Was he right?

Was he right?

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Other urls found in this thread:



I mean you can either hit a button or miss it.

Technically no


In the context of doing Mario 64 runs in as few A presses as possible, an A press is defined as comprising of two actions; pushing the A button in, and releasing the A button. Only completing the first action counts as doing half an A press.

Seriously, how is that so hard to understand? People sure do love acting like retards when there's a chance it allows them to win an internet argument.



Support your claim then


It's a simple concept but 80% of Yea Forums has room temp iq.

Not him but I support his claim

He was right enough that pancake had to make a commentary video to explain himself that lasted a ridiculous amount of time and turned him into an internet poster child for autism when all he had to do was respond to TJ's post with "In Mario 64 runner terminology, an A press is defined differently than the physical motion of pressing the button on a controller."

So yeah, in practical terms, he's infallible

Summarize this.



Daily Reminder that no one is claiming that they're preforming half an A press and it's just way of notating how in the context of a full game run it doesn't add an extra A press and can completed just by holding onto a previous A press. It's just a shorthand way to denote this fact instead of putting (Holding the A button the entire time) in your title. Only brainlets can't understand this.


he doesn't redefine an a press

I guess they never miss the button, uh

>so many porn pics of his avatar
What is wrong with the internet?

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Yes and no. An A press is fact an A press and cannot be halved, but said A press is shared between levels and is thus simply noted as half an A press for each level for the sake of convenience.
Technically Watch for Rolling Rocks is 0 A presses, as the level is begun already holding A from a previously counted A press. 0.5 A presses is simply a consideration of this in the context of a single segment run of Watch for Rolling Rocks.
A press.

>half an A press
>explains it by showing 2/3rds of an A press
Yeah, pannenkoek is a retard.

Its semantic bullshit to sound smart
Pressing the button down even if you keep it PRESSED is still an A PRESS CAUSE YOU PRESSED IT

What a retard.

how old is henry? I can't imagine he's older than 12.

Hes 23 actually

>An A press actually has 3 parts to it: when A is pressed, when A is held, and when A is released

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You press the button and thats it, so yes he was right

>He was right enough that pancake had to make a commentary video to explain himself that lasted a ridiculous amount of time and turned him into an internet poster child for autism when all he had to do was respond to TJ's post with...
TJ could have read the description of every single half-A press video where it explained the reasoning behind half-A presses. Panmen had to make said autistic video because retarded niggers wouldn't read descriptions. And good on him, it's some fascinating stuff

If this whole debacle didn't prove how autistic speedrunning is don't know what will.

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>the half of an A press is when A is pressed

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You don't actually know what's going on and are just pretending to be knowledgeable so you can pretend to fit in.

Kind of. I just think the whole idea is really pedantic to begin with. It’s cool that Pannenkoek carved out this weird little category of running the game and it is interesting, but I don’t think onlookers would have been any more or less impressed had he not gone out of his way to explain the deep inner workings of pressing a button just so he could claim the run was done half a press faster. It was really unnecessary and only served to jerk himself off.

But it isn’t that serious so whatever.

>h-hah you had to spend time debunking my argument so I win
This is some desperate cuck logic, on the same level as
>if you kill your enemies they win

>"an a press is an a press. You can't say it's only half"
Henry was right and wrong. He was right that an A press is an A press. There's no such thing as half an A press. Buttons are binary but have 4 states.
00 - unused
01 - pressed
11 - held
10 - released
But he was wrong in that they can't say it's only half. Because they did. A half press is the term these runners use to describe an already held A button when entering a world. It's the held state. If these runners wanted to be technical they would say that a stage took 14 presses and 1 held. But to shorten that up and since there would never be more than 1 held state counted per stage they call it a half. 14.5 presses



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This isn't even relevant anymore, because there aren't any 1.5 or 2.5 stars left.

we have a winner

he always had a whole paragraph in the description of his videos explaining what it was, and still got comments asking about it
you cant be infallible by just being ignorant

>Outdated information
Fucking Yea Forums

...is he wrong?

I love the memes and the videos, but to be completely fair;

>Press: to push something firmly, often without causing it to move permanently further away from you

You fucking pressed the button

Why are these threads always full of normalfags bragging about not belonging here?
Feel free to fuck off somewhere else.

