too. But if you see water you should try casting into it, you never know when you'll find a new fishing hole, and there's like 900 types of fish to catch at this point
>Decide to finally level a DPS job
>Queues are 20+ minutes
How the fuck can you stand this shit?
Do side content while waiting.
your fault for expecting anything else at 6 in the morning on a week day
>want to get the seeing horde spear for sick glam on my DRG
>marketboard jews overprice both it and the nidhogg scale on literally every server
sometimes I envy not being autistic enough to level crafters/gatherers and be rich
haha poorfag
>Titania EX
>Fire BomB
>DRK Dark Passengers
>MCH Tacticians
>doesn't matter because oGCD heals are so fucking strong anyway
I hope there is a place where it actually feel nice to use these skills in E1-4S.
I get like 5 minute queues on primal desu.
>finish rank 3 fates whilst waiting for Queues
Its not all bad, I've still got 3 more to go.
The fuck you talking about, I get like 6-7 minute ques usually. I don't now because it's 3 in the morning on a weekday.
if you can get the mats to famfrit I would craft it for you. scale is a low drop though
that's the thing
I tried doing some nidhogg farm parties but it barely dropped and when it did I always lost the roll
Get a party together and grind Nidhogg EX yourself for the scales. Then gather up the other mats (2 High Mythrite Ingot, 2 Treated Camphorwood Lumber, 1 Eikon Iron Ingot, 5 Demicrystals) and beg a crafter in Ul'dah or the Crystarium to put it together for you.
Keep butting your head against it and you'll get there eventually. Patience
Any guides for skilling up gathering and crafting? I'm sitting at max leves and guess I should start using them.
Welcome to farm parties user, I unironically got my Lakshmi mount through the 99 totem trade ins. It's how it goes, stick with it, we all gotta do it so let's all suffer together.
If it's a long queue I either play triple triad with the Indolent Imperial or I do gathering.
I'm level 54 and It took me 30 minutes to find a Shiva run for my MSQ just now, I just did other shit while queue'd like finish up my 20+ unlock quests.
Got a few questions about BLM
what is the best spell to use sharpcast on
should triplecast be used on cooldown
if thundercloud procs do you instantly blow it
when do you use despair
Cutest job npc. How can other jobs even compete?
Sharpcast goes
Thundercloud>literally anything else and use thundercloud if your current thunder has run its course for 9 seconds or more. Save it until you need to move or for your UI phase of you can help it. If not it is a gain to throw it out before you lose the proc entirely even in AF phase it's just not ideal.
Use triple cast when you know you're gonna have to move soon to avoid losing out on spell casts.
Despair ends your fire phase when you can't cast fire 4 anymore pop despair then swap back to ice. Blizzard 3 is 0 Mana in AF phase thanks to a trait and Blizz 4 is 0 Mana in UI phase so no worry about setting yourself to 0.
Pretty easily, actually
>what is the best spell to use sharpcast on
>should triplecast be used on cooldown
In general no, but if you know you can get away with it and have it up again in case you need it you can pop it for the quicker casts if you like.
>if thundercloud procs do you instantly blow it
ASAP. The Thundercloud proc isn't worth fucking up your currently-going fire rotation or letting your timer fall off but you should use it as soon as you safely can since Thundercloud might proc again at any time, and that's a wasted proc.
>when do you use despair
After casting Fire IV/Fire enough that you don't have enough MP left for another Fire IV, it should always cap off the end of a Fire phase.
Ok, i'll consider you as equal. How can other jobs compete with WHM and DRK?
only when there's a lot of movement
save it when thunder is under 12 seconds
when you can't cast anymore fire iv
or use manafront to get a couple more fire iv
You fucking wot?
this is your eden final boss
Works for me.
>made two character looks I really like
>can't choose between two of them
>seriously considering making an alt just to have both
Send help.
I see, thanks
RDM easily
NIN doesn't have funny cute but has a few Nadeshikos
Flip a coin to pick one, then make the other a retainer.
free damage as much as a regular fire iv
been super lucky with the procs anyways
Just make an alt. Its even easier now since you can cross server to give them stuff if you're on the entry sub and have to make it on a different server. Just because you make a character doesn't mean you need to take them to level cap and run endgame on them.
Unless you do, then you do you.
this is your final savage only final boss
Nah m8, Thundercloud's far more consistent and frequent damage. One free Fire IV vs. free Thunder IIIs at any possible moment.
>titania ex blind run party
>everyone discussing how to handle mechanics after wipe
>that sheer joy when we pass through to the next phase
Why is EX so fun lads?
wow, so this is the true power of parse trannies
>savage version has Griever first
>soken version of MAYBE I'M A LION
Good to get more breathing space to guarantee you get all your fire IVs and despair at the end even if you gotta move.
It's good but thundercloud is a lot more damage.
She shows up for SB MCH stuff, that counts right?
and one more thing about BLM, when do you use freeze over bliz 3
>E2 boss has time mechanics and was clearly mind controlled to attack you
>edens true purpose is time compression
This was supposed to be BLM's expansion.
AoE. Freeze gives you one umbral heart, which is all you need to double-flare. Blizz III sets you up for blizz IV to get three umbral hearts, which you want for a single target rotation.
Blizzard 3 for single-target, Freeze for AoE or if it's an emergency and you need that lower cast-time to salvage your Enochian.
Usual AOE protocol of 3 or more.
I'm retarded, I was looking at 3 but I meant bliz 2 and I understand now
Post which boss it is, I'm almost certain it's something unfriendly to BLM.
Please tell me the SCH didn't raise him. That fight is absolutely solo healable.
>you're now realizing the fact the first and source are so close by in time is because the light power is compressing time
>blizz II
Never. No one knows why it exists.
You can pretty much bin Blizzard II the moment you get Freeze.
What a massive bitch
Feel free to take Blizz 2 and 1 off your hotbar, saves some space.
>spamming Titan
>constant shitters doing 2-3k as DPS
I don't expect them to do orange or purple parses but how do you get to 80 and the appropriate iLvl for Titan and do that much damage? It's baffling given how straight forward rotations are now.
What happened here? Did he rage because they pulled before the countdown finished?
She wants the scaly dick.
how can one man be so dumb as to not notice the prime cunny in heat right next to him
Twinning is a thing crystals do. We're bonded and share a fate.
soo magitec machines are somewhat machines but on the other hand living!?
I had to tell someone how to hit 425 ilvl today because they didn't grab their af gear
Aether btw
hah imagine him using her small body as a cock sleeve
Yes though seems he already was contemplating leaving as he worried about the lockout. There's wanting basic competency and thinking everyone should be a pro static, its generally the shitters that expect everyone else to be pros sadly.
