I read a thread a while ago talking about if "idea guys" could be a useful part of a team

I read a thread a while ago talking about if "idea guys" could be a useful part of a team.

Alot of the people in the thread talked about them having great ideas for games but none of them actually posted their idea.

So Yea Forums what is your dream game idea?

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Alright mother fucker heres my idea
>Space Desperado game
>Entire game is about a bounty hunter in an orbiting bar hunting bounties
>Game is boss rush esque, with each bounty either being straight to a boss fight, or a level then a boss fight to hunt down the bounty
>Each bounty gives you money
>Money is used to upgrade your parts, robotic eye, robotic leg, robotic arm
>Robotic Eye lets you do shit like Bullet Time and lets you shoot bullets out of the air
>Robotic Arm lets you do faster reloads, and catch bullets out of the air and use them in your gun when your low on ammo
>Robotic leg lets you run fast and slide around
>Games story is about a Bounty Hunter getting leads on the people he hunts as to who hunted him down and made him lose his leg, arm, and eye
>Ending reveals that the Bounty Hunter has a gun called "Angel Sol" which can only be wielded by those with a strong soul and is powerful enough to destroy a planet
>Final Boss is MC's brother, ending is VERY inspired by Trigun, with the MC standing over the final boss and having a speech if you wait too long before killing your brother, he shoots you and game overs you instead
>Game ends with MC picking up his brothers body and saying, "welp, time to go turn in this bounty"
>game has NG+ with 15 new bosses that are harder then before and new upgrades

uuhhhhh it's an MMORPG but you can do ANYTHING

should I start a kickstarter?

The A Team meets DMC, basically
I'd flesh it out some more but I'll never make it anyway

I honestly probably have the tech skill to make a 2D game in my free time, but 0 inspiration

ITT: "[game] but BETTER!"

I imagine the "idea guys" are people with managerial experience, they don't just get paid to tell other people what to do. They're experienced in forming and directing teams and making sure everything is done on schedule. They probably dabble in at least a few things themselves like programming

I'd love to know if any game devs can confirm if this is true

Monster Hunter X Puyo Puyo Tetris X Battle chef Brigade
You hunt, skin and cook monsters to make delicious meals
Remember the more deadly they look the better they taste.

I'm not seeing the puyo/tetris in that concept

A 3rd-person psychological survival horror game.

Since, y'know, we haven't had a good one of those in a hot minute.

I've had a glorious time going about attempting to take all the charm and pacing as early fantasy JRPGs and bring them to a modern world. My worldbuilding and plot points are all but completed, as I spend a lot more time writing this project nowadays than I do modelling, but I'll post my roadmap from a "Why aren't you making your own game, user?" thread a couple months ago. Very little on the technical side has been done recently, as I've been working double hours since the summer and still have 12 credits for uni to be finished by the first week of august. (1/4)

Working on an open-world ARPG with the same relative pacing as Final Fantasy 1.

Put about 1100 hours in so far and I still have barely scratched the surface.

Roadmap so far:

>First town is modeled and finished
>Castle in first town is about 60% done
>Sewers under castle (First dungeon) complete
>Interiors for 85% of the buildings in first town done
>Male and Female PC models complete
>8 NPCs complete.
>11 mobs in finalization process.
>First boss mob complete, second in progress
>8 weapon types with anywhere from 4 to 7 skins per type modeled and ready (some need minor tweaks)
>32 clothing sets finished (1 for each of the sixteen classes, male and female versions)
>an unrealistic amount of foliage.. something to the tune of 22 types of tree, 11 types of bushes/brush, 3 grass textures, a wide assortment of flowers/weeds, etc
>A few small cottages/abodes outside the first town
>A large 6 story tall mages tower complete with interior decor
>Most sources of ambient lighting (torches, lanterns, magic flames, Light Spell)
>34 items modeled and implemented. tons to go


>Basic attack anim for all 16 classes
>4 fighter skill anims
>2 Dragoon skill anims
>6 Rogue skill anims
>9 Bl Mage skill anims
>7 wh Mage skill anims
>2 gunslinger skill anims
>1 eldritch knight skill anim
>2 paladin skill anims
>Run and Jump finalized. Swim proving to be incredibly difficult.
>Tried working on fly. Gave up after 3 hours. Contemplating removing the ability entirely. Flying humans look dumb as shit. Either weirdly static, superman pose, or flapping their arms, none of which are acceptable to me
>a handful of environmental animations (wind blowing trees/grass, Fire 2 spell ignites grass around its target location (Can't figure out how to turn it off for stone/water locations specifically. Looks dumb as shit when theres an animated fire texture sitting on top of a pool of water)
>Some NPC facial animations. This is going to be one of the biggest obstacles.
>Basic attack anims for each of the 11 existing mobs (no skill anims yet.)
>first boss basic attack anim
>first boss 4 skill anims
>pillar destruction anim for first boss room in sewers (still having trouble with collision hitboxes on anything other than basic attacks for environments. Can get it to work, just looks corny.)

