Haven't played in years, is it good?

Haven't played in years, is it good?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you asking me? I haven't played in years either. Please don't speak to me again, thank you.

I literally just subbed because I saw this thread. Blizzard is hella freaking based if you ask me personally, I think they deserve all our money!
Let's make a sub pact! Everyone sub right freaking now you guys!!!

Only if you have people to play with



if you only want to do raids and dungeons then it's the best it's ever been. If you want anything else then its really meh


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watched summit play it and it's the exact same shit form 2004 but with worse end game

No, it managed to somehow become worse.

Enjoy time gating when already paying a monthly subscription? Enjoy no sense of becoming stronger because of enemy scaling? Enjoy forced reputation grinds, also blocked by time gating, just to unlock chore like world quests for even more rep grinding?

Yeah? Then BfA is for you.

don't play mmorpgs

Based, let's get this bread Bros.
We're going home!!!

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No. FFXIV came and blew it the fuck out.

>implying Final Fantasy 4.0 is good

Stop this meme. FFXIV is boring fetch quest TRASH and it has no voice acting just grunts and walls of text

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I just want to gank streamers constantly.

>is it good?

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>no voice acting
absolute retard

He's right though BFA alienated its audience and 8.2 is another rinse and repeat Rep grind and dallies, if you're not pushing mythic raiding progression you're done when you get flying. Not to mention the overly forced story in WoW is so fucking inconsistent. Warbringer Jaina, what horse shit. She already wants to suck orc cock again, and now we're friends...again. So much for Warcraft.

I started on a private bootleg server. With the kungfu panda expansion.
X5 experience (sucks because I only 1/10 of shit worked).
Was annoying at first then it was just "eh, fuckit"

Post the xp pack that you left off with.
Shit got retarded, or maybe cool.
>guild "town" that you can do professions in without that profession ...

Modern day content is literally playing candy crush and a line untangle thing for raid gear

Friend sold her account and bought a car...

In case anyone thinks it's a joke

I died a little tonight.

I spent most of my time on transmogs for my r34 elf....
And now its just a bunch of bored secretary bullshit?!.

i've thought mmorpgs were shit for years but this is next level

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Those are random daily quests, to add some variety.
VASTLY preferable to the "Kill 20 pigs" every single day like in the past.

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Just dailies, not raid gear.


No. BfA is the worst WoW has ever been and if Blizzard releases one more shitty expansion then WoW will probably unironically be close to "dead game" numbers.

People are already having trouble finding groups and guilds in the game. If you look at something like Crucible of Storms, only 163 guilds worldwide completed it. The Eternal Palace might end up having even less guilds with 8/8.

Gotta condition people to be more accepting of Mobile games, goy.

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If base level benthic pieces are considered "raid gear" to you, you are a supremely casual shitter who should stick to pet battling and mount collecting rather than spouting your opinions.

You're playing the wrong game, just pick up your phone lil zoomy.

Lost what little respect I had for this dude when he went back to playing BfA after all the bitching about how boring it has become.

Calm down Ion, i promise to buy another pig, ok?

8.2 introduced another system of having more buttons to press and they made healers buff bots
The game can rot and until 9.0 comes out it will be shit.
Well 9.0 is going to be shit since the leaks were real and we aren't going to have faction barriers anymore
It'll be nice to see if they don't FUCK Up advanced specializations for one and finally see the dragon isles so whatever

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done your weekly pet battle dungeons yet?

That's because he's a one trick pony and needs WoW. WIthout it his popularity will sink fast. He is too much of a retard to do variety, he just sucks at everything. But he has a cult following in WoW that'll carry him through anything helping him get rare shit and geared, giving the illusion that he has a modicum of skill.

You're the one shilling for bfa, Ion
I promise to buy the dragon if you calm down, no one's going to take your mounts and cheevos away from you

I know it's a shit bait but
>No voice acting
Story delivery is much improved since the original game, while WoW still slaps you in the face with a piece of yellow cheese every time you click on an NPC and a hilariously retarded cutscene or two every other fiscal quarter.

