Anyone else back this yet? It's fully funded at this point, but if it gets just a thousand more, we can leave our ships and explores wrecks and shit. Wrecks that pay homage to fucking Event Horizon. How is that not good shit? Closest we'll ever get to a EH game.
Other urls found in this thread:
>They have wind farms in space
>They're still the same shape as on earth
It just feels wrong desu
I mean, if its a design that works, even aliens would probably figure it out and use it.
Yeah but you don't have to make the big support stalks if they aren't standing on anything. Just make an eye-shape ring around some fans. Keeping the original shape just looks like they bought the model in a pack and decided to use it in their space game.
That's all. It's nice they got funded I guess
Well, to be fair, the funding is to help make proper models and textures. Maybe they'll change it. Still, really hoping with hit that first stretch goal.
You're right. I also hope they get funded. It looks similar to a freelancer type game? I didn't watch all of the trailer. and honestly have no intention of paying them money but it looks interesting
It’s basically Freelancer 2.
Fuck off Trainwiz you hack fraud.
Hey that's my game
Looks like freelancer
That's very much intentional, as I made Yea Forumslancer. The goal was to take Freelancer and then vastly expand upon it.
And Microsoft hasn’t sue you because......?
I funded it the very day trainwiz shilled it on youtube. I've been waiting for freelancer 2 for too long.
Were we are going we dont need eyes to see...
What's there to call a copyright violation over? All code and assets are either original or licensed. And Microsoft doesn't give two shits about Freelancer.
just get star citizen
Is the movie any good?
Lol. Hilarious my good man.
What, it's made by the same guy that came up with Freelancer originally!
Maybe it started with good intentions but it turned into a scam real quick.
It's not really a scam, it's just a developmental mess and it definitely isn't Freelancer 2.
If they were being honest they wouldn't be selling jpgs still to this day
It's absolutely a scam, the most blatant scam in video game history. Selling digital ships for thousands of dollars is unarguably 100% a scam, and no it isn't "donating" otherwise they wouldn't manipulate backers with fake rewards in the form of fake ships that mean nothing.
More like dads are fucking stupid, it's why E:D has survived.
>open world
>reddit artstyle
also this looks not even 1% like Event Horizon, fucking shill
>reading that one article about its flight system
>or how Chris Roberts didn't understand what normal maps were
>implying reddit has heard or cares about freelancer
>creature that lives in the vacuum of space
>looks like a big snake with reptilian features on its head at that
Is a literal team of children making this?
I mean, Freelancer was also technically open world, so of course this is.
>trying to keep a thread active by trolling
Be better than that user.
Thread can die for all I care, I'm just genuinely triggered by how utterly asinine that creature design is and how a functioning adult could even think it's a good idea.
Did Yea Forums turn in trainwiz or something
The IP count is public you realize, we can see you samefag.
Where did I pretend that I'm not the same person replying to an obvious conversation? How fucking retarded are you?
Your first post user, pay attention
Dunno, most people seem to enjoy it, and it's pretty fun to fight.
Link my first post then genius.
Cool, it's still a garbage design that needs changed if it's trying to be a somewhat believable sci-fi game.
It definitely wasn’t And all the other comments were fine. You don’t need to samefag troll your own thread
Oh my god that's the funky shit!
You're correct, now link my first post.
Bad science fiction*
>somewhat believable
Much like Freelancer, it's not trying to be realistic, and is far better for it. I mean, a core part of game is about hunting down giant space abominations and killing them.
I'd call it closer to science fantasy. A lot of ideas came from a TES space thing that never went forward, plus some returning things from Yea Forumslancer.
So it’s Starfield
No, Starfield's singleplayer, this has singleplayer and multiplayer.
Yes, there is a lot of believable fiction, which is how the consumer of said media is able to be invested. If there are no rules or internal logic to your fictional world it fails to establish a connection with your audience and is a failure of a piece as a satisfying piece of fiction.
shut the FUCK up boomer
Oh don't worry, there's lots of LORE about everything, pretty much every piece in game has flavor text to some extent. It's just a fundamentally different universe that operates on different rules.
Is this all in or a star citizen promise
>I mean, if its a design that works, even aliens would probably figure it out and use it.
That design actually does not work in space, why not use solar panels for your shitty derivative game instead?
Pretty much all in. You can try out the demo.
The information tab of your UI shows the info on anything, and pretty much every piece has an infocard written about it. It's a lot easier when you don't have to go through that shit with DLLs like in Freelancer
>look how fun and recognizable, we have memes in the game
Time to go back OP, your fellow redditors miss you
About what?