Honestly this was my favorite meme picture to come out of ShB. Emet attacking the Crystal Exarch in the back is not surprising but him using a normal ass fucking gun to do it is.
Joye is cuter.
Only if the have Mammet hearts.
why is this game so anime----
what exactly does BLM's aoe rotation look like at 80? thunder 4 enochian bliz 4 flare ad infinitum manafront flare potion flare bliz 4 repeat? or is it better to freeze flare spam after the opening
this is getting me hard
But user BLM is meta.
>everything vaguely Japanese is anime
t. Dumb weeb
>t. Dumb weeb
have you not played this game
men get woman clothing
Freeze -> Enochian -> Sharpcast + Thunder IV -> Flare -> Thundercloud proc from Sharpcast -> Flare -> Manafont -> Flare -> X-Ether or higher -> Flare -> Freeze, repeat as Sharpcast refreshes and omit Manafont/Ethers unless available
where can I pay for a cute lala to sit in my lap
Based cryomancer
>get Ifrit EX for WT
>He's the only one you can't solo as a DPS
>Tank and healer got left at level 60ish
god damnit
I just want her to die already.
Oh and note that Sharpcast doesn't care if you're using a Thundercloud proc to use Thunder III/Thunder IV, so you can use Sharpcast + Thunder IV again whenever.
fuck you she a cute i wanna fuck her
>enochian after thunder.
She serviced a LOT of garlean soldiers.
imagine her cum filled cunny oh boy
>idling in Eulmore while wearing my dwarf hat
>see a lala also wearing a dwarf hat
>we're staring at each other
>sit down, never break eye-contact
>walks up to me and sits on my lap
They're sluts who do it for free.
Who did it better?
time to lay off the shitposting for a while user
How is that "anime" you fucking retard? Is Fable an anime game too?
no but for real, she's hot and blonde
There's this cute lala called Small Child I keep seeing around, I want to talk to her but I'm autistic
>can't solo as a dps
Do you not have RDM for soloing old shit?
you tell me
How bad is DNC doing 8.1k against Titania EX?
Emet because his people seemed more fun and his world would be nice to live in.
I solod it as a BLM just recently. You gotta break the nails when they first show up or he gets buttfurious.
Manaward might have helped though desu.
Blue you're about 70th percentile if you care.
It's quite good from what I remember.
>lalafell rdm in a secretary-looking glamour sits in lap while waiting for the dungeon to start, usually /sit when waiting in-game or bored
>vercures me if I get knocked by something before healer even has a chance to respond
>/cheer and /dote emotes me after last boss, apparently commended me after the dungeon, i left before she did
>sent me a friend request after
It was true after all, lalafell really are made for roegadyn men.
antispiral did it because his world was at stake. emet's world was already dead long ago. AS did nothing wrong
Is there anybody working on higher resolution world texture mods? At least for trees and grass/foliage.
Don't you just use Fire II twice before double Flaring?
Seems a pointless comparison. They're not the same.
Definitely emet. Despite 75% of the world population being used for food, the remaining 25% still managed to live a happy life even if tempered by zodiark.
Anti spirals just put 99.9999999999% of the world population in stasis while one guy stood on watch of the whole universe.
More damage to keep pumping out Flares
Not with freeze. You need an umbral heart to double-flare, and freeze gives you just one.
image ruined by the fact that the name got censored, pussies
I can clear most of the phases without even taking much damage, but in the last phase where he's invincible he just slaps me with 5 max hp down damage increased and then kills me off before I can kill all the nails
>ancient superpowered being opposes your way of "saving" the world
>he considers you a lower life form
>in the end you beat him and he tells you to remember his legacy
They're not the same but they're pretty damn similar.
>look at everything we had, look at this utopian society of free creation. I can get this back, you monkeys just need to die
>bro bad thing happen if you too strong so no one can beat us because we're all equally willing to stop bad thing
>Ice Mage
You wish they were part of your shit taste. This obviously a patrician Electric Warlock user.
I think what we're looking at here is a scather
He constantly acts like a little bitch when things don't go his way.
>finally meet the only other Lala in my group
>turns out to be an actual asian girl
Well that was surprising.
>constantly bitches when things dont go his way
Honestly that sounds like a good chunk of the FFXIV playerbase. More specifically the Western community. Hard to argue that only parsetrannies do it when even the LCD player does it as well.
>Only Finish, En Avant, step actions, and role actions can be performed while dancing.
christ I was a NINgger for so long I legit thought it's like TCJ where you can't move at all and have to En Avant to dodge shit if anything happens during the dance
Is he constantly paranoid someone is going to parse the run with a shitty opener or something?
I have random people parse my stuff from,the normal raid and dungeons and I don't give a fuck.
I literally have no idea how to do better.
ViolentDestruction of my crotch region.
I'd be interested in this, or better AA because the textures look trash in every cutscene
I'm really happy I spent my first cheevo tickets on this mount
Better weapon, potions, food.
How does Titania and Innocence fair in difficulty compared to some of the past primals?
wew lad
Neither of them really look that much more mechanically difficult than say Susano or Lakshmi but Titania is very easy for some retard to forget to break brambles or fuck up the lightning tether or something.
Reminds me of an FC mate who went batshit yesterday during a dungeon because the healer couldn't keep him. The FC mate seems like the proud type and all, has the ultimate legend title. Checked fflogs a few minutes ago and he literally is a grey parser on uwu. Well, he averages from grey to purple depending on the fight from SB endgame, but still.
Piss easy, not easier then Lakshmi but easier then Susanoo, the four Lord's, ravana, even Seiryu EX is harder. Only difference is in innocence if a retard dies they die, in Titania a retard dies your whole run is fucked unfortunately.
What's worse? Grey parse, or no parse?
easy mechanics, but peoole seem to fail the dos checks for titiana easily
>Lakshmi harder than Susano
Lakshmi was piss easy so long as you knew when to turn on your Vril
The literal only time I saw wipes during it was that last knockback the sneaky cunt does at the very end of the fight
Caring about parses.
IS SHE old enough?
I ain't a dancer so I can't tell ya, keep up to date on food, pots, gear and hammer home that rotation. You can easily hit purple and up to 90 with competency. Just keep at it mate.
>actively parsing self
Grey parse.
>get parsed by other people
Nothing really.
too old even
I said their easier then Susanoo, but NOT easier then Lakshmi. Because yeah Lakshmi EX is a fucking joke.
wait is mch actually in the shed? according to balance trannies it does less damage than blm, sam, drg, has next to no utility compared to brd, dnc and is punished heavily for mistakes?
why does everyone know cid? wasnt he like just some high engineer
>you will never have your own loli half-dragon elf who wants you to mating press her thirsty dragon cunny
He's the highest.
kek i meant high ranking gal whatever engineer, enemy eorzea?
