I have never been this fascinated by a mediocre game in my life and will forever be mad we won't get to see the planned sequel.
I have never been this fascinated by a mediocre game in my life and will forever be mad we won't get to see the planned...
shill your crap game elsewhere, you pathetic plagiarizing loser.
Is quoting something plagiarizing now? The game has a references page anyway though.
Why the fuck does this game keep coming back to haunt me at least once a week?
Jesus fucking christ.
Yiik is art, gamers are too stupid to appreciate it.
This is the best JRPG of 2019 and it's a shame that we'll never get the planned sequel FF VII-R.
That is not quoting you double digit IQ
Say that after you've gotten through the "endings".
GRIMWAH was worse, does anyone has a video of the final boss or ending or whatever happened to the Neanderthal
What she says has zero context in the story. She’s just spouting quotes when you talk to her
Just play hylics or lisa or off or something instead op. Its the kind of game this guy pretends doesnt exist but already does and is way better than his pretentious meandering garbage
sounding a bit TOO defensive there “user”
remember when duke nukem 3d plagiarized a dozen films way more popular than video games lol
I played Lisa, it's better than YIIK but Joyful shit the bed hard and I find a lot of YIIK's design decisions ballsy.
To be faur YIIK could have been a so bad is good if the combat wasn't so shit
Shill someplace else you fucking faggot.
rent free
No one is going to buy this shit game.
I even regret pirating it.
The combat is so bad I dont understand how anyone could have played through the whole thing
I dont want to defend this game but it is quoting
she directly states that its from a book he likes and is trying to show she means no harm
That definitely does not happen, she's quoting the book as foreshadowing but he has no idea what she's talking about and the game never outright says she's quoting something, it's just assumed you would recognize it.
I would unironically rather never play video games than, play this game for over an hour.