You ready for this?
You ready for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
oh yeah
let's do this
it's time for some jollycooperation
Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
Is this the reddit thread?
Is this too easy for you?
Why are there so many useless items on Dark Souls 2?
Yes. Be sure to quote the funny video for many upvotes and say no fun allowed if you're triggered.
It's the nu/v/ thread where nufaggots pretend they've been on Yea Forums before 2016 and that the board has always been a hyper-jaded super serious shit posting extravaganza.
This kid's upset someone insulted his favorite youtube video.
Right down the road?
every weapon that isn't the rapier
Nufaggot got so BTFO he couldn't even properly respond without his ego feeling threatened.
Sure kid
There are at least 5 different items that restore uses of spells and a shitload of healing items.
How are any of those useless?
This is >470801545 after I didn't give him a (you)
Why yes I do love the souls series how could you tell?
I really miss the ds2 spear backstab
Imagine getting this assblasted over a YouTube video
Nice thread OP
>When you get so BTFO you have to use other people's posts to try and save face.
Especially a schizophrenic's post
heh, nothing personnel, kid
I want him to make another one of these so badly.
Tell me, user. What do you think of souls series level design?
When you're so mad over not getting (you)'s I can string you along for two hours.
What are you even doing, man
This kid is REALLY mad I insulted a virtual friend.
heh, not good enough, kid. Let's see if you can keep up
*unzips dick*
What's the point of having multiple items for the same thing? You can even find (and farm) the best version of the item and later find a worse version.
>What are you even doing man
Dabbing on a shitty thread.
>no fun allowed
>reddit reddit reddit
I hate DaS2 but those are not useless by definition
>Quoting a youtube video at each other is "fun"
Really? I guess I just don't understand the zoomer generation.
You're not exactly making it any better
Why would you want to use that word
Don't know what's going on in this thread but I just want to say I love this video, it has such a laid back, comfy feeling compared to all the other vidya parody animations on youtube. It's so quotable and has a certain sincerity that's hard to come by these days.
>Why would you want to use that word?
To fit in with my fellow youtube migrants!
Yeah, that's never happened here before. go and stay go
>everything I don't like is reddit and newfag
No but you could at least try and talk about the motherfucking game instead of crying about shitholes like reddit like a complete faggot.
The sole mention of that trash should get you banned for a week.
It's just a motherfucking video, learn to have some fun for once in your pathetic life.
Of course it has. Lots of underage redditors infesting the board after all. But just because something's happened before doesn't mean you should let it continue to happen.
These kinds of threads aren't new, you know. Get out of your own head
>learn to have some fun for once in your pathetic life.
So quoting videos at each other is fun? Is it because you don't have a personality of your own?
Who are you quoting?
5 years isn't as long once you get older. Real Yea Forums made OC, they didn't just quote wacky lines from wacky videos at each other. I miss it...
>meme arrows without replying to an exact post is newfag and cringe
Were you also calling reddit in Chad Warden threads? Do you even know what the fuck you mean by that?
Who are you quoting?
>quoting things = reddit
You are beyond help, I hope the constant stress about being obsessed with an irrelevant shithole catches up to you.
Fucking pathetic.
Is shitposting at each others fun? You're not exactly upping the quality of the board
>just because something's happened before doesn't mean you should let it continue to happen.
Reddit using zoomers can't read I see. Also that didn't happen. Show me one(1) Chad Warden thread before 2010 where people are quoting the video.
>using meme arrows without using an exact quote is newfag and cringe
Self proclaimed old guard anons are truly degenerate. Watch, next he'll call me out for double spacing:
>double spacing is newfag and reddit and cringe!!!
>who are you quoting?
It actually is. Get a personality loser.
I'm not helping the quality of the board by shitposting an offtopic shitpost thread? Is this just because you don't have a safespace and you're lashing out or do you really mean that?
I'm waiting on a friend to complete gael, midir, and the church lady in gaels area on ds3.
Im playing through bb myself right now, im at end-game where gherman wants to fight me, so im wiki'ing stuff and clearing up whatever i missed.
I just did ebirietas and darkbeast paarl, now im on the way to cainhurts castle, i actually went there yesterday by the notes inscription but seems i didnt stand close enough to the pillar to trigger the cutscene i guess, after youtubing where it is thats the only evidence i can come up with for why it didnt trigger for me when i did it without gooling etc.
Then I still have to do all the DLC that the monster picks you up and teleports you to that DLC area and stuff so still lots to do i think! :D
Let me just scour the archive for you. Don't pretend like you were here before 2010. You use the same rhetoric as any tourist
Kinda agree.
It also reminds me of my first DaS2 playthrough that I did in coop with a friend; it was similarly comfy, quite unlike the solo playthroughs of DaS1 and DaS3 I did.
Being obsessed about retarded bullshit is not a personality.
Kill yourself.
Based schizo imagining things no one ever said for free.
I'm sure I'll be waiting a long time based projecting newfag
Never understood why you people like this video. The humor is as r*ddit as it gets.
>I'm not helping the quality of the board by shitposting an offtopic shitpost thread?
>Being obsessed about retarded bullshit is not a personality
Exactly. Glad you agree.
Back in the old days, Yea Forums used to self moderate through doubles or "dubs" where the last two numbers of a post would match. Not that you would know.
Don't forget to leave when summer is over, le reddit zoomer cringe
Still projecting...
>Back in the old days, Yea Forums used to self moderate through doubles or "dubs" where the last two numbers of a post would match
What the fuck are you talking about? What does doubles have to do with moderation? viper you crack smoker is all over the place
I'm self moderating right now so zoomers can't talk about le funny youtube videos. You'll thank me when you're older.
I'm beginning to think that you're just fucking with me
>Youtube migrants are so underage they don't even know what ellipses are
Holy fuck lmao.
I've watched it like 5 times already YouTube please stop fucking recommending it to me
LMAOing at ur life
This. It makes me feel like I have friends.
>Can only copy me
Monkey see monkey do. Which is why you spend your time quoting youtube videos.
I think you got pwned by that oldfag, user
I accept your concession. Any response to this post is just an additional concession on top of that.
Now that is a refreshing word to see. Some might even say that is was pure pwnage
>reddit spacing
Truly a cuckold.
>if you predict my next shitty response and take the wind out of my bullshit, then you're a schizo and reddit and cringe
more like epic fail XD
>worst console is best game