>that one user that called this the actual wow killer and everyone laughed at him
That one user that called this the actual wow killer and everyone laughed at him
>turns to face you
>remembering random posts on Yea Forums from 9+ years ago
Reborn is basically a different game so he's still wrong.
Who the FUCK is Cylva
do all the role quests
I want to marry and do things to this catbussy
>WoW killer
>Meanwhile wow pulled literally 20 times the Twitch viewers today
It's time to stop, XIV-babs.
>B-B-But views don't equate with players!
People watch content for the games that they love to play. Which is why XIV has basically no viewers whatsoever.
Actually people watch "content" for games they don't want to play. Everyone would rather play XIV then watch it.
>want to play xiv
>forgot email login password for my ps4 and basically my computer is a toaster
Shit's gay.
Whats the best story fight in the game? Nidhogg?
I dont know how blizzard ruined wow so badly, it's pretty impressive.
How are you posting now ?
>People watch content for the games that they love to play.
More like
>people watch a bit of stuff every now and then from a game they played 10 years ago when WoW had 12 million subs.
It’s sad honestly.
>uses steel and technology in conquered territory
>uses wood and stone in their capital city
I am phone posting like i assume 2/3 of the board does.
I'd rather watch highlights vids of a XIV Raid group on YouTube over a WoW stream anyday
im gonna assume this is the XIV thread
holy shit bros I just got to Amaurot and I'm getting fucking chills, the atmosphere, the music, absolutely everything about this zone is BRILLIANT
They're probably historic buildings.
who released the shitters out in the wild?
They are not expecting an invasion, obv.
Just your your phone to reset your ps4 password. Your phone is s tiny computer.
1.0 was kino
well, it didn't kill wow
wow killed itself
>uses steel and technology in conquered territory
those are military outposts...
How did WoW kill itself?
Their outposts are literally put up overnight by magitek, so it's all soulless steel shit. The embassy in Kugane should have already shown you what their real buildings look like.
dungeon finder, sharding, aggressive skill pruning, treating it's userbase with nothing short of contempt
I teyed that but i dont know my emails password ethier.i am the biggest dumb dumb evar
>get the itch to play when new expac comes out
>know I'll enjoy levelling and exploring the new areas
>also know the game becomes a boring slog of hanging around erpers in the city areas while waiting to do my 3 dungeons/raid and then logging out for a week
not this time, squeenix.
>hanging around erpers in the city areas while waiting to do my 3 dungeons/raid and then logging out for a week
How about you do one of the dozens of other fucking activities instead you autist?
Enjoy user, it only gets better.
meol pockets
How do you feel about the first set of eden fights?
I played this game for 6 years and have yet to see any erp. Are you going out your way to look for it?
What's more fun to play, MCH or BRD?
ask me when savage comes out, they are basically dungeon bosses with 1 extra mechanic
Kings' honor, friend
i already have a mind numbing job irl
I just love the lore and the world, it's why I keep coming back. but once I hit endgame, i just call it quits.
titan and leviathan were cool
others were meh
I try not to be sad about it because theyll just fuck up more
What to buy in the mogstation?
all the dungeons on this game are piss easy. name one challenge
Finally cracking and diving into 14 with how good Shadowbringers seems and because I am a sucker for Ivalice shit.
I know what to expect in regards to gameplay, but what are the decent servers (read as least cancerous and not filled with fags) to pick?
yea we know already lmao
stone vigil hard with two sprouts who don't know howto use a cannon
Primal DC - Ultros
delayed spell is a cute ability.
Sprout masterrace
just avoid the crystal datacenter, both aether and primal are fine if you are NA
Titan is such a clownfest, I love it.
Whatever you do, just avoid the Crystal datacenter.
It's simple, it's the way most companies ruin their best selling products, putting accountants/bean-counters in charge.
Everything needed to be associated with a metric, and then everything gets optimized around those metrics.
Ironically, they have completely failed to optimize what most players would consider the ideal metric, sub count.
>Exarch survives
Your tank is double pulling with no cooldowns and your dps aren't using aoe skills
aurum vale can be pretty difficult depending on how the tank and healer are geared
Chracter creation on Balmung is open
Come and play! For the night bright, and you can sleep when you're chloroformed
Every time I see Emet's face I just want to spend more time with him.
What is this feeling?
Ryne-user, can you take off the helmet for the Oracle of Darkness?
For now
>have to go to Sea of Clouds for any reason
Aurum vale with a smoothbrain healer, a really shitty tank with lv 20 gear and a dps that thinks we need to do big pulls.
This actually happened. Tank died 8 times before the first boss was even pulled.
How long does it take for the sprout status to go away? I just beat Ravana a while ago.
... Love?
People watch streamers, not games. WoW happens to be the first MMO for a lot of people, also available for free in private servers to anyone with a toaster computer, so the brand popularity is bigger there.
>finally got two lines
>Wind-Up Hien
>Wind-Up Omega F
Feels fucking good
I enjoyed Boomer Titan
The emperor's grandmother
I like FFXIV, but I also liked WoW.
I want both games to be fun and good, because they shine in different areas, but WoW is just unbearable in its current state
aurum vale is hot garbage. thank god its got no hard version, i'd slit my throat
>sea of clouds
>ruby sea
delete these shitty oversized expanses of nothingness
Do you guys find it better to have a good MCH or a good DNC in your group?