>Build speed for 12 hours
Fuck off riajuu

Because with any analogue signal it can only be on or off. Just because the on state persists does not mean that is only half an action, just that the on state affects more than just jumping

Yes. A button press consists of the on and off functions. The only way you can half press a button is if its analogue


Not your safe space, have sex

Isn't it 1/3rd an a press? He's already pressed it before going into the level, and he's holding it (the 1/3rd) during the level.

On a scale of 1 to pancake in asshurt you are the full belgian waffle and it is funny to me
>muh paragraph-long youtube description
Nobody reads those. Nobody. Not even you autists. All you've done is make it be "he could have said 'read the description.'" instead, at best.

TJ will always be right, and pancake will continue to seethe at his accidental popularity

At least I'm not so insecure that I have to make sure anons on Yea Forums know that I'm too cool to be seen caring about a video game.

>when your autism has to define terms to how you play the game

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small bocc

The point of the matter is that he goes into the level already holding the button. Inside of the level itself (which is the context of the video), he has not pressed the button. But, you can't say he hasn't pressed the button at all, because at the time the level required you to be at least holding it already to be beaten. In a full run with no breaks, it's simply leeching off of an existing A press, meaning it does not add an additional A press to the entire run just to complete that level, but it still must be performed to happen. That's literally all the term means.


They're both right, it should be called a HOLD A press, not a half A press

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Puhuhu...those who voted for "half a press" will be punished

henry was always right

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You really didn't look up anything about TJ """"""Henry"""""" Yoshi did you?

>reading comprehension this terrible
this is the whole thing started it in the first place, retards like you that could even be bothered to try and figure out the information by reading and needed it to be spoonfed to them


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There's actually 3 actions. Press hold and release.
Just because hold doesnt do anything in this game doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

No, it is clearly the autistic pencilfucker's fault for lacking next to no social awareness that stickying a comment to make an example of someone in a popular upload was less desirable to making a 30 minute video that makes him sound insane

You and every other pancake apologist need to admit he only has himself to blame, and TJ was in the right the entire time.

>People still think he meant this

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Quote the wrong person buddy?

>Calling pannen a runner

>In the context of doing Mario 64 runs in as few A presses as possible, an A press is defined as comprising of two actions

And in the context of common fucking sense, an A press is defined as pressing the A button. That's it. If you pushed it, you fucking pushed it. There's no "half" and the fact that dumbledick couldn't think of a better term says everything about his autism.

he pressed the button but lightly which caused the system to register it but not fully. its like a red like going green only to turn red again after a second. He didn't half press anything and is a fucking idiot trying to act like his shit is legit because he made a youtube video.

it doesn't matter how much you hay "no" if the game register the press and does a action but the press was interrupted by anything (faulty coding or glitch) that doesn't mean its a half-press

>That spacing
>Anyone better than me has autism

Go to bed, pancake.

Pannen likely only threw in the half a press shit to make it sound more impressive
pressing and holding the button is functionally the same as pressing and releasing normally but makes it sound fancier
it's the equivalent of a child saying that they're 4 and a half instead of 4

Someone please post pannenkoeks pencil collection

>I'm going to use this notation to refer to this concept going forward, because it's an important idea and this way you'll know what I mean when I say "half A press"
>hurr read a dictionary durr you have to stay inside my general-use definitions hurrdurr I literally cannot stop sucking cocks for long enough to enjoy a clever attempt at solving a novel problem
You seem like you never made it very far in math.

Does being in the original universe count as being QPU aligned? And that's why entering the original universe requires QPU alignment?

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He was absolutely right. Regardless of how "half A press" is defined in the autistic speedrunner dictionary, it's hardly a substitute for the actual definition since all it ever accomplished was confusing the shit out of people who weren't already neck-deep into the Mario 64 speedrunning community. They seriously needed a better word for this because the one they've got now doesn't make any linguistic sense.

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by that definition, he pressed the A button two-thirds of a time.

check this 2

he's right because at some point you'll have to release the button, so its always going to be a "full A press"

Way to go, “””Henry””””””””

What the fuck man? He explains it all in the video. I talked about this in a thread earlier, even tried it on the 64 to see what the effects were in the game.
I have no clue where you get the idea that he somehow presses the button lighter and that is what makes it an A

You have to use A to enter to the level. He holds down the button at this point. He is already holding the button down when the level started, he never pressed the A button during the level or released it. Holding A let's you do a couple things like hovering with the wing cap when you walk off a floating platform and do kicks with b button without punching first. There is no glitch or anything involved in a half a press, he is simply already holding it for the entire duration of the level or at least until he doesnt need to hold A anymore.