Machinist needs some slight buffs but is mostly fine being the selfish range dps. In super movement heavy fights it should be the best and in low movement it will lose out. Samurai needs help in that area too or drg needs to be nerfed
He defected from the empire.
fish during queues
>Machinist needs some slight buffs
I'm new. Level 15 only. Will there be any reason to ever do dungeons while leveling or is it nothing but MSQ only?
Its only real competition is BRD, as a ranged slot is nearly guaranteed since you want one of each of the 5 roles for the damage bonus. DNC exists solely to pad parses, since it does not really generate enough utility to offset its terrible personal DPS (Which is also where NIN is heading). Therefore, it's between BRD and MCH for that slot. Their numbers are already pretty close, but yeah, its seems like an ever so slight lean towards BRD right now, but that can always change.
I cant wait for WAR buffs
If you skip side quests you'll likely need to do your daily Leveling Roulette to keep up with the MSQ, but other than that not really
No potions, pretty mediocre food and tomestone weap.
Back in classic I guess.
Redpill me on Sharpcast.
if it's going to be the selfish DPS of ranged physical, it needs to compete with BLM and SAM, which it isn't currently
old enough for kisses
There's a 3 level gap at the very end of the ARR MSQ you might need to use more than your daily roulettes for but you should be fine just filling out your challenge log
the MSQ alone takes you through like 40 dungeons
and you'll be either doing dungeon roulettes every day for the massive XP bonus or you'll be grinding them to keep up with the MSQ level requirements down the line
>the amount of people that don't realize arm's length is a mitigation tool now
>the amount of people that don't realize rescuing someone LBing removes the animation lock
Thanks mate. Now the question is what the best/second best food is?
Looks like she fucks black midlanders
Is it me or do Lala players always seem to latch onto a player in game? I've met so many Lalas and they tend to always stick to the same person.
WAR's already the best MT, fuck off.
>help me clear, seen enrage many times
Leader is a BRD doing 7.4-7.6k DPS with no deaths.
If I want to get someone to make something for me, and they agree, do I just give them the materials+shards/crystals/clusters? How do you not get scammed?
In 1.0
He's known across Eorzea because he's the only non-garlean pioneering magitek/ceruleum shit for the alliance to use against them
by leveling a crafter yourself or getting someone from your FC to craft it
Would it not be better for them to make it first then you give them the stuff? That way if you're a shitlard trying to scam them they can keep the item and sell it for profit instead. But then again that assumes they already have the stuff themself.
Sorry bro those mats are going towards the Ala Mhigan resistance
so i shouldve played ff 14 10 years earlier to get the story? fuck this
it's completely useless on dps
Also, is leveling different when you start a new job or do you have to do MSQ all over again?
And is there sort of requirements to unlock certain classes? I wanted to eventually try Samurai and Dancer if i'm still liking the game enough to get the expansions.
All of this is pretty obvious from playing 2.0 though?
Best food is the high quality Expresso cup, dunno the name but you know it when you see it.
I can solo Ifrit just fine as an 80 SAM. Just have to be smart about self heals.
Not really.
All you need to know is Cid is a really fucking smart Garlean engineer who defected, used to work with Nero, and that's about it.
Just started playing a few days ago, got myself up to level 50 and completely forgot about crafting, is it actually useful?
You just play the new job, don't have to do the MSQ again.
For classes from HW you need to be in HW. SB classes you need to have a class at 50, ShB classes you need to have a class at 60
I thought it was but I just wanted to make sure. Fuck I need to level my CUL from 70-80 to make this shit myself.
You only do MSQ once
when you pick up a new job you level it through a combination of hunting log / deep dungeon / FATEs / side quests / roulettes and of course regular dungeons. If it's a healer or a tank, only do regular dungeons as you'll get semi-instant queues
all you need to unlock SAM is to own Stormblood and have a lvl 50 job, and to own Shadowbringers and have a lvl 60 character to unlock Dancer
only the heavensward jobs have completing the ARR MSQ as a requirement
No, 1.0 storyline is completely retold as if you weren't there so it's completely fine to not have played the garbage that was 1.0.
>Arm's Length barrier solely prevents knockback
>"Hey let's not specifiy that it also applies on hit from literally anything else"
Who the fuck writes these tooltips.
You get an exp bonus and can't continue doing the MSQ until you catch up to the same level of the quests you stopped at
The only classes that are locked behind progression are DRK/MCH/AST because the quests for them are in the 3.0 hub which you can't get into until you've done the first 289 MSQ quests. The StB ones (SAM/RDM) and ShB ones (GNB/DNC) just require you to be level 50/60
DRK is best MT, though.
I've commended DPS who've used Arm's Length when pulling aggro from shitty tanks in Dungeons.
Also, forgot to mention, you can change you class whenever you want through gearset switching
>Giving up a 25% HP shield for your MT just for Dark Mind
>When WAR gets Thrill, Raw Intuition and free Clemency
Maybe devs have the slight hope that the playerbase knows english.
The description clearly says it's an additional effect, it has nothing to do with the knockback/draw-in nullifying part of the skill.
>that hildibrand climax with him showing up on the hilltop as the music kicks in
Did people who owned xiv during 1.0 have to buy it again when 2.0 came out?
>get CUL to 55 lvl
>ok, my bars are full of skills and shared skills
>it takes some time to effectively learn crafting but I got a hold of it
>unlock specializations
>another bunch of skills
>they use their own mechanics
How the fuck is this shit so deep? I could write a 2 page guide on how to cook a fucking soup in this game. I love it.
until you fight a boss with knockback and want to maintain uptime
What about it? You're aware that now it's a 25% max HP shield to everyone in your party, not just yourself, right?
post your 5.05 predictions
>What do i expect
C&S 45 sec cooldown
TBN grants free DA on usage
Delirium restores 400mp on bloodspillers
Dark Mind is back to 30%
>What will probably happen
TBN duration: 10s
Bloodspiller potency 620
Soul Eater potency 420
How the fuck is Innocence a "forgettable" fight? Shit has all the right ingredients; the aesthetics, the boss design, the music, the unique mechanics, the (JP) voice acting echoing, the story, etc. It's almost perfect.
>what I expect
literally fucking nothing because it's perfect
>what will probably happen
potency buffs
who cares about everyone else in your party? They shouldn't need shields in optimal play.
we need more khloe in this thread
>Monk has been removed from the game.
>Gunbreaker is now a DPS role.
Mechanics are braindead.
>just dodge some AOEs I guess whatever
It's an intro-to-raiding fight which would be fine if it wasn't at fucking 79/80
Probably people misreading it as applying a movement speed slow.