Open world:
>Lots of foliage placed
>first town
>Coast near town
>handful of spread out cottages/mages tower
....that's about it for that

>So Yea Forums what is your dream game idea?
One that I won’t disclose online to be stolen and bastardized by a corporate entity

>Inventory screen functioning as intended. Finally
>Status screen/Change class screen finished
>ability screen finished, both combat and world abilities equippable and semi-working
>Health/Mana/Stamina bars finished (might adjust later.. just flat colors. would like some depth to them)
>Notoriety meter almost done
>Config screen kind of working. some options keep crashing the launch instance
>Combat formulas implemented and mostly working. Some bugs in calculations causing certain attack/spell/status combinations to crash game

>Main story nearly finished, first ... 3% maybe, implemented
>Handful of sidequests written, not implemented
>Male and female PC attack grunts recorded and implemented (albeit poorly. I am not a sound engineer)
>Flavor text for 14 items added and viewable on scrollover.
>Opening Narrative finished and implemented. No VO yet.
>first town, kings speech voiced (by myself. will replace later hopefully) and working. thank fuck. took forever.

>Lol nope. Am not a musician

>Lol nope. I'm fucked here..

1100 hours, running on Unreal 4, unoptimized and clunky as fuck, projected less than 1% finished with the total project. At this rate, I'll be on my death bed releasing a game for a six decade outdated engine on architecture that doesn't exist anymore.

I just wanted to do Final Fantasy, but better, and now my life has become a grind to a result that will never see the light of day. Please kill me bros.
Last one was supposed to be 3/4, sorry, copypaste

Last time I posted my roadmap above, I got inquiries about the classes, so I'll just dump that list while I'm at it:

4 base classes:

8 Advanced Classes:
-Blue mage (enemy skill user)
-Red mage (B/W hybrid)
-Bard (buff mage)
-Witch (debuff mage)

4 Prestige Classes:
-Dark Knight
-Trickster (mobility based assassin)
- Bishop (Holy AoE damage, Heals, Buffs)
- Lich (Dark Aoe Damage, raise dead, debuffs, negate healing)

End note: I should also make it clear that each of the prestige classes has 2 distinct ability trees it can dump points in to,
Advanced classes become available about halfway through the narrative, Prestige about 3/4 through.

Dark knight: Eldritch knight (Elemental Weapons) or Blackblade (Equipped Secondary weapon acts as an independent NPC in combat)

Trickster: Gunslinger (self explanatory) / Shadowwalker (Invisibility, Poisons, *teleports behind u*)
Bishop: Oracle (High AoE holy damage and heals) / Channeler (Powerful buffs, heals and DoT's/HoT's)
Lich: Necromancer (Raise dead enemies, negates enemies ability to heal themselves) / Whisperer (powerful debuffs, AoE dark damage spells, cheat death once per combat encounter)/

It’s competitive so speed accuracy and precision are game changers

Well since there has only been one detailed idea for a game I might as well post mine

You play as a gardening robot for an incredibly rich old man, however you are no ordinary robot because you are an incredibly intelligent robot (it has been about 5 years since the first sentient android was made so most robots even if they are not sentient are very intelligent).

You dont like how the old man treats you and the other robots unfortunately you can't do anything since your stuck outside and every other robot is not nearly as smart as you.

But then one day the old man leaves the door unlocked after coming back home allowing you to come in and soon you begin to devise a plan, kill the old man, take the money and make it look like he died from a heart attack leaving you rich as hell.

The gameplay would involve you going through each room of the mansion solving puzzles with the help of the other robots as well as avoiding security robots that are looking for you, now you may ask why you need the help of other robots for help and that would be because you have Bush trimmers for hands stopping you from doing anything besides cutting.

Typing this out made me realize this game seems a lot better when I can imagine the gameplay and visuals.

