Reminder that this faggot and his gay clone are the exact same breed of cancer as the swordfags...

Reminder that this faggot and his gay clone are the exact same breed of cancer as the swordfags. None of them belong in Smash and if you play them you deserve to be shot.

Attached: spirits_0_simon_belmont.png (628x572, 501K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lost to a Simon recently? How unfortunate.

Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate that there are no skill shitters that need easymode crutch characters to win. Smash would be more fun if everyone mained Captain Falcon and you know it.

>hurr durr i can't beat an easily exploitable low tier who can't do anything if i get anywhere near him and is practically dead the second they get knocked off the stage
Castlevania is one of the best franchises of all time and is hands down the best game on the NES alongside Mega Man. The Belmonts 100% earned their spot in Smash and the chance to make faggots like you seethe

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)

Get good.
Belmonts aren't even a major threat at competitive play, you just aren't very good. Instead of losing, try winning. If you can't win because you suck, stop sucking so much.

Attached: 1502304732649.jpg (444x446, 85K)

*Side B* Seethe harder sweetie. :)

just get him off stage, he can barely recover

>op is obviously a bowser main
>not the based kind the shitter kind
>cant deal with the axes and whip aerials
>probably sd'd in the first
>"ok ill get him next time with fox by holding down b :) he wont know what hit him!"
>never played fox before
>belmont chad kicks his shit in again with ftilts and dair combos
>asks mom to use her work laptop again for homework
>makes this fucking thread

This is my version of how this thread was made. Based on a true story. Extra emphasis on "based".

Attached: Earthworm-Jim-39-300x225.png (300x225, 89K)

>Castlevania is one of the best franchises of all time
Weebs get out

Attached: D9jQSmDWwAA2kj0.jpg (828x828, 93K)

>9 replies
>ip count at 7

Shut the fuck up OP and do your homework

Op confirmed for not just retarded but also a faggot

>All these fanny flustered Fagmonts
Hope you're ready for the nerfs!

Everyone was calling him unga bunga win when the game released until they figured out just how shitty the character is and how easy it is to avoid literally everything he throws. Learn to play retard.

You're the only one having a problem with him.

Just give up OP the jig is up

>Nintendo nerfing a character that doesn't show up at tournaments and is almost never in Elite
Dude, OP, it's okay. Admitting you suck is the first step on the path to getting good.

Shit taste and probably a shit player too

And also underage but that's a given

Keep practicing

>I can only enjoy something if it has mascot characters for made for children

Yikes sweetie

>Implying Dedede and Robin didn't get nerfed last patch

Why do you even play Smash if you want gay anime and realistic human shit? Go play Street Fighter or one of its 200 generic clones.

>Belmonts will be OP because of the long range and all the projectiles
>K. Rool will be OP because of his insanely good recovery and armor
>Isabelle will be OP because of the fishing pole
It's hilarious thinking back to all these claims now, all of them are ass

Will OP's mom catch her son on Yea Forums instead of homework?

Attached: 1563163837140.png (1400x696, 1.88M)

>Captain Falcon

Brooooo downthrow into knee is sooo sick broooo

what a horrible night to be on Yea Forums

>Look mom I threw the axe again!

t. creature of the night
begone, you don't belong in this world

OG Castlevania isn't remotely anime, underage retard

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richters game doesn't count as OG castlevania?

>not only is simon fun as fuck to play, but he makes low-skill shitters seethe too
It doesn't get much more based than this.

You'd really have to be a tard to get hit by that more than a couple times in a match.

>This is what Castlefaggots actually believe

>he got mad at the casual filter
get fucked

>deserve to be shot


>Dude just don't get hit by any of his spam and disjoints it's that easy

How does it feel being the only one in your gay little thread to hold such a shitty opinion? Every single post that's seething about Belmonts in Smash or shitting on Castlevania not showing as a unique IP in the thread. Gee I wonder if your opinion is just trash or what.

This just screams anime, doesn't it?

Attached: Simon_Belmont_-_01.jpg (385x768, 222K)

They teach this shit in middle school user. But I guess even that is above the average demographic for weeb trash.


Attached: Simon_and_Richter_artwork.png (1280x720, 1.49M)

Is this a Castlekino thread?

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Aww, your cereal box mascot got outranged
how sad for you
git fucking gud

For me it’s III, the best Classicmania

Imagine taking a kiddie bing bing wahoo fighting game this seriously. lmao

>Braindead Metroid clones

>tfw love to use Simon, but fuck his jump
>tfw hate to use Richter

How we enjoying Ritual of the Night, vaniabros? I just finished the Inferno Cave and I'm loving it

Rondo of Blood is where the series began to transition from Classicvania to Metroidvania, clueless retard

Attached: Young_Maria_Renard.jpg (1113x1592, 607K)

>Not Simon's Quest with its nonlinear level design

I wonder who's behind this post, Dracula

"Lmao you suck kid simon isnt even anime fucking tard"

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Does OP suck a mean dick?