>Hated pvp so much that I didn't even wanted to farm the mounts
>Do the roulette because I wanted some glamours
>BLM actually made it fun
I guess I might farm that shit now
Are you a tank per chance?
aesthetically and musically it's neat, but mechanically it's almost insultingly simple
only thing that needs removing at this point is bard and summoner. Both jobs incredibly outclassed by machinist and black mage/red mage easily
Everyone else in your party also applies to the MT, you dungeon only faggot. TBN in SB was the strongest when cast on yourself, which is why DRK was a good MT, but now it's strong regardless. Hell if your WAR or PLD has more HP than you they'll make better use of it.
AST over compensation that will make it good but will still be clunky and no one will wanna play it.
>not mikitten cunny
how do i do this shit in game
>need to move the boss for a mechanic
>gnashing fang combo and blasting zone are coming up
>have to stay locked by the boss
BRD brings more support than MCH, and SMN brings more damage than RDM while still providing decent support.
>say fuck it and decide to try WHM again
>level them up from 70 to 80 and try dungeons, trials and eden
>incredibly easy to heal with numerous options for any situation
>DPS is through the fucking roof
>blood lily is amazing
>queues are still lightning fast
>literally get nearly every commend
Why are healers being whiny little crybaby's again, what the fuck? WHM is fucking amazing.
Why didn't the Ascians just summon Hydeleyn in the first place? Are they retarded?
Type something and press tab.
hit enter then tab
type a couple of letters and then press tab and it'll show you any phrases that start with those letters
it's just the scholar trannies whining they're not on top anymore
Because people want to play chad jobs like SCH and not a sissy WHM
Press tab and figure out where the shit you want to spam is
Because they're not playing WHM you fucking retard, way to miss the point
because not every healer is WHM
at least it's not fucking Lakshmi
>got me in trial roulette? enjoy not having your lv70 skill cunt
>5.0 SCH
oh no no no no ahahahaha
Because Hydaelyn is a bad guy.
Half expecting assize to go back to 300 potency if yoship listens to the people calling nerfs. Maybe AM nerfed to 750 potency too.
Not too worried since WHM dps comes mostly from glare+dia, so even if they nerf those WHM is still way above the other 2.
JP OF wise, people seem to really want ogcd afflatus skills so wouldn't be surprised if they made solace/rapture ogcds and nerfed afflatus since it would be a straight out dps gain. And something on fluid aura, people keep complaining fluid aura should do something useful.
>Get off Continuation and use a Lighting Shot before resuming your combo
GNB players are fucking braindamaged.
>he needs to cast heals
Scholar has enough healing on ogcd to do any content right now without casting a single heal
>They shouldn't need shields in optimal play
>SCH and AST trannies whine and whine and whine
>Yosh-p caves in and hits WHM with massive nerfs making them shit again instead of the really good place they're in right now
I can see it coming. Fuck off you trannies and leave us alone.
Is this game fun?
I got a new job that gives me a lot of time. The kind of time that allows for MMO's. I used to play WoW, but I only really played it for PVP. World and Battlegrounds and did Arena only really for getting the best gear.
After that I played Guild Wars 2, but the arena PVP in that is ass. World vs World was great, but it died just as fast as that game.
Shitter that doesn't does anything besides roulettes detected
god I love PLD this expansion
more like I don't play shitty jobs like WAR
>dude the earth is literally screaming at us
>let's make something to fix it
>dude that thing is literally mind controlling us
>let's make something to stop it somehow
>but dude it's the entire planet
>not after we're done it won't be
Are you? Hydaelyn wasn't made to resolve the issue of rampant creation magic
Whistle is worthless garbage I'm afraid. The initial preparations shit is where specialisation gets broken.
Less time spent healing after an unavoidable raidwide AoE means more DPS you fucking idiot
Lightning Shot breaks both combos, idiot.
if you want PvP, XIV is the absolute last game you want to play
I fucking love reading the SCH complaints on OF, you keep seeing shit like
>miasma II is better than art of war despite miasma II being 125 pot while AoW is 150
>AoW feels bad to use
>WHM lilies are better than SCH aetherflow despite WHM getting 1/30s while SCH gets 3/60s
>lots and lots of salt towards WHM
>aetherflow > excog > pull feels so much worse than pull > aetherflow > excog
>muh ED
Neither do I but that doesn't excuse not being able to read and compare tooltips you dumb fucking nigger.
The PVP in this game is a complete meme
No you don't. Who Cid is in 2.0 is made clear in about one line.
Zodiark did the job just fine, Hydaelyn was only summoned to keep him in check and bring balance to the force. His followers were sacrificing too much to him so you and some others decided 'enough is enough.' Neither are necessarily good or evil (which is a major theme of the expansion: light isn't always good and dark isn't always evil).
>Doesn't know how continuation works
>Calls somebody else an idiot
Oh no
i hope eden is ff8+9 like how omega was ff5+6
lilies are better than aetherflow, because Lily skills feed the Blood Lily, while Aetherflow skills just make your healing better.
I want to ____ and ____ and also ____ these kittens!
Oh, my mistake.
You can pretty much use any weaponskill during Gnashing or Brutal combos and they won't break.
I had a feeling. I just got a lot of time now and am bored out of my mind. I used MMO's for that in the past, but most these days look like shit.
The alternative was BDO, but apparently that's pay to win.
We got Ozma already, only thing they can do is somehow put Necron in there
ESO is an option if you're looking for PvP.
What's so bad about the PVP?
plenty to choose here that would be a neat fit like soulcage, ark, or hades
VA pretty much solidified Void shit as being FFIX flavored, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a surprise or two especially considering Cruise Chaser was literally Ark as well
Play classic
>spent the last 30 minutes in queue to do susano
Why the fuck is this taking so long. I literally can't continue the game until this bitch is dead.
Theres the Guardian bosses you fight in 9, the Lifa Tree boss as well etc.
ESO pvp is good? What? Seriously? That's a surprise if it's true.
On the other side, I do love me some world PVP. It's why I was so obsessed with WoW and Dark Souls invading.
i want squall to appear
Capture the flag variants and kill the healer are the only modes anyone actually plays
AST gets buffed to be good, but still isn't fun
SCH gets energy drain back, that's it
MNK gets nerfed with nothing to compensate
NIN stays the same low dps for the most work
DNC gets esprit gain normalized because synergy between classes is too fun. They're still the lowest dps.
RDM gets embolden's cd reduced by 10s so it lines up with manafication again please. Reprisal remains untouched and shit.
I doubt they'd do another Hades since we just got one, Cruise Chaser was essentially Ark, but there's still some good options there
If you start the queue and level you crafter while waiting, it's not that bad.
>or Hades
He wanted you to remember him...