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"Half press" is a term describing a technique used by TAS runners, it's not describing a literal state of half pressing. So he's wrong in that he didn't understand the intent of pannen.

Wouldnt that make it .75 of an a press then?


Well he is doing a self imposed challenge run of the game, so yes. Runner doesn’t only mean speed runner my boy.

I think you mean 0.6666666 bro.

t. TJ """""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""" yoshi

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Thank you.

he's in

In your dreams banjofag

I don't even play smelly bros, I'm a Guiltychad

Oh shoot, forgot to turn that script off

fuck I laughed at this picture

If any of you guys have been keeping up with him on twitter or his streams you would realize that TJ Henry Yoshi has seen the way of the half-A press.

how do you do half a mating press


He probably wanted Redditors to quit talking at him.

But it does do something. It is the entire reason he is even holding it, he explains it 5 minutes into the video.

Yeah his redemption arc felt a bit rushed though so we go by the fanfic version

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Holy crap, the REAL problem isn't whether there is such thing as a half-A press, but Pankakek is NOT ARTICULATE ENOUGH TO EXPLAIN THE GAME MECHANICS IN SIMPLE TERMS. instead some people really need to put retarded terminology which only isolates casual viewers in their community. It's understandable with Smash Bros as they need a separate term for trying to "go back to the main stage" and "the frames where you can't actively control your character after using certain moves" BUT EVERYTHING PANKAKEK CAN BE SUMMARIZED WITH

By semantics, Godot haha is correct. A PRESS IS A PRESS, YOU CAN'T JUST "HALF" PRESS

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Oh he said it was the release that doesnt do anything


>"Half press" is a term describing a technique used by TAS runners
It's still a stupid term

Shit on Junk all you want. You can't deny she's the most kino villain in the Touhou canon

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In the context of an entire run of the game you wouldnt be counting it at all since you are holding an earlier. This is just notation used to acknowledge he is doing it for this level, it is not a true 0 a press since it is being held down from an earlier point in the game. He could have just as easily been holding a before just as long on the previous stage, would that not make it half of that same a press he is holding?

My wife Wriggle has to disagree

Then Henry is truly lost. He was right to begin with.

It's just a way to describe a full mario 64 run while still being able to tell how many individual A presses there are in each level.
It basically means either "got in the level while holding A from the previous part of the run" or "left the level while holding A".
So when you add all the A presses on every level, you get the correct number of A presses.

Xe's not even a villain. Xe's just some irrelevant shmuck who happens to get in the way of two OPhus

No. He's ignoring the context. In the context of an entire run of Mario 64, there are no half A presses, but in the context of a single level and perfecting that level, a half A press exists, being that A only needs to be held down from pressing A on a previous level in order to complete the current level. It's explained in perfect detail and anyone who doesn't understand it just hasn't watched the video or is a complete retard.

Releasing the button isn't the same as pressing it, dickwad. It doesn't matter what the context was, an A press is a fucking A press. We understand the video, Pannen is just shit at making up terms.

They were both wrong. It wasn't half or full press it was a 2/3 press.

>his primary has the clip broken off, likely found her like that
I see he is into damaged goods

So your only argument is that the term he came up with isn't good? What would you call it? Completing the level with one A release? Completing with one A hold?

>people ITT actually defending autismo definitions of words instead of the actual definitions
Back to fucking Reddit you go, you absolute brainlets

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Then tell us, when exactly did he press A during the rolling rocks level? Because he fucking never did it was already pressed. He beat rolling rocks without pressing down A.

>Completing with one A hold?

Sure. Why the fuck not? That's more accurate than the needlessly confusing shit he came up with.

Then just say he beat Rolling Rocks without pressing A like a normal, functioning, non-autistic person. There were no half-presses. That doesn't even make sense.

Doesn't work like that because Pannens entire run of Mario is asking "What's the minimum amount of A-presses you can beat the game with", not "What's the minimum amount of A-presses/holds/releases you can beat the game with". An A-press being defined as the pressing and releasing of the A button. It's not that complex, you're just being even more autistic then Pannen over this and that takes real effort.

What's it's like having such a smooth brain?

at the time of video or nowadays?

He had to hold A in order to complete the level. It just wasn't necessary to press A at any point in the level. The A could be held from a different level that didn't require A to be released. Is this really so hard to comprehend?

