Reminder to try the very early demo to the fanmade sequel to The 7th Stand User

Reminder to try the very early demo to the fanmade sequel to The 7th Stand User.!acVnSIrK!ujTFYqv6xBdce7UZpQ9fPx_CUGGqvck1mL0ADlIgYpY

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Other urls found in this thread:

is jojo the most reddit show?

No. That'd probably be Fate or Dragon Ball Super.

or not cuz it sucks

Nowadays, yeah. animefags like the right things for the wrong reasons

I wanna lick those muscled legs she has

I got Vietnam Stand.

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does the trenchcoat item affect something?

Why did the other thread get nuked?

We commandeered a shitpost thread, I guess.
Also, to the guy who wanted to see Specials: here it is. It was a fucking bitch because they all speak in slang.
It's split into two events, and the line denotes the split.

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Whoops, just noticed that they both say "hold on a minute" I'll fix that so it isn't repetitive.


>just directly linking a mega with an exe instead of an official post on about it
like almost everything else involving 7su2, extremely fucking dumb.
Because it wasn't actually made as a 7su thread, it was basically an Yea Forums thread and 7su discussion took it over.

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why is this shit so popular again? I played this YEARS ago.

A new update's getting translated that adds a boatload of weird shit.

Question, in the other events besides the stand ones you've got to, is there any difference between genders or personalities, besides the Ore and watashi bullshit you mentioned last thread or is it all the same?

I thought this was an Ed Edd and Eddy picture at first

Most of it is the same, but there's flavor stuff that's not.

Show me the evil family I wanna see that, or the aliens

Thanks so much for this

I'm still working on the aliens, and the evil family stuff is pretty basic bitch shit
Basically you leave your room, your dad throws a sake bottle and the glass breaks, Steel asks what happened, and you say "oh, just the usual"
that's it so far

But reddit hates Fate for being so problematic and racist?

I played the demo years ago to this.
I wasn't feeling it and I doubt I ever will with this game

does cardigans rebel and is this going to be every new game in the update or just chaos mode?
huh? when'd they do that, over what?

It's a random chance in chaos mode and it goes away once you hit level 2

Yeah he posted it last thread, it’s pretty funny.

Oh wait what does Adam ant do?

>huh? when'd they do that, over what?
They always bitch and moan about how "sexist" Saber is as a character, or how sexualized characters like Jack the Ripper are, or christ forbid how they handled Emiya Alter.

I assume Adam Ant tries to fucking eat you.

How would you make a part 4 sequel Yea Forums?

This user is correct. It just tries to fucking eat you.

No they don't.

i wouldn't. part 4 just doesn't work. pt 2 or 5 would be much better for this kind of game

Part 7 to, know some guy is making one for that, and apparently there’s one for part 5 and part 6 as well

Reddit was literally banned from posting loli characters for ages. This included Saber Lily, because the mods interpreted her as being a loli version of Saber, despite her being physically identical and explicitly the same age in terms of her body, just in a white dress.

Posted the tumblr blog you fucking retard. The mega link is from the blog, but I know a lot of people don't want to browse tumblr, so I posted the Mega as well.

Maybe if you spent less time shilling and more time working on your game it wouldn't look like complete shit.

I doubt it will happen, but imagine if we could get the 7th stand user from the first game to appear in the second game as a side character. All they have to do is ask you a series of questions like "Did you play the 7th stand user 1?" If you answered yes then it'd ask you a series of other questions like "What did the 7th stand user look like?" and "Which stand did the 7th stand user have?" and so on. The ending you got in the first game could also affect how certain things turn out in this game. For example, if you got the Jotaro ending then your previous character could go with Jotaro when he first comes to Morioh to meet Josuke instead of showing up at a later point. Perhaps if your previous character was a female and you got the Jotaro ending there's a slight chance She'd marry Jotaro and he would reveal that he married her to Josuke and the others? Anyway.. There are a lot of endings and I think there's a lot of cool scenarios that could play out.

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>I doubt it will happen
They do ask you what's your cousin's name and how does he looks like, and Jotaro mentions thema the end of the demo

What said, part 4 isn't really an adventure. The best you could do is have a giant open world Morioh that's mission based GTA style.

How would one go about editing their save? I don't feel like grinding, especially with Miracles. I'm already in Cairo.

>tfw stands arent real and you will never have a bizarre adventure

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On a scale of 1 to Adam Ant how shitty is the Stand I was given?

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If I remember it right, RPG Maker has an option to import saves from other games, but that would probably be pretty hard to implement, especially considering that 7SU was made on an ancient version of RPG maker.

Jojo is a celebration of humanity, just be a good person.

Are the other party members supposed to keep their levels in NG+?

>He got Red Light Special
Holy fuck I wish I was you.

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I'd probably get some stupid stand lol

Unless you tell Steel to reset them in the developers room then yeah.

What’s the funniest/ weirdest thing you’ve translated so far, chaos user

Pretty good.

>Called a support stand
>It's actually a swarm

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>try to be a good person
>get bit on the ass by a dog and become even more of a recluse

Carpenters is pretty weird.

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Wait, this is a real game?

I thought you guys were just maintaining a thinly veiled Jojo general here

by "be a good person" I didn't mean try and serve your fucking bodymeat to feed wild dogs

A game and the scant beginnings of a sequel, too!

It’s real. A Japanese house wife and her husband made the first game.

it's real

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Nah it's real.
Fix the fonts via the readme or use this.

Yeah? What did you think this was like the Ed edd and eddy threads? The king of the hill ones? Nah this shit is real, and it’s fucking amazing

>I like your spirit! Your Fire!
>You're worthy to be my Stand
Based Carpenters fag

Only the fanbase.

Absolutely based, Carpenters is the fucking best.

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Do joykiller

Joykiller is kinda lame in this scene. At least it's an example of the text being different between genders.

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>absolutely OP if used right

Looks like fucking dogshit

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What if stands already exist and we just can't see them?
And Araki has a stand and that's how he started writing about them?

