

Attached: boring.png (362x259, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If Gordon Freeman isn't #1, this list is bullshit

>article by Nelia-Sol White
>She is actually black

Doesn't get much more boring than Far Cry 3, 4 and 5's protagonist
I haven't played 1 or 2.

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>Armond White
>is black

> Arno Dorian – Assassin’s Creed Unity
> Aiden Pearce – Watch Dogs
> Sam Fisher – Splinter Cell Series
> Master Chief – Halo Series
> Desmond Miles – Assassin’s Creed Series
> Markus – Detroit: Become Human
> Deacon St. John – Days Gone
> Every Male Protagonist (Except Red) – Pokemon Series

But Sam and Aiden are interesting as fuck tho

>Nelia-Sol White


damn niggas playing mind games on us don't believe their schemes

Why aren't Mario and Link on this list?

>Except Red

>wes is boring
>but red, the mute autist, somehow isn't
wow, what a retarded list.

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>> Every Male Protagonist (Except Red) – Pokemon Series

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So contrarian it's in his blood and dna.

>terrible western series
>Every Male Protagonist (Except Red) – Pokemon Series

Because the female protagonists are just as compelling now????
Is it because they're female?

Because they have personalities that manifest themselves through gameplay?

Because Red appeared in more than one game


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Fuck white people!

>sam fisher

Fuck you.

The final scene with Aiden Pierce and the old guy in his panic room was kino as fuck though. That alone made him an actual good character.

>master chef
Of course he’s boring, he’s meant to be a self insert.

>Jonathan Goldstein
>is (((white)))

>couldnt even be assed to count to ten
game journalists are fucking pathetic

and he still has no personality in any of the other games he appears in. so how is he not boring?

You could use that excuse for every protagonist

I liked Desmond. Called the Assassins on their bullshit. His death ruined the series (save for Black Flag).

Link is a bootleg Peter Pan, but Mario is actually a very interesting character, it is strange that he is so beloved despite his bizarre concept.


Master Chief's may be a man of little words but that's just because most of the time he's busy thinking up bad ass one liners. Besides, he talks enough in cutscenes.

Hi Nelia-Sol White

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>Because they have personalities that manifest themselves through gameplay?

>Confusing a highly disciplined soldier in the middle of a war over the fate of the galaxy with being boring

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>Every Male Protagonist (Except Red) – Pokemon Series

Do people get paid for writing articles like this?
Its like a 12 year old wrote this and she is also too dumb to explain why she thinks that these characters are boring holy fuck, i guess they are not hollywoodey enough for her

Look at Duke Nukem, he's also fighting to save the universe but he's constantly making quips and one-liners, that's how all shooter men should be.

again, one is a highly disciplined soldier and one is a frat boy with a gun

Aiden Pearce is more annoying and fucking retarded than boring.

hey grandpa, i need money can you give me some?

The pokemon one makes no sense, all the males except red? They do know all the protags are literal self inserts, silent protags that don't talk and nothing changes regardless of gender?
This is just clickbait horseshit isn't it.

what, no Booker from Bioshock Infinite?

The frat boy is far more entertaining, that's what's important.

My cop dad, before he retired, arrested an entire family of drug dealers named after birds using ghetto black speak (Sparoh, Hahk, Falkhan, and Pijan), a woman named Shithead (pronounced Shah-theed), a woman named La-a (LaDasha), and a male drug dealer named Caligula. All of these were their birth names. This was in the 90s/early aughts. Blacks don't understand the concept of naming.

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Because they unlike everyone else on that list besides the Pokemon characters, Mario and Link don't really present the pretense of being complex and interesting. Everyone else does but just ends up being generic antihero.

Mario is the guy that wahoos while you collect coins and stars.


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>Every Male Protagonist (Except Red) – Pokemon Series
The Kanto bias really needs to go.

>Sam Fisher

I fucking mad

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>All these retards who getting triggered over the pokemon entry

this, Fisher is a sarcastic fuck, he's not boring

she's specifically referring to blacklist sam fisher

How the fuck is Fisher boring? I'll bet money this cunt never played a SC game.

