Hmm yeah. Bros... Let's game
Hmm yeah. Bros... Let's game
I can’t imagine playing a Nintendo switch in public as an adult
I remember doing this like 10 years ago with friends at the beach, but with a laptop. I was around 19 or something. Damn I looked like an idiot and I regret doing that. Now most of them have moved away or don't have time anymore to hang out. It sucks.
Zoomers, don't fucking do that shit. Spend time with your goddamn friends. I understand you might be bored, but still, bring something up, show them a video, just interact with them. It won't last forever.
Fuck that. Vidya over 3D-scum any day.
Same, good thing I’ve somehow never ran across someone IRL who actually does that
>Secretly taking a picture of your coworkers and posting it on reddit
Fuck this faggot
Isn't this the same thing as holding a giant newspaper in between you and your friends like an asshole?
You can see in their faces that they think this shit is pathetic.
>he posted it AGAIN
>Don't drink.
>Get invited to bar.
Girl on the right is cute
>drinking with your coworkers
I drink on the job, we play a game where we see how high/long we can shot a can of beer at eachother and catch it.
theres probably like 30 or so beer cans under the frame of skyscrapers in my city
>all drinking cokes
its more of a social thing over just getting wasted. i dont drink either, but if my friends were playing driinking games, id at least join in with a non alcholic drink or at least watch them play and crack jokes/laugh about it.
i cant even make friends that invite me anywhere but even i know this is wrong. FUCK! why is leddit so fucking bad!
sure thing
>drinking games
>with coke
The absolute state of millennials.
Jizz on it.
why is it wrong user? you don't like video games?
Holy fucking shit. it's this image in real life.
what a retard. why embarrass your "freinds" like that.
The fun part isn't that he's playing on the Switch like an autist, is that he went to Reddit to seek validation over his autism.
is it me or does that hand look shooped in?
that looks like guiness.
Coworkers can't be your friend.
>not gangbanging the girl on the right
>Coke cans
>Middle is looking at what seems like a menu
Something's not adding up
Does not compute.
Dear god, have you faggots ever been outside in your lives? Plenty of pubs have carpet, and serve food at tables. They clearly all have beers in front of them, the coke can is for the Nintendie
well it looks like that plastic red case is maybe for a deck of cards and the guy on the left could be shuffling them, leaving the middle woman to be looking at a menu while the game is getting set up
>going out of your way to not interact with people at a bar of all places
just be a sad drunk at home like a normal person goddamn
I've been to a ton of pubs and none of them have had carpets.
this picture always makes my stomach churn because I've experienced almost this exact picture but with even more people.
I was at a big party where I knew only maybe a handful of people, and me and a friend went out to the garage to smoke. as we're walking out, I'm in the middle of saying something along the lines of "I barely recognize anyone here" and the 20 or so people in the garage all go silent and stare at us for a few seconds like in the picture. having a Switch probably would have made things better, honestly.
What in the almighty fuck is wrong with Nintendo fans?
>Plenty of pubs have carpet
Where the fuck do you live? Why would anyone put a carpet in a pub?
This one isn't even that bad. There's a time and place to be a sperg about videogames and this is it
Yes user there are times when someone will be the designated driver
>dude who got kicked out of his dungeons and dragons group due to bad hygiene practices
>danger haired aggot
>shitskin bitch with ratty hair
>bowling ball shaped bitch with ratty hair
>dude is drinking soda with no ice
>shitty looking yuppie bar that probably plays indie music from junior high
Yeah, I'd probably do the BING BING WAHOO shit also to keep from talking to those assholes.
>getting a custom made cake and celebrating a piece of plastic's "birthday"
>not that bad
Stay mad
They look embarrassed to be taken a photo of.
A lot of you guys are fucking losers. Would it even matter if you played a switch in public? You’ve nothing to lose.
Only insecure faggots care what strangers think of them.
Most likely they don't even care.
The bigger "issue" is doing it when you're out with people. I'm a fucking loser for sure but if I'm out with some friends I'll shoot the shit, not take out a damn switch.
Found the manchild.
Imagine being this insecure
Playing drinking games in public is just as pathetic as playing your Switch in a bar. Save that shit for the house.
>y-you are just insecure
>that one time everyone from work is free to meet up
>the choice to either go or not go
>you go
>BUT you play your switch instead of socializing
How much fucking coke do you think a single can holds?
I play my switch in public all the time and the women love it. Just last month the flight attendant noticed me playing megaman, asked me about the switch, gave me her number. I fucked her that night. Told her i had a condom on but she probly preggo now
This is true but I'm not pregnant because I'm trans
Did everyone stand up and clap afterwards though?
As someone who is often in the position of one of the people drinking while one or two people are playing games on their phones/handhelds, I don't think of them as losers, I just feel sad that they don't wanna join in
how did you know
Wow that's actually crazy because I play my switch in public all the time and the women love it. Just last month the flight attendant noticed me playing megaman, asked me about the switch, gave me her number. I fucked her that night. Told her i had a condom on but she probly preggo now
>coworkers invite you out to be nice
>you play VIDEO GAMES in public ALONE instead of SOCIALIZING
>you will never be invited out again because of this
>work friends
No such thing. The moment you think this, the moment you set yourself up to be completely stabbed in the back.
Lost my office job at Lyft because of this. I might commit suicide soon, idk.
lmao nincels really are buttblasted.
Do you guys ever feel like wanting to hang out with your friends less often? I don't know; I just kind of not having as much fun as before. Thank God I have a brother to hang out and have fun with.
Just bring your switch bro
We all have Switches already.
Text me back, i left my copy of xc2 in your hyundai tucson
I dont expect a permavirgin to really believe me anyways. Keep making excuses for urself and maybe you can beat your time trial record on ctr
Did you touch a little boy?
I saw someone playing a psp and wanted to break it it was so fucking embarrassing
Same thing happened to me except I said Nigger and everyone looked at me.
>Do you guys ever feel like wanting to hang out with your friends less often?
I used to get that; pretty much realized it was because I grew up and they didn't and I just didn't really like hanging out with them.
That bad news is that I wound up having 0 friends. It's not unbearable but it ain't great either. It's nice that you have a brother; I'm an only child so aside from my parents every once in a while, I have had absolutely 0 social interaction with anyone going over close to a year now.
because I was there, and I also happened to be playing my switch while also getting sucked off
Hahahaha are you for real disgusting nincel subhuman?