>I’m like a magical girl now
So fuckin cute

He’s Rohan

It's old as hell, for an RPG maker game anyway. What did you expect?
Either you like it inspite of the graphics, or you don't.

>MFW Jojo is a documentary about Araki's Adventures as an immortal being

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I mean, Rohan is basically his author self-insert.

Why is Jojo so fun and likable compared to other shounen stuff?
It isn't anything really amazing or masterful, so why the fuck do I like it just as much as other master class works, not even shounen stuff?

Araki is just a cool dude, and set the standards that a lot of shounen constantly regurgitate over and over.

Better start stabbing myself with arrows.

He’s not immortal. He’s just perfected his Hamon breathing.

because it's creative, and doesn't stick to one thing long enough for it to get old and boring. and also the fact that the author is having as much fun writing it as you are reading it

anybody have .wav pack to replace the shitty rpgmaker songs in 7th stand user?

just use a different soundfont

nah it still has those base songs in it. i only associate one song with violated heroine and i get an erection everytime i hear it like pavlov's bell

It turns out the UFO stuff is just an ending. I'm mildly disappointed.

I hate to be negative, but the sequel really isn't looking too hot.

Well we have 1 solo user ( I think) , and 2 groups trying to make one themselves for part 5, 6, and 7.
So It’s fine

Any idea how to get it?

Well it isn’t mde by glorious clayman so it’s to be expected

No idea yet.

For anyone that doesn't know, there's an easy HP exploit in Hong Kong for new playthroughs

Once you beat the guy with the rock stand down near the 7-11, you can pester him to get money or, rarely, an Experience Tablet. He'll only give you one normally, but he's right next to Emporio's Room, and if you keep entering and exiting, it resets, though it's still pretty rare. With enough time and luck you can have a fuckton of HP going into Polnareff.

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this fucking UFO end, man
I didn't even realize

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>Get UFO end while also being a Zeppeli

Maybe that's how it's triggered.

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Caesar how could you?

What the actual fuck

I think you can only use one of them at a time.

I don't know man, but I do know Dio gets fucking nuked

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here's the remains
I love how "dio's palace" is already in english

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Nigger, JoJo has always been a joke. I got into it because of the wrrryyyy/roadu-rolla meme

the UFO ending mentions someone named "Kyo-san"
are we jojolion now?

>play as ng+ female character
>gets jealous of every single guys remarks during the Midler scene
pretty accurate of women desu

I think only a few stands do that

Males just don't get it

i got Miracles, the cutest stand

You'd best be playing as shorty

Only happens if you have lots of FP with all of them. You weren't a slut, were you, user?

The UFO ending has one of the weirdest songs in the game

are there any more songs from the anime? i recall finding a stand proud midi but i have no idea where it would play

I haven't paid much attention to the anime's songs, actually
one of these days

you know it nigga
the shorty specific dialogue is my favorite
i did at first but the more ng+s i did it was more the stuff that gives you fp with them through the story missions
now they've all got like 30 fp each and i am the big slut

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>implying just because we don't have a Stand doesn't mean we won't go on a bizarre adventure in our lives

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well to refresh your memory:

sono chi no sadame
bloody stream
(both pt 1 & 2 use Roundabout as their credits)
stand proud
sono chi no kioku
(cour 1 used walk like an egyptian and cour 2 used last train home)
crazy noise bizarre town
great days
(pt 4 used i want you by savage garden as its credits)
fighting gold
(1st half used freek'n you)
Uragirimono no Requiem
(uses Modern Crusaders by Enigma)

there's also a few like villain's concerto which is the oingo boingo and hol horse eds for part 3

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It was fine until it got animated, now it's fucking garbage, but it's still slightly less garbage than MiA and BNHA

This is literally just Silent Hill 3's UFO ending

Reminder that the people in this thread were doing shit like this before "le ebil reddit and DP anime ruined the sanctity of muh jojo:'( " :

what's up with the scarf and hair?

just an edit because i love long braids

Does anything interesting happen if you're a jojo fangirl during the Midler fight?

>Implying you'd live through it

i think this is the only thing

In the Japanese wiki I saw, it said the chances of recruiting Midler actually go up if you're in the Jotaro fan club.

How do I fucking delete the fucking text when i'm choosing a fucking catchphrase


wait you can actually recruit her?
was that added in the new update or somethin?

Yeah chaos mode, when the crusaders are all bullshiting about how pretty Midler is.

Thanks bruv

Fuck off fag.
>Jotaro and the main cast die in part 6
>gyro dies in part 7

zoomer born after the ova trying to fit in lmao

I am the 7th stand!

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>mfw finishing the game with kakyoin's ending for the first time
>mfw 'We're buddies.'
>mfw 'I can't wait to tell Mother and Father... that I made friends.

having watched part 3 recently, that got to me on a level way deeper than i expected. this game's some good shit.

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It never really occurred to me that Kakyoin was such a weirdo that he didn't have any friends

enjoy your personality-specific ending cutscene, user

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I don't really think your personality really changes anything in the Kakyoin ending, I know it changes stuff in the Joseph and Polnareff endings

To be Chucktinued ...
Sneed you next round.

Every personality(shared between two stands) gets a unique cutscene after the generic character ending one.
For example, in Jotaro's Mr. BIG ending, you're eating your lunch on the roof with him and talking about your future career. While the Red Garland one has you talking to Jotaro about rumors that the reason the two of you were gone was that you were embroiled in a gang war.

>the bro as fuck vibes when you do his character events
>his nervousness and politeness around you when you're a girl
He is just too fucking good. Why did he have to die in canon? It should've been Polnareff, that useless fuck.

>Eyes of Heaven ends with reality changing so that he lives
>it isn't canon

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I mean you could consider it canon if you want, it's not like we're ever going to revisit the old universe.

>no mighty bosstones stand

The power to alter destiny... is not a Stand.

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>Emerald Splash would never miss Diavolo!