From the same site
> Best Video Game Characters (No particular order)
> 1. Mario
> 2. Link
> 3. Sonic
> 4. The Boss
> 5. Jill Valentine
> 6. Pikachu
> 7. Solid Snake
> 8. Cloud Strife
> 9. Samus Aran
> 10. Mega Man
> 11. Nathan Drake
> 12. Kratos
> 13. GlaDOS
> 14. Ezio Auditore
> 15. Scorpion
> 16. Pac-Man
> 17. Lara Croft
> 18. Crash Bandicoot
> 19. Ryu from SF
> 20. Gordon Freeman
> 21. Yuna
> 22. Clementine
> 23. Ellie
> 24. Geralt of Rivia
> 25. Spider-Man
> 26. Kat

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.

Yes. Do you disagree?

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Thats not what it says you dumbass

>everyone falling for the ruse

> Gordon Freeman
Valvefags need to be fucking shot in the Leg

>Jack Black
>he's white

Black don't understand the concept of anything but at the bright side of this that we get funny stories like this that spawn out of their dumbness
I hope those little birds got caged for a good amount of time

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>Nathan Drake


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> Implying Nathan Drake isn't likeable as fuck
T. Tendie

The "La-a" gives it away as being fake user. We know you just got that from that one picture.

>Samus is considered one of the best
>While MC is considered one of the most boring
>When MC is basically a rule 63 of Samus but with more of a personality
What the fuck?

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What about Ryu?

It's always cute seeing you /pol/locks wander in here and start shitting yourselves.

> Main character from games universally consider one of if not the best game of all time outside of OOT
> Is hot as fuck & a strong female character without being forced tranny garbage
> Surprised when a poor man's genderswapped Samus is considered garbage
Cope more Xcucks

Ellie and Clementine are solely there because they are teenage girls in a post apocalyptic setting theres nothing likable about them but thats just my opinion

Oh look, a bunch of boring assholes. Almost like it doesn't matter and the OP list is just to bait hateclicks for this irrelevant site.

> Kat
> Being popular enough to be considered boring
Seethe more Boomer

What is you people's obsession with constantly talking about trannies?

>this one exception right at the bottom of this generic fucking list somehow invalidates a sentiment that was about the ulterior motives of the OP list
>let me crow about this
I swear, Yea Forums, you get dumber every fucking day.

> Jill Valentine instead of Leon & Chris
Absolutely Based

> People like popular things
> People also dislike popular things
Why does this make you seethe so much redditor?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's like I'm talking to some crossbreed between an ESL and some dementia ridden fuck.

Waste of my goddamn time, you moronic faggot. Go lay your head on some train tracks and wait.

>Main character from games universally consider one of if not the best game of all time outside of OOT
Are you fucking retarded? Metroid are universally ignored. Compared to Halo and Master Chief, Samus to most people is just that robot from Smash
>Is hot as fuck & a strong female character without being forced tranny garbage
What does that have anything to do with her character's personality?
>Surprised when a poor man's genderswapped Samus is considered garbage
>Master Chief is considered garbage
He's one of the most Iconic characters of all time, probably in the top 5, meanwhile Samus is once again just that Robot from Smash. Also Samus is a poor man's Ripley.

> Sam Fisher – Splinter Cell Series
Let me guess, this faggot played only Blacklist

Grimsdottir: Maria Narcissa...
Fisher: You're not trying to set me up on another blind date, I hope.
Grimsdottir: The Maria Narcissa is a boat.
Fisher: So was the last girl you set me up with.
Grimsdottir: Fisher!
Fisher: Sorry...

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> ACFag

>>When MC is basically a rule 63 of Samus but with more of a personality

Samus has more personality than MC from Metroid Fusion alone.

Don't really see the point of putting Captain King on here. He was intended to be a blank slate self insert character, same as Doomguy. In the original games he has no dialogue that doesn't consist of dry one-liners inside cutscenes, and no regular dialogue at all. It wasn't until 343 came along that anybody tried to make him "human" and "relatable", and nobody gives a fuck about 343 Halo anyways.