>attempts to defend the switch
>posts a port
Honestly if you do that you're a fucking asshole. You're out with your friends. They made sure to include you to hangout for night and just chill. No you gotta be a prick and act like it's an inconvenience that you're away from video games for a few hours. Fuck anyone that does this.
Massive incel cope, imagine not having everyone clapping after shitting on plebs on the switch while getting fucked
Middle is cuter
hope you still chat with people online or however besides just Yea Forums. i would die if i didn't have someone to talk to every so often
You're acting like normalfags don't just take out their phones and do the same thing
At my college there is a room for students to hangout and study. The rule is just that you can't be loud. A bunch of smashbros players bring their shitty game into the room everyday. They're so fucking loud and they stink up the whole room. Someone complained about how they smelled like shit and how loud they were and all the staff did was hang a sign telling students to be hygienic and to keep the noise level down. They are in there all day every day as well so I'm 100% sure they are gonna flunk out.
You spoke like a true pseudointellectual faggot that just took a social "science" class and think is better than everyone. Lmao at your life peasant.
I have literally no friends and would kill to get invited by people to hang out in a bar
The fuck do you tell your "friends" that would cause you to get fired? Are you socially retarded?
There's a big difference between busting out a phone in public and playing your fisher price tablet in public. I don't expect you to understand.
No. Basically a couple of cunts conspired against me to steal credit for all my work and then throw me under the bus when one of them screwed up.
I complained to HR, but they basically told me they didn't believe a white man. Then one of them got the promotion I was working towards for a year by literally saying she headed a project that I created. Reported to HR; nothing happened so I quit.
I also haven't been able to get another job because the backstabbers have me fucking blacklisted at Lyft now, and no one there will back up my credentials. Basically, years of work in my life erased.
So yeah, don't trust cunts in the corporate world I guess. Literally thought people there were my friends, but fuck me I guess.
Literally every pub in the UK has carpet.
I told them I stole a pair of our bosses panties and showed it to them one night when drunk. I got called in to HR the next day and fired.
"Ayo white boy... give us that fuckin ipad"
What's your response?
There's a massive difference between sending a txt and pulling out a fucking Switch. Hell there's a difference between playing some mindless game on your phone while waiting for food and what that massive fagget is doing.
I don't overly want to hang out with anyone, I only go out for dates at this point, and I honestly only do it because I like looking at cute girls, I barely talk to the girls I date on our dates or outside of our dates because I can't stand women.
It's been a strange realization, I feel like I've lost the ability to even look at women as humans and rather just look at them like a fish in an aquarium for example, something pretty to look at but nothing more.
maybe try inviting someone else to go out and tell them they can bring their friends? idk your situation but i hate seeing so many people on this board without friends.
>hey this guy is having fun doing something i dont like
>i better not voice my opinion in real life and instead post about it on Yea Forums
>the virgin switch vs the virgin introvert faggot
You sound like a salty incel to be honest.
You're lame as fuck. Have sex.
>N-no please I need to play Mary-oh
"uh all of you blacks or niggers as I like to call you, its a nintendo switch so leave me alone or ill make you all slaves again"
Wouldn't you be salty if someone took credit for a program you created from scratch?
I'm not, but I'd be lying if I said this whole thing didn't give me serious trust issues towards women in the workplace for now on.
hahahahahahahhahahaha holy shit just fucking kill yourself already if you cant hold a conversation because youre a fucking faggot lord have mercy on retards like this
These girls are so hot
gotta agree here there's a pub on every street corner in straya and they all have carpet. probably would get kicked out for playing a drinking game with cards in sydney though im sure there's some law against it
I'd do a lot of things to get out of hanging out with that group. I'd probably even go to AA.
Original pic?
Maybe you should kys yourself my main man. Sounds like you're a little bitch and you got dabbed on by HR and your "friends" big time.
What the fuck is wrong with you? I get lowering your standards but yeesh.
I thought the Switch was designed specifically so you could take it with you... and then play WITH your friends? Why would he then just bring it to sit in the corner and play by himself instead?
I don't blame him. The other guys look bored like they're thinking "can I puhleeaaase pork your 4/10 stinking roast beef fuck mound now?"
Would you jack off a little boy on national television?
>30 years old
>respectable job
>make good money
>play switch in a coffee shop while barely working
You guys are fags, suck my dick
What country do you live in where HR isn't a giant fucking shit-fest towards the company they work for?
>Id at least join in with a non alcholic drink
Kek, we hate you faggotrons more than anyone.
i will
wow what a fuckin flammer
People who feel the need to constantly take pictures and put them online are obnoxious. They usually don't care when you tell them that you don't want them taking your photo and posting it where ever
Boomer here
Never really had IRL friends
When I tried sharing my interests/hobbies with my friends growing up, they all couldn’t relate and I was mocked for it and the few that did were toxic and used me as their punching bag.
Now I’m here.
Glad to hear you got to hang out with your friends when you had the chance, user.
Fuck """socializing"""
Time to kill yourself then.
Seriously though, kill yourself. You sound pathetic
Pardon my French, but fuckin' yikes.
Sounds like some shitty larp. You should easily be able to prove you're the one who created the program. Unless you're some fucking retard who left all the files unprotected on the computer, but even then you could still show them you know exactly how it works and they don't
well i mean you sound insecure and defensive, but that's one of the few situations where it seems reasonable because people do that sorta thing at coffee shops already.
I still go out with them from time to time, but it's definitely me on my end. I don't drink nor do I smoke weed, but it feels like it's all they do or talk about the times they hang out with their other group of friends.
god quentin was the most autistic fucker
i miss him Yea Forumsros
That's a very specific situation outside the realm of possibility in the current cultural climate. I'd jack off on national television, though. I'm fairly blessed downstairs, it could get some ratings.
>reaches into backpack
Not only that, but being so socially retarded as to play it when out with 'friends'. Don't get me wrong, I'm a social retard but if I were in that situation I'd at least make a fucking effort and hide my power level.
i'll b ur friend
this. just be in the moment with your friends.
>go to bar
>bring a video game
He's they dude they always drag along because it would be awkward to drop him
Nah I'm good. I have a grave and enormous fear of death, so suicide never crosses my mind. Appreciate the suggestion.
