Press S to spit on its grave

press S to spit on its grave

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Unfortunately it's not dead yet.

They're merged with Activision still so, they'll live for a while.

What did Blizzard do to you this time, OP?



Turned all their characters gay, made their flagship MMO unplayable, chased e-sports over everything else, and sold one of their greatest IPs to a chinese phone company.


Biggest industry betrayel to their fanbase since Konami.

press R to revive it

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What? BFA is pretty fun now that we have flying. I hope Blizz learns from this and returns to the MOP route where you can buy flying for gold at level cap.

>Jeff "Tigole Bitties" Kaplan just announced that support for OVerwatch is being reduced and we're only getting two character a year now
>previously he announced that there will be no more new modes at all and he tried to remove some because he personally didn't like them
Remember when this fat squinty faggot was an EverQuest guild leader constantly screaming for and demanding nonstop content to be made especially for him and his guild or they would all quit EQ? Funny how he does a complete 180 when he's in charge of making games.

Blizzard isn't going anywhere for awhile. Classic WoW is going to generate and absurd amount of money the first month for hardly any work, and it may keep delivering depending on things. Diablo 4 is soon, and despite everything it'll still sell at least 20 million copies. That's a lot of money.

>Turned all their characters gay
A whole two characters from a whole one game = "everyone"?


They're already committed to the system where you get flying once no one cares about the expansion anymore. Ion is a fucking retard.

Bring back blizzard north

They are a soulless, talentless company sitting on formerly great IP's that they made not so great.

My question is why. It's like a vocal million people want flying but a vocal 100 people are against it and they listen to the speck of players against it.

He's mad the two white characters are gay. They would never make a gay minority because the backlash would kill Blizzard and they have every right to fear us minorities. We get shit done and don't take being shit talked by companies like white people.

Isn't Reaper now black and gay?

Reaper's always been Hispanic and only Reaper76 shippers think he's gay.

He's mexican not black and he's only gay in fanfiction shit doens't matter or count at all.

Mega S. I can't wait for them to be dead. All they do is suck their chink/activision overlords dicks

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haven't played since Cata. I assumed it was mostly hardcore players left at this point. How is there so many normalfags are there left that flying mounts are popular?

If that chink writer did this he would get beat up so bad when going home or even killed just to make an example out of him for Blizzard. If Blizzard continues with making minorities gay all their buildings will get dealt with baltimore style I'm sure.

Is not really funny, gamedevs are nigger casuals compared to the autistic people playing the games.


Ah, my mistake. I assumed they made him and 76 canon, because why the fuck not.

They did reveal Jack had a boyfriend in his younger days, but they drifted apart because Jack cared more about his jobs than other people.

Because they're not suicidal like you. You want MS13 to pay a visit to Blizz HQ?

Has any "developer" (term used loosely) been as responsible for as much cancer as this one?
Say what you want about EA but at least they aren't responsible for esports faggotry

What embellished bullshit are you going to complain about this time?

Remember when Yea Forums swallowed reddit's outrage bullshit by the mouthful and got mad they laid off a bunch of useless e-sports reps and CMs so they could hire more devs?

What he's trying to say is that Blizzard bited the wokepill and is now more concerned with feminist/LGBT pandering and getting hid of toxic players than actually making content for their games. This is not an hiperbole. Jeff Kaplan literally said Blizzard couldn't get content for Overwatch made faster because they were too busy trying to make their chat less "toxic".

S a mix of yellow green and brown

Which makes no fucking sense. Gays have no impulse control and can't dedicate themselves to a job like career military. They only things they can dedicate themselves to is raping children, sucking cock and taking it up the bum.


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According to the leak from a few weeks ago, Blizzard will make Reaper gay in Overwatch 2. lmao

Fallout people literally scammed customers out of money like nuka rum.

Overwatch is the only branch that's turned hyper-SJW retard. Heroes of the Storm doesn't give a flying fuck about SJWs and StarCraft/WoW are just stuck in repetition hell.

Trying way too hard, here's a pity you.

And nothing of value was lost.

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>he actually believed that leak
you're a fucking retard
I don't even like Blizzard, but that thread was hilariously bullshit

You haven't proved the incel wrong though.

Fuck Blizzard

Yea Forums believes anything and everything that lets it rage about something or cry "BTFO".

Wait so wouldn't that prove that they believe you are not born gay but choose to be gay?

Reality proves him wrong. He's free to experience it, or keep living in his personal world.

Good bye and thanks for all the porn

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I knew when they censored Jaina's Hearthstone cleavage it was over

Retard, we just saw Hearthstone follow the same path with the new card designs, its starts with one game and than sooner or later it spreads to others. We already saw this happening a million times with other developers, I don't know why you people refuse to learn this.

McHanzo will forever be the best pairing

Fuck Blizzard for making my waifu Tracer gay.


Arise, my champion. We're going home, bros. In just a little over one month, we'll all be home.

I have that thread archived. I will laugh my ass off when everyone who though Blizzard couldn't be that retarded be inevitable proved wrong and learn that Blizzard can actually be that retarded.

What happen recently with Blizzard havn't paid attention.

>He's mexican not black and he's only gay in fanfiction shit doens't matter or count at all
For Blizzard the pornlore usually has better writing than the game lore. Shit even without the porn itd still be more consistent and believable

>Accepting their re wong

How has it taken people this long to finally realize Blizzard is completely shit company who haven't made a good game in almost 20 years?


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I wish I still cared about the expansion. Flying would've been better in the first 5 months I gave it a chance.

Link my guy. I only archived the WoW one

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TF2 has survived well over a decade without adding a single new character. How can Overwatch be so pathetic

you people are fucking disgusting

I am 100% not surprised

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All the people who made Blizzard what it is have left the company, only the brand remains with a bunch of pretenders riding on coattails. Good riddance.

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TF2 has mods ow does not cause actiblizz can't make money from mods

they literally holding diablo immortal back when its finished from production

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the mods don't make most of the support. it's being able to host servers with maps you actually want.

blizzard wants to ((control)) everything.

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