UNIST Thread

Closer and closer

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Pass is vee
I need the name for that new 20th entrant to the tourney

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When is it again?

July 20 (Saturday) I believe.

Funnily enough, on the 20th

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Is this last spot open to anyone? Sounds fun.

Redblade got wagecucked and said he won't make it to commentate the tournament. I can certainly step up as I have a headset but it'll definitely be more "color" commentary than actual good play by play

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Wasn't Basta joining.

>winning by a pixel of a life
That'll never fail to be crazy to me.

pclobby is up
kw pclobby

I'm gonna be late for the tourney since I won't be back from work until 10:30PM PST on the 20th.

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Lobby filled up instantly in just a few games.

One guy said he'd join up if Basta couldn't fill in the spot
The weeks of minimal communication gave me that impression to be honest. Guess it's just me and icey

I see this a ton in unist. That and time outs even though neither players were trying to timer scam each other. I wonder why that is

Well I'll pop in tomorrow and see if that spot is still open

Let's the matches drag out long enough or you'll just get canned, might work out since we're only just "missing" 1 other guy at this point
It is incredibly difficult to open people up at higher levels

I won't know until Friday if I can or not. If there's another interested in the spot it'll probably be safer to give it to them if you don't mind it. That way it'll be a more certain thing.

That was a pretty sweet combo with the ex fireball there hippie. Any challenge in execution for it?

Not that I'd be picking him up but it looked like fun.

You guys are gonna steam it right? I’d be down to watch it and shitpost in between matches

Sucks man, but at least I can still watch if it comes down to me getting dropped.

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Darn shame in the end of that round 2.

I need to go put a lot more time into those 236C confirms I've been dropping them all week.

We've streamed last year's tourney too
The new format is Ft2 so who knows, you might make it. Although red not commentating means less prep time for me and icey to set everything up

How full is the lobby?

All full

I didn't ask for the dude's name last night like a fool, but in your case, just message me on PSN on your availability.
Lobby 1 is full

Hey jokerman sorry for the shit connection

like I said, I can hop on commentary just don't expect high quality stuff.

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Dang, that was a real close one with all that pressure in the end.

I tend to be the play by play sort of commentator anyway, plus it'd help having someone who has been around the threads for as long as we have commentating, triple the case since Icey will probably chime in on commentary too since he's running stream

FF > 236B~A > 236C is a trick I copied off of JDR a while back.

Were you the guy who asked last thread to join?

Sweet, thanks for this. I'll see if I can't mess around with it in training just for a fun old time.


If you want me to I don't mind, though If you don't mind at some point tonight I do want to do another small audio test.

Yeah, I can do one later.

I just finished Hyde's mission mode earlier, why is his 4-3 mission so hard. I might pick him up since my up close pressure is trash and it would be nice to play a character with a dp for once.

I'll host lobby 2 until 11

The throw combo was absolute hell even for me. I can do it pretty regularly now but there's way better throw combos.

Having to block from both sides there reminded me of playing a tag game. Fun times hahaha.

I can have a pc lobby open for a little bit here,
kw: pclobby

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oh boy time to get manhandled again

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There's one up already?

yep saw that right after i started it so i just joined instead

I accidentally picked eltnum FUCK

Yeah, felt abit bad throwing in Linne after seeing that haha.

Nice work getting those throw techs in Clawz. Keep it up m8!

Solomon, I have returned. To lose.

After this software update...

PS version I presume? How is Lobby 2 faring?

What should I watch out for tomorrow so I don't get absolutely destroyed at my first locals? I'm too used to netplay and not offline play.

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Aww geeze, it's another night of being too afraid to leave the corner. Someday I'll figure this out.

Like we said before, inherent delay that you won't be used to unless you bring your entire set-up there.
People are going to be better at blocking and so will you
You'll do a bit better than you give yourself credit for and worse at the same time

Have you tried to VO out?

Last I saw, there were 4 people in it.

