>using guides to finish and 100% games
Do you guys do this?
>using guides to finish and 100% games
Do you guys do this?
God, print strategy guides were peak SOUL
I literally owned that exact guide. Grandmother bought it for me along with the game from toys r us. Was my last Pokémon game tho because pokemon is for children.
a friend gave me a banji-kazooie guide for free and i used it to find the last like 3 notes
>following GameFAQs guides to 100% completion
Peak neo-soul.
I had this. The best part about it is that it still left some things out intentionally. It would have a picture and description of every new pokemon in the route, but some pokemon would just be silhouettes. So it told you that there was something there, but didn't tell you what. I like that.
It sucks when I was a kid because I could only afford a guide for a few games, but whatever money I had I bought a game guide, typically for the single player games that were hard to get 100% on.
Does anyone remember the old PC game guides? These things were monsters, like 5x the size of OPs guide. Unfortunately they were black and white cheap shit.
You're still a child
Fuck I don't think I ever thought to use these to actually progress in the game. My dad just bought them because they looked cool.
All video games are for children. Actually successful well adjusted adults have better things to do.
After I beat a game I usually check a walkthrough to see what I could have missed
I have the starcraft and Warcraft 3 ones from the battle chests still.
I have no idea why I bought a guidebook for a fucking animal crossing game
like watch the news on the couch huh
Like what, you pretentious faggot
Absolutely fucking yes. I also used the one for Kingdom Hearts and Jade Cocoon 2.
Actually I bought the Jade Cocoon 2 guide before I even owned the game because I liked the pictures. Took me a few months to find it in a used gaming store. Those guides are fucking kino
I had the SMB3 GBA guide. That book tought me to read. That was 16 years ago and I still know how to get every magic whistle, how to get the coin ship, and every enemy name.
Like fucking your mom for example.
How else were you going to get the Regis without the internet?
I got the Diamond and Pearl guide back when the games were new because it looked cool.
I don't 100% games, so no
>used gaming stores
>renting War of the Monsters from a private VHS rental shop
>printing out 40 pages of gap guides to 100% Tony Hawk Underground 2
>dad yelling at you for using all the printer ink
>being unable to progress in a game and having no way to find the answers because the internet is too slow
Times have changed lads.
>printing out 40 pages of gap guides to 100% Tony Hawk Underground 2
Nigga I did this too for Tony Hawk and all of the tokens in Spiderman 2
>Asian kid brought that guide to school, was pretty cool actually got some tips form it
>tfw someone stole that guide the same day he brought it and he went apeshit
Good luck beating the Battle Frontier even with a guide lel
I trust my swampert to handle the battle palace all by himself.
Based fellow autist. God I loved that game. Graffiti in THUG2 was one of the best split screen experiences I’ve ever had
>Aroma Lady sent out Sceptile!
you pretty much need one for kiseki games because of how much missable content there is.
Usually after the first playthrough to find missing items/content or if I'm stuck on something for at least 10 minutes. Can't be fucked reading more than playing.
I had these. I would read guides as entertainment when I was a kid.