I've never really understood this. I've been addicted to PC gaming since I was like 8 or so years old, but when I hang out with friends ive never gotten the irresistible urge to play with a handheld when were socializing.
Do you have to be somewhere on the spectrum to be like this?
Just because it's fucking retarded doesn't mean it's not a thing, I've seen it at plenty of pubs.
I bet this guy is that faggot that wants pineapple when a pizza is ordered when everyone could easily decide on a normal pepperoni one.
Sounds like you fucked up dude. If you ever thought HR would have your back as a white male you're delusional. They literally exist to hire quotas to dick over white males. Next time, scatter comments in there.
Life's a bitch.
For sure. People tend to annoy me after awhile. I'd prefer to just stay at home comfortably playing vidya. Unfortunately people think I hate them or something if I don't talk to them.
in this specific instance, it looks like he doesn't drink and therefore can't join in on the game. Dunno why he went with a nintendo switch instead of just mucking around on his phone or just play without drinking alcohol or any other option avaible.
>trying to justify backstabbing cunts
I'm not the OP, but I'll kill myself if I can take a bitch like you with me.
Honestly, that isn't enough to save him in the "listen and believe" era. It'd be dismissed as "mansplaining" and evidence of his plagiarism.
>all these people getting worked by a reddit circlejerk image.
It's cool if you don't believe me; I'm mostly just venting at this point. I probably wouldn't believe it if it hadn't happened to me either.
>Unless you're some fucking retard who left all the files unprotected on the computer.
This is essentially what I did. Lyft is big on "collab" projects.
>even then you could still show them you know exactly how it works and they don't
The problem with that is that I designed it so basically anyone could come in and use it easily. The idea was to make it so all levels of the company could make use of it. And also I taught them how to use it.
So yeah, I got played like a fiddle and only have my own naivety to blame.
Yup I did. It's essentially ruined my entire life. I had to apply for foodstamps last week for the first time in my entire adult life.
My gf and I don't drink, we go out to bars/clubs to dance with each other and socialize. Then we go back home to fuck and cuddle. It's just an excuse to get out of the house and have a little fun for us.
>coffee shop
Does yur boyfriend know you're pissing his money away on dirt water lad?
I hope things get better for you user.
I've seen it on my bus m8,guy was skinny as a stick too but had thin glasses
>co workers
>true friends
>part of being an adult is *THE COW GOES MOO* not caring what anyone thinks and being *THE CHICKEN GOES CLUCK CLUCK* yourself!
absolutely embarrassing and i would complain to HR
This might sound like incel shit, but buy a gun. Things in this world aren't going to get any better on their own, and being able to defend yourself from physical violence is never a bad thing.
tch, stupid normies don't even get the reference to this obscure hentai lol
The problem with this image is that he refers to work friends as "true friends". Work friends are not even regular friends, LOL.
Thanks user. I do too. I have just enough money for August rent. After that if nothing good happens, I got my suit ready to end it.
>the girls are fat lesbian dykes
>the guys are fat disgusting homos
truly the wrong side won WW2
It really depends on my mood. I would say that I'm slowly getting more and more frustrated and distant from a lot of them though. They've all moved away and the only one that is in the same town as me still is a manic depressive loser that you can count on to bail on most everything, complains about being anxious and depressed all the time and won't do anything to fix it despite having a well paying job and a GF of over 8 years that supports him in everything that he does.
what kind of coworkers do you guys work with that you don't invite them to your home, wedding, go drinking with etc?
they are all trying to get to the opposite side of the table
mobile gaming is gay as fuck
the problem with the pic is that he's playing crash 2 and he's not sharing with the others, they can easily take turns playing until one lose a life.
if you're going to hang out with people and bring out a fucking handheld at least fucking share it so everyone can have a good timebut make sure the thing returns to your hands at the end
you never know it hurts to remember you were a kid before?
>manic depressive loser
>complains about being anxious and depressed all the time and won't do anything to fix it
Jesus Christ I'm on the exact same boat you are man. Albeit he doesn't have a gf anymore. She cheated on him, tried to kill herself, and that just really pushed him down deep into the rabbit hole.
>Thank God I have a brother to hang out and have fun with
Is there any better feeling? Brothers are literally bro tier.
>mfw just got a job as a staff accountant at a big 4 accounting firm in my town
>literally every single HR person is a minority female
How fucked am I, bros?
Those people look like faggots.
I'd rather game than be involved in their onions soaked discussion too.
the difference is you have so little respect for a human being that you need to think about someone else to send a text message youre right. the only person you ever need to send letters to is family
He couldn't even be bothered to play a proper Nintendo game, he had to brag with a PlayStation port.
why does it look like she is nonchalantly spreading her butt cheeks with a look of obliviousness to how she would be perceived for doing such an act?
It really is quite annoying to hear about. He's a complete trustfund baby as well. His gf crashed his car on the highway a few months ago and his parents just outright gave him 30 grand for another. Faggot just needs perspective.
how tf does someone manage to crash a car on a highway of all places?
Reminder that Quentin was just a closet school shooter who failed at even that so he hid behind a computer.
If you are a white male extremely. HR has become a haven for SJW's.
Who are you quoting?
Ice and snow along with not paying attention. Literally just drive slow nigga. Literally zero reason to get into a crash under any circumstances if you just drive to the conditions. Some dumb fucker hitting you is unavoidable, but there is no reason for you to hit anyone. If you need to drive at literally like 10mph then do it.
lol what a fucking loser
they have to be below 25 to still do it
>drinking games
Imagine playing "drinking games" as an adult. Look at those things, children in adult bodies. Switch guy too.
Humans are fucking pathetic.
Completely agree. I'm the youngest of four, and while I love them all I just have the biggest connection with one of my brothers. Playing vidya together, hanging out, and talking bout shit we see on this Mongolian throat singing board.
Some shitposter on Yea Forums literally doxxed him and called his school citing a bomb threat because he got mad over mspaint images.
>mfw i loathe my brother and dont really care about him at all, we never really got along as kids and never had any of the same interests and are completely estranged for the most part, only really seeing each other at holidays like christmas
>seeing all these movies/games/posts like these about how close people are to their siblings just seems so fucking weird and alien to me i just cant even begin to empathize with it what so ever
way she goes
This. Yikes.
based and oldpilled
Keep working on side projects and applying. Hopefully you'll find something. Good luck, user.