>This included Saber Lily, because the mods interpreted her as being a loli version of Saber, despite her being physically identical and explicitly the same age in terms of her body, just in a white dress.
Why do so many westerners see any stylized anime design as children? It really blows my mind that this is so common.

not that user but I rolled RLS both times I played the demo, once, when it originally came out and another time when my long patience hadn't paid off with the latest demo update.
Can't even use my fucking stand, have to watch josuke 'fight' some nerds.

Can you open the 7SU2 demo with RPGmaker like you can with the original one?

Probably, seems like you need MV

>Mr BIG end has you on the roof eating lunch together
>>that's stand specific
Shit, well, that was my first ending with jotaro; it was extra cute with short femc

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Is Red Garland the same type of Stand as Star Platinum?

Is the tripfaggot still translating the new version?

Short ranged damage dealer? Yes.
O my same type of stand? No.

Yes. Scroll up.

Short Range, Damage Dealer, gets Time Stop later on, yes.

wait what

Just fucking with you.
What he actually gets is Requiem and this time I'm not shitposting.

How did JoJo get so popular all of a sudden? it never was even that popular with oldfags.

If all other stands had Requiems, what would they be?

I'll take your word for it. Switched over from color to the normal version since it crashed during the pol fight and got Mr Big again.

It got an anime.

Anime, official Crunchyroll release, OFFICIAL TV AIRING WITH DUB

Tripfag, will your translation of latest version also fix color version bugs? I hate this black and white gay shit.

Started after Battle Tendency. They never were as popular as Stardust Crusaders and Jotaro then became the face of jojo.
Stardust Crusaders was a huge bandwagon jumping on point for alot of animefags, which, I can attest to.

I originally saw the gif of Joseph destroying a guy's finger with his coke bottle trick and i'd gotten hooked since then.
Haven't read any chapters of Jojolion in a couple months, though.

What do I need to know for New Game Plus?

Should I keep the same stand or does exp carry over regardless? And what else carries over, I wanna know what it's safe to dump before endgame

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Despite what you might hear from manga elitists, the anime is actually really, really good. It brought a lot of excitement and discussion to the table, along with increasing numbers of new fans.

Not working on the game. Just remembered it existed.

They already confirmed the protag from the first game is gonna be in.

NG+ carries over your items, your parties levels, your money, your FP and your Level but only if you get the same stand from the previous playthrough.

The stands are treated like different characters, so if you get a new stand you essentially start with it anew. All your items, FP and levels of your party members carry over, unless you specifically ask for it.
Also, collect 4 badges of honor, 1 for NG+ and 3 for King Crimson, to make the suvsequent playthroughs faster.

I redid the test after this. Don't want this stand. How good is Adam Ant? It's what I used when I first played the first game.

What the fuck is this song supposed to be? It just sounds like random mashing on piano.

It sounds like a vid/song converted with that infamous midi converter. You could probably still make out some speech

They took the song from Silent Hill and put it through a midi ocnverter

ThisAlso, on your second playthrough, get five badges of honor. Jotaro becomes the best companion with ZA WARUDO!

>That dogshit soundfont recommended in 7SU readme
Jesus christ.
Do yourself a favour and set up Yamaha S-YXG50 or Roland Sound Canvas, best PC synthesizers of the 90s era.

I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit.

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What level should I be by Calcutta and how can I get there without grinding Assassins?

Except they dont, the universe resets so that nothing in part 6 happens but everything before does like part 5 part 4 and all. I bet you are the type that belives that part 7 takes place in the ireneverse

This is perfection. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

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>male in inventory

>anti-social girl
>walking around in a bunny suit
take it back, now

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The anti-social thing is just an act. Shorty is the cutest, sexiest, and most deceitful incarnation of pure evil there ever was

I hate this head-canon.

>hating best canon

Because the "Cute little girl is actually super evil" thing is done too much.

It's actually not and that's a really stupid reason to hate best Shawty.

Why didn't Joseph turn into a vampire when he was infused with DIO blood? We saw earlier in that very part that Vanilla Ice was revived as a vampire with minimal contact to it

Dude Ripple Lmao

Ripple repelled it or Araki is really inconsistent.

Didn't stop Straitzo from turning into a vampire

I don't hate her, I actually like her design a lot. I just don't like the head-canon.

Willingly turned himself into one with a Stone Mask, not blood contact

I know. It's just that evil Shawty is best shorty.

I prefer the anti social autistic shorty that bonds with Kakyoin over their autism

Wait a fucking second here
>Stroheim is a secret character
>he's hidden under a truck at the harbor

That's fine. Shorty's still better as the evil mastermind who doms Kakyoin and makes a harem out of Dio and the Crusaders.

Attached: shorty aww.jpg (700x4061, 433K)

Is that a motherfucking Pokemon reference?!

Would that really matter though? It's not like Joseph's body was alive and flowing with ripple to expel DIO's blood.

A Miracles 7th Stand User's lines when surrounding Dio's coffin are wholesome as fuck.

The real reason is that Araki is a hack and everyone knows this

Elaborate, nobody used that shit Stand so nobody knows a playthrough with it

If anything, Part 4 and 5 are the most suited for it

How does the Bunny Suit work? Do you just put it on and you're golden for the rest of the game? Or does it come off if you go to new areas or pick up party members?

>le popular thing is reddit xdddd
Die in a fire

Cute culture doesn't exist in America

I don't like this head-canon either.

I thought it was until I read it.

>nobody used that shit Stand
Ahem As for the lines themselves they're something on the lines of:

"Sis always complained that I never did anything and just said tomorrow whenever she asked. She always said 'When tomorrow?' after. Not this time. I'm doing it today, sis."

Sounds gay af, I'll stick to my Napalm, faggot.

The thing about Jojo is that it appeals to ALL sorts of people rather than just a specific group of people.