If that's your understanding of it, then by your logic that press doesn't even count in the context of the video thereby reducing the number of presses by 0.5

Cause thats lying by omission. Plus its important to distinguish parts where he needs to hold A as they will still present snag points when trying to get to 0 a presses in a total run

at the time of the video, i read he was 16, so either way he is young 20s by now

>An A-press being defined as the pressing and releasing of the A button

And that's fucking wrong. Pressing a button is just pressing a button. Stop trying to change what words mean so you can feel like you're a special part of your exclusive little autistic club, you fucking faggot.

>It's not that complex, you're just being even more autistic then Pannen over this and that takes real effort.

It's impossible to be more autistic than a person who made a fucking 25 minute video just to respond to some youtube comment. You're as autistic as he is for defending this.

Why are you acting like people can't comprehend this? It doesn't change what I said. It's still not half-pressing.

I know that you're confused but you don't need to get angry about it.Your intelligence is out of your control so there's no need to worry about it. Just relax.

Just the tip

You cant press the button again until youve released it.

>that doesn't make sense
You're literally admitting that you can't comprehend it.

What is so hard to understand? Let's say he beat any of the stars that only require 1 A press. When he did that one A press he continued holding it, all the way I to the rolling rocks level.
He completed 2 levels with 1 a press, rolling rocks being half of the levels completed with it. It is half of that a press.

No, I can comprehend what he meant by it. I'm saying it linguistically doesn't make sense and just leads to people getting confused. I'm sure there are more eloquent terms he can use for it.

I can't believe somebody posted something this retarded and there're barely any replies. This is either supreme bait, or you completely misinterpreted the video. Go watch it again if you don't understand.

How couldst thou deny?

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It's some military-grade autism to refer to "a button hold" as a "half a press of a button" and as stupid as gamers are, the pt is to NOT be as stupid/autismal.

So fuck him and everyone who use that terminology.

Be better.

Not really since his "can't call it half" thing came from not understanding the context behind why its called half, and a more accurate description does not fit into youtube titles.

I'm more surprised that people still don't understand the reasoning behind the 0.5 when pannen explained it well within either youtube description or the short explanation in the video, not the whole thing like some really autistic user is saying.

I'm certain at this point it's just trolling. It's an easy thing get people upset about

Literally nothing you described constitutes "half-pressing". A button press is a button press, nothing more and nothing less. Why is that so hard for you spergs to understand?

>Why is that so hard for you spergs to understand?
they like to pretend they're quantum phycisists

Except you can understand the context and still stand by Henry's comment. Pannen is just bad at words.

You are definitely a virgin
>inb4 no I'm not
Yes you are

It's absolutely not stupid. It's a convenient shorthand terminology to count button presses in the context of a minimum button playthrough. If playing the game from 0 stars to 70 stars, two levels in 1.5 A presses each is done with three A presses, not four.

Do you have a shorthand that's both more concise and more descriptive than 0.5?

I wonder if you're actually stupid, or just pretending.

Half press is referring to how the level can be beaten by either using a previous A and holding, 0, or pressing A for the IL, 1, and the middle thus being 0.5

Do you need it simpler to understand what is meant to be a short hand for something?

>Explains it well
>Bad with words

TJ """"""Henry"""""""" Yoshi = math.ceil(Pannenkoek)

They literally don't understand what he's talking about. The only reason the term even exists is because he cut into the video from a different level while maintaining a button press. It doesn't magically count as two presses just because he cut the video.

Well when you reduce the A presses you can come up with the terminology pal

when you make up your own rules, you can never be wrong


Just call it held then. It's not half a press

Nigga just say you beat the level using an A press from outside the level, or say you beat two levels with one A press

You don't need to use stupid fucking terms like "half A press" which is convoluted and doesn't even sound as impressive (or as accurate) as the above

The point is to not start coming up with retarded new terms to fit your sperg DUHRRHURRLESPEEDRUNINGGAMERZ context queerniggery.

Stupid fucking nigger autismal faggots both of you.

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Taken literally? Yes. A press does not involve a depress. However, nowhere in life does it say language has to be 100% literal, it's just a man made convention after all. So since the the process of a "press" is clearly defined, and even shown to all have unique reactions with the game, it is also valid because it is clear what his "press" actually means.

I seem to remember this not being a Reddit post and in fact being much older than that.

