>60 dollars for a Gamecube game, a bland PS3 shooter and a pile of shit
60 dollars for a Gamecube game, a bland PS3 shooter and a pile of shit
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And Switch owners will STILL pay for it
fuck american switch owners
lol RE0 and RE1 didn't even chart on the eShop
Nobody will buy this trash
americans will
The people dumb enough to like Switch grew up on RE4, RE5 and RE6 though, not RE0 or RE1
>Download code for 5 and 6
Capcom does it again
I liked RE5 tho :(
>cartidge for 4, download codes for 5 & 6
That's the real crime
o b s e s s e d
>RE0 and RE1 were Gamecube exclusives
>No they grew up with the ones not on a Nintendo console lol
rent free
Whats it feel like being poor?
This, I have REmake and RE0 on both ps3 and ps4 but I would still buy it on switch.
>tfw single states are bigger with more GDP than entire European countries
Sadly I think this one will sell, unlike Zero an REmake, mostly because the "physical collection" saves you 30$, And price was what annoyed users more.
Ill still buy it for Physical RE4.
I'll just get a custom case only displaying RE4.
Please keep obsessing over the #1 country in the world
its only RE4 on a cartridge though
I will, fuck you.
Nintenbabies will need their wife's boyfriend to play these scary games for them.
Leon’s in Smash
These 3 are literally not scary at all, they are so Hollywood Action that it's miserable.
Nintendo ain't giving Capcom another slot with this trash support lol
You learned the lesson well, Capcom.
Maybe we should do a skyrim/RE4 combo pack.
That's why I put the " ", but getting one physical and 2 codes is still cheaper than buying the three games on the eShop.
>Another thread of Yea Forums shitting itself in anger over something that literally doesn't matter
They could've announced RE4 physical plus gyro then every fanboy would be sucking off CapGods
>Download codes for
>According to hands on testing from people, RE4 and RE5 have no Gyro or HD Rumble, but RE6 does
I don't get what the issue is with having them be downloadable
What’s that bro?
I couldn’t hear you over the sound of uppercutting the fuck out of zombies
>Capcom are being stingy jews again
>"hurr durr Nindildo"
>60 dollars for some old games
>1 of which i complete trash
>only 1 is on a cartridge
Fuck off shill
How many rent free threads are they going to make today?
i think those 3 games will go over 32 gb, so either they need to do a 64gb cart which i think only 1 game have ever done it
or 2 carts, which actually happened in some other games in japan
but knowing capcom this will never happen
also im not defending capcom in anyway, they are fucking scumbag who charge the same price as well on ps4 for this triple pack
I swear is a Capcom official just trolling?
>Hey you know all those Nintendo features people are forming at the mouth for?
>Let’s put them in the shittest game lmao
Capcom is too fucking lazy to compress games on Switch. DMC1 on Switch is 9 GB while the entire Trilogy is 12 on other systems
These are gonna eat up your fucking storage space
I grew up on Gamecube and don't like RE4, RE5, 6, Rev 1, 2, Demake 2, etc.
>Not having a homebrew switch
Why would you go out of your way to add something to the worst game of the three? Capcom is definitely taking the piss with this.
>worst one of the 3 get rumble
fucking hell
You were actually scared by RE4?
RE6 is better than 4, 5 and especially 7. In before contrarians bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
their best port imo is actually dragon dogma, a pretty niche series in the grandscheme of thing
and it is entire physical for 30 bucks, i don't get this fucking company man
Another one to add to the list of Capcom's shit Switch support
explain your position
instead of just calling name and hurling insult, let just list out reasons why you enjoy 6 more than other title. personally i havent played 7 so i have no idea myself
Who the fuck are their incompetent ass programmers?
Good programmers were able to bust down 30 gig games down to 4.3 gigs yet these complete retards made the file bigger
I swear they’re pushing the A team elsewhere and leaving the brain dead retards who can barely code Tetris on Switch ports
If I was this desperate for inferior portable ports of old games I would at the very least just jailbreak my Switch and pirate all of them.
if you buy all the capcom shit on the switch, you can legit save enough money for a fucking switch lite and still save money
They cant even shill their lazy ports right
They announced the RE 5 and 6 ports on Twitter and linked to a blog post to explain in detail more about them.
The link was broken for 2 hours
>a portable RE4 with gyro controls would have been the definitive version
>Instead its just a 1 for 1 port of the PS4 version because Capcom were too lazy to implement them
what the fuck is wrong with them, surely they must have got the code for the wii version somewhere
just put in the new texture, keep the motion / gyro control and that was it
i mean for fuck sake they ADD them for revelation games
It is laziness on their part. To put it perspective
Capcom has released Megaman legacy 1+2 as a cartridge bundle and requires a digital download for legacy 2
Legacy 1 is 6 nes games
legacy 2 is 1 snes game, 1 ps1 game, 2 8 bit digital games
Legacy 1 = 345mb and legacy 2 = 3.2gb. They've could've easily put both legacy collections in a single 4gb cartridge. It's not a space issue, it's a laziness issue
When other companies have managed to shrink down ps4 and xbox one games like Doom 2016, Wolfenstein, Dark Souls remastered and Saint rows 3 into a single cartridge without the need of digital download fuckary. Those games had more excuse for needing digital download than capcom struggling to put a couple rom dumps on a cartridge. Not only is this a laziness problem, it's also an inconsistent problem.
SF collection is 4.9gbs and has multiple games with 16 bit and 32 bit graphics (way more intense games than a fucking nes compilation) and comes on a single cartridge without the need to download sf alpha 3 and sf3 3rd impact seperately.
It would make sense if the games were too big for the base storage of the switch and that the company was doing a service by separating the games so you can have more games on the system (i.e. Square separated X/X-2 HD because both of them would have taken up most of the space on the switch) but Resident Evil games aren't full length RPGs. There's no excuse of needing to seperate them.
Capcom wasting their time on these half ass ports when they could just release Outbreak 1 and 2 bundle.
Of all the games the Megaman once may be their worst port jobs the had a proper collection on the PS,NGC,and Xbox can't be bothered to put all games on one disc or cart even was so lazy mad half of the Switches version Download only while the PS4 and Xbox one was released on two separate discs.
you are correct, I'd be on that list
It hurts to admit it, bu I'd buy that immediately.
FIle 1 was such a good game bruh
but... i have physical versions of Okami and Onimusha...
should clarify capcom support for the west (NA mainly)