don't kill me i'm friendly :)
Don't kill me i'm friendly :)
Other urls found in this thread:
They're also the type of people to randomly kill someone and then half the server follows along
It's better to kill them before they disease the server and if anyone has a problem then it's time to leave it to die
*gives sandvich to enemy team while his team is fighting them*
*high fives the enemy team over his team's corpses*
>Crockets you
>aims on your head
Free kill(s)
>ctf/hightower - acceptable because no one bothers to do objective
>any other map - fuck off
Nah it’s not acceptable anywhere UNLESS it’s a community server. No one plays those anyway so that’s where they should stay
>play as spy
>disguise as friendly heavy
>backstab everyone
I straight up turned 2fort off in casual matchmaking solely because I was tired of running into these faggots and that's where they seem to congregate the most.
>see some faggot heavy walking towards me
>shoot him a bit just cus
>spy body
Was dying a part of your plan?
>tell them to fuck off and actually play the game
> nobody bothers to do the objective
stop enabling bad actors and letting them determine the match for the other 23 players.
has a heavy ever been kicked because the enemy spy kept pretending to be him, but friendly?
granted, tf2 is a highly casual game.
but you still have to DO THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE
That’s when you start destroying them, then when they fight back you ask:
“Wow what happened to being friendly?”
>play as sniper
>see a friendly hoovy approach me
>he crouches and gives me a sandwich
>I jump on top of him
>he lets me use him as a boost to peak high ledges
>run into friendly
>try to do the right thing and ignore him
>walk past him
>he stuns me from behind with his epic POOTIS POW
And that's when I started killing every friendly I see, haha.
>you happened
how do you respond?
>taunt kill him
>they can't get mad at you or retaliate lest they get mobbed
Say nothing, keep killing them until they leave or decide to play the game. Friendly players usually suck shit, hence why they go friendly
I just couldn't stand the stalematey nature of 2fort, so that shit was immediately turned off when I came back in 2017.
A 15-20 minute timer would instantly fix 2Fort
>Friendly players usually suck shit, hence why they go friendly
Exactly. They get tired of losing every fight, so they use being friendly to act self-righteous about how the game should be played. They're professional victims, basically. They know they're going to get killed in an objective-based FPS game, so they go friendly and rage in chat every time they're killed, sometimes calling for votekicks on people playing the game
the gigachad way of thinking
That would certainly fix it, but you know that would never fly.
i'm unable to turn of my murderous instincts when i play tf2, so i end up killing all who stand in my way.
I seriously hate that Valve enables this bullshit with group taunts
>kill "friendly" player
>they to scream and whine and call you a faggot the rest of the match
>that would never fly
Sure it would. All friendlies would then flock to Highertower and finally each 2Fort game doesn’t drag for an hour or better. Everyone wins
> Be Heavy
> Go to red sniper, and give him a sandvich as a sign of truce and peace
> suddenly, he jumps on my head
> the weight of him his pulling me down, I can't stand back up
> I beg for him to stop, he doesn't
> Instead, he takes aim and fires at my team
> I didn't want this
> He aims at my head, and puts me out of my misery
>Proceed to laugh at them while initiating a votekick for “cheating”
>I give him a sandvich
>Man look at these Scouts and Spies who kill friendlies and taunt waaa
>kills friendly scout
>schefraunde and targets him for whole match
Imagine being this much of a hypocrite.
former friendly heavy player here
whenever someone killed me, I immediately would switch to soldier and would focus the guy completely, usually stomping the team anyway since I used to play comp
Sure you did.
soundsmith is the tf2 subreddit personified, what were you expecting
>things that never happened
facts don't care about your feelings, incel
fuck him and his content
I scroll through r/tf2 sometimes, it's 75% screenshots from 2fort and Hightower, usually involving some kind of friendly shit.
>shoot them for free bfb boost
>they get mad
yes, and?
*Telefrags u*
Makin’ bacon
like you said, Soundsmith personified
don't forget adding in the funny loud man Bearded Expense :) see he do weird random thing it funny XD
also it's actually a cry for help
yeah lol!!! he actually is sufferign XDDD it's so funny :')
thank you for the bazaar bargain boost friend
>tfw you kill a friendly, then they respawn and start kicking your ass like theres no tomorrow
For the most part friendlies are autists that dont know how to play the game, But you get the rare godgamer thats just fucking around when hes not carrying his comp team
They're masters of deception, too lazy to play the game but excited to defend their pride, or what's left of it.