>in the game
Unfortunately that had to be removed, Todd wouldn't appreciate it.
Why isn’t the demo on steam?
I want a space demon daddy to hump me.
OK so you are posting screenshots of stuff that isn't even in the game and then you say that this is not another star citizen scam.
Whh the fuck would anyone belive you at this point.
God speed devanon, I'll be pirating your game and buying it if I like it. I'm rooting for you.
How about you click the link in the first post newfriend
Steam has odd rules about that, and frankly the demo is more a vertical slice than anything.
Nope, that gate is in game, or at least, a similar version of it is. There's a lot of hidden things, especially jumpgates, that have the best stuff inside them.
I did, watched as far as wind farms in fucking space, then closed it. Why? Why not solar panels?
How would you harness space wind with solar panels? Dumbass.
>made Yea Forumslancer
Alright based, is that Dec 2019 delivery time when you plan on releasing the game?
>it’s a space autist bitching episode
Your kind ruins every space sim they get their hands on.
Because it's using the storms to turn them and collect energy, not the sun. They spin faster if that system's got a storm in it.
Yeah. A lot of stuff is done: all fighters, transports, items, equipment, systems, factions, etc, are done. It's mostly tackling the larger pieces of content like quests and points of interest. And just debugging and polishing of course.
The wings of wind farms are too thin to catch space wind. Solar panels are not, though
>flight autists want flight sims to work like planes
>sub autists want sub sims to work like submarines
Hmm is there a pattern? Anyway this isn't a space sim, it's funneh memes in space.
You don't know what a space sim is then
I bet you’re the same kind of dipshit that got mad at Freelancer, despite it being the best space game because it ignored all the actual science in space.
Alright I'll bite. Is that outside of your ship? What kind of stuff can you do outside of a ship?
>Because it's using the storms to turn them and collect energy, not the sun.
But space storms still can't move a fan with blades that thin
Nah, it's Yea Forumslancer 2
You can land and walk around on stations and planets, it's not like, first person shooter stuff, but it's how you talk to people, find hidden merchants, etc. Part of the stretch goals would be being able to get out of your ship for an actual EVA style of thing (similar to X3's stuff) and zero-g through bigger wrecks.
Space storms here aren't wind, they're an otherworldly metaphysical and hostile sort of presence/pressure. They knock out highways and jumpgates, spawn wormholes and monsters, make people more hostile, that sort of thing.
Shame the server is gone
Not at all, freelancer was great, but it was a relatively original idea. It wasn't "give me money so I can reuse other people's work"
Then why use fans at all? My fuck is that the actual lore?
>we use wind farms to harness the metapysical power that spawn monsters and disrupt space hiways
Ok wait sorry I meant
even MtG lore is better at this point and you literally only told me the smallest part
You do realize shilling your games isn't allowed right?
Yeah, space highways. You remember tradelanes from Freelancer don't you?
It was an updated privateer, you fucking
Who gives a fuck retard
>didn't play privateer
No it wasnt
It literally was. Same producers, same core game, even the names are largely similar.
And that's the idea here. Update Freelancer and add things it never could, either because of time or because of technology.
The problem with you space sim autists is that you want the most boring part of space; flying a fucking ship through space. You know what space is almost entirely composed of? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. It's empty. The worst part of every single space sim is the actual flying the ship part, so they all have completely unrealistic bits in them to make them actually interesting.
hope you're prepared for epic to poach it
It's not catchy enough for epic
>this faggot wasn't satisfied with shilling his game in the gamedev thread and now has to make entire new threads to shill his game now
This is the best kind of shilling. Yea Forumslancer was my shit back in the day and you're a god OP.
I don't get paid until next week though. Will you have another way to pledge or donate?
Eh, just get it when it comes out. And I hope you visited Darkon or fought Bob in Yea Forumslancer.
I saw this game a bunch in space game threads, fag.
I wasn't able to play Yea Forumslancer during the golden days, am I going to miss a ton of references?
Sort of, but it won't really be neccesary to have played Yea Forumslancer. Some concepts from it return, but adapted to the setting.
Will there be SODA
> The worst part of every single space sim is the actual flying the ship part
So why do you even care about a game where you fly a ship in space? If you want to explore a spoopy ship why not play Dead Space?
Also this is not a space sim. Games like KSP and Objects in Space are space sims because they simulate space and spacecraft.
This is an arcade game in space.
>but the genre is called space sim
Fuck you and your made up words
Sadly, no.
I would but I'm in EU with no credit card.
Use your debit card then like everyone else