HEY! back the fuck off old man, i'll fucking press it!

HEY! back the fuck off old man, i'll fucking press it!

Attached: Dio_holding_Detonator.png (789x789, 516K)

Other urls found in this thread:



ZTD was fucking shit and I blame the Americans

Hey Yea Forumsros I'm choosing Ally. You will too right? :)

Say that to my hydraulic arms not online btich.

hwat game

Why was Alice such a cunt?

she couldn't have lesbian sex with clover for the entire run of the game

Old? What the fuck are you talking about? I'm spry and youthful!

Of course. I'd never betray you user :)

Virtue's Last Reward, the only good Zero Escape game that has best girl in it.

Attached: Phi.png (586x992, 472K)

Yeah dude totally i promise :)

Attached: k-zero-escape-virtues-last-reward-3.7.jpg (210x240, 19K)

they were locked in a room alone at least ONCE weren't they?

>only good Zero Escape game that has best girl in it
you got that right

Attached: best girl.png (652x596, 495K)

that's when allice was dead

I don't necessarily agree with your taste, user, but I sure as hell respect it. Rock on, brother.

Attached: Back to the Future.png (1280x720, 1.2M)

Phi's ZTD design makes my pee pee the BIG pee pee

Attached: Phiztd.png (1528x4993, 2.56M)

Phi's ZTD design is shit, and you should feel bad. It's not just that it is completely unlike fashion style from the last game and what should be her fashion sensibilities as a person, but also that they retconned her hair to be dyed and now she's wearing glasses. And no one on earth can say those shorts aren't retarded, because they are.

i can dig it.
Phi's my number 2, so your taste is supreme in any case

Attached: 1464555818355.jpg (960x544, 96K)

>Retconned into a degenerate ginger

Still the best though

Attached: 431412313.gif (480x366, 3.55M)

>no one on earth can say those shorts aren't retarded
jokes on you i'm on the moon

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Attached: STAY_THEFUCK_BAAAACK.png (1278x665, 629K)

It's the third time, what the fuck is happening.

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You motherfucker.

>she's your daughter bro

That was fucking retarded.

haha it's alright bro just alien fax machine yurself :)


This only makes me harder.

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Attached: IN11BL.png (368x553, 227K)

idgaf i still wanted them to smash when they were alone in the AB room
>ywn eat out Phi while she's explaining the Prisoner's Dilemma

Attached: punished sigma.jpg (500x626, 182K)


Attached: IWILL.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Why was Junpei such a panty dropper in this game?

Attached: junpeiztd.jpg (240x240, 15K)

He's done playing the action hero.

because he... GREW UP.

Hey, since we're all choosing ally, why don't you guys stay out of the AB rooms? I will pick ally though, I promise. It's the best option after all :)
You do trust me, right? :)

Can i get source on that pic? yandex is not helping.

wjawtT if you HAD alien HAnd SYNDROME

Because after less than exactly one year in a detective agency that he somehow got into immediately after the events of the first game, he saw enough shit to entirely change his personality.


>Even Dio voted Ally more then Kyle did
What a bastard

I have an idea that would fix this game: Make Junpei the mastermind of the third game, but only in one specific branch where a series of incidents lead him to take that specific path and become zero, thereby creating all that game's branches. He has plenty of motives to go by, one of them pissed off at Akane for making him go through all the shit in the first and second games (that's why he'd make her part of the game too). One of the possible endings could have been played a role in his final decision to be Zero and "shift" back time to the branch I was talking about earlier, and others could be neutral endings where he decides not to, and the true ending could be where he reveals himself as Zero but ends up regretting it. I dunno. This would have expanded on the previous arcs pretty well and would have been a hell of a lot more interesting than what we actually got.

How about instead we have fucking Left and Kyle actually in the game?

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>Make Junpei the mastermind

Attached: ohwait.gif (179x320, 2.27M)

someone post the copypasta

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Ha! You must've taken a lot of drugs to look like that at 22.

Attached: Phi.png (500x463, 387K)

do it bitch

see No.137577356

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She literally killed her game, her franchise and trapped the player forever. Based.

>was eagerly awaiting this guy's redemption moment
>never came

Only thing close to it was not shooting when the little kid collapsed into a mess of tears and sobs and opening up to him a little... which loses meaning when he does shoot that same kid if you say the wrong thing and the fact that he gets back to be a shotgun madman a few hours later.

Team Q, more like Team Cue to Quit this game. What an unlikable bunch.

___Q___ is the worst member of the team too.

>Biolab decision game
>4 people supposedly infected
>only 3 shoots against the infection
>Q's presence completely ignored
And people said the twist had great foreshadowing.


He was there. Just off screen the entire time

In the "real world". Uchikoshi is doing the same meta-twist since nearly 20 years.

More like in front of the screen, am I right?

Cute skeleton