I saw a lalafell procession of ghosts earlier tonight. And they surrounded and haunted someone too. It was cute.
Makes me wonder what 6.0 will be. Everyone, myself included, expects FF7 when we get to Garlemald so maybe FF7 and FF13 for the sci-fi angle? Or if 7.0 is garlemald and 6.0 is South Ilsabard and Western Othard then FF12 and more ivalice?
there's 15 million of them running around right now
>because Lily skills feed the Blood Lily
Afflatus solace/rapture * 3 1 per 30 seconds > afflatus misery
4 gcds for 900 potency at 225 per gcd
Indom * 3, 1 per 30seconds > nothing
4 broil IIIs used for 280 potency since indom can be weaved inbetween broils
4 gcds for 1120 potency at 280 per gcd
Aetherflow is stronger because aetherflow skills are on ogcd. Unless they buff afflatus misery to 1200 potency, SCH can weave more healing and more dps compared to WHM when it comes to the skills in their job gauge.
I considered it. But I've done that already. It's likely do the same thing I already did. Feral Druid heavily spec'd into Resto and spend all my time shitting on Rogues who think they're top shit
everyone's way past Stormblood by now
also it's the middle of the night in America
You'll get Nomura's oc as a personification of the Rinoa theory and like it
Garlemand will probably have major FF2 vibes by the time we get to it since the entire country has gone to hell twice thanks to the Populares letting the Ascian out of the bag
Shouldn't roullette make it go fairly fast though?
>middle of the night
it's almost 5:30 am
>Nomura's oc as a personification of the Rinoa theory
hey user are you still on? I have the mats but I don't got anyone to craft it for me
America is big and no one sane is playing FFXIV at 5:30 in the morning
>Populares support the ascians
That's a pretty clever strategy, and a good way to introduce a complexity into the invasion of Garlemald. Have the royalists (IE Zenos, and perhaps even Gaius again) be anti-Ascian and the populares be pro-Ascian. Or backed by the Ascians.
I just want an epic two part Anima fight with the two different heads/parts.
if i wasnt trying to fix my sleep schedule i would be
A common theory regarding Ultimecia that she was Rinoa from a bad future
Gaia is possessing herself from an uncompressed point of time across the Rift
Am I going fucking crazy or did ten chi jin's text say 'double potency' before 5.01?
Not that user, but if you're on crystal I can craft it for you
Gaius is almost guaranteed to become Emperor, if he doesn't outright restructure Garlemald into a non-empire. Zenos will just fuck off to go be autistic somewhere with warning to not let the war with the Alliance (if it even continues now that Varis is gone) interfere with his hunt.
Actual value For SCH goes down because they don't have a lot of instant spell to weave ogcds in.
The potency value of misery goes up the moment it hits more than one target.
I'm sorry user I'm on primal the not-degenerate data center
okay LEAST degenerate
BLM is a pretty skill-variant job. Look at 95% instead.
It did throughout stormblood too. That's its thing.
It's a side mini-game that rarely gets much attention. How FF14 works as a game means it's not really made for pvp, though I'd say it runs and plays fine, one plus is they give PvE and PvP separate abilities so they can balance them separately.. You aren't even allowed direct communication in the WoW arena-like "Feast" mode, you have to use pre-selected chat commands to communicate with teammates because muh toxicity. The latter is the absolute one thing I would shit on FF14 for, it's pathetic.
fire 2 is hot garbage
>Actual value For SCH goes down because they don't have a lot of instant spell to weave ogcds in.
What SCH has the largest amount of ogcd skills right now? SCH can easily do [broil III > indom] in a single gcd.
>The potency value of misery goes up the moment it hits more than one target.
Which is not a factor for savage.
Rip. If you put up a PF looking for a crafter you'll usually get one. Or shout in a populated city.
Considering that the amphibious Talos in the lvl 77 dungeon is a direct reference to Gurren Lagann, the ending being similar is not that strange.
It's 150% buff now. I only just noticed and I feel like I just shifted dimensions because I remember reading double potency before 5.01.
Is flaring from umbral ice really better than using f3 for 2x astral flares?
it's slightly more than a GCD because of Broil's cast time.
Obviously, I'm ignoring clipping here. But even with clipping SCH gets more potency out with 4 broils and 3 indoms than WHM gets out with 3 afflatus rapture and 1 afflatus misery in both healing and dps.
the greater number of Flares overall overcomes the increased damage of the first Flare.
Why are there always 80% of these threads about meta and how to do shit absolutely perfectly?
I understand appreciating efficiency but this genuinely scare me seeing how fucking easy this game generally is and mostly fuck you over with bullshit one-shot mechanics or dance-dance revolution patterns.
I mostly meant that the Populares were the ones spreading the Zenos=Elidibus "rumor" around, any foray into Garlemand after the real Zenos takes over with Varis murdered is going to involve the civilians being flabbergasted.
Gaius is going to be third wheel problem entirely since you have
Fight autism Zenos who is probably going to take a weird Thordanish angle where he furthers Ascian ploys just so he can absorb more primals himself
Neoliberal "bring our troops home" Populares
And then you have muh conquest muh humanity Gaius who is inevitably going to be that character you have a depowered fist fight with after everything else has been said and done
The other angle I really want to see is Garlean citizens themselves being horrified and powerless before basic magic and "savage" "beastly" Eorzeans, since ceruleum probably doesn't go beyond household applications outside of the military
Which one is easier to play, BRD or MCH?
>Why are 80% of these threads talking about the gameplay?
I'll take the compliment user.
If you know how to count to 5 while pushing an extra button between each one you can play machinist
I'm with this guy. There's not nearly enough lalas in this thread.
is their a place to get mmls or txt files that work with bards perform? I have a program that auto plays them but I cant find shit because everything is formatted weirdly so it comes out bad
if not how would I properly edit ones to make them work?
>Obviously, I'm ignoring clipping here.
You probably shouldn't, theorizing in a vacuum always leads to skewed results.
At least read the entire reply before trying to weasle your way out of something by pretending to be stupid.
>Lv68 FSH quest I never finished
>"Catch this with spearfishing"
>After 15 minutes nothing
>You have to catch 10 of a different fish using the large gig and then a new node will appear with the fish you need
What the fuck. What the absolute fuck, how the fuck is anyone supposed to figure this out?
Improving at videogames is fun, what are you, autistic?
Don't pretend 1 extra second on clipping makes 1120 potency worse than 900.
I'll be honest, I don't give half a shit about what you're asking but I'm interesting in getting the full picture, reverse search isn't giving me shit.
trial and error plus information sharing among your fellow fishermen.
t. Has never crafted
Whistle is hilariously broken with ingenuity II, they closed the infinite CP loophole in ShB.