Damn that does sounds annoying as fuck. I can admit that my guy has it rough. He lives with his grandma since his parents died when he was young, and I feel that he really needed influence from more people. I understand when he complains about his life, but the way he goes on about it makes it seem like he's the only one who ever experienced hardships through life. I feel like his biggest issue is that he really desperately is seeking validation from anyone, and it's gotten a whole lot worse after the whole debacle with his gf.
I play my switch in public and don't think what people think. They are probably jealous if I had to guess.
Women in the workplace are a literal meme and are not to be taken lightly under any circumstance. They understand the power they wield in a corporate setting under the current #metoo and diversity bullshit umbrella. They will do absolutely everything they can in order to get ahead, including manipulative highschool tier backstabbing practices. You always need to have a contingency plan in place that proves without a shadow of a doubt that you are in the right in any given situation where your character, intent, or work is called into question by some shit roastie trying to undermine you. There is literally a reason why CEOs of companies are advised to never take lunch with a woman in a 1 on 1 context, never be in an area with a woman without a camera present and to never engage them in any room without a window or open door.
anyone who laughs at your cringe-y game playing in public could very well afford a switch
don't be naive, nintodler
Unironically murder them
>if my friends were playing driinking games, id at least join in with a non alcholic drink
It's unironically even worse
I don’t have friends jokes on you lol
Not where I live, I'm paranoid it might get stolen too.
Have you never been in a pub before. They can have it on tap, usually its shitty syrup they use though.
no one is jealous of some brown BR monkey, either
Which is why you're not an adult.
This fucking thread is full of zoomers and incels who have never gone out drinking. Have sex and a beer
I genuinely feel sorry, but like you said that's just how life works. I'd put my brother above all my friends any day of the week. Also bringing up fictional siblings just reminds me how annoying it is when they refer to each other as bro or sis.
I don't live in America, caucasian
>socializing with people from work
I played vidya in public since Game Boy Classic
>have one younger brother
>barely ever talk with him
>despite us both liking games, our tastes differ drastically so we never play together
>have so little in common we never even hang out
>probably said less to him in the 15+ years since we got into high school than I have in any single year before that
Now it makes sense why they invited that bing bing wahoo faggot
Its another "mentally ill seethers can't handle the success of the Switch so they desperately try to undermine the appeal of the system because they know its offering a level of convenience their system can never compete with" episode.
lmao pathetic.
Man it feels so good being a Switch owner right now.
Same, 7 years younger than me so hes pretty much a zoomer. I feel your pain.
The era of the Switch is truly a paradise for Quentin. Alas, he is not here to partake.
>the meme became real
I can’t imagine playing a Nintendo switch as an adult
I can't imagine
Remember when shitters wasted YEARS of their sad lives trying to convince everyone the Switch was going to flop?
Top kek what went wrong?
>not wanting to be the driver
>tfw went to a restaurant and played smash with my bros, two on each side of the table with two switches and wireless gamecube controllers
as long as the friends are down with it then it can be cool, just have like-minded homies
Where's Quentin and our Diamond Dogs when you need them, Yea Forumsros
Guys its not fair. I'd rather be an autistic gamer with friends in that cringe ass video than an autistic neet shut in
This but actually
This, playing video games in public is pepega cringe.
Ayo niggers, give me your arses.
>The Diamond Dogs
Are you retarded?
Accurate post. Giving a shit about what other people are doing when it doesn't effect you or inconvenience others is petulant behaviour
>Goes to belching beaver with a switch
techie trash
Way to show your age, faggot. You have to be 18+ to post on 4channel.
>Get a drink with ice
>Drink is potentially half ice
Yeah thanks, I like paying for cold tap water
Well that trip was a joke but it stayed around. I'm sorry but my point stands.
>They are all fat and ugly
Based amerimutts
They playing some serious drinking games with their Cokes there? They look like their having a blast and not at all like they want to kill themselves ... the Switch is probably better company. I say that as someone who hates my Switch and make a point not to dust it out of spite and buyer's remorse.
>well i mean you sound insecure and defensive
the ones that really sound insecure are those who are so ashamed of their own hobby they lose it whenever they see someone engaging it in public.
I read a book instead. No one ever gave a shit because that's socially acceptable, despite being pretty much the same.
That person tends to ALWAYS be the designated driver. You can identify them by their possession of several sets of keys and the common sense to not get shitfaced in public. Pro tip: Never let a woman be the designated driver unless she's post-op.
This sounds like an alien trying to sound like a human.
this one is actually pretty cringy because it's not just someone enjoying a game in public but them worshiping a brand like that
T. Virgin
im convinced HR only exists to employ fat minority women
Would have believed the first half to be honest. I work in academia and all those 20something zoomies are all about video games, anime and so on and don't bother to hide their power level.
>cutie girl got super into it when she talked about ReZero and I said I had seen it too
>didn't fuck her though because her interest was ReZero and not my dick
Just play on your phone.
You don't have to deal with proprietary SD cards that are expensive as fuck, shit battery times, and being an embarassement in public
>t. incel with 0 friends
no ones even discussing zelda retard
Why you gotta make decisions for other people you're not even related to? Anyway. Just thought you might be stepping out of line a little and we know how much you don't like it when other people do that. It's a mobile gaming device, mobile. It's meant to be moved to other places. If you can't afford one that's very sad user, it's only like $400.
Maybe ask your mom.
Seeth more I guess.
Where the fuck do these people "work", a coffee shop? Shop floor retail?
I already sold my fucking 350 euros out of it, right on time because one week later they officially revealed the Switch Mini.
Shit console, the battery life kills it.
>friends had a woman as a designated driver
>she ended up drinking more than the people that were supposed to be drinking because she was slamming trappist beer like it was normal pissbeer + hotboxed the car while driving
I was going to take them with me but they turned it down because they were hoping for pussy and then one of my more faggoty friends got mad at me for not "forcing" him to come with me.
Learned their lesson I guess.
Based mii
Look at them for a second and tell me what you think? They surely don't work in a fucking office. Of course they work in retail or some other poor person job.
In my drinking days which were over before I turned 21, we always just sat around drinking at one of our respective homes. I had a 2 bedroom apartment when I was 18 and it pretty much turned into a clubhouse for like 6 months before I got sick of people bringing their friends who brought more friends. I don't like people I don't know in my home and near my things. At any rate, it was still a lot cozier than doing it in public. And you could just crash where ever with no worries about whether it was an okay spot or not.
how do I make mine look like that
Same usually. You can't really get a driving license here before 18 so we'd just ride our bicycles shitfaced around.
