What FPS games get this right?

What FPS games get this right?

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None because ______________________________________fun comes first

MGSV, at least when you're in zoom mode it's first person

Any shooter with bullet-drop?
Stalker, ARMA, Insurgency, Battlefield, PUBG, Fortnite?

fuck off you fucking retarded fucking idiot retard kill yourself and especially you, fortnite poster you deserve to be injected with hydrochloric acid and shot in the face with a howitzer


realism and the challenges that come from it are fun

I would wager that the ability to adjust your zero is much more pertinent than simply having bullet drop. Squad, Red Orchestra/Rising Storm games do this.

Attached: Abrams 1KM.jpg (2560x1440, 259K)

Realism is retarded. If I wanted a realistic shooter I'd just bring a AR15 to the mall

Realism can be fun at times, but added complexity often makes games less comfy.
Shooters with simpler shooting mechanics are more comfy.

Sorry, those are gun-free zones.

Any game with that level of realism isn't going to be measuring things in yards.


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What's wrong with fortnite?

any game with a bullet drop mechanic is not usually incorporated for the sake of realism

Insurgency (at least the original) is hitscan. The maps aren't large enough to notice bullet drop, except for maybe Sinjar or Bhuriz. makes a good point.

Total Annihilation

Whether the intention was gameplay balance or realism, the end result is they simulate realistic bullet physics better than other games.

In FPS games, your gun angle and your sight angle can’t be controlled independently. In real life, you can above above a target while still keeping it in the center of your own vision. In order to do that in an FPS, at least one without motion control, you’d have to also be looking away from what you’re shooting at, which is why “right” for FPS games is the bottom version.

I swear MGSV was hitscan not projectile. I remember because it severly annoyed me.

Yeah why can't videogames be like going to the rifle range in the Marines?
>Get up at 3am because you need to get there before the crack of dawn, to sit outside from 3am until 6am for fuck all.
>Wear Kevlar and flak because we have to go to the range in a 7ton and you're required to wear it like a faggot, we are so tactical
>Get to the armory
>You don't have your own weapon
>You just get one
>Perform your function check on semi and 3 round burst
>I can't wait to clean this rifle that has zero attachment to me because it's not assigned to me
>lube it up and go to range
>Sgt I need to get by bzo.
>Fuck you faggot I hope you die
>Aye Sgt
>Go first
>1st shot
>200 yard range
>Miss target
>Sights are fucked up to Sunday
>Shoot again
>Miss again
>Sgt comes over
>Are you mentally fucking retarded Marine? Why can't you fucking shoot? You play call of duty all God damn weekend and you can't fucking shoot. Jesus Christ you're a failure.
>Aye Sgt
>Level up.

Bullet drop is easy mode, height over bore is what no game has

only sniperfags care about this shit

fuckin battlefield? pubg?

Hideous Destructor probably.

most realistic shooters never intend to be comfy

Attached: Fly at Dusk.gif (320x320, 412K)

Over-adherence to simulations will cause hilarious glitches and pants-on-head retarded gameplay since it's impossible to fully simulate everything, and eventually something will go just wrong enough to cause the whole system to collapse.

it uses projectiles, but they do move very fast, all the measurement tools in the scopes work as well

what medieval games get this right?

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