Have you ever hated a game studio so much you wanted to burn their offices down?

Have you ever hated a game studio so much you wanted to burn their offices down?

Purely hypothetically, haha :)

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Hypothetically speaking, yes! haha :)

ITT: game studios that unnerve you



All of them

why, my EAnis Blizzeanus of course!

Is this the beginning of anime terrorism?

Give me quick rundown before tranny mods come

It's the beginning of the Studio Wars

Some crazy jap set Kyoto Animation's studio on fire. 10 people unconscious, 30 inured.
Not joking.

someone blew up kyoani studios. 30 people injured, 10 critically so. guy was running away with a gasoline container but was arrested

I have to expand this again? Can no one stop him?

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Some crazy nutjob burned down KyoAni's main studio

Hope the Japs hang this faggot.

Unironically, abolish offices.

There is exactly zero justification for forcing so many people to drive forty-five minutes every day so they can sit at a computer and do things they could just as easily do sitting at home. They’re massive wastes of energy and resources, and I’m going to bet that just getting to them is a leading cause of vehicle emissions.

Nothing of value then, who gives a shit?

The leading cause of emissions are freighters and heavy transportation.

Daiz came to finish the job

>multiple deaths just confirmed

workers are less productive when they work from home, that isn't deniable

t. play vidya when working from home

>dropping honorifics
And that's a good thing!

>Being on Yea Forums and talking shit about Lucky Star and Nichijou
Go back to plebbit
Activision, Bethesda, and Chucklefish.

I work from home and accomplish more here on my non-shit computer than I could at the office.

I call in to meetings, too. Haven't seen my co-workers in 2 years. I don't know why everywhere doesn't do this. They have metrics, they KNOW how much work you're doing. Just fire the lazy fucks like you would at the office.

Oh shit its real

not exactly true, I do that too but how much time at work did you waste in the breakroom, shitting, and on your phone? You probably fuck around less at home desu unless we're talking you don't do shit for like 3 hours at a time.

>animating studio of Violet Evergarden

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fuck man burning down the studio aint gonna make Kumiko love Shuuichi

Waiting for the same to happen at Bethesda.


>Several people have died

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Of course it had to be some innocent weebs instead of trannies in a western game studio

>Kyoto Animation
this is all trash

Those are actual Japanese people you retard.

Get better taste

top kek

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There's been reported deaths

You need to go back.

Did the pokefags finally get triggered too hard?
t. pokefag

That's what I said

ten years from now, otakus are going to be hunted down like replicants

what the fuck

oh shit

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I mean everything must taste like trash when you're trash

>Lucky Star and Nichijou
are you a 14 year old girl?

Guys I think you should check out CNN...

Stop using words you don't understand.

soon all the others will fall
you should have listened

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Why don't you make me you fucking sycophant?

I've always said anime faggots are the worst of the bunch, worse than furries or bronies

they turn people into shut-ins
they turn people into trannies and faggots
now they turn people in literal terrorists

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>Lucky Star
the slut killed it dead
no more

>They burned down the moeshit factory

Probably an adult man attracted to 14 year old girls. And below.

is this the start of the incel uprising that was prophesied on /r9k/ many years ago?

should have been JC Staff desu

I really believe that governments should give companies incentives for that happen, like some form of tax relief. It's the only way to easily convince them, even if we already know that having your employees working remotely means saving for companies (i.e. less floor space to rent, less workstations, lower utility bill, less tired employees (since no travel), close to 0% tardiness etc.)

something something trade secrets

Miyazaki was trying go erase his mistake.

Fucking based. Kyoani pretty much is the biggest cause of everything that's been wrong with anime since 2005.