Its very fun

No it's not

>But he has a cult following in WoW that'll carry him through anything helping him get rare shit and geared
That is not even the case anymore either. He has stopped doing any kind of serious raiding because he was too fucking trash at it.

Do you plan to raid mythic? Yes
Are you one of those autistic faggots that like to collect mounts and pets? Yes
If not, then no fuck off this game is for soccer moms and spergs.

>Is it good?
Vanilla was good. BC was great. Wrath was serviceable. Everything afterwards was shit.

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Legion destroyed the game entirely, turned it into rubble.

didn't he only get famous because he was bitching about WoD when it was fashionable?

Are you retarded?
Benthic gear can be upgraded to heroic raid ilv, the meta right now is to grind candy crush quests until getting sockets and optimal enchants on your gear
In fact, maxed out benthic is even better than the mythic raid gear shit

>tfw 60 year old mother who sucks at games and technology in general is in a high ranking raid guild
"baddies" don't exist, wow is piss easy

>Please let this work
>That voice crack
>I wish I could have told him that, at least
>Remember us

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>we aren't going to have faction barriers anymore
Now I might actually sub again in 9.0

If you play wow, you're a casual by default
Even classic was casual, that was the entire point.

I'd honestly rather do these puzzles for babies over spamming 2-3 hotkeys to kill fodder enemies in raids with massive health pools.

You can't "grind candy crush quests".
You can do a couple of them per day at most. Doing that alone will let you upgrade a single piece all the way to 425il in maybe 3 weeks.
Maybe that's a problem if you're a heroic raiding shitter who will solely be looking at 430il gear for the next few months, but otherwise it's absolutely not a problem.

>t. better than you

No, lore is shit and only Azshara is good.

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Awww, look at the cute babby who thinks he's the hard of core over playing mogspetscheevos the game on the current year

You can grind cand crush quests with your 30 sissy elf alts for the benthic token lottery, m8
Like i said, benthic gear beats your epib raid gear despite lower ilv, enjoy your raid gear while grandma gets better gear for playing candy crush

t.fucked you're mom

Oh watch out guys, this tranny has more mounts and pets than everybody.

Heard the subs are in the 6 digits, they dropped the ball on 8.2 and the stories been a dumpster fire for more than half a decade now. Classes get cucked too.





But once she's dead then what?

If she dies then fuck wow, I will write a fanfic about her.

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Vanilla > TBC > Wrath = MoP > Legion > BFA > Cata > WoD

BFA isn't really anything special, this patch is okay. There are a few cool, but not fleshed out ideas that make me look forward to next expansion, but this one is pretty safe to sit out, or at least wait until whatever nonsense catchup ending event is going on before the next expac to try and rush towards whatever unobtainable items are available for a limited time.

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warcraft > shit > wow

Bro, it's ok to leave wow for a while. There are better games out there but you won't know unless you try.

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>His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend

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I really wanted to like BFA. Ive been playing on and off since Vanilla. But even I have to admit its pretty shit now.
The classes I play feel like shit. I dont get this forced downtime and gcd changes. Sometimes my ret pala has no buttons to press.
The time gated story and rep gains piss me off. Just let me play the game how I find FUN.

Nope! Gotta play it like Daddy Blizz wants... for those MAUs. Fuck that. Im unsubbed and 8.2 looks like shit. The sets look fucking terrible.

>dude it gets good in 200 hours, trust me!

yes but he needs to keep playing it so he can have more rants about how bad the game is

>WoW cutscenes are cheese
>This somehow isn't
okay sniktbub

>this disgusting skeleton gets to titfuck this mediocre looking titcow
fuck him

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I was a big time player in wotlk and liked how I could pick what I wanted to do. I raided 10m and 25m HM and basically never had to do dailies or grind rep. I would goof off 4 days a week and just raid.

I feel like in the recent expansions they made the game require so much stuff that I have to log on every day and complete a list to do anything. I just want to raid and get gear, not farm dumb dailies for pittance 2+ hours a day.


I quit WoW when Cata began and came back a year ago because of raging nostalgia and curiosity.

I actually had fun playing up to the end of the Legion content, but then I made the mistake of buying BFA and my god that has sucked any fun out of the game. THe end game is absolute grindy loot box riddled trash.