Fucking idiot. Drinking games were so much fun. I landed on a floor with a buncha normalfags freshman year and it was a delight to get to be a normalfag with friends. Or well, more their sheltered nerd friend. It must be because for my teen years I was (am) the nerd at the PC always online but I cant' fathom the normalfag love of phone-browsing when they are out with friends.
Wow that's actually crazy because guys play their switch in public all the time and us women love it. Just last night I noticed a passenger playing megaman, I asked him about the switch, gave him my number. He fucked me that night. Said he had a condom on but I knew he was lying and was too horny. Now I am raising my husband's son.
>hang out with friends
>play with their phones when the conversation starts to die down
I don't think there's anything cringier than a clique just idling away on their fucking iPhones. So long as you're even moderately involved in the conversation, do what you want with your FRIENDS.
>inb4 hanging out with friends who make fun of your hobbies
they are hopeless bugmen
don't try to understand their behavior
>electronics on the beach
between salty-air and sand and the heat, it's the worst place.
See this is why I game at home, not in public.
>nincels itt trying to defend this autism
but also makes you realize why the board is so shit right now
please faggots go back to plebbit where you belong
>diet bargs
woman or transformer?
You think that faggot has a license?
>lying to people on a bolivian basket weaving forum
That setups more cringe than pic in op
I’m a female actual non tranny and last time I played my switch in public at least fifteen cocks made themselves know that they became available for my hands to juice if they pleased.
that's a good way to end up getting stuck as the driver
install the theme
not even surprised honestly.
weirdly 3DS is more acceptible for women to play publicly than the switch.
maybe because desperate nerdy guys assume girls with a 3DS play animal crossing.
I had an old laptop as a kid that I would play at the skating rink because I didn't wanna associate with my sisters friends.
Never did that kind of thing with my actual friends, though.
You know how I know you're a betamax permavirgin?
>he doesn't like to cuddle
get a load of this faggot
>going out or hang out with "friends"
lmao imagine being over 25 and doing this you're a failed person.
Truly the mark of an intellectual
is that how you cope with having no friends?
Real adults dont care what other people think of them. Grow up.
And that’s why he was the one guy that didn’t get pussy later that evening.
seek help you should have a family with 25.
>taking a phone with you when you're out with your friends
Most horrible thing you can do desu. Phones are a plague upon this world, and anyone who uses them deserves to die.
I never had friends that lame. Believe it or not my friend circle actually had common interests.
>those gloves
>throwing your life away at the young age of 25
>you can't have friends when you have a family
what kind of low IQ bait is this?
I used to have those in another life a long time ago. Even remember having 'fun'.
He is wearing fingerless gloves.
Everyone, look at this chump. He takes his Switch off the dock!! NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD
This is him
>Oliet Bangs
shit taste. Also why the fuck do you have a hairdryer on your computer desk?
Sauce me up on the chick on the left in that military pattern tank top.
lol no
Bro you just posted cringe
Why are they like this? It's like a fucking cult
At least with Sonybros they only ever do it to be funny. For PCbros the "master race" and "praise gaben" memes died years ago and Xbros are usually pretty quiet. But hardcore (note the hardcore, I don't mean all of them) Nintendies take it to a whole other level
>"I barely recognize anyone here" and the 20 or so people in the garage all go silent and stare at us for a few seconds like in the picture
what? why would that make people look at you?
Checked his account. It's actually sad how pathetic the guy is.
>proprietary SD cards
Don't pretend you don't know what spoonfeeding means just because you also don't know the source, stufatly.
stop talking about fanbases, 95% of all that cases it's americans
it's not a fanbase problem but an american problem
He's a moderator of r/CreampieSurprise
>he microwaves bagel bites instead of baking them
oh lord
I remember just attempting to bring my Switch to a different part of my house when people were over. Never again. It's just for the TV, toilet, and bed.
happened to me around January, just dissociated with them until i left the groupchat and blocked them all.A week ago i refriended them out of lonliness and they were really polite but having the option to talk with them again left me phased. I still dont necessarily want to talk to them despite wanting friends. They havent even done anything wrong and theyre still the same people ive known for the past 7 years. I feel like i want new friends but cant make them
does he microwave or just use the hair dryer? I fear that it's not in the picture for a random coincidence
This is cringier than the Sony pride parade shit that gets posted all the time.
>For PCbros the "master race" and "praise gaben" memes died years ago
you sure about that one chief
I feel like even a hair dryer would crisp them up and brown them better than a microwave
too much weeb shit causes this and more.
None of these videos are uploaded in the last year
What is your point?
I'd say the second one is miles worse
It's not even for the toilet.
How long are you people sitting on the toilet for?
Fuck, it actually is
>I don't drink nor do I smoke weed
unless having health issues it's stupid not to do that from time to time, not talking about getting wasted 24/7 but you sound like you REALLY need to get mildly drunk at least
did you had very strict parents? I know a guy similar to you but he's letting it loose a bit recently and becoming less autistic
Nothing wrong with this, people would otherwise be just looking at their phones or taking pictures of their food for social media.
if you live in africa or siberia that might be a good solution
there are two new ones that already broke 100k
you should sub to him if you like pc content "BulletBarry"
looking at their phones for few seconds !== bringing out a console and play in front of other people without even letting the chance to see/participate
it's just autism
Is that the Satisfactory guy on the right?
>goes to pub with coworkers
>everyone orders beer
>order coke instead
>pull out Switch and play bingbingwahoo while everyone else has fun playing drinking games with the girls
On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the maximum, how soi is this man?
>while everyone else has fun playing drinking games with the girls
they look just as soulless, it could be worse, he could have a mario tattoo or have gamer merch, 7/10
Left i ment
Sonic tattoo is even worse
>don't drink for 2 years
>get invited to the pubs anyway
>order water because I couldn't have any coke as well
>zero fucking issues
solid 7
if you play videogames by yourself when youre out socialising with friends you are a massive faggot.