He did say that. Just doesn't work for a youtube title since adding "while holding an A press from outside the level" is way more awkward than "0.5 A presses".

You can just watch the actual video and it all makes way more sense.


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That's digital, not analog. If you mean it raises or lowers then fine but that's literally everything.

>SM64 - Watch for Rolling Rocks - One A Press Held Over From a Previous Level
Ah yes what a concise and well-worded title for a Youtube video.

>However, nowhere in life does it say language has to be 100% literal, it's just a man made convention after all.
Sure but you can't just start changing basic definitions and expect people from outside your autism circles not to be confused. Life doesn't work that way. Henry is right. Henry was always right.

Im pro 0.5 notation but this honestly isnt that bad.

Yeah now that I'm reading it I realize that I should have made it more convoluted to really drive the strawman home.

The fact that you're actually bothered this much by it paints a picture of yourself, user

More concise than what he actually used.

Still doesn't sound as attractive to people skimming through youtube.

The actual title of the video is SM64 - Watch for Rolling Rocks - 0.5x A Presses (Commentated)

I'm only half virgin.

Did I stutter? The title you made up is still more concise than what he actually used.

>immediately resorts to ad hominem
ok sure. anyway Henry's concern is valid imo; the concept of a "Low A Press Run" in Mario feels so specific that using technicalities feels cheap. The guy in the video is still talented granted but there's a reason that everyone sees him as an autist.

If you aren’t a virgin then leave, you don’t belong

no I'm not


I'm going to use an analogy you should be able to relate to in order to understand.
Let's say when your mom drives you to retard summer day camp and back she used half a tank of gas. You are so retarded that there there is no closer summer day camp to accommodate you.
When she goes to fill up the tank after it is empty, did she in fact use the whole tank of gas? Yes. She used a whole tank if gas (A press).
Now did she spend the whole tank on your ride to retard day camp? No. She only used half. The journey was included in that tank of gas(a press) but your mom also used that tank of gas to buy you tendies, take your shitstained sheets to the cleaners, and go around turning tricks to pay for your retard camp.

Its longer even without its own (Commentated)

a button is not a switch. it has 3 states, not 2.

Bruh this isnt helping

Your analogy isn't at all analogous to pressing a button. So sorry your dad dropped you on the head as a baby.

Shorter doesn't automatically mean more concise. Don't make me repeat myself.

>did i stutter
>dont make me repeat myself

He is an autist because he knows how to qpu align, no sane person would care.

How should the A holding be counted then? A timer that increments as its held?

Yes but at the same time also no.

A half A press is still an A press that is put into the run. This is because regardless of when it happens you need to be already holding A, which means you had to initially had to press it down, this can be for something in a different stage entierly but the button must be pressed and it will add an A press to the run, so in this instance Henry is right. However, this A press that is used is not used on only one star, but 2 stars or potentially more stars. Because of this these 2 stars require 1 a press for both of them, or 1 press split between 2. By this metric of measuring how many A presses are needed per star, the star in question requires one "Half" of an a press, rather than a full A press. Pannenkoek even says this when he is explaining the concept of half A presses saying that "Because it adds an A press in isolation, but doesn't add any additional A presses in a full game run, we refer to it as a half A press"

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It isn't a technicality, you colossal retard. In the context of an entire run, if you press A on one level and keep it held until some point on the next level, that doesn't count as two A presses, it's just one. There's no technicality about it. A has only been pressed once.

Alright so then it's one A press

Not 0.5

Thank you mr. nigger

You are very dumb

I said it before, if you do 2 levels with 1 the same press then it only took a fraction of that press to do each level.

It works comparing literally any two factors that can be out on x and y.
I'm sorry. This is Yea Forums so I guess I should have used a fucking food analogy.
You eat half a pizza for two different meals. Each meal only used half a pizza, together they were one pizza. It is the same thing with an A press, the same A press is multiple levels.

The only reason he doesnt say 0 is because it is disingenuous to say he didnt use the A buttoned at all.