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Yeah & that's why he's boring.

Then include Doomguy and Gordon Freeman and Adrian Shephard and Chell and any other character that's a complete blank slate. There's hundreds of them. Or don't include any at all, because it's a given that they're boring.

>The male protagonist is boring, but the female is great!
>They have the exact same dialogue and absolutely no personality

This is when you know they're just a faggot. I remember Fates and I played through Conquest as male Corrin and posting in a thread how awful a character he was. A bunch of wiafufags told me to play as Fem Corrin instead and I got interested thinking she had alternate dialogue. Turns out she doesn't and it was just a bunch of horny feetfags defending their waifu.

What does Assassin Creed/Animal Crossing has anything to do with what I just said?

Chief has 5 games showing off his personality, Samus has 2 with one of them being Other M. No matter how bad they did Chief in 5, his character wasn't nearly as raped as Samus in Other M

Wait, Gravity Rush's Kat? I mean fuck the site but it feels kinda nice to have her included in a list like that.

Master Chief is more overrated then all of those characters, Nobody actually cares about Doom outside of Yea Forums so it's impossible for it to be overrated

Your pic is wrong, you can an hero to die by school shooter as the school shooter.


>Nobody actually cares about Doom outside of Yea Forums
Man are you faggots full of yourselves.

Why do people take these shitty internet lists written by nobodies so seriously?

Fuck off.
Has Yea Forums fallen so low they we have threads based on literally-who Top # articles? Seriously?

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Like always, journalist are faggots.

If you genuinely think Normalfags care about Doom, then you are a retard. Doom 4 is the first time people actually started to take notice about it

Did you never read the CANON books that fucking Bungie were responsible for? At least until Bungie felt the Battle of Reach should have lasted longer than the Fall of Reach and First Strike books made it.

Because Yea Forums is a literal who site that is only still active because Reddit invaded us years ago during the Election

>Master Chief is boring but Samus, a character with the same exact personality isn't
I smell feminism.

>series that's been popular and being made for decades now

Yea Forums has been infested with normalfags and outragefags for a long while now. They think if they see someone say *anything* on the internet they don't like then they have to make a thread about it.

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>Samus Aran, the female Master Chief is the best character while Master Chief, her male counterpart is boring

>Halo is a brown and grey shooter that's so terrible that even call of duty is more fresh
>Metroid is a genre defining masterpiece

It's not hard to see why people like Samus more.

It's popular among niche but extremely hardcore gaming forums, but irrelevant everywhere else. It's not even in Steam's Top 100 games despite multiple Touhou games & Postal making it. That wouldn't happen if Doom was popular

Yea Forums is now a place for retards to get angry at random internet posts that aren't even on Yea Forums.
This is what happens when you feed twitterfag threads.

Yes ye syes, everything is irrelevant outsid eof Yea Forums

Anything that Yea Forums likes is only circlejerked out of contrarianism due to being significantly less popular than it's counterparts

She's literally the female Master Chief that every thought was a robot since she has the personality of a brick. If she's the best character than Chief's the best character, if Chief's boring then she's boring. Stop trying to turn this into a console war, Sony faggot.

>fucking Bungie were responsible for
lmao no

>Joseph Staten: We thought "He is a husk, he is a big green suit of armor that you move around"

Bungie didn't give two fucks.

Does ACfag even say Xcuck?

So nerds can get triggered by someone not having the same taste as them.

You don't understand the concept of a surname, apparently.

Chief has more personality over Samus from Halo 4 alone. When they tried to expand further on Samus they ruined her character so bad they had to 180 in SR and rework how they would make her speak in the future planning to never make another Other M again.

Kill yourself ACfag

so you agree on that Samus is a shit non character even if her games are good.

>Master Chief
Drink bleach

> Master Chief being a good character
> Generic faceless space marine that Zoomers only like because they were to poor to afford the Chad playstation or GameCube

>not sans

What an awful fucking list.
Post your own Best Video Game Characters (No particular order)
1.Captain King
3. Chris Redfield
4.Raiden (MGS)
5.Heather (SH3)
6. James (SH2)
7. Sam Fisher
8.Sully (Uncharted) Go fuck yourself Drake
11. Kirby
12. Regina (Dino Crisis)
13.Phoenix Wright
15.Kenny (TWD)
16.John Marston
17. Arthur Morgan

>Halo is a brown and grey shooter
Maybe ODST and Reach but not any other game in the series.