>it's popular
>so its plebit
Fuck off back to egypt

you don't have to, broseph

What changes in the Abdul ending depending on your stand? Last time I cleared the game was years ago with Wildhearts Abdul ending and what I can vaguely remember of that ending was being good friends with him and visiting him at his shop some time after the fight with DIO with him talking about introducing me to his other friends there.

>discount kira
holy shit, how do you function?

The only endings it really changes are Polnareff's and Joseph's

I know.

You have to put it on with no party members accompanying you and with no one around. It gets taken off once when you're taken to shitty Arabia because they can't handle tits and ass but you can put it on after you leave that shithole of a country.

By blowing gay roasties like you the fuck up lmao

with what senses?

Specials is such a cool stand holy shit
Gives me a Midnight Crew vibe

If only its best moves that made it useful for anything beyond close range could be learned naturally.

Plot twist: The reason he was still alive during Stone Ocean is because he had died and resurrected as a vampire ages ago.

>reset levels so NG+ isn't too easy
>they still keep their skills and Jotaro dishes out damage in the hundreds with Berserk Ora

Should've just kept your levels, man.

How do you get the color version? or is that for the sequel only?

>wanting to be horribly injured every time you get into a stand battle

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My wounds will just heal the next day, just ask Josuke, he can't heal himself yet no matter how fucked up he gets he's just fine the next day

It's not fair...

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Why don't any other stands get a Requiem? Sounds like a fair way to you get on Jotaro's Za Warudo level.

Really like the art but it seems like 7SU2 is another Yooka Laylee situation

What are the best stands all-around?


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>Yooka Laylee situation

Stuck between going Red Garland on my next playthrough or Napalm death. Both suit my personality but I'm not sure which one's power set is more appealing. Which should I choose?

>not even listing any spoilers
animeonlies aren't even the ones you have to worry about
it's my dubonly ass
if i wanted to read jojo i'd read the manga, but i have 2 iq and don't know how people find good translated jojo on the internet

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Does it matter if you play a boy or girl? Also, is there some kind of region checklist i can look at to verify i've done all the optional shit before moving on?

How did a single person make a full rpg like this thats bloated with content

not really, but there are certain events where you have to be one or the other
you can just pick the other gender on subsequent playthroughs anyways

>Does it matter if you play a boy or girl?
Some dialogue, equipment, and event differences but not much.
>Also, is there some kind of region checklist i can look at to verify i've done all the optional shit before moving on?
>How did a single person make a full rpg like this thats bloated with content
It goes down as the game goes along, though it can be overwhelming at first. Clayman is a devoted fangirl.

How do I beat the Teeth in order to get the badge?
I have Miracles, level 30. Seems impossible in just 5 rounds.


Lvl.49+ Miracles has access to Assassinate and Crunch!, which both bypass defense.

Which stands are you?

Here's me:

>Red Garland
>Howlin' Wolf
>Napalm Death
>Deep Purple
>Pharoah Sanders

Where can I download the english version of the first game? There's dozens of version floating around in google search results

I consider it canon simply because multiverse bullshit, which we know happens thanks to steel ball run
>There's a universe where all the JoJo's are girls instead

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>Upload is 3 years old
Wtf? If this has been around for ages then why is it only now that we have these threads non-stop?

You sound very introspective and are likely a nerd who thinks too highly of himself.

Just fucking google it holy shit, every part is translated just fine now

New update coming out. Absolutely fucking crazy shit in it. Special features only available on NG+5^ and unlocked with max cash

We be playthrough rushing and shit.

Yes. What an insufferable fucking fanbase. Hope you all die.

I feel like I come off as that, yeah. Still fits all around.

i've been seeing this thread for the past few weeks
is this actually a game or a stealth Yea Forums cult thread

So wouldn't it be better for new people to wait until the update is out before jumping into the game? Also, will the update be immediately translated?

Kak and Abdul deal some nice damage to it with Hierophant Barrier 20m and Red Hot Ankh I think. In my case I had Cardigans and used Laser Cut but you can spam dynamite/hand grenade/handgun if you have them, like I did for Polnareff.

First time I played years ago I got Miracles, this time I got Cardigans, so I guess I'm a bona-fide autist.

>So wouldn't it be better for new people to wait until the update is out before jumping into the game?
It takes a while to reach NG+5 and get max cash, plus the translation is going by at a good pace.

Anyone got the full colored mod for the first one?

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>Also, will the update be immediately translated?
It has been out for half a year now, in Japan only.
A tripfag from here is translating it.

Before part 4? No.
After? Yes.

The show became Hot Topic tier when part 3 ended, after the tiny brained masses began to like it for the memes rather than for the kino it truly is.

It's actually a game. Someone made a thread for it a while ago and since Yea Forums is exclusively newfags no one even knew it existed until now. And some of us simply got reminded that it existed and revisited it after so long.

>Show is kino
>New fans like it for the wrong reasons
>Show is somehow no longer kino.

How does someones opinion make a show "worse"

The devs are good at things like art and music, but not making an actual game

Wait, you wern't exaggerating? The new content is really only for people who have finished the game five times and capped out on money?

Speaking of the dub, I decided to watch part 4's dub since I wanted to watch part 4 again, and jesus christ is it inconsistent with the stand name, I understand why they need to change them, but sometimes it just makes no sense, like with Echoes and Atom Heart Father

yeah, i know, but the voices are pretty good
technically, yoshihiro's stand is just heart father, like how kira's second bomb is just heart attack in the dub, but the dub episode is called "atom heart father"

My issue is that even stands with names that are just common or phrases are changed, but only sometimes, like how Echoes is changed but Bites the Dust is just fine, also for some reason superfly is unchanged

Yup. Game is actually fun and has tons of replayability with its endings and stands.

changed names are always weird
harvest, cinderella, and stray cat had their names changed in one of the games' english releases, but were changed back in the viz dub, and keicho still has "bad c.o." on his clothes (bad company still has BC on it's uniform as well)
i hope anybody who watches the dub knows what the stand names are actually supposed to be, and are just watching for the voices

The absolute state of jojofags

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Is there any way to edit FP with the save editor? I wanna up Joseph's but I can't seem to find a way to do it.