You're the one tearing your hair out for dishing out 1% more damages and you have the gals to call other autistics?
Actually nevermind I'm full fucking retard, I didn't see the sauce was right in the fucking crop.
Fuck me.
I wouldn't call posting on Yea Forums while doing dungeons as "tearing my hair out", unlike you trying to comprehend people having conversations you don't like.
Search for perform macro and there is a leddit with a bunch of working midis. I'm too chickenshit to use the player even if it would prob just get a few days suspension.
>I wouldn't call posting on Yea Forums while doing dungeons as "tearing my hair out",
That's fair, I was pushing it.
>unlike you trying to comprehend people having conversations you don't like.
Don't put words in my mouth, I never said I don't like it, I'm merely trying to understand.
So they stealth nerfed the second worst PDPS? Nice.
There should never be a reason to stack Thrill, Vengeance, and Raw just for padding Shake It Off's absorb bonus, right?
>elf twins incest
kill yourself
People often don't specialize in multiple jobs, or suddenly take interest in a job they have surface level knowledge on, and the information to maximize your performance is so fucking unreliable or clique so people prefer to ask it here instead of joining gay Discord servers just to ask a question about when to do "x" when playing "y" job.
Not all the time, but always consider it when doing savage prog as every bit helps.
In addition, try using shake it off at the end of a cooldown you used to mitigate something else for a bit of extra shields if you know it won't be needed until it's off cooldown again.
This is a good one.
>buttmad sch goes to google translate, writes a complaint about the new sch saying it's not a FF job
>gets told to fuck off to the NA board by nips
I have been a Tank and/or Healer for so long, loving DRG bros. It will be my 3rd 80, then might do BLM next.
I've been playing for months in crowded cities. no one gives a fuck. stick to SE songs if your scared. (shit load of them and theyre good)
Rough calculation using my recast time, 2.43.
Misery over 4 gcd leads to 92 pot/sec.
4 broils, no clip leads to 115 pot/sec.
4 broils+1 second of clipping leads to 104 pot/sec.
Is this really worst whining over?
Yes, can SCHs now stop bitching that lilies are better than aetherflow? Thank you.
Can't actually collect all the glamour and unique model gear in this game because inventory issues.
I just want a glamour log version of the fishing log.
Fuck off if you're just going to reply "you won't even wear half of it." that's not the point, it's like the culling of pokemon.
Areas with enemies appropriate to your level will almost without exception have fish appropriate to your level.
Just finish the crafting logs?
Handled well, IE not split focus, and they can depict a lot of post-war issues with Garlemald the way they should have in Ala Mhigo or in Doma beyond isolating it to a single whipping girl (Fordola and Yotsuyu). Ilsabardi and Eorzeans wanting revenge on the Garleans and bitter-ender loyalists.
I wonder whether Zenos will fuck off because of his autism or decide to use the empire to further his hunt. I guess I can see fuck off because he would be able to be a free agent who just goes around hunting primals and leveling up and gearing up his ilvl. Literally That would be the big reveal result of the cliffhanger of Gaius charging at Zenos - he blocks him and goes "The Empire is yours. Do not threaten the Warrior of Light with any mischievous weapons or I will kill you"
But that, short of a civil war among the Garleans with individual Legions aligning with gaius or with loyalists (who are actually Ascian patsies) would take out the big threat in the source.
Yeah I love eternal wind. I tried doing a lodoss war midi but it didn't work when I did mess with it. I wish they'd give you a mobile orchestrion because that'd be fine with me too.
You technically already failed because some stuff with unique models can't be acquired anymore.
It's only easy when everyone else is trying to do shit perfectly. I've wiped multiple times on Titania normal because people are too shit to pass the dps check.
Based chivalrous user wanting to feed, clothe and shelter the orphans.
Remember to keep doing turn-ins for Zhloe.
>I love dpsing that enemy so I picked a healer
i've accidentally become a DNC main and feel like a real homo right now
Fanta into a female character.
How do you accidentally become gay?
Find a healslut of any variety to queue with you.
is monk good?
not really
>Spend hours on Botany to only go up a few levels
Please tell me this is worth the struggle when I hit 80
>Whistle is worthless garbage I'm afraid
What kind of shitter nonsense is this?
Whistle is the only thing that lets you craft cap level gear whilst wearing level fucking 1 gear
ask again after [six-sided star cooldown] seconds
I love Lamia players
I'm an ok tank so it was fine
The twincest doujin comes out on the 26th, user
Wait no shit?? Show me a screenshot i cant get on
top of the parse leaderboard right now.
But fuck that anatman opening.
He's right, we need to go back to Scholar's roots.
All the way back, the only spells they get are Scan and Peep.
I'm just a lowly dps sitting here doing ARR beast tribe quests in my 30 minute for Titan (Hard) queue so I can move on with the MSQ.
>Hit Heavensward
>The entire voice-cast is changed out of nowhere
This shit triggers my autism to the maximum degree.
When you're trying to level up your other jobs quickly, this can happen. I won't grind for an entire Gimlyht dark set for my WHM just so I can keep your ass alive.
I wish sch was called orator and had speech spells
didn't like half the cast die ?
ayy 'ave you got dat loisence to play hea'ens'ard innit
One person died.
And that can't be the reason because her voice actor wasn't actually changed until Stormblood
The entire voice cast pre-Heavensward was dumpster tier.
Why is that? Is it because every sch seems to have the innate ability to whine?
If you're leveling healers you have the fucking poetics for scaevan shit from roulettes and shouldn't even be touching 50/60/70 dungeons outside of them to begin with because they give less exp than vale/google/albany
my level 80 DNC does about the same damage on a dummy as my level 70 RDM
your job is to pad that blm
>Started just before the expac hit
>Playing thought MSQ as Summoner
>Wanted to pick up Astrologian and main that once I hit the first expac, thought it looked really fun from the videos I watched prior to starting
>Apparently Astrologian is utter unplayable garbage shit now and the only good healer is White Mage
How long does it take to get beast tribe mounts given I do the dailies every day? I'm a sucker for mount collecting and I got 6 of them so far at level 54.
Might have to do with that "support" part
There's a major rebalance patch in 2 weeks. AST started like shit back on HW and in 3.4 it was outclassing WHM completely.
I had a Scholar in Akademia who was in level 79 gear. That was a trial of patience.
Normally the only time I have to Superbolide for the first pack is if we have a Cardnigger healing.
He means that SCH has to clip shit out of the ass if they want to use their oGCDs.
WHM can just Afflatus to create windows on demand
And yet SCH still wins according to
how exactly do you do 5k dps in malikah as a smn with an i430 weapon?
spamming ruin i guess
will NIN get buffed?
