Lmao what the fuck is wrong with white people
Lmao what the fuck is wrong with white people
must feel terrible to be a straight white male.
The whole world is against us
>literal fucking who screen grab
Nice video games, faget
>reee why is this console so gay looking
classic in the closet gay
give it a few years
More like why is everyone online such huge whiny bitches?
The chad clownposter vs the virgin emojimemer
Imagine thinking this
quit taking bad bait or quit posting screencaps of your own tweets to share on twitter
>White or black
Overrated colors
>crying about the color of a children's console is chad
have sex
>Looks feminine
He's not wrong, every single box of tampons and sanitary pads my gf has comes in a colour scheme like that.
Is that you OP falseflagging?
Its actually a lot less gay that the current one
solid coming from two non-white males, white males are the only people who're able to be discriminated legally without the person getting into any trouble, say 1 negative thing to a minority, you lose your job, and are slated as a racist for the rest of your life
keep crying mayoboy
holy shit dude. Cry more.
Keep being triggered, soiboi snowflake. Go cry to your tumblr.
>looks feminine
well no shit, they know their audience
okay, I know black people hate gays. so you must be a woman or a trans.
H8 /pol/shit but fuck it mask off
Amerisharts SEETHING
>screencapping your own social media troll bait and posting it on Yea Forums
I reccomend suicide, but not immediately. Start with heroin and move on from there. You won't feel your problems anymore, that I can assure you, you worthless piece of shit l.