ITT: Black vidya girls you want to bone.
ITT: Black vidya girls you want to bone
This thread has been answered.
This is the only exception
This absolutely
I would like the rest of this set please.
Would smash on the down low.
I fucking hate /pol/. Seriously no one fucking cares that you have shit taste. Leave and never come back.
None because I'm not into beastiality
Shes not a nigger, she’s just a tan tomboy.
>t. autistic fat neckbeard fuck with no interest in women
I fucking love this meme.
>she's not black, she's just black
She's literally based on Halle Berry
>/pol/ boogie-man
No one brought them up but you, faggot.
Source on that claim? She looks more like your average tan Nip or Okinawan than some mutt.
Only good answer, basically Rihana
Pic Related
>there are absolute philistines ITT who still haven't taken the ebonypill
how does it feel being primitive human garbage?
>zoophile talking about being primitive
Fuck humans, please
Neither of these are video game niggers. Stay on topic.
Bestiality isn't allowed anywhere on Yea Forums, you have to leave.
/pol/ here.
If we want black families to be a benefit to society rather than a drain, we must supply superior genetic material to black wombs, thereby creating the most capable families and ensuring a strong bloodline.
It's the right thing to do to solve the problem without sterilization or exile.
A classic
>how does it feel being primitive human garbage?
I wouldn't know... I don't play on consoles!