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stardew valley did literally everything better than this garbage heap, it looks absolutely soulless in comparison.

>a modern PC ripoff released more than a decade later did it better


>ugly dyke portraits
Not getting a dime from me lol

>better gameplay
>larger selection of crops and animals
>more recipes and random stuff to do
>combat and mining mechanics
lol kill yourself.

>ugly dyke portraits
No thanks lol

And rune factory 4 did nearly everything better than stardew.

>better gameplay
debatable, and even if it is no game can beat grand baazaar's gimmick in terms of gameplay.

stardew is better than both though....

You are wrong though...

Rune factory's combat is better.

zoom zoom

but it's not though....

Stardew is better

>boom boom
see how retarded you sound?

>can't water the middle square unless you upgrade your watercan
>can't walk on crops so pretty much have to reserve a 5x5 area for every 3x3 crop field unless you bribe the gnomes to play the game for you
shit design general?

>combat mechanics
dude i've sunk hundreds of hours into stardew and its combat is not at all a selling point, much less one to be mentioned before mining. it's literally "whatever gets hit by x projectile/weapon/enemy takes y damage" with insignificant status ailments every once in a while. don't talk shit.

Attached: rickyNo.jpg (294x291, 20K)

Good thing it's an old game and it was fixed later.

they've added more status effects in combat you nigger go replay it and stop talking shit

>more status effects

that was the crux of your argument as to why you think the combat is bad and all you can come back with is "woah" lmao nigger

that guy isn't me, moron
and the low number of status ailments wasn't at all the point of my argument, it's that combat is just plain fucking boring, and it's not worthy of being a highlighted point of the game.
maybe they could make it so you could buy offensive magic from krobus or the wizard, or bring bred slimes to fight for you. but as it is, combat is just boring. at best you can say it's mostly seamless to go back between combat and mining.

forgot image

Attached: itaintme.jpg (843x528, 111K)

Zoom zoom bitches

>letting your cow and sheep wander that far away.

Stardew is better but it has no Grey to marry, tough call.