Ok serious question. I know everyone memes about how smashers need to take a shower

Ok serious question. I know everyone memes about how smashers need to take a shower.

But anyone here actually been there? Can you confirm if there is any truth? Or is it just more clickbait being made up?

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there are people who say they stay stinky tactically to distract their opponent but i just think that's a cope for their laziness and lack of true purpose

its semi true at a local but its more or less them being sweaty

>do a bunch of fat autistic manchild incels smell like shit?
Good question user but impossible to know

Fucking meming retards and this faggot thread

Every single esports is full of smelly faggots, Smash bros has always been hated by fighting game fags that try and project all the pathetic aspects of esports on Smash, when they are all the same

The only local tournament I've ever been to did stink. However, I'm not sure how much of that can be attributed to the players and how much to the "venue".

i wasn't memeing i've seen people on this very board (and outside of it) say they do it "tactically"
if they're being unironic then it just means they're a petty tryhard, but if they're just shitposting then its kinda funny i guess

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They're the same breed of hambeast that also play shit like Yugioh or Magic. Doesn't help that locals are held in the same areas. So whatever venue "den" those hambeasts choose, it'll just be filled with the wafting smell of several hundered pound hambeasts.

Wtf that's fucking filthy God damn animals

that's just the power of autism and dedicating your life's purpose into being good at a vidya gaem

every nerd gathering has odor issues. Smash is just low hanging fruit because they're obnoxious as shit so everybody takes shots at them

I have been to a small tournament with about 20 people at the venue and can confirm the entire room stank (it was a smallish room, I'll admit). It convinced me to never play the game competitively. I can only imagine what a crowd of 100+ must smell like.

When a lot of people gather in a room, body heat makes you sweat and air conditioning blows the sweat smell around. You can shower before going and you’ll sweat within 10 minutes, it’s not something anyone can control.

How about you scrub yourself with some soap and wear deodorant as well you stinky smash fuck.

Neckbeards just smell no matter where they go. A friend and I went to check out a boardgame gathering and walked right the fuck back out.

>Wearing clean clothes
>Brushing your teeth

NYC subways don't smell of body odor despite lt being packed like crazy. Sitting in a room pressing buttons shouldn't make you sweat.

you're nose blind, i can smell the niggers in the subway before going down the stairs.

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Sweat doesn't actually have an odour user. What you're smelling is actually the bacteria mixing in with the sweat.

yes. it's absolutely fucking true. WE used to run events near a smash tourney (Half of the room was Smash, other half FGC) and my god once you went to the other side of the room you were hit with nothing but hot piss smell and bo. fucking disgusting faggots.

There's an physically attractive muscular top 50 European melee player who supposedly smells bad. I always thought that was strange. Not gonna say his name here though.

This is the summation of any experience I’ve had with this shit in life
>think about going to conference for fun
>Lobby itself reeks and we back out after being unable to tolerate the air in line for tickets.

>go to game shop to possibly trade in some old collectibles
>smells rank despite the door being propped open
>two fatties (likely not even employees) sitting at a table sifting through and organizing a literal mountain of unorganized magic cards
>actual shop owner is styled like he’s on Jersey Shore
I just made up some excuse to only be there a minute. The list goes on

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no fuck you
tournaments are faught with anything that gives you an advantage

Generally no, but all it takes it one smelly guy to show up and it ruins everything because it gets very hot and the smell begins to radiate.

I visited a local card place with friends only a couple of times. The smell made me want to vomit. And when I went to gamestop at midnight to get smash ultimate, and got in line. the air outside on a brisk autumn night was still pretty rank.

A lot of nerds just fucking stink.