So uhh...where's the PC version?
So uhh...where's the PC version?
Gotta wait for the next gen consoles. It'll be announced along side the announcement of the PS5/Xwhatever port.
>implying epic store will be a thing after 20 years
Remember how people found a bunch of stuff that hinted towards rdr1 remastered in the games files? I think if we ever see that that's when they'll release it.
I borrowed my friend's xbone for RDR2. I admittedly put quite a few hours into it, but it just didn't hold me. I never even bothered to get past chapter 4. I enjoyed it well enough, but much like GTA5, it just kinda petered on.
I doubt my computer could run it, even assuming it ever did come out, but even if it could, I don't see myself buying it.
I think the only ones seething right now are the people who permanently lost their epic store games after uninstalling
Who cares, the game sucks ass
yeah just like how rdr1 came to pc.
Some year
Or lost access to their entire game collection because they got banned on Fortnite.
This is the realest post in this shit thread rdr2 is the game everyone will buy and never finish
>n-n-n-nobody liked it anyway! who cares if it doesn't come to pc!
Probably out this fall show some fucking patience. Waiting for console ports is half the fun of owning a Pc.
>Waiting for console ports is half the fun of owning a Pc.
most likely pc version announced 6 months after ps5/xb2 version releases. gotta get people to triple dip
Did I say it wouldn’t come to Pc? I said most of you dumb fucks will buy it get burnt out after 10 hrs and it will sit in your backlog.
It's this almost certainly but not announced along side but either a few months later or after the consoles are out, and anyone denying this is a consolecoper
Suuure, all-knowing user who can read others' minds.
Then why didn't RDR1 come to PC?
Next to the cut Romance option user If there is one thing i can ask and wish for is that someone finds some left over code like that whole business with gta sa hot coffee and put back the romancing back in
>This is the realest post in this shit thread rdr2 is the game everyone will buy and never finish
I'm not going to buy it. I watched a friend play it on PS4 and it killed all the hype I had for it. The gameplay/hands-on parts of it suck.
This but with the epilogue. I couldn't give a shit to keep playing for awhile after it abruptly cuts into a several year timeskip 2 seconds after Arthur breathed his last
Hopefully never. Can't wait for people to stop talking about this piece of shit series. Super boring. Western is also the lowest tier genre for BrokeButt Mountain Sodomites.
it makes sense tho. RDR2 is a console paced game which will only be tedious to pc master race misters.
You and I both know that's an unsteady argument nowadays with publishers wanting maximum profits, especially with the old rumors of them losing important code and whatnot. An actual argument could be that with rockstar hates the pc market because all the lost sharkcard profits they lose to hackers predominantly on pc. But still wouldn't believe it.
>PC calling console games' tedious
>GTO made more money than the base game
RDR2 is coming to PC for RDO alone.
>an unsteady argument nowadays
says this as he proceeds to mention unsteady arguments like old rumors.
what even is this supposed to mean, shitposter-kun?
If you only knew user.
These are the games euros love.
nice cherry picking, have fun with your slow paced and limited "experiences"
>Pick the game back up to maybe get the Plat trophy
>Look at Gambler 8
>Free up 100 jigglybitts from my HDD
They want me to spend more time playing blackjack than I spent beating the story.
>cherry picking
Yeah it's not like pcdudes brag about having deeper games all the time, i.e shit like EVE and 4X games. You also have more grindy MMORPGS than any other system.
next gen just like GTA V
development of the game was fucked, and the PC port of GTA IV was hell. R* saw no need to take on the even more difficult task of trying to port RDR to ANOTHER system, so instead they optimized their engine and workflow to be platform independent. That's why every R* game since RDR has been on lots of platforms: LA Noire, Max Payne 3, GTA V, and soon to be RDR2.
It's going to look amazing
Why wouldn't they have released the pc version of RDR2? There is literally no excuse.
waiting until next gen
I already beat the story. Am not going to do 100% as that's just ridiculous.
so max payne 3 releasing on pc just a week after consoles was just a happy coincidence then?
Still a better argument than
>old game didn't
how the fuck is a completely unsubstantiated argument (i.e: """rumors"""") a better argument than pointing at the fact that rdr1, the previous entry in the series, never came to PC?
Didn't RDRO immediately die because Take 2 forgot to do the be generous at the start part so everyone just dropped it?
>How can a game come to PC if the first one didn't!?
That game came out at the same time on both PC and consoles though.
it'll be fun to mod it
Uhhh why? This game sucks ass.
>how can Darkness 2 come to PC if the first one didn't
>That game came out at the same time on both PC and consoles though.
Oof. Sorry sweetie, its true.
They must have felt it wasn't worth the effort to port a game based on very different hardware (PS3, 360) to the PC especially after the shit-show of their GTA IV port.
PS4 and XBone are just X86-64 CPUs and GCN based GPUs, so porting GTA V from those ports was a lot easier. Same story for RDR2.
>They must have felt it wasn't worth the effort to port a game based on very different hardware (PS3, 360) to the PC
Except they literally did with Max Payne 3 which came only a week later on PC after the console release. Also by your logic a PC version of RDR2 should have been out already, what's the excuse this time?
>what's the excuse this time?
it looks like a ps3 game on consoles so they're upgrading it
That excuse didn't fly with Max Payne 3, also RDR2 is one of the best looking games ever.
I'm not the other user. MP3 looked good though, and ran very well on PC.
RDR2 looks like fucking dog shit with how blurry everything is, you're just looking at with the lens of a console gamer who doesn't know any better.
>Also by your logic a PC version of RDR2 should have been out already, what's the excuse this time?
beta testing for next gen consoles isn't done yet on this gen. then they can triple dip. ggez.
The lighting engine in RDR2 is miles ahead of W3.
God I can't wait for it to come to PC.
You're right, but it still looks miles worse because it's a console game. If they port it, it will probably be the best looking game around ignoring the character models. Until then though it looks pretty awful.
>Remember how people found a bunch of stuff that hinted towards rdr1 remastered in the games files?
just google rdr1 remastered and there's tons of videos on it. Basically they found all of jacks rdr1 voice lines and when they went out of the map they found that the mexico area was very well developed for an area you can't even see.
Well on the contrary the XBX version looks absolutely gorgeous in native 4k. The PS4 Pro which I'd say majority of people played on looks terrible with its 1920x2160 upscaling looks dreadful given it doesn't work correctly with Rockstar's TAA method which produces cleaner images with native resolutions. Even the PS4 looks crisper than the pro.
It literally looks the same but -slightly- less blurry. It's still fucking ugly. Stop bullshitting and use your eyes. The TAA is god awful.
Eh I 100% agree. When we get a PC release running it at 1440p native. Rockstar's TAA has always been far too aggressive in oversmoothing images.
wow they actually did it. maybe online will be worth playing now.
Well you're being reasonable but I recommend that you don't be such a shill in the future, it's just another video game and there's hardly anything special about it.
It looks great (mainly the lighting engine, the smoothing can be a personal take, I've seen people say it looks like an oil painting) and Arthur's VA did a fantastic job. I don't have anything great to say about the story or characterization. Feels like Dutch got flanderized and it seems like they just dropped us into the half-way mark of the story, while repeating the same beat over and over.
Just looking over this image again it looks terrible when pixel peeping but this was PS4 Pro. Also saved it as a jpg instead of shrinking the png file.
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