Always forget that's a function. I'm just looking for windows to do jabs, usually. It doesn't work great.

I can't close games to save my life

>Too afraid to leave corner
Just dp

Well that's at least one more option in case looking for openings doesn't pan out.

Who are you playing?

5 now

Don't forget Guard Thrust either, even though it's pretty low reward for the cost of vorpal it might be worthwhile when you're really struggling to find a way out.

Nice, looks like it's gaining a healthy amount of peeps.

Does that mean I won't be able to do as many wild j.214Bs as I usually do?

ggs pc lobby its time for bed and im not really feelin it

Dang, that was a crazy trade conversion hippie. I gotta save that replay.

Condition people hard enough and they'll still eat it.
Really depends who you're fighting and their own experiences. Which region were you again?

WC, but not California.

>Can't join either room
Why does this game hate me?

Thank you, I've probably gotta run through the tutorial a couple more times. Yuzuin' ain't easy.

Lobby 1 just filled up again.

Lobby 2 has plenty of space though?

Room 1 is full
Are you aware of anyone that's good in that region/local area and if anyone good might show up? Depending on the local quality/venue, you might sweep the floor

I think I'm starting to pick up a panic-VO habit, I'd better stop that before it gets worse

>Accidentally leave the pc lobby while playing elona
I forgot the game takes inputs even when minimized.

Yeah, I've seen a fair share of Yuzu's make use of VO just because their options in corner are pretty limited (including my medicore one). Hope it helps you out.

GT like that other dude said isn't a bad option either given the opportunity.

>Round start IW

I tried when there was only 7

I seem to have no connection with Kitazei

I don't like betting on VOs in general. If I'm fucked, I'd rather just guard thrust and try to manage broken personally.

Can't think of a local who's actually good here, but then again I never checked. The place is only 10 mins away from where EVO is being held so who knows.

GGs PS4 lobby #2. Ya guys host these so damn late...

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Well you can take my spot in a minute as I'll be heading out very soon. Just wanna see the end of this really good fight.

We both choked so badly in that match Seki

I do it whenever I anticipate a round start fireball or any other ranged attack
That or if I just feel like it lol
GGs. Sleep tight

Here I was expecting icey to try and side-step Hilda IW

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>think about learning unist
>remember the netcode being ass last time I played

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Well... does that work?

And with that cool match finished I'll be off to gym it up once more.

If I don't see some of ya by the time I'm finished and headed back, GGs as always and thanks for the fun times!

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Wait razzy, are you coming to EVO too if that's the case?
Anyways, I'm pretty sure Vegas has a scene for other games since iheartjustice is part of that crowd for stuff like marvel but I know nothing of the UNI scene in NA outside from the really obvious ones so who knows. I imagine it must be a big venue though?

Suck it up and learn to play in the delay, you will still acquire skills.

>3bar with hippie
>Still can't enter room
Do I need a new Ethernet cable or something?

I had no idea what was happening that match.

Yes! Complaining worked.

Room is full again unless you were able to just join, dash

Holds up about 150 people, but it's the only place I've found that does UNIST shit. No luck on EVO most likely due to work.

Kamone promised to fix the netcode for CLR?

>Not playing on ethernet
Don't do this. The netcode is already shit enough.

I seem to have forgotten everything there was for Elt.

She can dodge anything that isn't a fast multi hit or grab.
Yeah, we were both really timid and couldn't commit to anything.

Think he means replacement cable

Guess you'll get a concrete answer tomorrow.

I meant buying a new one in case the one I have is crapping out on me. I may have trash connections with some people but that isn't because I'm on wifi.

Melk senpai you taught me well

Razzy whatever you're paying your ISP it's at least 3x too much

My frames are getting messy over here so gonna sit on pass for a few. Sorry about the lag.

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Actually the one I'm using is cheap as hell, but I'm planning on getting a different one since I hate this shit more than you guys do.