Learn who ACfag is please, Samus is as boring as Chief is. You can't say Chief is boring because he barely has a personality and then say Samus who also barely has a personality is not.

> Samus Aran being a good character
> Generic blonde woman that Boomers only like because "OMG TITTIES" or "WOW ITS LIKE ALIENS BUT A VIDEO GAME"

>no argument
I accept your concession.

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>Halo brown and green
>mentions Call of Duty right after

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>Halo is a brown and grey shooter that's so terrible that even call of duty is more fresh
Which is why the original trilogy is as highly regarded as it is right?

PlayStation doesn't have Halo and Nintendo has Metroid, Samus is literally a generic blond with ponytail that Japan keeps using.

>Halo is a brown and grey shooter
This fucking kid wasn't around for 2003-2010 when Halo would incessantly get shit on for being too fucking colorful and not gritty enough like the rest of the military shooters

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Zoomers need to be fucking banned, holy shit. No wonder good journalist taste makes you contrarians seethe so much


> IP count didn't go up
Nice samefag you piece of shit

>Chief has 5 games showing off his lack of personality
fixed that for you xcuck.

>literally no argument

far cry 3 you could turn your back on your friends, tho and embrace your murderous tendencies

>I have no argument, so I must autistically screech

I already posted in this thread and that's not my post. If Samus is the best, Chief is the best, if Chief is boring, Samus is boring.

>Same Fisher
Holy shit. That's a really bad opinion.

Notice how none of them are female

aww shit nigga
coliseum was a good game

>The idea that someone already in the thread is so hard of a concept to grasp that he has to scream samefag
You should kill yourself

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aaaaand opinion discarded

>The second cutscene in Halo CE shows Chief and Cortana bantering to one another
That more of a personality than anything Samus has every shown.

halo 4 chief actually showed a little emotion. for all it's faults, i still like what 343 did with 4's story
too bad they fucked it all up in 5, i'm just pretending 4 was a one off.

Caligula is a cool name t b h

>all normie shit games
Yeah, they're boring alrite

Hope they fix their shit with Infinite. Also, does Master Chief's masculinity scare Journalist?

>Every Male Protagonist
Masterful bait

The absolute state of Halocucks

Master Chief is only "boring" because he is a classic hero from a bygone era of shooters that still exists to this day.

Metroid needs to fix itself as well a remake doesn't fix a series Samus will talk again in Metroid 5, let's hope it's more like Fusion and nothing like Other M.

>Halo even at its lowest, still pull off big numbers
>A trailer of just Captain King and some Mexican in space hyped the game so much that it was considered one of the best thing shown at E3 with the best FPS there without any gameplay
>MCC coming to PC is the coming months
>Halo is still getting more books and a TV next year
Yeah the absolute state of HaloChads

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>nobody gives a fuck about 343 Halo anyways
see my post
that's just like my opinion, tho.
given the space between 3 and 4's release, it's fair to say 4 exists in enough of a vacuum for me to enjoy it separately from the OT
5 was a dumpster fire and i don't have too much faith in infinite being more than decent

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This, we need to go back.

I think both Chief and Samus have the personality of a wet sponge.

4 is way worse then 5.

4 has a meh single player and shit MP and a forge that's a step vback from reach

5 has a meh single player and actually solid MP and the best forge in the series

Halo 4 has a far better campaign than Halo 5 and campaign is what matters the most in Halo, no good campaign and does the rest really matter?

That's why they're perfect for each other.

>no good campaign and does the rest really matter
Yes, very much so.
Do you not have any friends?

That's the thing
Halo Co-op mode > Multiplayer > Single player
This is non-negotiable, also the reason 5 sucks ass

At least his actions have a lasting impact on future games in the series. Every other pokemon PC has their achievements ignored or handwaved and fades into irrelevance after their game. Red and Blue stuck around to make sure the world remembers them.

