Play Arts Kai: The Goblin
Play Arts Kai: The Goblin
She's not as bad as everyone says, I don't like the spandex shorts and top she has and I wish they'd get rid of those ugly tights and give her back her thick woolen socks that make her feet all sweaty
you got called a fag and a tryhard in the other official thread so you had to do another thread so people can smell your farts and tell you "hehe yeah i agree" like a reddit safespace
This is what the REAL Tifa looks like.
Ewww. Something is off her head seems too big for that frame.
why do they keep fucking up the suspenders
Better than the original design desu
Why doesn’t she just wear pants at this point.
If you’re that worried about your samefag echo chamber unraveling maybe you should go back to your reddit safespace
No, this is the real Tifa
The Miqo’te did it better.
>tifa looks cute
>she looks better here
>bla bla she looks alright
>ree nooo reeeee she doesnt goblina *writes multiple reasons*
>shut up tryhard fag
>*makes a thread so he can find other people to bitch with him*
Literally a reddit safespace to escape to.
Her arms are bigger than her legs
Lightning in that outfit looks better than new Tifa.
There is literally nothing wrong with making a new thread about a topic that appeared at the tail end of another thread.
>her eyes are black again
What the hell is wrong with Square Enix?
>morbidly anorexic
>red laces on red boots
What did they mean by this?
what do I do to get thin legs like tifa? do I just run every day until my fat and muscle mass shrinks?
eat very little. Don't exceed 200 calories a day.
Just don't eat, seriously that's it and NO don't run don't do any exercises, don't wear heels, don't do anything that can put stress on your muscles.
Nah, I know lots of skinny girls with legs like that. Just dumb bitches wear high heels which actually work your legs out that's why women have such massive calves
I better see a Zenos Bring Arts at Wonfes
How is she still allowed to show stomach? She’s basically nude.
tits too small
Chun-Li would absolutely destroy this pipsqueek
are you okay, user? you seem to have a touch of the 'tism.
Looks like shit, and now there's no way people can deny the tits reductions with this.
Her tits are CLEARLY still huge, why are we still debating this
>backpack straps placed conveniently over her nipples in perfect geometry
This doesn’t look stupid at all
usually hentai messes up people
if you really wanna see stupid look in the mirror
Hardly anyone here is actually talking about her chest. They are talking about the design overall, her outfit and her legs.
Absolutely gross design.
t. Skeleton
Is this FFXIV’s new skele-goblin primal?
I could easily beat this tifa. i'd just let her punch me and break her arm.
It'd also be painful as all fuck. Imagine someone strapping a pair of suspenders on your belt, have both pass between your legs and over each testicles to hook-up with your belt around back, then tighten both suspenders so they're crushing your balls. While you're wearing thin cotton shorts over a speedo. And then you're asked to run a 5k marathon.
>strap a pair of suspenders on your belt
I can't imagine the horror of doing that because I'm intelligent enough to have my tailor put buttons inside my trouser for my braces to strap onto.
needs a burqa
Keep posting this shit, virgin
Secretly I may even prefer that over her remake design.
I don't think most people would be AS upset if they weren't just so smugly proud about themselves regarding it.
At least it’s clean and simple and knows what’s its doing. It has a sense of artistic direction.
Dont know how many of you guys are /toy/ fags, but play arts are really spotty qc wise. Only get one if you desperately want a figure of a SE character.
the funniest part is that he cropped out the aerith that looked awful in this picture
chest too large. not ethical
based pube bro
unironically a pretty cool design
I’m offended by these starved Ethiopian legs. Is anorexia funny to these japs?
Where is the ethics department?
>Play Arts Kai
pure trash. it's a no from me.
I got really sad for a moment when they started rolling out all the merchandise they had made up of the garbage design. Means the suits are 100% committed to it even if the artists wanted to tweak it.
I didn't consider that. Fuck they really are just going to leave us with the shitty design.
there is such a thing as art director who decides on all finalized designs, just because some artist want to change it doesnt mean the art director will let it be implemented
She looks fucking horrible. I’ll write an angry letter to every Square Enix studio.
>even her hair is all fucked up and ratty looking
I hate everything about this design.
>hair is all fucked up and ratty looking
Not surprised at all. SE's figures have always been crap but PAKs are a special kind of terrible.
What is so hard about making her look like this in the remake?
It usually happens when you take pictures of figures from a higher angle.
tifa isn't a bimbo and never was
How does this screenshot of Tifa's original design at make her a bimbo?
his post makes no sense and is inherently contradictory since he says she was never a bimbo while implying that she is a bimbo in that iteration.
>play arts kai
Play Arts Kai figures always look so shitty, even figmas are better at almost half the price.
Fucking hot!
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she looks like jeb bush's wife