>DMC/MGR mishmash where two characters have separate playstyles
>one is pure melee, the other is more focused on guns but has melee options
>melee has air stopping (like DMC3/4/5 Swordmaster) for all attacks
>guns doesn't have air stopping so you can't breeze through the levels
>guns has passive gear to assist
>melee can parry for additional damage on the next few attacks (based on a 4 second timer)
>guns's arsenal mostly has infinite ammo with recharge (think Halo's plasma rifles), the really OP ones are limited to four bullets

Guns has 4 slots for whatever you want, you can make it all guns or have melee with guns I only made two melee weapons anyways and Melee is meant to have a shitload of combos to try out.

I don't think it's quite fleshed out, I think Guns could be a little more interesting.

Attached: D_nnYQCWsAA_Mgc.png (640x480, 278K)

Idea producers can be valuable to a team, but you absolutely require them to NOT have their heads up their asses.
The problem with creatives is that it's hard to determine if a creative product is good or bad. As a result, you can't definitely prove that a given creative piece is shit to its creator.
Many entitled retards use this as an excuse to cling to the margins and refuse to admit that their work is shit.
"Subjective" is not a cheat code irl that makes your work good. It's the opposite, in fact - it means you're so far up your own ass that you can't see when your work sucks.
The #1 trait that you want from an idea guy is: when the ideas guy's personal preference is in conflict with that of her boss, or her client, she'll focus on how to change her work to suit other people rather than getting indignant and defending her own bias.
Creatives are part of a team. You need to remind them that the team is more important than their pride.

Your post lists a lot of numbers, but my advice would be to try and build what you have into a slice of what the final game could play like. Quantities are less important than the experiences people have when playing.

You're focusing way too much on the story.
The specifics of the upgrade system aren't really that important.
Bosh Rush + upgrades seems contradictory.
Locking half the game's content behind NG+ is kind of stupid. Someone has to make all that shit.

You're scope seems way too big, especially if you're 1ma, and because your programming details make you seem like an amateur programmer that can't handle that level of complexity. If you haven't even finished a vertical slice or the first area after a 1000 hours, you might want to try something simpler.

Do you have pics of your game? Do you post on /agdg/?

Not a bad idea if a bit basic. Ultimately it sounds like just a puzzle game, so it depends entirely on what kind of puzzles you can come up with. An idea is to make it Zach like with programming puzzles.

It's kind of a pet peeve of mine that everyone always has to do the sentient robots = slaves shit though. That's not how actual AI would work at all.

>it's a cuhrazy game
I mean might be cool, but good luck selling that.

A competent team manager triples your team's effective ability
An incompetent one completely kills it.

>Vehicular combat game on water, think Wave Race meets Twisted Metal
>A mix between a beat 'em up and a twin-stick shooter, essentially Midway's N.A.R.C. plus Robotron 2084/Smash T.V./Total Carnage
>A 3D kaiju fighter similar to the Pipeworks Godzilla trilogy and War of the Monsters that won't fall to furfags

Monster Hunter but it's directly based off various cultural mythos. It starts with Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, etc and as you go into the high or G rank equivalents, it goes up through time, introducing monsters from medieval folklore and perhaps a modern mythos like Lovecraftian shit by the end. As you progress, the weapons too advance and diverge in movesets, so your spears could evolve into things like halberds and swords into more specialized kinds.

>Neofeudal inquisition simulator.
>Top down with light RPG and roguelike elements but the main focus is freeform sandbox.
>Sent to local backwater town with reports of apostates.
>Converse with the locals, maintain relations with the sheriff, factory manager, mayor, local clergy, crime lords, and other influential figures
>Search the town, the church demands a quota, the town demands the status quo.
>Arrest town members for their 'heresy', get requisition credits at the end of the week in accordance with how many (supposed) cultists you arrested and interrogated.
>Torture minigame where you have to give as much pain as possible while preventing them from passing out or dying.
>Spend credits on nifty new gear, xray goggles, torture devices, lasers.
>Piss off the town and its figures too much and an angry mob flays you, don't meet the quota of the church and they sack you.
>Shit bricks when you find out actual cultists are hanging out at town (around the beginning of week 2)
>Cultist magic is mostly randomized for each playthrough, potent illusions may be swapped for bolts of thunder
>Complete tasks for the town's influencers, or just torture them for information (this will PISS off everyone in town)
>Be forced to work with town figures who have fallen to evil faiths, the outrage would be too great if you sent them to the gallows.
>Finally stop the cult, pack up and head back to HQ, another job well done.
>NG+ Lets you start with all of your nifty gear but the cult is strong as fuck off the bat and the town is more wary of you
I wish I had programming knowledge :(

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Fuck you I came up with it first