Okay mr. jigaboo, very nice rebuttal

Bruh this is helping

>I said it before, if you do 2 levels with 1 the same press then it only took a fraction of that press to do each level.
But that's literally not how it works, you can't "fraction" out a fucking button press you autistic little shit

He used one press to beat two levels, that's it, it's not complicated

>The only reason he doesnt say 0 is because it is disingenuous to say he didnt use the A buttoned at all.
Motherfucker YOU niggers were the ones saying the context of the level matters

By the context of the level, he used 0

Button presses are binary, you either make the input or you don't

Now fuck off back to your speedrunning subreddit you absolute tranny

I'll try to get through to your tiny little brain one more time.
>Level 1
>Press and hold A
>1 A press
>Level 2
>Keep A held until halfway through, then release
>1 A press
But hang on, wait a minute. 1+1=2. But that isn't right because you and I already established that A has only been pressed one time. How might we notate the number of time the A button was utilized in each level?

When reviewing levels Its easier narrow down what levels require holding if they are using the 0.5 notation.

Belgian waffles are ... Nevermind, you're an idiot

>By the context of the level, he used 0
It's obvious that you haven't watched the video or were too stupid to understand it. A needed to be held for a portion of the level.
Yea Forums has started requiring that I solve captchas to post so this will be my last.

>How might we notate the number of time the A button was utilized in each level?
It's easy, you don't. Because it wasn't utilized in each level.

For what fucking purpose would you retards divide the same button press between different levels in the first place? Goddamn I feel like I've crossed a threshold into another dimension of autism.

IMO an 0.5 A press doesn't exist and still qualifies as an A press regardless, because in physical use of a controller, the same effort required for "0.5 A press" is the same as "1 A press" as you let the button go eventually. He even goes over this because the 0.5 is leeched from an A press outside the map, but he refers FROM THE TIME OF STARTING THE MAP as 0.5 A press, which is subjective to how you actually INTERPRET "when" to start measuring something.

So only in this vacuum of space - the map - does this 0.5 A press really exist, but since it's impossible to get to that map without that OTHER 0.5 A press BEFORE entering the map, it's not REAL. It literally requires the same effort as an A press.

This is all explained in the video. You're an idiot for arguing about something when you don't even know what's being discussed.

Holding the A button allows you to slow fall with a wing cap and a few other things. Are you saying they should let go of the a button after using it to jump and then press it again when all you need it for this time is for the holding functions?

holy based

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You didn't answer my question. Why split a single press between two levels? That's not how it works. You just pressed the button in the previous level.

>point of the run is to beat SM64 with the fewest number of A presses possible
>why would you want to do something that minimizes the number of times you press A?

But it doesn't minimize anything. You pressed A for the first level and didn't press A for the second.

Watch the video.

He was autistic

Did you watch the video?

That's not the point and you know it retard, 0.5 A presses still require an A press. He just sliced the frame of reference. While it's true an A press has multiple components it's subjective to just change the whole reference. If that INITIAL 0.5 (the missing 0.5) didn't exist then that 0.5 A press in the level could never happen.

But if you released the button and pressed it again, you would have pressed it twice. You idiot. THere are other A presses you can leech off of.

Yes, and it's just as autistic as some of the people in this thread.

It's weird to me that I started watching Simpleflips streams and apparently TJ """Henry""" Yoshi is a somewhat well known member of the mario community. He knows people like Simpleflips and Nathaniel Bandy.

That still doesn't address anything I said. He pressed the button in the first level and didn't press it in the second. That's literally what happened.

So you didn't watch it?

So what should it count as? 2 a presses? How long am i allowed to hold the a button for before i have to start calling it 2 presses?

I watched it, spergo.

Update your home to the death barrier

Then why are you still confused when it contained a simple explanation?

You are so close to grasping this. Take your knowledge and apply it to a run of the entire game. Pretend for a moment that the level where he had to release A was preceded by a level where he had to press A. Now total the number of A presses between those two levels.

I'm not confused. I'm saying it's not a half press.

It's a notation for levels that would require or be helped by an A-press in ways other than a jump.

A 0.5 A press still requires 1 A press, retards.

Half a gun shot.

Attached: surprised-break-trigger-pull.jpg (800x533, 82K)

Yes... its only called that as short hand/to explain leaching off other A presses.

If you think its literally half an A press then you didn't watch it.

imagine being retarded

Hes right in that the terminology is off; logically speaking, "pressing down on the a button" should be the same thing as "an a-press". He should have said, "half a jump input". Then pannen would be 100% correct.

And it's a shitty shorthand that was only conceived to sound pretentious and spergy. Stop changing what basic words mean and expecting non-retards to understand you, pancake.

holy shit based

You press, you hold, you let go.
By Pannen's own rules, holding is technically 2/3 of a press before he lets go.
However, he holds the button before a level so there is only two actions.
Holding and letting go.
That makes it half an A press because there is only half and A press per level.
When you press before and hold, yeah it makes 3 steps but that is what Pannen is trying to achieve.