Anyone remember that guy who posted a part 4 clip on youtube and then changed the video title to part 6 spoilers just to fuck animeonlies, what a fucking legend

absolute state of gappy

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>if you do the submarine route as a girl, Hol Horse genuine feels bad that he killed you

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>tfw you bring quicksilver to the fight
based showdown

Thanks, fatty.
Shigechi did nothing wrong

Use cheat engine to alter numerical values. Or use rpg maker save editor online


He was 100% in the right, sure he was an asshole about it, but he was right

After suffering through my first playthrough with miracles and just went into ng+ i have a couple of questions
can i go for the dontreadit ending on 2nd playthrough since stacking enough FP seems easy now?
any real use for cars arm i got from first playthrough
is it possible to beat dio after he floors joseph since game seems to loop if i win that fight
and finally what exactly is chaos mode and where do i access it

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1: i'm sure that you can do it on any playthrough where you get enough fp
2: you instakill jotaro's level 40 sanctuary boss, which gives you access to the debug room where you can just fuck around and give yourself everything
3: pretty sure that's a bug, a patch has been posted earlier ctrl f "282", or at least i think that's what it said
4: the newest version has a mode that randomly makes even more stuff happen, think of it like a randomizer
it's still in japanese, but there's an user translating it
question for you, do you know how to write "don'treadit" into the bizzare memo? from what i understand it has to be in all caps, and has the apostrophe, but the character limit is off by 1

There was an update done by someone on Tumblr that translated the scene with Jotaro falling down the steps at the start of Part 3, and i think they fixed the memo pad so you can add the apostrophe. I don't think they bothered doing anything else.

What is Diavolo's deal in this? Is it just an easter egg or is he freaking the fuck out at the new time after being a ghost or something?

i mean like this
do i need the apostrophe?

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Yeah you do. Here's the Tumblr page for the memo pad fix

Holy Sandstorm from (You), Red Hot Ankh from Abdul, Punishment Time from Kakyoin and Dynamites from Polnareff because he's a useless fuck

If you can beat Twin Blades Polnareff, you do get a def. pierce skill, but other than that, Pol is weaksauce.

>fanmade sequel to The 7th Stand User.
I don't think it'll ever be finished desu

Araki would go Sudoku in under ten seconds if he knew his series had inspired such fuck ugly art. Who ever drew this deserves to have their hands removed.

Is this the Undertale of jojo games?

The other female characters are even worse which is weird since the guys all look okay.

I really don't think Araki would be one to complain

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>very early demo
why would i willingly disappoint myself like this

That's clearly a dude dressed as a girl though; the goblin son of Jojolions villain Jobbin Higashikata, the man that wants to fuck beetles

>RPG maker
Just nope.

trying to beef up my stand that I got when testing blind. Am I supposed to go through the round of questioning down the alphabet from A to I ? I can't ever seem to end on the right lettters. I can navigate the questions through the alphabet but as soon as I try to get back to my sub letter I get a seemingly random stand.

Jojo is also racist. Just look at the bigger lips on avdol

I'm at the fishing village before N'doul, I have miracles.
Is level 30 enough for my party members? I'm at 36, and I only have Joseph and Jotaro left to grind.

there still isn't enough space, and why the fuck did windows tell me to not run it?

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But black people do have bigger lips on average?

It's a decent enough level. Dio's going to be a bitch, either way.

Gameplay/Balance. Without it Red Garland is absolutely the worst and most pointless stand in the game.

Besides it can be argued that Garland isn't actually a requirem stand anyway,it just has a move with that titular name. There's no design for it and it doesn't fit the theme the other two have where their powers are based around a "Purpose" With Gold experience that is overcoming Diavolo and with Chariot that is protecting the Arrow. Meanwhile Garlands so called Requirem is just a better version of what he does which is punching the enemy and leaving them crippled.

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why though, what advantage does that give them

>Someone tried to continue the translation

The fuck? So is this the version everyone should be downloading then or is there something wrong with it

Miracles users that go down the betrayl path should get fitting evolutions (think Pucci and not Koichi).

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Loud smacking helps them locate each other at night

>Without it Red Garland is absolutely the worst and most pointless stand in the game.
lol, explain

It has a few bugs, but sure.

MiH looks so goofy with just the front of a horse in its design

Also I really don't understand this.
How would jap controversy interfere with his TLing efforts. It sounds like he was just bullshitting to open up a Patreon or something for the game.

>few bugs
I gotta know senpai I gotta know. Such as

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for fucks sake none of this makes sense why am I a retard

which stand are you trying to get

Which stands get defense piercing moves? Actually, what moves are defense piercing? The descriptions for some suggest so but sometimes aren't.

Deep Purple since its what I originally tested for and it feels right.

it sounds like you already have the walkthrough up, right? When it comes to answering the yes/no questions you need to move in the direction of the secondary letter, so in your case you need to move backwards through the alphabet. It ends when a certain letter gets picked enough times, so by moving backwards to H and then continuing that direction H will stay with the most points.

Just installed the color version of this game. I know Jojo's but I have no idea what this is. Wish me luck

Whoops, I guess it's more accurate to think of it as H hitting that threshold first.

Make sure you press shift once you get the radio and look at all the options, there's important information you get from there. And you have multiple save slots, use them.

When I go backwards I get red garland and when I go forward I get either atom ant or napalm death. I am also starting on the first "I" question.

Because without the move literally everything it attempts to do, Jotaro does better and by large loses its purpose as a selection because the game does its best really to make sure your Star Platinum wannabe stand doesn't override or even let you entertain the idea of overriding Star Platinum itself with its double attack,way higher stats and 2 turn stun.
And even Jotaro aside it is complete trash against multiple enemies which is mainly what this game is. Since enemy stands are given their own HP and stats but yours is just works on your HP and Stats

Oooh shit!