For the love of god just sub for a month or two and DO NOT buy BFA. Enjoy levelling from 1-110 and play around with Legion world quests until Classic drops.

Absolutely disgusting.

8.2 is awesome, best content in like 7 years.

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Holy shit I'd fuck that warchief right in the pussy.

>Well 9.0 is going to be shit since the leaks were real and we aren't going to have faction barriers anymore
Source for those leaks

>played shadowbringers for a week. done with story, 4 dungeons and geared enough for raid
>play 8man raid once. 1shot first,3rd and 4th boss with pugs
>no new content for 4-5 months
>cancel account
meh, wow has far more to do but it's just not fun. FF14 is only good for it's story and then forgotten for a year once the rest of content is in.

>Well 9.0 is going to be shit since the leaks were real and we aren't going to have faction barriers anymore
This is the best thing they could of done for the game during legion. It's the same fucking thing every xpac so far
>hey guys faction wars!!! hype kill hype!
>lol just kidding! Go killt he big bad all togethe rinstead but keep "factions"
Just fucking let everyone co-op and be done with it.

A year? You mean like 2 weeks when savage raiding comes? Normal raids are for story. Then you have all the shit from the first patch in 2 months from now.

But isn't that what made WoW be WoW? For le horde and shit?

everyone quit late wrath

it's a literal linear themepark with no incentive to actually play with other people, and any interaction that actually happens involves getting ported in to phased content to kill a few bosses with random people on different realms that may as well be NPCs.

BFA and old WoW is nothing alike. They're nearly separate genres.

I have tried, leveled summoner and warrior to 60 and I still prefer wow

>the same shit with bigger numbers is totally meaningful content!

wait 5 classic


she could look pretty cute without the lipstick I guess

Not him but you clearly don't play the game.
Savage and normal are way different, absolutely nothing functions the same.

BFA is shit beyond belief. just wait for classic next month

Najzatar and Mechagon are awful.
What do you think, Yea Forums?


Yea, ignore classicfags. BFA is fun, 8.2 turned things around

.t didnt/doesn’t play the game

Fuck off sjw

2016, huh?


>save pic from somewhere that has this filename
>hurd durr sjw
Half the people who browsed that place probably did it for porn and art anyway.

ff14 is not really better than bfa and equally casualized. its just that ff14 players never had a different game, it has always been like this, while wow had its golden era (2004-2009)


>8.2 turned things around
nothing changed dude. lfg and lfr still there, sharding still there, flying implemented again, gear reset again so all the grind in the last month was completely pointless, everything soloable...


The gear resets are the absolute worst. It's the multiple difficulty raids fucking everything up.

Yea, but this is why it also sucked : It killed the lore/story just for the sake of PVP which was, never really good.

Can someone explain to a veteran wow player who dropped the game in 2011 what the fuck is going on on that image?

Vanillafags coping and trying to shift blame on anything to try and distract themselves from disliking the thing they so adamantly defend

>8.2 is awesome

you people are the fucking worst, biggest retard copers out there. as if one fucking patch is gonna undo like 10 years of bad decisions? gtfo you absolute mong

Seething incel

Streamers and their pet Zoomers will ruin a couple servers with their horseshit, basically.
Unless you specifically want to gank them, certain servers will have to be avoided

Its getting better, but it isn't worth your time. The game was gettin' good during Legion after the whole WoD shit. Then BfA came out and they took out the only good system they came up with in 10 years and replaced it with a shitty time-gated necklace.

I would of liked BfA more if that neck didn't exist. I feel like my judgement of the game was clouded because I was constantly thinking about that fucking neck level.

You guys have to be fucking stupid if you've never seen this. Bejeweled and shit has existed in WoW since BC. This is nothing new.

Fake boobs are so fucking gross and feel like shit. I don't understand why some people like them.

And people say BC wasn't horrible

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wrong fag.

Why did it have to die bros.

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They look nice in missionary and cowgirl
Just dont touch them because that ruins it

>They look nice in missionary and cowgirl
If tits don't bounce while in cowgirl its fucking disgusting.