Why didn't anyone tell me this was actually better than Black Flag?

Why didn't anyone tell me this was actually better than Black Flag?

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Secondary content is much better and the map is better in that there is stuff in land instead of just being beaches and small islands.
Sadly, it's very short.

I honestly think it's better because it's short. The last thing it needs is to be padded out with more fucking tailing missions like IV was.

I also like that they finally figured out that everyone already knows how to play these games and you don't have to wait until Sequence fucking 13 to give us the rope darts. Rogue throws all of it's toys at you in the first few missions so you can actually use them for the whole game.

real answer is no one played it because it came out the same day as unity. I agree it's one of the best though.

>it came out the same day as unit

Fucking hell, did it really? I did read that since Unity was going to be next-gen only, they decided to make Rogue as an old-gen only alternative for poorfags, but why the fuck would they think doing it on the exact day?

Shay is best boy and Gist is absolutely the best bro. Easily on par with Ezio and Da Vinci.

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Its not.

It is.

I was surprised at the amount of detail and animations that went into the earthquake sequence

4 is a much better setting for boat gameplay being it's West Indies during the golden age of piracy. Instead of some boring iceberg cluster. Edward is a better character. The game is longer. The environments are more realistic. The voice acting is much better.

This guy in particular had terrible voice acting

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I think the settings are both as good as each other. Being a privateer is basically the same as being a pirate. Edward is a good character and has some pirate bros, but you barely do anything with them. You spend more time with the whinging Assassin retards. Shay is just as good of a character and all his Templar friends are actually tolerable to be around.

>the game is longer
See As for graphics and voice acting? Who cares? It has as good or better gameplay in all departments.

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The pirate gameplay was wasted on Rogue's setting. Should have been a Viking game if they wanted cold weather boat game.

>The pirate gameplay was wasted on Rogue's setting.
>Should have been a Viking game if they wanted cold weather boat game.
That would require a ton of new assets and shit. Rogue wasn't a mainline series game, there was no way they were going to be able to do that.

>shay joins templars because of a combination of luck and bad communication rather than true ideological reasons
>piece of eden in this game is the most bullshit it's ever been in the series
there are some definite flaws, tho

The whole period where you wear his interim outfit is about why he decides to join them.

>>piece of eden in this game is the most bullshit it's ever been in the series
No argument from me there. All the ancient alien and future Abstergo shit has gotten way out of hand and has been nothing but a detriment to the series from the start. At least in Rogue the pointless future segments are short, and the little hacking minigame is orders of magnitude more fun than it was in IV.

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Viking longships did not engage in naval warfare besides taking shelter from archers while sailing down rivers or small boarding scuffles

I've seen a bunch of posts on Yea Forums lately saying there was some leak that the next game is going to be Viking themed. I don't know how they would even make a bunch of raping, pillaging vikings out to be the good and noble Assassins.

It's simple, you will play on the Templars side

They made the Turks the good guys and Greeks bad guys in their own city of Consantople, they can do as they like

The beginning of Unity where you play as the Templar was cool as fuck.

This a very well crafted thinly veiled bait.

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Fuck, I completely forgot about that.

Nobody is gonna fall for the "this is bait" bait.

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Shay joining the templars is entirely because the Assassins acted like a bunch of absolute fucking idiots and because the templars were suddenly good peaceful guys all around.

My guess is that Ubisoft wanted to corner people who needed their AC fix, so that even if they couldn't afford a Xbone/PS4 they still had an option.

To be fair, the Assassins have acted like fucking idiots for a while now. Rogue didn't pull that out of it's ass.

Yeah that was some shit

Yeah, but in Rogue it's extremely retarded.
>interacting with the artifacts provokes earthquakes
>already happened twice
>along the game sacrifice the entire fucking order just to delay Shay to get to another artifact
>when they are in front of it say "hurrr, maybe we were being retarded about this"

Templars are the good guys though.

I guess subtlety is dead. The Templars in 3 went from good guys when you played as them to literal child strangling assholes when you switched to Connor. And yet they were still more likeable.

>Guy who voiced Shay fucking loves AC and puts his heart and soul into his performance.
>First job doing voice work ever.
>Game is released with ZERO fucking advertising.
>Game bombs.

Damn shame since it's way better than Black Flag.

Check out this video:


I don't know if I would call them good guys, but at least they have goals and they're proactive. Assassins never do anything besides fuck with Templar shit, even when it's for the worse.


Haytham >Ezio >Shay > Altiar > Aveline> Arno > Jacob > Connor > Bayek> Evie> Aya> Alexios> Kassandra

Shit, I forgot Edward. I could've had all 9's.

>Haytham >Ezio >Shay > Altiar >>>>>> Connor

I can only agree with these because they're the only ones I've played, but yeah it's pretty accurate. Connor was a fucking mistake but I loved his brutal fighting style. You left out Edward though.

>rather than true ideological reasons
He disagreed with the Assassin's promoting terrorism and tyranny, and preferred the Templars actually trying to do good shit in the world.

The Assassin's have never been the good guys. Just the protagonists. Look at all their motivations and actions. Hell, look at the conversations after each target kill. Origins was the only one to have them somewhat dodgy.