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>get curious if they ever dubbed Stand Proud
>find this guy

Fuck the hell yes!

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Are you moving in one direction throughout the whole thing? Lemme try it real quick

i just want to be noticed by dio-fampai

>Take a walk with Iggy
>Collapse out of nowhere because my MC is weak
>The little fucker takes all my money and leaves me to die

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does that skip the fight

nope, still a pretty fun fight and the new move gives your enemy status effects up the ass

What does the breathing debuff from Deep Purple do?

If you want to get Dio's attention then kill your friends boyo or at least just betray the Jostars

but i want to be on their level of power

alright, so I didn't remember how the quiz worked correctly, and after re-reading it cycling though all the letter questions didn't work for me, either. Bouncing between the I and H groups worked easily, though, so just do that.

Cardigans or Caravan? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

He looks better in the manga since Araki always draws him at a different angle.

what about pharaoh sanders? or was that already posted in another thread and i missed it?

Cardigans does okay damage with great healing and decent buffs
Caravan is shit but you can buy basically every item from him

>first playthrough got pharaoh sanders
>always got told to fight fishing village joey at 40
>spend ages on the grind just for that
>mfw this scene
made it all worthwhile

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yes, thank fucking god someone other than me thinks this aswell.
the animation is garbage, the story is bullshit, part 3 is even enemy-of-the-weak, the biggest shit there is, the fights in this show are ALL boring and overblown in which the protag only wins by retarded ASSPULLS. there is only one reason this shit is as popular in the west as it is: Rebbit

they like it, not because of the story or anything really, other than le funny memes XD
>NO ITS LE ME DIO!!!!!!!!!!


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Is Carpenters any good? Been thinking of rolling him up but his attacks don't look like anything special.

I am genuinely asking, what is this?

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Huh, good to know. Thanks.

The Stand.

The Stand, apparently.

He’s in the infinite death loop.

But is it good?

will do so. thankyou, user.


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The Stand is a short-range special stand. It’s power is rather unique compared to most others, in that it doesn’t have a special ability unique to itself. Rather, The Stand copies abilities from other stands. The Stand, for example, can copy the ability of Crazy Diamond, and heal objects via touch. On top of this, The Stand also gains a small boost to its stats to accommodate.

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Caravan does decent damage okay healing and he does a ton of damage once you unlock the nuke

Caravan can learn how to use a nuke if you have a nuclear warhead when you go to sleep or get to level 50. It inflicts status effects and damages their SP.

No one knows because there's still no attacks programmed for battles.

Yeah, for 300SP. Not really cost effective.

>ganging up on kira with joseph, speedwagon and dire
motherfucker didn't stand a chance

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part 4 is like the cell saga
it should've just ended there but it kept going

Do ripple moves carry across stands or do I have to buy a new book if I change stands NG+?

Sorry bro but polnareff was giving me too much trouble

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Just equip the Rohan manuscript and restore your SP when necessary, the enemies won't touch you because they'll be confused/blinded.

new books

>do quiz
>get motorhead
what am i looking at exactly?

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Are the 100k ones worth it then or should I spend my money elsewhere? I've only got 130k to work with

Is it possible to beat polnareff with cardigans
Im using the new moveset made by user

you can get ripple gale for free by grinding ripple warriors in cairo after you find dio's mansion

>le me spoiling to look cool because i read the manga
fuck off

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so im basically sanic

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I mean, to be fair, I tried playing it years ago.
Shit just came up while I was on the cargo ship, and I put down the game. Then forgot it existed for years. So while I've 'played' before, I never got to Calcutta for instance.

I would say no, though the fan base can be hit or miss. I do love the music references and the way the story tends to change significantly before parts. Personally if I were to rank parts it would be
Part 8 isn't done yet and I know Part 6 is considered bad but I really think it has some great characters.

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I got Tenacious D.

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>pick of destiny on its forehead
blessed stand

Adding to this, is the plastic surgeon good?

Who's the other boss in the fishing village? My guess is either Hol Horse or Fireflies' user, but I can't find anyone. Steel said to bring Joseph but I haven't found anything yet.

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Oh yeah, and I slept in the Inn but I just got attacked by Fireflies and then nothing.

Talk to all the NPCs and then check the tv in the inn with Joseph in your party.

Its a really good stand, its kinda like an inverse Crazy Diamond in a way.

Looks like a mix of Crazy Diamond and Stone Free

ohhhh so that was it, thanks

I swear, I'm gonna get that fuckin Ultimate Debugger. I HAVE to have the power to manipulate shit on the fly, it sounds so good.

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It kinda is, its a good stand for sure though

>no rolling stones in the corner
>or as the ball itself

Post Ace of Spades i just got him seems really fucking cool too

I wanna root the guy making a Part 7 version on, but at the same time the fact that 7SU2 looks like shit makes me wary of any of these not made by a random japanese housewife.

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Just wait on what they put out to see if you should have some hope or not.

That's hard when I'm so desperate for a Part 7 game, it's got the most potential out of any of the parts to be either amazing or terrible.

I just want more Johnny and Gyro, bring the best team back

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That's how I feel about the Part 5 game, I really wanna romance Mista as a cute gangsta chick but I'm scared she'll be hideous like the girls in 7SU2.

The power of this stand assigns the characteristics of one’s death to a spiritual deck of playing cards, to a specific hand in the deck which must be drawn in combat, such as a two pair or full house.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like the art, I feel like they've not only clung too hard to one small part in the history of jojo but they've turned it up too high, everyone looks just hideous

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Any way to lower polnareff's FP before the alessi fight?

Is specials fun?

befriend iggy when you first meet

It's a lil underpowered unless you savescum but it still gets through the normal bosses fine and has fun overworld dialogue

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So is there a purpose to Kira's dad floating around in Cairo, or is he just an easter egg? I couldn't tell what he was at the time, but I got Joseph's ending and saw that was meant to be HIS sprite floating around.
Also, is Hol Horse always meant to help fight Dio in the Ripple Warriors ending?