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I'll close lobby 2 once everyone else has played a match

I'm always super happy to see improvement from you guys.

Yup thats more like it

The time away has not been kind.

I have a 4 bar connection with you but it ends up going to 3f-4f. It's the weirdest thign

If it's the same place, my EVO roommates were thinking of stopping by there when we're around that Thursday. They didn't point out any big name players though.

Fear not, you will surely get the karkland.

My thumb hurts so I’ll go ahead and tap out. GGs lobby 2

Dang, if everybody else is dipping, I may as well too. That new Umihara Kawase is calling my name.

Man fighting Chaos vs Yuzu really reminds me of Char vs Earthquake in samsho. All I need to do is get one good hit in and I can just play keep away for the rest of the match.

If you're talking about August 1, they're doing a pre-EVO tourney at the Luxor which I'll be showing up to.

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Oh it's that gaming longue in the Luxor? I was there last year before my crew left for the airport.

Oh really? Maybe me and Lamp will show up.

Wishlist for CL-R
>new characters?
>guest characters?
>english VA?
Hit me

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Goddamn Hippie is on fire tonight.

I actually thought you were going to do that so I started responding to something while guarding. Caught me right off when you continued fighting

mika voiced lines 200% volume thanks

Is my connection that bad, jay?

Made a new lobby. I'll only be around for another hour though, so just a warning.
That's probably it. I've been a bit too lazy with finding out the details.

Super armor for Wag's buffed shield is active on frame 1. Or just replace 214c with literally anything.

Well, yeah, it's the same in samsho. I'm not gonna let the earthquake teleport on me and not run up DP after or surprise him with a run up grab, but the momentum really needs to be on your side for the gameplan to work.

>Excited to see another Mika play
>Willingly loses
I'm legitimately disappointing

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ggs pclobby!

My wishlist is that third option not being a thing

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I just want Enkidu's grab, dash, and counter to be better

is there a version of this for uni? I have one for a few fighting games but no relevant ones

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Not that I know of because the OC quality for this series is utterly garbage

GGs my dude. Nice to see you again after so long.


I still stand by that the eng cast they got in bbtag was fine. Hyde and Gord being the standouts.

sorry, arcsys already flipped the bill for bbtag. please enjoy

which lobby?

Don't send them flying further away
Lessen start-up frames
Consistency please, which still means there's a lot of things to fix like with where and when can the parry actually proc and trigger, how projectiles will be treated, can we combo off of EX parry, etc

good night unibros see you next thread luv you all

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Hippie you want to test audio shit now? Should only take 10-15 min max.

Lobby 1

I'm gonna take a break from playing tonight. Sit in training mode and try to iron out some of the Wald shit I keep dropping. Maybe look at another character.

Have fun tonight lads.

When the lobby is full? I'll be down to do once people start going to sleep


By standout, you mean the only ones worth a damn. I despise most of them

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It's gonna take like 10-15 min to get back to your spot anyway, but if you wanna wait that's fine.

You too melk. Good to have you back

Don't test icey about this basto, he really isn't afraid to just sit there and wait for you to commit
Or equally do nothing

I want:
>Better netcode
>The ability to ban specific maps in ranked
>Phonon 2a to get +1 frames
>Enkidu dash speed increase in vorpal and IW not to have projectile properties
>Wald 2a -1 frames and 623X -1 frames
>Mika 623X to get head invul. on start up and 623X > 623C to have significantly longer hitstun

I can't think of anything else but unless they come clear on what Mika's vorpal

It isn't a test I'm just doing other things

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He's got the life lead, he has no reason not to run from you.

Man my tech really does work.

Tonight is Icey's night. He's making me want to pick up this character now.

You mean +1 frames to its startup right?
Because I can't even begin to imagine the hell that would be Phonon with a 2A that's +1 on block.

Legends speak of a match where two warriors stood completely still in utter respect and anticipation of a move that never came out.

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Isn't there a samsho match where two dudes just sit there for the entire thing?