No it was made to be easy to understand and quickly read, saying something simple is pretentious shows your the best example of what a retard looks like. How is using the word half spergy anyway.

It didn't change what the basic words mean... you are making it more and more clear you don't understand anything being talked about.

Ah yes, so easy to understand that he needed a 25 minute video to explain his autistic word choice. Stop while you're ahead, my dude.

there's literally no argument against the fact that you need 3 A presses to do "2.5 A presses" fuck off retards

You guys need to get jobs.

...He only explained the word choice for a fraction of the video.

Most of it was explaining the tricks in the run.

someone post the screenshot of panneonkoek explaining why he doesnt make more vids?


wow, a fairly well developed community with several years of history has their own shorthand for something that matters to them and nobody else?

Words mean different things in different contexts. In the context of minimal button press speed running, half an A press is a thing.

Barely any of the video was dedicated specifically to explaining the A press. The rest was about parallel universes and the level itself. Funny how you don't seem to have an issue with the application of parallel universes since it clearly isn't an actual parallel universe.

In the context of a full run then it would be a complete A press, obviously. But in the context of that specific level, he didn't do the full A Press in the level, calling it a half press is accurate, because otherwise you'd count it as another A press again in the next level when he released it and you'd be completely wrong.

>rest was about parallel universes and the level itself. Funny how you don't seem to have an issue with the application of parallel universes since it clearly isn't an actual parallel universe.
Nigger people make fun of that all the time

Remember that we're laughing AT you retarded fucks, not with you

Get a job.

I have never done a speedrun nor watched a stream beyond some AGDQ.

It is hilarious to me that you think we're the autistic sperglords in this situation.

You see, a mating press actually consists of 3 actions: putting it in, holding it, and pulling it out. If you're just putting it in and holding it without pulling it out thats half a mating press

Aren't most jokes about the parallel universe stuff pretty light hearted?

I could not see that as laughing at unless I had half a brain cell.

>he thinks people aren't making fun of the parallel universe shit
>even to the point that they've used it as ironic shitposting
God you speedrunning trannies are delusional


Like I get your intentionally being retarded but there is a limit you know.

*you're, retarded tranny

Cock held against cervix.

Checked, based, and true. It's just 1 press, folks.

Technically it is still speed running because along with less a presses he also lowers the time for instance he lowered a 12 hour wait into a 5 hour one

This thread is some Neural Network training ground, there is no FUCKING WAY this many people can argue over a meaningless semantic distinction for this goddamn long.

And then there's these fucking fools.
Yeah dude, what a cool guy you are, giving 4channelers swirlies or whatever you think you're doing here that's SO MUCH less autistic than the "retarded fucks."
Who are somehow, despite their retardation, able to grasp the SIMPLE fucking concept pannenkoek chose to use in less time than the 3.5 motherfucking years it's taken you so far.


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Ah correcting grammar in a casual internet conversation now that is within the limit of retardation that is believable.

Also I assume the obsession with trannies is real... do you need links to some erotic videos?

An A press is a B press. You can't say it's only R1.

An Objection is an objection. You can't say it's only half.

Attached: godot-handondesk.gif (256x192, 22K)

That's true. In this context, the initial .5 (the press) would only matter if there was a subsequent .5 (the continued hold and release) in a later (or levels, arguably further breaking the number of A presses per level into a smaller fraction) level to justify the notation. Otherwise you'd just call it three. And of course you couldn't have a full run with anything other than a whole number of A presses, since the .5 just refers to using the continued hold of an A press from a previous level. Obviously if A was only held but not released until the end of the game, that would still count as one whole A press.

The press of a button is measured by its effect. If there's no difference between releasing and holding, it should be considered 1 full press regardless.

>there is no FUCKING WAY this many people can argue over a meaningless semantic distinction for this goddamn long.

Honestly, I find pannenkoek's passion and ability to explain abstract concepts with ease to be fascinating. I will defend him and his parallel universes against obvious bait until the scuttlebugs come home.

Do you want to know how I know you haven't watched the video?

They ain't coming home user.

They all died.

I'm not saying he's right or wrong, just saying that's how you should think about this problem to find the correct answer.

Stop shilling your video, pankek. We've all seen your retarded shit, your choice of words was bad and you should feel bad.