>Got Faith's Badge of Honor first try.
Is it supossed to be rare?

Pretty sure Badges of Honor are guaranteed, no chance, if you complete what you need to get them

I also got it first try. Maybe the wiki is outdated?

yeah, his stand can infect jpg images to control any computer that opens them

Can i beat polnareff with cardigans and how long would it take to farm to level 16 in hong kong

Level 40 Miracles, level 30 everyone else, I'm gonna fight Joey at the fishing village.
Who's best to take with?

really? i never noticed yoshihiro before
hol horse helps if you go submarine route and try to persuade him during the oingo and hol horse event in any route

i did well with Kakyoin

Not all of them, especially Faith's which has a low ass chance.

>30k for letting him kill Silver Fox
>And then the sheer fun of the Cameo fight

I regret missing those fights but having my girl and Caravan aping Abdul's bit was too good.

Yeah, I took Kakyoin too but only because he was by far the highest level. Hierophant Barrier 20m does nice damage, has fear chance and never missed unlike Emerald Splash 100x which missed three fucking times in a row.
Maybe try bringing Abdul, I think he has more damage output if Joey can get burned in that fight.

jojo factually predates the crash of communal intellect that is the internet of 2007+. It is immune to your pathetic attempts to distance yourself from it.

oh shit my skin up and left me, crawling away in extreme agony.

Don't worry about it, I'm working on it now and I'm not that faggot.
But the bugs in the other version involve the Steely Dan fight it adds. Like, you MC turns into Jotaro and shit

You do realize WRYYYYY/ROAD ROLLER was a 2007 meme originally and that the user is likely already up to date with the manga, right?

Ah, fair enough

I promise I will do my best user.
I love this part so much
But I have no idea if it's possible to implement Sugar Mountain

Planning on rolling Napalm Death in my next playthrough. What am I in for?

Which stands other than Cardigans are good for the succession ending?

I mean, you could have it be a time limit thing where if you haven't spend X money and triggered some events by the end you get succ'd/story evented, and if you do you get some kinda bonus

I guess it'd matter depending on how you do the story, whether you have different routes if you go with Gyro and Johnny or not

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Can someone explain the controversey?

Kadokawa basically took away Kemono Friends season 2 from the previous director and messed everything up. Kadokawa having anything to do with RPGmaker, I have no idea. Sounds like poor excuses.

I can't find anything on it, that guy must be a retard.

I knew Joshu was /our guy/

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Based stand (1) coming through

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Is there any way to know what bosses are imune to what statuses?
King Joey eventually always drops a nuke and one shots me.

>deep pass overdrive

what do i use this shit on? I don't want to miss the chance being an autist who can't take a hint

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Based stand (2)

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Use it on DIO or Vins

>take Abdul
>spam hellfire
>watch and laugh as Joey spends the entire fight punching himself in the face

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Do you have any ideas on what stands we'll get to chose from?

everything's been on batoto or literally any other manga site. I read it all during my AP english class back in highschool and that was four years ago

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How the fuck do you beat Ult. Being Kars? He's used evolve and my nukes no longer do damage

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Okay so i started playing a few hours ago and i just got something called a badge of honor
What is it's use should i use it

Use it to buy NG+

It's ULTIMATE Kars ;-;

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Save at least one if you plan on using New Game+

Save 3 more if you want to skip the text next playthrough

Spend the rest as you please

Some of them, yeah
I'm open to suggestions

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when you beat the game you can get access to new game+

You can either use it for something random but beneficial to happen, or save it for the post-game developer's room where you can use it to buy access to NG+, the ability to skip cutscenes (you need 3), or powering up Jotaro (you need 5).
Also you need 30 FP at minimum to get an ending that leads to the dev room. Remember to rotate your save slots

Save before using if you plan to do so, they give random shit that can be really good.
Otherwise, save them up for the end of the game, you need 1 to be able to go to NG+ and 3 more to be able to skip text, you can also spend more to get other stuff but you probably won't have enough on your first playthrough for that.

>This version of Cars can be fought on the 2nd playthrough and up. Stats are the same, but he will recover 999HP each turn. In addition, he is no longer weak to Light damage, and cannot be afflicted with BlowBack, OnFire, Berserk, or NoSenses. He will use Absorb Flesh to steal your HP and SP, and once his health gets low enough, he will use Evolve to even further buff his stats.

Best bet is Red Garland Requiem/ Jotaro Timestop spam.

I can't even do 999 HP in one timestop thanks to his high defense, and my stand is Mr. BIG.
Was hoping despair shot would do something but ever since he used Evolve I've been sucking ass

From the sounds of it, you ain't ready for him. Which to be fair I've beaten this game at least 5 times in a row and i'm still probably not ready for him. You're gonna need a lot of bullshit to out bullshit the ultimate life form.

First playthrough I got Quicksilver, then Specials for my Color run before the game crashed, and now i've got Mr. BIG for my non color new pre-chaos run
I'm an austist but I care for the people I call friends.

What does the Aja stone do?

I don't get how RGR would even help, I know the whole debuff meta seems impenetrable but his damage output isn't my issue, it's MY damage output, and I don't think RGR does that much damage.

What the absolute best stands for endgame bosses? I know red garland is one of them, anything else?

Does Mr. BIG also have a shoutout scene with Hol Horse like Quicksilver has one?

You need it to complete the sword of st. george

RGR can inflict statuses that do like 10% of Kars max hp every turn

My regular level 8 deep purple is 24/57/47/30 for stats with 83hp and 75 sp
The one I made by bouncing back and forth from H/I is at 21/26/16/19 with 44/40 hp/SP

if I go up or down the alphabet like the guide says I don't get deep purple. I think I made a crazy strong adam ant though it wasn't what I was looking for. How is it as a stand?

A short one if you follow Polnareff, yeah.

This demo is the most soulless thing i've ever seen.

>he doesn't know what placeholder graphics are
The character sprites are generic though.