True, but I'm in these lobbies to see if I can manage to bring what I lab out into a real match since I'm still trying to figure Chaos out. I don't really care about chasing down and poking someone to regain life lead.

that's what the top 8 at EVO will look like, those japanese players give each other otherworldy amounts of respect

Great, then I can beat up Lamp after all those Yuzu matches.

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You aren't getting hit by anything I do though. I also can't pressure you or anything. I'm lucky if I do get a hit in so I need to take advantage of the situation.

It's part of the game unfortunately, also couldn't you just chip him out with azhi?

Yeah, I never understood why he never sent the dog over to me. It would at least put me on edge.

>An enkidu who actually uses 2[C]
The mark of a true warrior

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Hippie that was pretty fuckin fun

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Not saying don't do it if you feel like you're learning from this.

Nah. If it gets destroyed I lose health so it'd be worse for me, unless he never actually destroys it for some reason.

Not if I get shot by Icy first

I don't learn anything. Look at how I play after 2 years. It's my way or the fucking high way.
Also you take damage when the dog dies?

Wait Chaos loses health when azhi is destroyed? You learn something new everyday.

He does unless he has vorpal

GGs pclobby!

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>Also you take damage when the dog dies?
Chaos loses health every time Azhi dies unless he has vorpal.

What the hell? how much?

there's a long road ahead of me
i have no idea how to deal with everyone's characters

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Not a lot really

Lamp, you've really got to lab that IWEXS combo ender or just go for regular IW since it never hits when you go for it

What's Chaos' vorpal trait? This character is so weird.

Azhi can whiff cancel
Chaos no longer loses health when Azhi dies
623C is full invuln
Vorpal means A LOT to Chaos compared to most others

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It doesn't feel good to fuck up a match-win CVO combo if I'm gonna be honest, lads.

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He can special cancel whiffs iirc

GGs PC lads. Nice to play again for a bit though I can't say I'm ready to start playing again fully. See ya'll next time.

Black Monger and Londrekia if we get two characters. Throw Gun Nun in if we get three.
Better netcode, more lobby features, and the ability to play on something other than park and training
v2 of the characters themes and/or more rival themes
More chronicle story

See Basta you can do it if you try

but I always try until you go into full evade mode

Can you blame me? Chaos has such an advantage on Yuzu that I have to play like that. It's no wonder it's one of her harder match ups.


I wasn't being sarcastic last time though. Win how you want to win; WC seems to have a hell of a lot of Yuzus so I just have a lot of experience in the MU whereas nobody seems to know what Chaos can really do.

That was meant to be CVO actually, guess I ended up mashing

>Overheads parried: 0
Fuck me

That's the only way to win though. Going near Chaos is a loss for Yuzu.

I've noticed this too, all the Yuzu's in these lobbies are WC too

I need to not mash lol
Good games Hippie

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Frame data and hit box displays in training mode.
More training mode options (save/load states, online mode with a friend)
Mission mode shows input like GG.
Another charge character.

>Mission mode shows input like GG.
I thought that was already a thing, you just need to turn it on

It's just that you did it at least a couple of times yesterday night too.

A feature where you can use a replay and put it in training mode to recreate a block string that you got hit by

You're already better than 99% of Enkidus I fight online, this is good

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I know how to combo into it, all it amounts to is not adding in an extra B slash at the end. I just often realize too late that I've already inputted it and it's too late to chain into CVO

If I'm being honest, hearing Chaos be advantageous over Yuzu is more surprising than anything. Hilda and Vat I understand, but I always thought it was closer to being even for Yuzu since her 4B and quick, screen-wide slashes fuck both Azhi and Chaos hard. Especially her 4b. Getting a parry off of Azhi's fireball will pull me in no matter where I am if I'm in range.

I love the MU so I think it's nice, but it feels like she's only second to Merk in number of users.

Did Dash RQ or did his connection shit itself?

ggs. Catch all of you later.