I fucking hope not, tired of that job being uncontested for years,
Sure, buff TA, I need more dps on my BLM.
NIN is forever cursed and blessed in equal measure by the meme that is Trick Attack.
Crafting gear for Personal use is not worth it right? I can do with drops and gear bought with special currency? Also do i really have to dump millions of gil to even start? I really want to make some high level food then sell it at 1 gil to dab on Market jews
Alisaie is doing a fine job stretching out Alphinaud for the WoL.
i hate low ping chads
>Players have to be master pianists to play the job at a top level
>The only reason anyone takes them is Trick Attack boosts everyones' DPS
Now they get to be the ones to say "I play it because I think it's fun".
They lost the free 1.2x damage they had with barely any potency gains in return, unless they want to chuck another 50 potency on all their weaponskills they ought to just make Huton into GL
>red mage gets double dance partnered and me, the SAM, gets nothing
this hurts really bad.
3 ogcd clips is about equal to losing a GCD. I'd say it evens out.
The benefit for WHM (And what that user is missing) is that you also can throw out other oGCDs while doing Afflatus such as tetra bene or assize, SCH does not have that luxury.
Essentially they're having about the same potency except whm can throw out more GCDs (and it doesn't feel like shit because you aren't clipping shit)
you deal enough damage. It's the RDM's turn!
RDM needs all the crutches they can get as SAM deals good enough damage already
If they made trick attack 10% for the ninja and 2% for everyone else could they buff NIN pdps to MNK level
Do mind that "meta list" are usually grossly overrated, the game is usually fairly balanced, however it is true that as of right now AST is kinda shit.
Newbie here, can you actually make useful stuff crafting and is it worth investing time into?
BLM is the only job that has only ever got better with each expansion
AST is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. You just have to be comfortable hitting every ability you have.
had something like this happen to me yesterday
a summoner joined the 71 dungeon and he had 21k hp
was wearing like i260 gear and had on i49 rings
the leveling dungeons need a baseline of atlest 340 or something jesus christ
No just buy it lmao fucking poorfags
I ordered the Dominoes deal for shadowbringers, got my pizza and it was pretty good, when do i get my expansion promotion codes? Its been a little over 24 hours now and I'm getting nervous. Does the payment have to process completely first?
You can make mad fucking money and some handy stuff depending on which you take.
It's kind of a chore though, imo.
yes but no
Crafting is a gigantic time and money sink for people who enjoy it and want to be self sufficient. This might change in 5.1 when they add ranked crafting.
It was in the pizza...
Just do the daily GC turn ins and do cheap levequests if you're in no rush
>good holes
Your mom.
>dumbass sells for 1 gil
>buy and relist it for pretty much 100% profit
Congrats, you played yourself. As for crafting your own gear, I find it extremely nice to be able to gear up a class to decent levels after just an hour or two of gathering mats and crafting. Crafted gear is also pretty good at the beginning of a raid tier since it lets you get around tomestone lockouts.
As for the cost of leveling crafters, it's either going to be a huge drain on your wallet or your time (and sanity). It gets better with each expansion, but 1-50 alone is enough to make even autistic people cry for the sweet release of death.
>be BLM
>4 dancers in alliance raid
>they partner each other instead of me
Can someone explain why Xenoglossy's cast time is instant compared to Foul?
haha i hope I didn't. They guy at the counter didn
't know wtf it was but when I explained the deal he was really keen on it, it's honestly a steal.
They will email it, right? Right? fuck man im so anxious square enix fucks shit up like this all the time
I have never seen a good SAM. I'm beginning to think all the SAM parses are doctored, because most don't outdps the tanks. I sometimes see a good RDM, though.
Because it does less potency vs foul on 2 or more enemies.
user no the code legit was in the pizza.
You dun fucked it up
Okay so what crafting classes make the most bank?
Usually cooking and cloth/armor for slutwhales.
just eat some more pizza
we made it
Seriously, the code was spelled out in the toppings
Anything but CUL
What's a slutwhale
People willing to spend a retarded amount of money for shit to wear.
Every class makes bank. Just depends on what is needed most at the moment.
Like in 2 weeks. Every class will be making bank because the new crafted gears are coming + masterbooks. ALC will make bank because of pots. CUL because of food. ALC/CUL is a good combo for this.
CUL and ALC when a new savage/ultimate raid comes out. The best for glamour changes with whatever fotm shit they release, but usually WVR.
Joke's on you, though. You need to level all of them to at least 50 if you want to do endgame crafting easily.
Why is there tessellation on static cloth?
It's not like there is anywhere else to spend it
it's weird that "Foul" implies it's you just telling the mob to fuck off
Jokes on you, I have nothing better to do
>Pick up blacksmith to hammer some weapons into shape
>lolno faggot you're gonna listen to SQUEEKYSQUEEK SQUEEK and FILE those weapons into shape
Who gave the green light on this shit
Just use the Brionac. It's leagues better looking.
You don't sharpen a weapon by hammering it
Come post your HUD setup, user.
Use a controller
And if they know what's good for them, they'll listen.
This is true. The only reason people make money is for glamour.
you mean broil?
I want to pet a cat.
It does make your life easier when you need something and don't want to farm for it.
>Leveling Mach
>someone thanked me and offered me tips
Why is everyone in this game so nice?
nah because it's like foul language. some other BLM abilities are language based like Enochian and Xenoglossy
It is though, this is 95th percentile on EX Primals
>Why is everyone in this game so nice?
Not me. I sit at crafting guildmasters to watch the new catgirls and bunnygirls get stripped naked and craft in the altogether.
you sound like a friend to me.
>BN, flood and edge will now costs 2400 MP to cast.
>Delirium changed to instantly regain 2400 MP, have next bloodspiller or quietus cost zero blood gauge, deal 300% damage, and be a guaranteed direct crit.
>Bloodweapon brings back haste for next 5 GCDs instead of being set to given duration.
>Stalwart soul pot buffed to 180
>Quietus pot buffed to 250
>C&S pot buffed to 3x200
>Dark mind changed back to 30%
>Salted earth removed, replaced with oGCD scourge.
>Rampart replaced with shadowskin
nope, only sonic break and burst strike don't break combos, and any other GCD breaks GF combo
it might have been on your receipt or they ran out of codes if they ran out of codes they dont have to send you another
>When you're above 50 on each mana and manafication is up
Also do I pop Embolden before last hit of my melee combo or just whenever if more melee?
>Not over flowing the market to make price jews low price
if you're weaving between heats you're a fucking retard
Rough divide also works, doesn't it?
You have to weave between heats. If your ping isn't good enough to get 5 heats off while also getting all the ogcds then don't play the class.