Only just started Odyssey, why is Alexios so low? He seems pretty rad so far.
Also, you're a retard for putting Connor over any character or houseplant.

Edward > Ezio > Haytham > Altair >

Never got far into Syndicate or the new ones. Connor should objectively be pretty high since he's like lawful good, even though he's a boring fucking asshole

>Connor should objectively be pretty high since he's like lawful good

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Now rank them by outfit design.

Ezio's outfits are by far the best.

Agreed, but only for 2 and Brohood. Rev was just depressing looking and had no nice colours.

I think his AC2 outfit is one of the best outfit designs in any game, but I hate his Brotherhood outfit and I'm sad that became his default in all media forevermore.

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>Shay voice actor is good
>That one guy on your boat is TERRIBLE and he constantly talks

Seriously who is that guy, I feel like I've heard him in cartoons or something it's such a "stock" sounding voice

I genuinely like his over the top super hero voice.

Bayek, Edward
Ezio, Altaïr, Shay
Connor, Arno, Evie
Jacob, Kassandra

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I think the less flashy the better, so you can sneak around without feeling stupid. But I also like the design to be appealing. With that in mind I like Edward's robes the best because pirates would wear shit like that normally, yet it's also distinctly assassiny. Other than that it would be Altair's basic robes with no upgrades. Ezio and Connor robes stick out far too much. Arno's are pretty good, but I wish he could pull down his hood. Syndicate is meh. Bayek's is pretty good but also a bit flashy.

It's just one of many things that make the game feel low budget (i mean, it was a low budget game. Relatively speaking for Asscreed. But many of the other voice actors were great so it sticks out all the more.)

>I think the less flashy the better, so you can sneak around without feeling stupid.

I seriously hate how many great outfits in this series get completely ruined by armor and weapons covering them. What's even the point of hidden blades anymore?

funny you guys see templars like the good guys considering they want to rule the world like the real world is ruled

they are like a bunch of sionist jews that want to leave the control of everything to just an elite few (AKA the templar grandmasters) in a way that if you dissagree, you get silenced

assassins on the other hand just seem to fuck with templars because they want free will to be among everyone, and let people decide their fates without strings (they kinda herp derp sometimes tho)

Any word about the next game? What should the setting be?

>connor being above anyone

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The Hyborian Age.

Japan. Assassin's Creed: Ghosts of Tsushima.

That's probably why I liked Edward's the best. It just makes sense for a pirate to wear a coat with long tails, and have tons of weapons. I also liked how character-wise he wasn't even an assassin for the entire game.

And a few of his alternate outfits were simply shirts, trousers, and a bandana which are some of the most Historically "accurate" in the series probably.

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It's all but confirmed to be Vikings. Game director and studio are the same ones who made Origins and Black Flag.

Now, I don't see how Vikings would work at all but considering how good black flag and origins were compared to the other Asscreed games I have faith they'll do it justice.

I just want this series to fucking end

Just ignore it then.

Oh I agree, the main plots and overarching "lore" are still as retarded as ever, even in black flag & origins. Those games just had a big emphasis on the Main Character and the World/Authenticity compared to the other ones, which is why I liked them so much. Bayek and Edward were great characters and the locations to explore were amazingly done.

I "checked out" of the whole stupid modern day ancient aliens & assasins vs Templars shit probably somewhere around brotherhood. That's when it became clear it would never go anywhere and would be the same shit repeated forever.

So as long as we play as an interesting and well written character and get to sail to interesting places, I'll be very happy. And it seems like that will happen.

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I mean, i have liked the story so far, but its getting drag on way too much

feels almost like jerking on for hours and not cumming, there's a point you just want it to end

Weebs get out.

It did end at 3. Anything afterwards is basically irrelevant, and just for those who want to keep buying them.

I don't think it will have a conclusive ending if thats what you're waiting for.

Kind of true, but 3 left the thing about juno going aloof and now trying to fuck everyone in the ass in present times, so things are still going on

the creators said once they already knew how the story ends, but dunno if they keep with that original idea or scrapped it to keep the game going forever

Why don't they just end the modern day story to satisfy those autists and also stop having to force it into every game? I mean it's not like it will change anything because the premise of this series is literally LOOKING INTO THE PAST. having a definitive ending in the modern day will not effect the past in the slightest.

because they wanna keep feeling like hacks with their half-assed explanation for the hud, reloading mechanics and glitches they're too lazy to fix

They think they need an excuse for every new setting. Every time it's "we have to find this relic before the bad guys! Conveniently we know your ancestor possessed it 600 years ago! Now let's go watch his life story!"

Juno was killed off in the comics.

which one? i never read the comics

I dunno I never read them either, I only know it happened from other threads on here.

Get over it and just ignore it. I've never looked at a fuckin Monster Hunter game.

What the fuck is wrong with that guy's hands and arms?
He looks like a stickman wearing a human disguise.

it's literally the same as black flag but just more snow and polish


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>connor not being at the top

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>Connor existing in the first place

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>That one ship boarding track with the drums


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neck yourself

Post a better list then.

i didn't see any polish characters

I bought it for that, and it was more boat goodness. Love traveling the oceans and seas in games with a ship and crew. It was the last one I played till Odyssey came out (boat)

Clay Kaczmarek is mentioned in an audio log. Checkmate.