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Does anyone even know who jay's main actually is?
Definitely the latter knowing his connections


Made a new lobby

Sorry, did connection decided to screw with me.

Thanks, been practicing for Climax of Night and hopefully I get out of pools at the very least.
It's always nice fighting another good Enkidu and learn a bit too.
Like I said I just need to stop mashing or be REALLY into the moment and make dumbass decisions in a match.

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Phonon's so busted she can smack people straight out of the lobby

Maybe I should go to sleep.

Between the average shitter online that only knows 5BBB5CCC and then guys like Ninjo and Frosty, I hardly ever get decent match-up exp against Enkidu aside from what I know of from playing him, good to have you here.

He has an answer to anything she can do. Plus the dog can teleport right next to her and punish and attempt at pressure.
There isn't much I can do in the match besides get a lucky life advantage.

I'm pretty sure his main is phonon but I could be wrong.

>literally playing blocking simulator because im not neet or autistic enough to memorize framedata and pushblock actively punishes the blocker
nice game weeb faggots

Speaking of Climax, how many of you are going there this year? Kinda want to go, but it's on the other side of the country.

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Beautiful fucking conversion clawz

You can VO with 1A+B+C right? Or do you have to be in a standing position

Yeah lol
I know that feel, I do practice with Ninjo and Frosty sometimes but most of the time I'm a lab hero shitter and find things that would work while applying pressure or getting the fuck out of it.

I think most are spending their money on EVO rather than Climax since the dev will be at EVO.

I would if UNI wasn't at EVO.

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That shit was great damn

GGs, everyone. I'll come back another night to get stomped.


Oh, I guess you can. Thanks Razzy

I'll probably go to bed it's getting late.
GGs vee lobby and like I said it's nice playing you hippie, nice to see another good Enkidu.

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I didn't know you had the game on PSN too. It was a lot smoother than last night.

Anyone still up?

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Lobby 1 has four people now

Did it just explode?

perfect. I should at least try to break the rust off myself before the anniversary.

Ggs lads. I'm gonna be picking up a 3rd character soon, so look forward to bodying me in these lobbies. I also had no idea Enkidu could neutralise Vats lumenstella.

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What the fuck? that did 6k? Why?

GGs and right back at you.
People are going to sleep

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Also hippie lets test some audio shit now.

That was a full punish combo when I was in VO
Enkidu can neutralize most projectiles. I always say how he can get around projectiles but not long reaching attacks

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Which lobbies are still happening? About to wrap up my business from earlier.

Yeah, now's a good time.
Mag, or literally anyone else in lobby 1, go make yourselves a lobby while me and icey iron out some audio issues

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Looks like there's room for us all to invade lobby 2

I'll probably be going since a trip down to Atlanta isn't too expensive for me and I want to go to one more tourney this year. Haven't planned anything out yet though. I'll probably decide after EVO.

I know exactly where this is going

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Atic, do you know if jump shield OS will leave you standing at any point if the opponent does an air tight blockstring? Like instead of grabbing or assault they just do run up repeated 2A, and you block the first 2A low but get hit by the second by inputting up back

>Oct 26-27
fuck, i'm going to be in Atlanta the weekend after that. I'd love to go to a tournament, but there's no way i can make that work.

i'm not sure what that was about.

Did atic get kicked out?

Well, an airtight blockstring that has a low will blow up jump or backdash OS attempts based on timing since you're no longer defending low when inputting those. I think jump has some initial startup frames as well that would also get you hit on a frametrap string, like 4 or something (need to look this up).

The match just froze for like 20 seconds for me so I left. Looks like everyone else got kicked in this next match too.

>----- UNIST Jump Startup -----
>6F - Waldstein
>5F - Carmine Gordeau Hilda Merkava
>4F - Everyone Else

>- Startup is purely grounded, but throw invul frame 1.
>- A 4F jump startup will be airborne on the 5th frame
from the discord's bot

What the hell is going on with the connections suddenly

Do I have an incompatibility with someone?