MCH is awfully designed right now.
new episodes never ever
>tfw watching shadowbringers reaction videos completely unironically
I don't know how it came to this. Watching people get excited about the MSQ is kinda nice. I can even appreciate that green ugly fuck tate with his fanboying over Eden.
>this is what a the balance discord member actually thinks
They need to add estimated damage numbers to the skill tooltip
Potency alone isn't really gonna tell me how much I'm going to get out of a af3 fire iv or aoe skills with reduced damage per enemy especially jobs with both spells and weaponskills
It is a great mount for how simple it is to get
>Playing FF14
>Friend; "Hi user come join my fc"
>Me: Ok
>They all orbit this one "Girl" tank
God dammit it
I was playing the pan flute, trying to get Parting ways under my belt. Was practicing it first by the FC yard, transliterated the chords to key buttons and got the sense of the rhythm down. Went and stood outside in Ul'dah and started to play and a Viera walked up and asked what it was since it sounded so beautiful.
I'm still struggling, and it doesn't sound right on a certain section but that was really sweet. I'm seeing some people stop by and stand around for a few practice runs of it then they leave.
I would gladly use the macro for bards but I am too chickenshit. I know the user said it's safe but I'd be pissed if I got my account terminated - even though it'd prob just be a few days suspension. And it's definitely fun and challenging to try and learn how to play the instruments myself since I have no damn musical experience.
The whole point is to make it simple for morons.
Hell even most raiders don't really care exactly how much damage they're doing per attack, just how much overall DPS they're doing and such. Leave the min maxing to the five people who care
This is a comedically retarded exaggeration
You can delay a weave or two until after the 5th Blast as long as you're not wasting the CD reduction without any loss; you can even still cram it in to the shitty TA window
Just start your burst window at zero charges for both
rough divide is ogcd
"She" better wear full plate. Nothing gets my dick up like a girl in full plate.
i want to impregnate a cat and make lots of miqittens
>start playing game in late Heavensward
>beginning of screenshots folder has several images of my catgirl in Brand-New Robe running up a slope with the lowest possible camera angle
It's not even that I was looking for fap material or anything, I just thought it was amusing how easy it is to get shots like that despite the limits put on the camera
That's why I play alone.
I would join a Yea Forums FC though, but there aren't any on Louisoix
>I would join a Yea Forums FC though
Have you ever played a game with Yea Forums?
>play dps class
>causal stroll through the content, do my rotation and just take it east
>play tank
>constant anxiety over my performance and worry of not remembering the mechanics of literally ever piece of content in the game
How do people deal with this?
right here *spreads asshole*
>Yea Forums fc
very cute on odin
are there any on mateus
please help i've been stuck in the same newbie trap fc since fucking late heavensward
A Tank is just melee dps with no positionals.
>not knowing every mechanics of the game
Tanks have to remember as much as DPS, sometimes less.
At the endgame is boils down to face the boss away from the party and maybe, MAYBE provoke/shirk to swap with the other tank in certain fights.
You can even tell when you want to do this because the attack will sound big and awful and apply some kind of debuff afterwards.
It's not that weird
You know how bad a shit tank can be the group so you don't want to waste everyone elses time
It goes away as you learn basic tanking more and get more comfortable. Just remember, start with single or double pull to gauge the healer then work for there and pop cooldowns when necessary.
Is there literally any reason to use sharpcast for scathe on black mage?
>CUL and Marauder guilds get their own aetherytes despite being 10 steps away
>ARM and BSM don't and have to run down from the aftcastle.
>I'm going to delay my actual good oGCDs just so I can dump Guass and Ricochet to 0/1 cause I can't be bothered to weave them between heat blast
You ain't going to make it.
sch could a use a good damage spell thats pends fairymeter
also M2 braaaaaps were more fun than AoW even if they weren't better
not a sch main btw
>level SCH on my SMN character to get MSQ finder queues instantly
best decision I ever made
>since fucking late heavensward
Tell your FC it's time to progress
SCH is strong, but it just isn't fun to play. AoW in big pulls feels like a silent fart going off in a crowded room, aetherflow in general is just very stiff and the only way you have to spend an extra charge is to heal someone so you can get all 3 stacks back without waste.
It feels less about the shielding now than before as well, but I play SCH on the side when I'm bored and need waking up, so I'm no authority on the job.
Just take it slow. Watch what the tank does usually when your a dps. Go queue up low level dungeons. I had the same fear you did until I saw piss poor tanks and thought to my self " Holy shit I can do better than them, I might as well tank. I can't be worst."
>How do people deal with this?
By not caring that much.
I had a friend who plays tank. He went in T10 knowing jack shit. He only asked his friend who was a healer (who already knew the fight) to tell him the mechanics while he was tanking. He cleared it in his first try.
Problem with you guys is you overthink everything and care too much what other people think. Just fucking play.
Your friend is a """PRO""" gamer
Nah. He hates raids. He stopped after clearing Bahamut because groups are full of drama.
>tank in leveling roulette
>1-49 dungeon
>gather up as many mobs as I feel is reasonable and tank them
>healer runs off to gather some more
Am I in the wrong for thinking that neither of us have the tools to do a wall to wall run in these? We're all missing more than half our toolkits at such low levels, and technically low level dungeons don't even really have any walls like post 50 ones do.
are they ever going to get rid of this crafter specialty shit, it's never been relevant
Please SE, bring back Quinfort, his harem and his boring friend.
Have a primal about the Ronka's mythology so we can have these idiots around.
tanking lower levels feels the easiest it has ever been in SHB, something about the change in general potency for everything.
Always seemed more like it was Summoner that got tacked on, and then they had to decide between making the base Arcanist class dps or healer and chose the former
That forum fucker is not wrong in saying that Scholars should have access to both supportive and destructive magic in equal measure
They also give you tank stance right off the bat right? That would help tremendously when it comes to the fucking red mages blowing their load everywhere at that level.
There's no reason to use Scathe, period.
Mobs in 1-49 generally just auto attack with the occasional aoe, I think only the bees in Qarn have some sort of tankbuster and even those are avoidable, by either killing them before they finish the cast or stunning it.
why don't they just make it oGCD
>have to weave a scathe between every fire IV
I already hate this idea.
Someone suggested the equivalent of the fchinese cardinal direction gods will be the Ronkan mythological animals.
>have to
>Triplecast now has 600-1100 potency and its original effect
I would if my IP range didn't have an image posting ban again for some reason
I'm not buying your pass gookmoot
shiva's gonna be some sad shit
still amazed at how good controller support is, fuck
Played smash till they started a tier list of players and discord faggots circle jerking.
Why wouldn't you?
How will E4-8 and E-9-12 be like? Will we get the 4 other elemental primals right away, or will we split them 2 and 2 to keep the current pattern?