Lets say I had a button that would detonate your testicles when I pressed the button. I press the button and hold it down. Does only one of your testicles explode? No. Both of them would explode because I pressed the button. They detonated when I pressed down on it, not when I released the button.


It's because there is a difference between releasing and holding, which is explained in the video.

My objection has been held over from the previous trial. So for the purposes of this trial, I've only used half an objection!

Attached: Phoenix_Pointing_2.gif (256x192, 59K)

There are 20 A presses.
There are 3 instances at which A must be held.
That is THE context, there is no other.

There is no measurement. There is nothing to be considered.
There is no problem here, except people's continued persistence to discuss pointless semantics.

Do not participate or encourage these posters to continue.

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>I did everything right! I h-half-pressed the AZ5 button and then the core exploded!
>Mr. Toptunov, that's impossible. There is no half AZ5 press.

I think you finally get it. The whole point is to get the fewest A presses over the course of an entire playthrough of SM64. It took a while to explain it to you.

Then the guy who made the video is right. Happy now?

That's correct, but your metaphor only works if you only have to press A one time for an entire playthrough of SM64.

Attached: 4c.jpg (235x214, 9K)

I'm happy for you that you've found resolution, despite merely being an object onto which you've projected your insane delusions.
i.e., not the same user.


>A *press*
>comprised of press, hold, and release
>only 1/3 of an A press is actually pressing the button

Whichever way you look at it, pannen is wrong. Either his concept should be renamed "A press and release", or he shouldn't treat 3 distinct things as one thing.

the lengths people are willing to go while arguing over this topic is truly the stuff of legends

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what's your problem, user? we're discussing game mechanics and the semantics of them. that's more Yea Forums than half of the other threads

>Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about video games?
This thread is why. You guys are so proud of your slightly above average intelligence levels that you're willing to be as pedantic and obstinate as possible to protect your fragile ego from losing an internet argument. Any response to this post is an agreement.

autism is one hell of a drug

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There's something about getting those (You)s though, isn't there?

Didn't the pancake guy who made the video fall into depression for becoming a meme? Did he have actual autismo?

This bothers me a lot. I wish they had used the correct time signature here.

Going by definition, a mating press consists of three actions. Getting an erection, ejaculating, and finishing ejaculation. You just have to maintain an orgasm from your previous mating press for twelve hours.

Yes, and that was his last video if I'm not mistaken. That's a good thing, of course.

But here is the thing, The context of the videos happened in a context of a limited space of time (specifically the duration of getting a single star) and was made necessary because you can enter that frame while already holding the button (IE: holding when entering the level).

So it actually IS the context where one testicle would explode on the pressing down and another on the release is what would be the accurate comparison because SM64 IS designed to function like that, until the release there is a altered state that can be continuing even between parts of the challenge run segments, the that is what like half the video is about.

Thus when evaluating segments (which is what Pannen was doing) the "Half description is necessary to signify the altered state where a release doesn't happen was an/or that partucular segment is possible without pressing A provided you can leech a Hold.

Why are there goombas on the roof?

shut up pancakes

The memed video was the last commented one so far but he last uploaded a non-commented video a month ago and barely stopped after that video.

I think people are taking him saying he doesn't want to make another commented video cause of the high exceptions in a weird way to say he fell into depression.

You're mistaken, there are no goombas on the roof. You must have seen parallel universes

have sex

It would be half of a trigger pull which caused a gunshot.

You're proving pannenkeoek correct you ignorant noguns faggot

Attached: 1528579446474.jpg (634x754, 23K)

technically half a gunshot by the pancake's shit logic would be pulling the trigger before the black man accosts you, keeping it held throughout the encounter as you're mercilessly stabbed, only seeing the gunshot to its complete sequence upon the release of the trigger at the time of your death

Someone post the link to the book that Pannen did with Borp

Are there seriously still people who don't understand that the 'half A press' is just notation that denotes "were this a run of the whole game and not just this level the A press would be used on two different levels"?

thats good lol

You eventually let go of the fucking button so it doesn't matter. It will always be 1 whole A press

>tumblr in charge of context
Tails was surprised that some bullies called him a faggot.

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You didnt watch the video

Ive watched the video like 10 times bro

The internet loves to jump on the lewd train whenever a meme goes viral
A recent example is the black hole image that had porn made of it within the hour of being released to the public

You are stupid and should read