Ah there we go

Want me to host lobby 2?

It is indeed 4 frames

>since you're no longer defending low when inputting those
Was hoping that a perfect 191AD input would would skip the standing part. Fuck.

Also someone else host, need to do something for an hour

Just set it up for those interested!

Would you say it's easy to do with a bit of practice? 5CAD is way too hard without screwing up since Yuzu has 4C, 6C, and 2C inputs

Thanks for the matches.
Was planning on heading off after my time was up but I'll just stop here.
Also it looks like our connection is fixed atic. We were having 2f the entire time again.

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Dang, that was a close one!

Sadly I need to use jump OSes a lot more myself and I fuck up even the straightforward 3BAD one so I'm not the one to ask about OS easiness. I think it's definitely worth putting into the repertoire though, 191AD is especially good against characters like Wald who make assaults a primary part of their offense.

Yeah, though I hope the following disconnect wasn't us as well. Noticed you're actually SoCal instead of just Cali so are you planning to go out to any of the locals anytime soon?

>that magic pixel

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Happens a lot for me. If Byakuya gets one opening, you're pretty much sent to the corner where it's scary.
Yuzu's counter scares me though.

Both IWed and IWEXed! Nice

The EX stomp is Enkidu's +3 one, right?

+4 apparently

I think it was just incompatible between the host and mags. I had a stable connection with him until it froze and had a nice connection with you until the room exploded.
Also I'm planning on going to locals but not for a little while. I'm moving to moreno valley so once I'm set I'm going to look more into it. Kinda nervous since I've never played a fighting game before UNIST so I've never actually fought offline anywhere before.

what the fuck is my internet doing. I gotta restart my modem because i just saw everyone drop to 0 bars.

This is my first fighting game too, I wouldn't worry too much since everyone's always been really friendly. I should attend more locals since there are a ton of them here, but because of work I just go to the Saturday ones every couple of weeks.

Oh right, Atic, do you have any advice on what I can do if I'm in uncharged B thrust range and you have vorpal? Feels like my only option is to block

Whew lad, those were some nice conversions off of 214 starter

If you have a projectile, use it liberally since I really shouldn't be able to thrust much against characters with one. Jumpback button also stuffs thrust really well if you're anticipating it.

Hopefully by then I'll have my Chaos up to par and my Mika polished up to what I want her to be. I've fought against a lot of the local players on netplay and from what I've seen, it's an incredibly powerful area. Even moreso considering they had to take the delay into account and still be strong enough to do what they do.
I'm looking forward to them though as it'll probably be a huge learning opportunity for me to improve my reflexes.

or improve in general now that I think about it.

I fucking suck at fighting byak.
But testing went on for a bit longer so I'll call it a night there, GGs

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off-topic but RIP KyoAni

Yeah, there's a very strong Mika here (though sadly he doesn't play as much since the guy plays like almost every fighting game too) and I would argue brkrdave is the strongest NA Wald, no offense to Argenrost. I definitely think I would be a lot worse if I didn't start attending locals last year.


I probably should have specified as Yuzu

You frequently CS the whiff and I die to anti-airs

If you're hippie. Use the projectiles more when fighting against Byakuya. I feel like he has to approach more most of the time than the opponent, so playing defensively might help.
It worked because I had to dodge projectiles so my brain exploded.

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Remind me to add you to a party more often while we play so you're too distracted to punish my dumb shit.

well i'm not sure what was going on with my internet but hopefully it's gone.

Yeah, it basically clicked for me at the end there that I shouldn't try to fight Byak's long range buttons with mine when my 6B just dies to your crouching buttons range
>playing defensively
Guess it wasn't in my system tonight.
Haven't seen you in a while though

You've been getting very good at CHing my dumb ass out of my mindless thrust startups recently. Just get that slash pressure down even more and I should be forced to cut down on the thrusts even further, I'm always afraid to thrust too much against Yuzus who can punish

I hope there's an Oreo at this local on the same level as Atic. I need one that's sitting next to me to yell at me for letting myself get hit and not countering when I should be.