I liked this scene for all its worth

No, you.

So it's basically virtue signalling to include her on the list, in other words? Halo wipes the floor with the Metroid games by the way.

It really doesn't, Halo campaign is the bread and butter, it doesn't really matter how good the multiplayer is if the campaign is shit.

Halo 5's campaign probably wouldn't have been so bad if Brian Reed would have just swallowed his pride and just focused on Master Chief but he really wanted to push his Spartan IVs.

>campaign > MP
Are you just shit?

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>Every Male Protagonist (Except Red) – Pokemon Series

This is the one take that is true though, and I don't even play as the female characters.


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>they're boring because I'm a dumb bitch and boilerplate characters are outside my empathy/understanding sphere by virtue of being male
There must br some toothless femme fatalr character this shithead loves

>Halo campaign is the bread and butter
this guy gets it.
>just focused on Master Chief
also yes
have you read about 5's scrapped story? iirc they had to change a bunch of shit for whatever reason
it looked way more interesting than the crap we got.

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I'm still mad remembering the E3 2013 trailer for it and all the cut concept art pieces depicting a completely different game.

>Time to finish fight
>*fight finishes*
>me sleep
>100 years later
>Master chief bonks on some randos wind shield
>wakes up
>"Chief we need you to fight!"
>but fight finished?
>"Fight not finished..."

Halo infinite

Hence the name infinite.

>not providing an argument
how embarrassing

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>not on boring

>gordon freeman is one of the best despite having no personality at all
this site is shitposting at this point

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If Halo 5`s campaign didn't end on a shitty cliffhanger I might be willing to say it was a 6.5 or a solid 7/10 at best


Some of these are fair, like Aiden and Desmond. I don't think Chief is either the best or the worst and Sam is actually pretty decent.

I'd say it seems like the key difference is that this list isn't based on personality, but rather on how iconic they are. However, they put The fucking Boss at 4 above Snake, who is both a better character and a more iconic character, so maybe I'm wrong.

I had 2 other accounts, but this was my main through all the games

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The list was about most iconic characters & best of this specific generation

>Halodrones absolutely screeching

>La-a (LaDasha)
Next time a)don't use memes b)if you must, at least get it right. It's "Le-a"

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you have to go back, newfag

Uhhh, fuck you. Master Chief is a great character for being a stand in for the player.

>Sam Fisher
Yo what the fuck?

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Holy shit that list is wrong

>have you read about 5's scrapped story?
Really? How was it like?

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3 was actually decent in that you could actually witness the progression of the main character losing his mind


How the fuck are the female protagonists somehow less boring? The bitch who wrote this needs to get some goddamn pussy already

Doesn't the Pokémon entry basically apply to Link from pretty much any Zelda game?

>Hispanic usually score lower because they're learning in a second language.
>Blacks usually score lower because they can't read or write properly in any language.

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It's different because women want to fuck Link

Duke Nukem isn't fighting to save the universe.
Nigga is just mad that space pigs keeps messing up his ride and cock blocking him.

>Jack Black
>is actually white
Why are americans like this?

I guess the "giving the covenant back their bomb" or "sir, finishing this fight." lines dont count?

He gets kind of annoying being a DOOM level murderer while wisecracking the whole time.

Duke wouldn't "save the universe" if it didn't involve getting tail or aliens personally bothering him.
You're thinking more of Serious Sam where he actually is part of an Earth Defense force.

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Maybe it doesn't count when it isn't a quip?
Does quipping=character?

Just wait till he does the 8 best and it's all trannies

>Captain King
Is this some sort of meme?

>Joanna Dark is on the list


I shit you not when I say that people think having romance automatically gives your character depth.

Shit son, how old are you?

>Master Chief
>is suppose to be an extension of he player
>intentionally silent most of the time for that very same reason just like Gordon Freeman or Link
>"oh my god he is so boring and emotionless #iLovemywifeboyfriend"

But self-inserts don't need to be "boring" or "emotionless"