I couldn't even finish it because of all the auto walking and bad graphics.

You are the most soulless thing I've ever seen.

I'm just gonna use my massive stock of nukes and pray i can keep him berserked long enough to kill him, since it seems like he restores HP during timestop even so if you can't deal 999 damage each turn he's regenerating

Its not even the graphics that annoy me, its the artstyle more than anything. Literally only the stand designs look ok, everything else looks like a mismatched hodgepodge of jpegs taken 20 years apart.

>can't deal over 999 damage with 2 nukes
Do you at least keep the broken sword in NG+

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I mean it just seems like it's gonna be a painful time if you can't lower his stats.
Personally I haven't tried that at all so if it works then it works.

It's an item so yeah, you do.

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Does Cardiac Massage stop working?
I'm at Geb, and it one shot Polnareff. Tried to revive him 3 times already.

It doesn't stop working, it just has a chance to not work in battles.

u sure bro

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>people say to use the carpenter's trick to max everyone's stats to beat kars
Will the internet call me gay if I just save edit in 99 sunlight remedies.
I can't do that much save scumming, I'll get carpal tunnel

Well the Internet's probably gonna call you gay anyways, so you might as well do it.

Arabic is such a pretty language, especially written. More languages need their own thing rather than the same old abc stuff.

kek, Araki strikes again

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Racism is the most reddit shit possible

Is there any way to make the fight with boss rush Rubber Soul shorter? Does Kakyoin's AP move hit harder than Jotaro's?

If you have access to a OHKO move, then use it.

In this the same part he talks about how the KKK were evil and tried to destroy a mixed couple
Take that as you will

godddammit, figures

>mixed couple
Honestly I still don't understand the whole Weather Report and Pucci bit. Their parents seem white, Pucci ends up black and Weather gets attacked by the KKK over it, however at the same time they were happy to take a job from Pucci who is seemingly black because Pucci wants to break up his sister who is dating Weather not knowing they are related. The KKK then says "damn that white guy is apparently black lets kill him"
Honestly it was one of the more strange and poorly thought out things.

pic very related

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Hey you used the 7 devils! Man that makes me all warm And fuzzy inside.

If you have any defense piercing moves those should work too.

The worst part about this game is that they decided to base most of vin's backstory around it, whilst making it ten times more retarded.

My ex was Muslim and I used to live with her and her family. I'd take part in the holidays and we'd eat together and sometimes i'd do the prayer stuff with her dad.

I liked them a lot but Arabic is the grossest fucking mucousy sounding language next to Hebrew.

Pucci and Weather have "white" heritage (I put white in quotation marks because they must have had a dark skinned ancestor since Pucci is tanned, it's never stated if he's black or some other brown) .The parents are lightskin.
Here's the problem. Weather was a swapped baby, the baby he was swapped with was the mulatto, having a black dad and white mom. Weather himself might be completely unrelated to blacks, the KKK made the mistake. Pucci has nothing to do with anything and I don't see why the KKK would deny his request just because he is darkskin, plenty of racists disguise themselves in society well, the KKK only got the boys together because they found a case with racemixing.

Should i ever go submarine route? Everything aside from hol horse seems retarded.

>My ex was Muslim
was she adorable in a burqa?

That doesn't really explain why these people look at literally anything stylized and can't see anything but children no matter what is actually being drawn.

Post attack rush lines

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Ah, thanks user. Probably supposed to be Pucci being Sicilian or some shit.

i took avdol by accident. cross fire hurricane is pretty strong

They're both white, It's only united staters with one drop rule and obsession with ancestry Brazil is more how someone look or feel America say someone blonde blue eyes white with 1% black is as black as bantu in Africa.

A puritan society so dedicated to being chaste yet murder machines they fall into extremism. If it looks like a little girl, it may as well be a little girl. Date a petite adult and get called a pedophile just because she looks really young and is really short.

Isn't it shorter, especially if you already know everything you have to do in the mansion? Plus if you want the evil endings you can get some extra bad karma that way.

Her family was like, relaxed Muslim? She and her sister refused to wear hijabs and her da was just cool with it even though he said he'd rather they do he didn't push it.

>relaxed Muslim
Those are a thing when relating to Muslim men?

I mean, he still prayed like a few times a day and all but he never really pushed shit on his family. They were Singaporean too so they were Muslim lite.

How do you change it?

Ah, that explains it.

Talk to Steel using the radio and look for the Personalize option.

Any specific roles you need filled for the stands ?

>called jojo's bizarre adventure
>the jojo's haven't been called that in story since like part two

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In Aswan there's supossed to be a Polnareff event with a guy selling papyrus, but I can't find him.

How good is Quicksilver?

>First time playing, Red Garland.
>Intended to bro it up with Cool Uncle Joseph
>By pure chance end up going on a bunch of misadventures with Kakyoin mostly involving us fighting off enemy stand users and then trying to get some tail and failing in spectacular ways.
>We have become the Butabi Brothers if they were also superheroes.
This game is pure excellence.

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What? Both Jotaro and Josuke are called Jojo.
Though Jotaro less often than the others.

Should I go Carpenters or Napalm Death? Which one's better?

Should i fighr joey before ebony devil or after

Doesn't really matter.

The best one is the one you get by answering honestly ya ding dong.

you guy convinced me to get into the manga, any particular translations i should avoid? i've heard about duwang but that's about it
BW or color?

sure it is


definitely read duwang

Does donating to the various churches do anything?

Attached: 1546238502575.png (500x450, 146K)

>Suggesting someone read duwang
Why would you be this cruel user?

Just suggest what you can

Read 5 and 6 in color.
Read 7 in black and white.
4 is fine either way. Duwang is funny, give it a try if you want.

Both are very good and enjoyable. It ultimately doesn't matter and you're free to try the other in ng+

because it's a fun read

>Read 5 and 6 in color.
>Read 7 in black and white.
Shit taste valentine is best experienced in color