>starting to git gud
>getting a good start to the run
>golem boss gets stuck behind wall where I can't attack them
>getting another good start
>get a horde of templars boss and am instantly mowed down by aggressive sustained counterfire
does it end? I'm not even playing on monsoon yet I've still got the training wheels on
Risk of Rain
early access, please understand. It's more rng for you to face
Host when?
risk of rain 1 host when pls pl spl spl splsplsplsplsplspsl
why do loader and chef have no select animation
wheres the big tiddy artificer mod
still open
ded game
i think they added animations for them in the modloader version
Host for 2?
>teleporter is in the last possible place I check
>boss doesn't spawn/is on other side of map
>finally manage to get one good run, good gear and quick time, die in 300ms when I start boss wave because I barely have any items like everyone says to do because rushing
>chink hackers every other game (pic related)
>trying to use artificer solo and you get no movement items
make no mistake I'm just some shit scrub who needs to git gud but this game feels like way more RNG than the first one especially on solo
>way less runs seem salvageable
>weird balance choices the devs made
>chink hackers
only good post in this thread
CTRL + ALT + ~
enter 'connect'
- Low-rate sacrifice w/ chests
- Bigger shop
- Enemies with items
Yeah, Hopoo's really fucking the game up with some of his decisions.
you guys did change your movement skill to E, sprint to Shift and open/use to F right?
>sprint to Shift
Movement skill is just a button in my mouse, the original configuration on this game is weird
sprint on shift
movement skill on mouse sidebutton
But it is?
EU lobby, NA fine
I might have started but I'll sudoku if anybody joins, it's boring to play alone.
Unless they've very recently changed it; doing anything besides jumping requires you to hit sprint again.
Oh yeah, that. We had a mod that fixed that but it's outdated
I've played this game like 80hrs and the boss has never not spawned, but it spawns in the middle of nowhere sometimes. Teleporter usually has a few zones to check so that's a git gud moment.
you can get gayed for sure though
Is there anything worse than noticing an Aurelionite shrine after starting the teleporter event on a good run?
>hit the shrine
>incredible run
>finish the boss, no portal spawns
>assume its a bug, slap the teleporter
>in the brief period before you teleport, notice the golden portal spawned high up on a ledge behind me
How do you deal with those giant jars with tentacles in ror2?
Once I get them down to 20% health they crouch and start to suck everything in, either it heals them or gives them some kind of armor, because I can't finish them off and I get killed.
>either it heals them or gives them some kind of armor
it does both
So just ignore it until it stops?
Had the boss not spawn twice but many more times it spawned far away or inside a wall somewhere.
hope you have gasoline or wisp and blow it up
get out of range of the sucking black stuff when he does it
Have will'o'wisp item and some AOE. Once it starts sucking stuff in, you explode everything and it will die.
new game 2/10
last game for the night
user please, even if you're a newfag that's way too easy mode
Break the suck tether by going out of its range then keep shooting it. No need to let it heal for free.
Is it possible to onecycle Aurelionite on Monsoon if you don't get an early shrine or a capacitor gesture build?
surely it would be simple code to ensure the boss is x meters from the teleporter upon spawn, what the fuck is hopper doing
blowing the ror2 money on coke and hookers
I miss blazing
is it just me or does ror2 feel super barren and unfinished? I just picked it up and I was expexting more but it feels like less than half of ror1
>but its early access
then why the fuck is he charging $20 for an indie game. it should be $10 at most for how far along the game is
>killer run
>double glass merc tearing it the fuck up
>carrying my bros 'cause they can't stay fucking alive
>boss is overloading titan
>everyone's dead
>he charges the fuck-beam
>hide behind some shit lmao nice try fag
>lightning bombs kill me through the cover in a split fucking second
To make the big bucks, which worked.
After he realized it worked he took the money and ran. That much should be evident from quarterly update schedule that brings barely any new content.
risk of rip
these threads are as slow as the updates
dead game
dead thread
109775241056732059 US
tfw not on pc atm
I stopped hosting bc because nobody is making their presence. If people want I can again
>almost a month since summer solstice
>still no summer update
Is RoR2 abandonware now bros?
September is new update time. they changed the graphic
Not quite abandonware, gotta put in minimum effort to get it out of early access first
enforcer is an absolute piece of shit
how can you hate enforcer