You hostin?

You hostin?

Attached: inimidating chads.png (410x489, 463K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mul-t porn when


Attached: pathetic.png (444x671, 308K)

Maybe it's the simplicity of it, but I just find characters wearing lens-makers hilarious

Attached: 1561505135931.png (1260x1200, 33K)

Attached: 1554947512645.png (680x660, 263K)

Attached: 1554912889260.png (700x440, 150K)

Attached: 1554266645764.png (1000x1200, 788K)

Ten man Risky 2 when I get home.

It's been a long road

Attached: Domo Arigato Mr.Roboto.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

Attached: 1554678332926.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

I need pictures pictures of MUL-T

Your mums hosting my DICK son


I haven’t killed an elite boss on monsoon I guess multiplayer doesn’t count

Unfortunately has a low amount of art. He's not the mascot like Commando, he's not a waifu like Artificer or Huntress and he's not easily memeable like Merc or Engie. At least he's not REX.

Attached: 1554380172045.png (840x892, 57K)

On the highway.

Attached: 1555903616363.png (526x1000, 307K)

Attached: 1553910037207.png (800x450, 942K)

> he's not a waifu

Attached: 1563319493076.png (484x406, 13K)

Attached: 1557540505396.png (292x243, 29K)

Blessed posts

Attached: 1554596666337.png (629x357, 175K)

I will not allow this thread to die before we get a host

Who the hell is 'Mul-t'? WHERE'S HAND-D?

banished to the cutting room floor

his M2 was updated to work in the scorched acres patch, he might be confirmed sometime down the road

Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Sacrifice is 37%
>Permanent mountain stack of 1
>No shop
>Can spawn gilded coast portal
>Players can join whenever
I'm in the United States, so if you're from Russia you will have lots of lag. Some UK anons have told me they get okay connection.

I will join soon


get in here you liberal retards (or "libtards" for short)


Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 133K)

Remove the period at the end.


RoR Yea Forums thread discord for those interested
trying to start a place to coordinate modded games or play in general, to supplement threads.
Yea Forumsery wet

Attached: lemurian.png (61x60, 4K)


Attached: 1558188314908.png (444x359, 74K)

Advertising is against the rules.
Enjoy your vacation.


Attached: AHEM.gif (324x624, 168K)