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>use projectiles liberally
>when orie can just FF or just jC/j214A through it and get a nice 3k off of it
Maybe it's just my shitty habits

>Strong Mikas and Walds in the area
Now I'm really looking forward to them. I hope I can catch them sometime when I go. I'll need to bug Smiles or Frank so I can get some more fights in against a Wald at some point before then to prepare.

Dumb arsonist did it. Shit really sucks.

I remember when Haruhi awakened my light case of bunny girl fetish


If that's hippie, of all characters Hyde can really punish those FFs hard and I feel like I'm rolling the dice when I go for them. I have to find a more stable approach but that would involve consistent dashblocking.

brkrdave mostly shows up to WNF which I don't go to, so I barely get to see/play him myself. He's considered like the boogieman for every other top player here though, strong as hell.

Shit, haven't watched anime in a long time but that's crazy.

You probably land more FF engagements than I can try and DP against them.
I guess I need to shore up on just DPing through Orie FF and Byak web jump when cornered since I just stand there frozen like a snowman

DPing byak web jump in the corner is a bit of a gamble if your dp doesnt hit like, right on top of you. I think only Wagner and Nanase consistently stop him doing stuff on top of them in the corner.

man i can't believe that happened. Lucky Star was my favorite SoL for a very long time. I hope all the survivors get through this okay.

Can’t decide between staying with low damage Linne or more potent but less intuitive Phonon. I feel my ceiling is higher with Phonon but Linne feels natural to me. Thoughts?

Play Yuzu

Hyde's DP doesn't hit both sides but the upper portion of his back has a htibox on it too.
At least the few times I actually do react and do it, I haven't seen it go over me.
>low damage linne
You're clearly not playing her right

which one do you have more fun playing?

I have no idea when CLR is coming or what they're going to do, but if I was a gambling man I think they're gonna touch Phonon's damage. I say try Phonon if you want, but odds are sticking to what feels good is what will pay off best for you and feel most satisfying in the end.

I'm biased but Linne can put out crazy good damage if you optimize and has alot of tools for getting out of sticky situations.

On the other hand, Phonon has some of the best stage control in the game.

>low damage

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And here I thought I had a good start there with that 4B at the beginning hahaha. I'll get ya next time!

Alright, i'm calling it a night. I wanted to play a few more games, but my ping just spiked up again and i don't want to constantly have to worry about my internet dying on me mid match.
GGs all, hopefully this shit doesn't happen during the tournament.

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ggs everyone, been staying up too late recently and feeling it when I go to work.

GGs guys
Weird seeing the lobbies so full so late

oh, and what day are we actually doing the anniversary tournament?

GGs lads. Thanks for the late night whoopins'. Good night!

>late night
oh is it night out? i can never keep track of things like that anymore. I think i woke up 4 hours ago.

It's this Saturday, at the usual lobby start time.

Saturday at the same time as the usual lobbies

alright. so 12:30 AM Sunday morning where i live. sounds good.

Is this the power of neetdom? I too prefer to be up at dusk rather than dawn but that'll change soon since I recently picked up a full time position at my wagie place.

Hopefully it doesn't cut too much into my UNIST playing.

It's the drawback of NEETdom. day and night become meaningless, the only reason i have to care about what time it is is on the 1-2 days a week I still see my wagie friends.

It's a benefit when the lobbies start in the middle of the night. I don't have any wagie friends to have to see at daytime though.

oh it definitely helps with UNIST, although if i wake up at 12:00 i don't usually feel like playing in n the lobbies until 3-4. Waking up at like 2pm is ideal.

>the only reason i have to care about what time it is is on the 1-2 days a week I still see my wagie friends.

I feel ya there.

ggs byak

Looks like Icy was right about having any Yuzu stray hit being able to go into combo.