They're just holding a seance, nothing wrong with that
I'd say 90% less soi than you, alone due to the fact that he has a job, friends, socialises, know girls, is able to talk to them
gimme that dick and we'll trade
You guys embarassed of playing games or what?
holy shit thats legit cringe.. even if you dont drink dont just stand there playing a fucking video game
fuck this society full of men children bunch of fucking kids MAN THE FUCK UP
Its pretty amazing how the gaming industry has managed to bring women into gaming by pretending it's about feminism, these companies are geniuses.
Even 10 years ago there were practically zero women into gaming at fucking all.
It's still a minority but it's a lot bigger than it used to be.
I see it every now and then when taking the train to work.
These adults are always male and always either fat, balding, or both. Usually a poor sense of fashion as well.
If you don't drink and get invited to a bar, order a clear soda (Sprite). If you don't want all that sugar, get a diet soda or a club soda.
Literally anything other than this, holy shit.
I think the main thing is that it's ok if your attractive, but cringy if you're not
U mirin'?
>MAN THE FUCK UP he told the people while spending his time on a chinese stamp trading forum dedicated to video games
a true hero of our time
then who was picture taker?!?!?
>knows girls and is able to talk to them
>spends the night playing his switch so he doesnt have to talk to them
Sparkling water tastes like tv static, fuck that shit
What does tv static taste like?
so you are telling me you can't play and talk at the same time?
>go to movie theater
>pay for ticket
>sit down and play Switch instead of watching the movie
Literally why
sparkling water
sparkling water
Normalfags are such pieces of shit. Everyone involved in that picture is digusting as is their lifestyle.
lights are on user
I'm sure it's commercials time
The movie obviously hasn't started yet. The lights are still on ffs
yeaj because spending 10min in an online forum is literally the same
google strawman argument, you might learn something you fucking retard
I made most of my friends from playing video games and they're the ones that got me into them. Now that I hardly play games, I also lost many friends over time
>implying you spend only 10 minutes here
why do you lie on the internet user?
Is it me or that hand holding the switch looks photoshopped?
You understand nothing about woman. Men to for that matter, please actually have sex
It's not just the fact that he did it. You are free to do whatever the hell you want with your friends. It's the fact that he decided "Yeah, this deserves taking a picture of and posting about it on Reddit about how accepting they were of me". How starved for attention you would need to be to do that is baffling.
Last time I played a switch in public was when I was helping this chick move. We'd packed all of her shit into my car, even tied down her mattress to the roof of my car. She went back in to clean up and gave me her switch and said "just wait in the car I wont be long".
Played that thing for about an hour sitting in the drivers seat. When she got back we had fun driving over a bridge at 80km/h in high winds with a mattress acting as a wing.
user I...
Yes I know I'm friend zoned hard she's a lesbian dw about it I've come to terms with it.
Doesn't matter anyway, I fucked my dick up a long time ago so I'm incapable of getting it up.
I used to, but now I haven't seen anyone for about 2 years and I'm starting to get lonely.
>she's a lesbian
user I...
Wanna finish that thought? Cmon, no holds barred.
sparkling water
salty water and coins
that's rough
They're not in public so no it's not that bad.
Try living in my head. For some god forsaken reason, I still somehow manage to have friends even though I've always been the kind not to like hanging out with people in social situations at all too much. In fact, in the last two years or so, I've only gone out for eating at a restaurant and having a couple of drinks with them once. Once in two fucking years. I legit wish I understood what I'm doing to keep friends around despite my personality.
I hate my brother, he's a piece of shit druggie who would constantly steal from the family
>Decide to go grab a couple after work beers with colleagues
>Invite that one strange dude with fedora from the office who overheard your conversation because you don't want to exclude anyone
>Listen to BING BING WAHOO the whole night
This is why you should always use private Slack channels to plan shit like this
Shit taste in music tho
>be a shut in doomer for 5 years
>finally get some friends to go out with
>we all order beers
>by the time when everyone is on their second beer i already downed 5 beers and 5 shots of whiskey
>trying hard to cover my powerlevel
>go home
>drink 5 more beers and fall to sleep
>never get invited again
they probably think im an alcoholic
Fucking join the club. My eldest brother put background bitcoin miners on every computer in my house, the next down from that stole $2,000 worth of savings we had in a safe to go buy drugs and alcohol, and my younger brother keeps putting himself into hospital because he is a lazy idiot that would rather play shitty 4v1 survival horror games over injecting his diabetic ass with insulin.
I wish my younger brother bought drugs and alcohol instead he just stole grandma's credit card and spent $1500 in NBA2k19.
Did you whoop his ass?
Yeah I've been hitting this for the last few years. All my friends seem to be interested in doing is hanging out, getting shitfaced and watching shit videos/movies/tv. I don't mind having a drink but I'd like to try and do something a bit more active. Doesn't help they can also just be pains in the ass when drunk randomly.
Two of those men got laid that night. Guess who didnt.
It's funny because everyone in that picture looks bored. Even the Switchfag decided it was better to take a picture of their miserable existence than to actually play the game.
Reading comprehension is a luxury nowadays.
>they were toxic
This is honestly the saddest shit I've ever read
And I've read some pretty sad shit
he's so addicted to this site that he thinks what website a person visits defines their whole personality.
>show them a video
Why would I want to sit around in a loud smelly bar with a bunch of drunk strangers and then drive a bunch of drunk faggots around when I could be at home in my PJs playing games?
Copying threads from reddit and pasteing them here does not equal content. Fuck off.
I can already tell that guy is a total fucking loser
Constant comforts lead to stagnation and stunts personal growth. You won't find happiness lying in bed all day playing bing bing wahoo.
he's confused the switch with the vita because he's a fucking tourist poser
you can always just get an uber, they aren't expensive
Everybody in that pic is a total fucking loser
This person is a fucking piece of shit. Not because he's playing on his Switch, but because this faggot pestered his friends to stage this retarded picture to attention whore on fucking Reddit.
What a fucking piece of garbage.
>all his "friends" are drinking beer
>he's drinking coke
I'd play with Karen all night long, of you know what I mean
I don't own a switch, so I play games at my PC instead. I'm also very happy with my current life
Each taken individually I'm sure they're pretty or even beautiful, but all together like this, they're really creepy for all having the same look.
Alcohol is for degenerates.
You are a complete and utter piece of shit.