Cool, he's still getting cut next game. Cope.

Oh yeah, I'm sure you follow this religiously in all your arguments here, faggot.

The Belmonts are honestly the most bearable zoners next to Toon Link.

>Dullahammer Heads just raping everything in their path

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>next game
Then go play smash 6 lmao

Remember, this isn't anime according to Castlecucks

OP samefags all night the movie

Nigga you're getting dabbed on in your own thread.

Spear Throw and Inferno Breath have been my weapons of choice, though I'm about to switch out for variety's sake

I use Chaser Arrow and Head Flail.

Simon's Quest was more Metroidlike than others, but the series didn't change to full on Metroidvania until after Rondo. The Adventure, Dracula's Curse, Belmont's Revenge, Super, and Bloodlines were all Classicvania. Do your homework before you try to critique something you don't know anything about

Attached: Castlevania_the_Adventure_gameplay.png (160x144, 2K)

>quite literally one of the slowest characters with the most endlag and pants-on-head retatdedly bad recovery and airgame
>op thinks he's good and feels the need to talk shit

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>Brooooo downthrow into knee is sooo sick broooo
That's not even a true combo

>bland spammy cancer
this is why they belong in this shitty game.

Can't wait til Belmonts get buffed so I can actually solo main them.

Wrong. Smash would be better if everyone mained Kirby like i do

Simon truly is the best Ultimate newcomer.

rip user

it is you brain dead faggot. He telegraphs his attacks a year in advance. Sorry that your aspies wont let you concentrate on the game

Looks like western comics

I'M GONNA SAY IT! Classicvania > Metroidvania

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Attached: castlevaniafambig.jpg (449x649, 108K)

Will Banjo be at least B tier?

>No skill to play
>Low tiers
Go back to fortnite.


Yeah it actually is pretty easy. Stop being retarded.

Simon actually requires you to be precise with his aerials to hit anyone, so no, he's nothing like swordies.

mfw replaying IV and fighting low health Dracula.

Attached: EustaceWew.png (450x349, 245K)

smash kiddie threads are among the worst threads on Yea Forumseddit

If that's "anime" then I'm Queen Elizabeth II.

Alright then it's a Castlevania thread now. What are your favorite games? Rondo was my first ever and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Castlevania III was a whole lot of fun too. I enjoyed IV, but there's something holding it from me putting anywhere above Rondo or III. Who knows? Maybe it would've been cool if they implemented the mechanic of grabbing enemies with the whip like they wanted to originally wanted to.

Attached: Simon.jpg (831x720, 38K)


Rondo's my favorite classicvania. Favorite Metroidvania is Portrait of Ruin.

PLaying through PoR and I gotta say it is lots of fun. Charlotte a cute!

Attached: Charlotte-from-Castlevania-Portrait-of-Ruin-by-Genzoman.jpg (692x1000, 218K)

Sounds like you're the one coping telling yourself things we dont know

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>true story

Attached: 5be.jpg (680x510, 53K)

What's the best castlevania to start on bros?

Finally, some good fucking wall chicken

Swordscreamers are mentally retarded.

This. Though I would've rather had alucard (even better if soma) instead of two belmonts.

Classicvania: Super CV 4 is a decent starting point, as it's a bit easier than most other Castlevanias but will help you build the fundamentals for other games (just keep in mind that the directional whip mechanic doesn't carry over to any other games). Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (the NES-looking one) is also unironically a good starting point for the same reasons (again, keep in mind that the character switching mechanic is only in a few Castlevania games and is limited compared to what you have here).

Metroidvania: Pretty much any Metroidvania is a good starting point for this style of game, but my personal recommendation is Metroid Zero Mission. As far as Castlevania in particular goes, you can't go wrong with Symphony of the Night. I also think Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow are good entry points.

The OG (with save states lmao)
Then the essentials I think are Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, Aria of Sorrow and if you're feeling juicy then Bloodstained.
If I got anything wrong some sperg will correct me so I'm free to talk about shit I don't know about. Starting with the original is good because then the raw hatred you will develop for every enemy type will be rewarded in later games where they're easier to deal with.

At least Alucard got to be an assist trophy

>says this
>posts flattering art of said character
Sure, homo

Get out Iga.

I guess. Maybe next smash, little mac got out of assist trophy-hood afterall

>playing with save states

But seriously, I think playing without them in one sitting like God intended is a lot more rewarding. I also think Rondo is a tad overrated, but that's my personal opinion

>never finished a classicvania besides 2
Should I get the classic collection on my switch? Was super bummed when it never came out for the nes thing (along with megaman, but I knew they'd never do that because the classic collection was a thing for a while)

All the Classicvanias (even the awful ones like the Game Boy games) is a pretty good deal. Bloodlines and Castlevania 3 are the best ones if you ask me but Castlevania 1 is a heavy contender against 3.


how to instantly out yourself as underage and gay in a single sentence

Simon/Richter takes skill, unlike FE swordfags