Some of that stuff I was randomly getting off I didn't even know could combo off of.

Also, those 2Bs of yours from catching me on landing from the air are pretty darn cool Rhythm.

Oh good, Sai is hosting

We're staying until one of us loses our red.

I think I might be too tired to play Hydo now.

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Haha I might lose it to rhythm at this rate, he's out Yuzuing me.

I'd join in on that, but my internets being super spotty tonight so i think it's better if i just go play some atelier or something.


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That was a sick air grab.

>3 Yuzus
>3 Different playstyles

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A blessing to get all that matchup exerience isn't it?

Also it ooks liike Mike and Lamp are incompatible tonight. Bummer.

I can't even see a number next to your name lamp.
I'll skip you. You didn't have to skip, its my connection at fault.

Apparently both players lose their seat if the connections keep failing

Room recreated, hahah sorry about that.

Actually I think I'll just call it a night. Having to dodge Mike with this few players will be shitty for the both of us, not to mention the constant booting.

I'll steal your reds next time Sai and Rhythm

It'd likely be sunrise by the time it happens for sure haha. GGs and see ya next time!

Playing despite being dead tired is a skill, especially at Evo

GGs. Until next time. It's a treat to watch you play.

Speaking of EVO, good luck out there. There appears to be alot of killers in pools if Japan has anything to say about it.

In the unlikely chance you make it on stream I'll be rooting for you and anybody else that gets on.

Hopefully it won't be too hard to recognize some people since I know some people probably prefer to use an alias.

Is that an A air teleport after 66C in the corner Rhythm? I always thought that looked neat and wondered if it's meant for resetting your position or something.

66C > j.421A > j.214B > D is Yuzu's standard corner oki. It beats a surprisingly decent amount of reversals, including Linne's unless she uses C DP and can combo for 3k if you know the optimal route

You people are going to evo?
Do they stream the pools?

Ah neat, thanks for the notation and explanation. Sounds like a really good hard counter though I have yet to see people hop into it yet or maybe i just haven't paid enough attention.

Appreciate the details.

At least 8 I think

Well it's a main stage game so probably?

Dropping a heads up that I'll be closing up shop in about 20 minutes.

Thanks all for sticking with me through the long night.

Fuck these damn servers.

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Let's all throw some coins in a wishing well to up our chances of having better netcode in UNICLR.

Ah, so that's how the oki lands. That was pretty neat, so it's like a reset combo if it lands. Thanks for showing it to me live Rhythm.

Remember to take a shower after you come home from work, Rhythm. Don't be disgusting by playing straight away.

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Ok dad.

Wtf. Why didn't the 3C work after the veil off? I have done that combo a hundred times.

Bad luck or lag I suppose?

Well that'll wrap things up for the late night lobby then.

GGs everybody who came to play, always a pleasure to fight and learn from you all!

I'll give ya that fight next time Raz!

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Only played for an hour, but it was nice getting a full night of sleep for once.
GG's. Have a good day.

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I'll remember that tomorrow when I'm winning at locals.

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Looking forward to it. Have fun out there!

GGs all

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any late LATE night/rearly morning pc west coast gamers?

I can play if you want. Doubt there is anyone else though.

can you make the room? I'll boot it up now

kw: pclobby

hey why you remove it :( i was joining

It's remade


Sorry it became a ft10

Night lainlain

How do I get good at Uni? Should I get good at fighting games with bigger playerbases first to get good fundamentals? Are there usually at least a few new-ish players in these threads?

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In the chance this post is serious,

>Should I get good at fighting games with bigger playerbases first to get good fundamentals?
No, that's stupid as hell. Just play the game that you like.

>Are there usually at least a few new-ish players in these threads?

>how do i get good at this game, by playing games that aren't this game??

wtf user just play this and do ur best, as long as you actively practice towards something you'll improve. Fundamentals are gained through ages of playing tho, so it's hard to grind those out but you can do it!!