Go away, Ahmed
you must be fun at parties
>hang out with friends
>"Hey user, you pick where we going tonight"
>name any fucking place
>hold on I got text my girlfriend that's coming
>she says she doesn't want to go there and when anyone ask where she wants to go she doesnt know
Every fucking time it's literally every time, stop fucking asking me
I do this as well, things only move forward when my complaints are ignored. During this situations I don't actually want to do anything but once it's happening I don't mind.
reddit response
Looks like trash though. She is constantly getting high with her black boyfriend and will eventually get on meth if she hasn't already.
I don’t have any friends retard
>hang out with friends
>"Hey user, you pick where we going tonight"
>name any fucking place
>"I dunno, doesn't sound that interesting to me"
>namy any other fucking place
>"Nah man, I don't really want to"
>after naming 50 different activities and locations we finally settle on doing nothing
>never get to pick a place to go to again because I always pick boring shit
I started getting new friends after that
>Ahh, typical Tyrone acting like the Switch-fag that he is.
>Samantha, leave him off. He's only a Nintendo fan after all.
>..Fair enough. This shit is getting kind of annoying tho..
Dude that's a very typical Reddit comment reply. Fucking GO BACK
You all sound like gigantic losers. Always the same with people who need their cringeworthy social stories here to feel like the big fish in the small pond. You reek of reddit, piece of shit.
If it's in a train, or a plane, i'm not shocked.
If it's playing outdoor, with no ones...Eh....
don't cut yourself with that edge kiddo
I don't understand user
Not only that, but after he demands pineapple, and you get him one, he first eats from the pizza that everyone likes, before eating his own. Saying “lemme just get a slice”, then doesn’t eat more than 1 piece of his shit pineapple. Fuck you david
lmao fuck off
>having family
>throwing your life away
>reading comprehension
The blonde looks okay.
cute peepo
You say that like this wasn't going to be the inevitable outcome of a bored society regardless. Do you really think anyone looking at Allied soldiers dying everywhere could have predicted this being the end result of their victory?
what can I say
I failed elementary school pretty hard
Those hands are black though
I agree, and it's kinda funny.
I am short and a little antisocial, when my brother is tall and very popular, and yet we are still very close, he's one of the only person i have 100% faith in, sure he's sometime not very smart, but he's my brother, and probably the person i love the most with my mom.
Even if my life is going to shit, i know he will always support and cares about me.
If any anons have two kids, make them very close, it's important.
Same, I have a sister and we are pretty close as well. Cuddling while watching movies is comfy af.
>Yea Forumsermins
>having kids
it's really not that hard to make kids
user I...
>I game at home
>Twitch faggotry and discord trannery
>cute girl wants me to play a game with her on her switch
>never used one before
>controllers are too small for my hands
>get rekt hard
fucking unfair shit.
Did you fuck her though?
This desu
>he's never busted in a bitch then rested his dick in her ass while spooning until she was ready for round 2
You might as well be a virgin.
Whenever I'm not with friends I get the urge to hang out with them, and whenever I am with them I just want to distance myself.
How boring do you find your 'friends' to pull this shit? Why go out with them in the first place? Even with the kind of friends that you just want to keep in contact with, you don't pull that shit. If you really can't let go of gaming that much, just invite them on a gaming night.
yes and like the switch she wasn't nice to handle.
I can. Just not when you are with friends. Literally no different than the fags who pull out their smartphone and prefer to be on a social network despite agreeing to hanging out with people.
I'm sure they sell other kinds of stuff to drink.
That said, I don't like bars. I'm more of a cafeteria guy. It's a comfier atmosphere, more comfortable seating, no loud people or music, and has good food.
>starts humming Pumped Up Kicks
>reddit song
>do woodwoork, love it
>not insecure obviously, hahah why would I be insecure?
>board local bus
>bring my mini lathe cuz wtf I'm not insecure about my hobby
>sit next to cute girl, start working on a chair for mom
>wood chips start flying in her face
>she presses into the window
>I lean into her
>"I just love woodwork, it's my hobby, you know?"
>Everyone on the bus giving me weird looks, they're probably just insecure
>Girl is sobbing
>Drive the rest of the way reminding myself of how confident I am
I'm thinking based
even on long haul flights
>Real adults
nice start chap. also get old more, youll see that it matters a lot lol. kiss these days, thinking that theyre grown up when they hit a depression.
have sex
mental problems
I have an explicit rule of never pulling out a phone when I'm out unless its to show someone something, and even then I place it flat on the table so no one at any point is just hiding behind a phone.
Luckily my friends and gf seem to be of the same mind set. I have more issues with my parents being glued to a phone then I do my friends in their 30s.
Normie please get the fuck out
>crave an outing with friends one weekend
>wish I was at home during said outing
I work my wood on public buses as well
Based PSP gamer
the saddest part about the image in OP is that you know that little shitter had the intenion of being like "d00d this is so gonna go on r/imafaggot!!! durr hurr"
what a cringelord
My best friend showed me a photo of me from his 6th birthday.
>Everyone was sitting in a circle and my friend was opening presents
>in the back you see me, playing on a fucking M&M's gameboy
>apparently I brought that to the party and just played games instead of interacting with everyone else
We're 28 and still best friends, and neither of us have any contact with the rest of those kids.
Nah using the word "toxic" is r*ddit as fuck that's only used my women and numales
>I have more issues with my parents being glued to a phone then I do my friends in their 30s.
isn't it fucking terrible when your own dad can't sustain an entire conversation without looking at his phone and spacing out, sometimes mid sentence
sparkling water
Fuck friends
Fuck socializing
Fuck drugs and alcohol
Fuck human
Fuck this gay fucking earth
Fuck happiness
Fuck meaning
Fuck existence
and most of all
Fuck literally everyone and I hope and pray every single day that something happens for all of this to either end or for everyone to suffer eternally. Nothing would make me more satisfied than knowing somehow that normies will be in endless pain and agony.
Fuck everything. I don't need your stupid fucking social events. I don't need fucking friends. I don't need to be happy and I don't need responsibility or meaning in my life. The only thing I need is for all of you fucking faggots to get btfo by life so hard you never get back up so I can lay there with you laughing at your misfortune. I hate everything in this god forsaken existence.
God is dead and humans are the most shallow fucking thing in existence.
all the time
>sitting alone at home
"man i wish i was hanging out with a friend"
>hanging out with a friend
"man i wish i was just home alone right now"
i doubt it had to do with your drinking lmao it was probaly everything else that you did
needs leo and JGL in the background somewhere
what do you do in your freetime?
