What are some video games with happy endings?
What are some video games with happy endings?
hahaha funnni people died so im going to be edgy for attention xd
sage in all fields, you fucking nigger
what's wrong with bad people dying?
These people were basically hitler.
Kyoto Animation, the studio behind Clannad as well as popularizing the degeneration of anime into low effort moeblobs, was firebombed by a hero of the people. Multiple dead.
>Anime fags literally BURNED THE FUCK OUT
So was it a deranged otaku, a pissed off (ex) employee or just some random arsonist?
stagnation will drive people to take matters into their own hands.
would japanese finally wear shoes inside buildings?
Sam Hyde again.
nobody knows yet, everyone's placing their bets
Look man, everybody dies. There's no real issue with murder when it's just hastening the inevitable.
Humans don't live forever ya know.
Some 40 year old arsonist (possibly ex-employee) torched Kyoto Animation Studio 1, threw gasoline on people, and I think stabbed some people. So far I think 12 are confirmed dead
He's in custody right now, motive will probably be released at some point in time
People are throwing conspiracies like
>1. Angry Ex Employee
>2. Yurifag mad about an anime that seemed to be lesbian focused turned hetero in the end and got furious about it
>3. Government Conspiracy to remove anime to fix the birth rates or make Japan's Image for the 2020 Olympics look good
Word has it it was Ben Garrison.
what would the reaction be like here if this happened to a big developer like from software or Capcom?
everyone would laugh
probably joy.
So there's some justice left in this world
The guy had a partner who was supposed to wait outside to stab people fleeing the building. But he ran away before he could hurt anyone.
Domestic terrorism is back baby, time to get the Sarin proof gas masks.
>make Japan's Image for the 2020 Olympics look good
All we wanted was Haruhi season 3, why didn't you listen?
Depends on how much is lost I guess.
I'd assume there'd be more people alive because lets be honest, based on this alone it's safe to say that japan's fire safety regulations is absolutely retarded
Look at all the fire escapes for upper floors in OP's image
ironic nihilistic shitposting
Moeshitters on Yea Forums are losing their minds right now. Hell, even mods are banning people who use the word "moeshit". It's hilarious.
Fuck kyoanus.
>be a plebbitor tourist on his phone
Go home, /r/Yea Forums poster
Watch Japan respond to this problem to ensure it never happens again. If this were to happen in America, the jews that run our country would just claim its one of the things we have to deal with in the modern world.
This. Unironically.
they make good games, ofc I would feel bad
they're currently recovering, probably feel a bit sad
>EA, Bethesda, Epic Games, YouTube HQ
i'd cum hard and will probably die of laughter, will wish for another happening
Clannad fucked my heart up.
I can kinda see that reaction.
I wanna do something like this but I don't know how to make sure I only attack people who are honestly harming humanity and avoid harming innocents.
Like, is there a list I can memorise of who actually pushes the anti-loli anti-racist agenda, and who's just doing their job?
Just kill yourself instead
I wish geist mod were still in power to fuck with newfags like you.
I'd fucking cheer if it were Sony, Valve, Epic, Nintendo, EA or Ubisoft.
This is what happens when you never make Nichijou season 2
How do you "ensure" that? Ban knives and gasoline? Are they really going to descend to bongistan tier level of nanny state?
>worrying about innocents
Never gonna make it.