Based blind retard
Turn your contrast up, man.
Stew in my hatred and debate if shooting up a daycare I live next to is worth it.
It's always not because humans are fucking retarded animals and will just move on within a month or so after their child dies.
I've seen things that I wish I could erase from my mind. I've seen how humans actually react and are when something high in stress happens in a short time. I see how ignorant and quick they are to remove any discomfort for themselves regardless of their own morals. They would sooner betray themselves than accept the reality around them.
That's why I want to see them suffer. Make them and force them to suffer and never make it stop so they can't ignore, then and only then will the truth of their humanity come out and all of it's ugliness will reveal itself.
Ties and bonds?
All these are secondary to their comfort. A human would sooner throw all of this away and more as long as they can be comfy in their environment.
I have seen things in people that I wish I could just forget. But I can't and it makes it all the more hard not to go outside and cringe inside in disgust whenever someone tries to explain why they're trustworthy or whatever. No human should ever be allowed to interact with another. They are all faggots. Disgusting, writhing worms infesting this decayed carcass we call Earth.
Torture would only be a fraction of recompense for the sins that even a singular person makes, let alone the entire species.
>spends all day alone in his room
I went through the same feelings in my puberty
it's not worth it
I was not always this woke user.
Clearly you didn't if you somehow changed your mind. You're just like the rest.
okay setlle down Elliot Rodgers
Idk if you’ve ever actually been to a party but the guys who babysit are respected a fuck ton where I’m from.
>will just move on within a month or so after their child dies
What an idiotic non-fact to believe in. Just thought I'd mention that.
Only on board half way. I fucking hate normies but I don't need them to suffer I just need them to fuck off and stop trying to force shit on me because they can't comprehend that wanting solitude doesn't mean depression
you seem like a bigger loser than anyone else on Yea Forums right now
I've always been fortunate to have 2-3 close friends at any given time. We had a group of 6 or so recently that hung out every weekend but it blew up because most of us are alcoholics and the ones that aren't got sick of the drama. I've found that friend "groups" in general lead to drama. Now I have 2 really close friends that don't hangout with eachother. I've also found that I have nothing in common with these people hobby wise but we have the same values and sense on humor which carries it alot farther than "liking video games and getting fucked up". I have time to focus on other things but can still get some time with a bro every now and then.
I want to get a switch mini so I can play animal crossing and pokemon with my gf. Nothing wrong with that right Yea Forums?
t. Highschooler
Uh yeah... I'm thinking it's game time. I'll just get a couple appies to pick on while I'm zelda-in'.
>Hanging out with coworker outside of work
>People don't play drunken Mario Party
I pity you.
>I want solitude from normies! Ugh so annoying!
>spend all night playing multiplayer games and talking to people in discord
I bet when you're power goes out you have an existential crisis too.
You're also like the rest. You're caught in your mindset and can't escape it while simultaniously thinking you're above them.
I changed when I realized that people are just people.
shit like
>"will just move on within a month or so after their child dies."
just shows that you have no clue what those people went through(or you just witnessed outliers). The death of loved ones doesn't make the world stop, it doesn't completely change their personality forever overnight, it doesn't change their hearts from beating, the world continues spinning, society continues existing, the sadness continues existing.
I don't know what I can say to you, because I know exactly the state of mind you're in. Nothing I'll say will change any of your perspectives or thoughts. I hope you'll find the peace in your mind that frees you from your anger
>having a dedicated group of this size to play games with
looks fun
Dilate tranny. Not everybody uses discord
What else are they?
I pity you for not having drunken sex
The friend zone doesn't exist between men and women as you know it. If a woman does not have some base desire to fuck a man, she does not even really want to be friends with him except to take advantage of him. This includes lesbians, if a lesbian and a man are actually friends there will be sexual tension on par with the homoerotic locker room talk you remember from your football days in high school or your time in the armed forces. It's actually kinda funny.
If you didn't play varsity football or weren't a member of your country's armed forces, then you wouldn't know. Sucks to be you, I guess.
>all the Jefferies and trannies are on discord now
>Yea Forums is for the gamers
another big win
I've done that before on long bus rides and could not care less if people think it's "cringe."
Not your personal blog faggot
How embarrassing.
Did this guy think he would experience the Switch commercial, where he and his "friends" would want to take turns playing on his Switch with the joycons?
nice port bro, I hope you don't play it outside your house though
Wait is Quentin back?
>be on bus playing switch
>early morning during the week so its packed
>group of african americans get on bus
>one of them stops right next to me
>he starts laughing his ass off and yells that this "nigga" is playing with baby toy
>even though I'm at least 5 stops from my destination I get off the bus
>haven't played my switch in public again
Funny thing is I never had a issue playing my vita on the bus before. Probably doesn't help that I'm almost 38 and overweight.
I don't understand the point of drinking games. Just fucking drink. It's not the 1100's you don't need a game to make it fun. That's what cellphones and switches are for.
Same goes for you
Drinking games are only fun if you don't like drinking, or if you're with good friends and can make nigger jokes
You've posted that image 6 times now. Stop spamming
Average switch user
Not sure what's worse
> Friends playing kids' game in public
> Faggot playing switch in public
Either way, everything about this pic is cringe
>going drinking
>getting married
Lmao normalfags out
I hope this is a joke. You can feel the repulsion in the picture.
You can never go back, Yea Forums.
I became a casual zoomer, please be casuals like me because I can't understand hardcore gamers anymore
What is this shit? Why do I keep seeing people write "with" instead of "by"
wasting a turn on a guy drinking tap water
wouldn't it be vermin and not vermins? It's already plural uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>tfw going out for food and to see a film with friends in a couple of hours
feels good lads
>what is dark beer
even as a kid i'd fear taking my game boy pocket out of the house. i didn't want anything bad to happen to it
how do these people carry cases of games and $300 consoles?
>I complained to HR, but they basically told me they didn't believe a white man.
Nice larp.
sonyiggers did the same thing with their PSP.
nobody bought a vita though, still haven't seen one in public
I hope to god this is a larp
i'm always the designated drive
my rule is if you puke you have to clean it properly and give me $30
i purposefully get them as drunk as I can so they will vomit and give me money. i was born without a sense of smell so it doesn't bother me if it actually stinks.
you are a fucking retard. toys, booze, bragging about magnum dong.