Don't do this to me user, we've already lost one good man.
Individual server doesn't matter, data center does. You can freely visit any other server in the same data center. As others said, Aether and Primal are fine. Crystal is the containment DC.
>Nobody dies
The plot sucked but it's still better than every other MMO out there.
Thancred and/or Y'shtola should have died
Based Moogie with the goods as always.
Look very Final Fantasy VI.
It's obviously an unfinished area, but I already like it a lot
What is the difference between blue [Duty Complete] and yellow?
>Titania Ex
Cursed name
>Character creation on Balmung is open
No it isn't.
>Aether is fine
missed your chance then
I don't think the dungeon is bad, it's just a little strict on numbers due to the variety of gear people come to it in.
If anything I'll call square
>Thancred should have died
When will speedreaders realize the whole thancred dying cutscene was him letting go of minfilia so min-nin could become Ryne? That shit should've clicked the moment we saw he was fine but you fuck heads need to be told everything straight in the face now don't you?
Arigato-ne, good to know.
Primal it is.
>Tank fuck up once and pull too much
>Healer shit out a wall of text and instaquit
I understand that sometime you have a shit day but jesus this is just some levelling dungeon.
I accidentally say twintania half the time already
It's still not a WoW Killer. The only thing killing WoW is Blizzard. Another game will never kill WoW. It's core fan base is way too dedicated. Blizzard is just going to keep chipping away at it's own fanbase with its stupid decisions.
what gear should you have for it? cause i've been buying all my gear im level 48
This screenshot is from 2014, r-right?
Join us
Aurum Vale HM would have been gated hallways like all the other post 2.0 dungeons. Pharos Sirius HM is way easier than Pharos Sirius was in 2.1.
Yellow appears when you add the loot tag, so basically nothing
>Game that appeal to sweaty weebs
>#1 catslut waifu dying
Never happening bro
I understand that part.
He still should have died
>DF'd and cleared e1-e4 with only a couple wipes on e4
aether really is the best datacenter huh
WoW will never be fixed due to the west being obsessed with diversity hires and putting politics in games. Literally doing everything they can to scare all the talent away.
Both are really fun to be honest
>Game takes every chance to remind me of Haurchefant
Why do MMOs have to kill WoW anyway? Just judge each game on its own merit.
I mean, as long as you don't have any super low level pieces you're probably fine (or as fine as you can reasonably be), it's not like you need to run Darkhold a ton for gear to do Aurum.
>It's core fan base is way too dedicated
they're not even dedicated, it's fucking Stockholm Syndrome at this point.
I managed to drag 2 of my buddies away from WoW long enough to try out 14, and both of them loved it. They abused the ever living fuck outta the free "trial" SE gives us. They both had their mains, and alts, and we were having a blast. The time came and they up and left to go back for BfA, and have done nothing but bitch about it. But they won't ever leave. Nope. Too much time invested, to many guildies, to much money down the drain.
>Healer shit out a wall of text and instaquit
Was it a list of rules?
Red mages in the alliance, cross world flowers in chat, no former aether now crystal worlds in the chat
iirc it's from earlier this year some time after the split
yea bro, whats up my aetherchad? what server you on?
Because WoW caused nearly every following MMO to copy it's formula so not making comparisons is plain ignorant
Either/or, the important part is they're not fucking up.
I doubt those are actual problems, but designing with spreadsheet data and management cutting budget since the product is in its milking phase are
I haven't checked the server status in a while, apparently Famfrit is considered congested but theres only ever a 14+ queue or so to get in. But I'm glad, if the servers closed then there probably wont be any new bots in a while
Healers are all little bitches and deserve no sympathy.
>queue into ShB leveling dungeon
>Do the first entire pull
>We don't die
>White knight DPSers immediately start defending this healers about how it's bad to do big pulls
>Figure I don't want to get into a losing argument with retards so I just comply and do single pulls
>Still get kicked at the 15 min mark
1. these are obviously not planks of wood
2. how advanced are we today and what is your wall made out of?
>I'd rather watch highlights vids of a XIV Raid group
it's not like there's anything else to do in XIV
Uhh... kupo?
She isn't waifu material now that she's been BARBED
not really, just a long rant about how the healer "had it" with the tank, he was annoyed the tank wasn't shitting out every CDs on the planet when he pulled, "making his job impossible".
fucking EXODUS of all servers was Congested today. There's no way that rock Dyrus making a character on it was the reason, right?
I'm more than willing to take XIVfag's opinions seriously on the game since I constantly hear how radically different it is from 1.0 and I certainly don't care enough about MMOs to actually play it to see but every time someone posts this fucking game I will only ever be able to associate it with all the Final Fantasy 4.0 posts going around at the time back in the day.
>go to fight Titan
>this DMC music
>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who didn't pick "I challenge you, Emet-Selch."
Yeah that's not the full story
FFXIV is as shitty as modern WoW
Both are barely even MMOs
i kept my gear updated and rank darkhold a lot and the mobs still do a fuckload of damage, all the pulls are big as hell, the ogre bossfight is confusing as hell.
tanking is hell on aurum
Is there any better feeling than watching an entire party of people new to E4 trying to dodge Massive Landslide only to get tossed right off the edge?
Not having multiple layers of daily grinds is one of the reasons the game is good
You can't win on either end of this, I tried leveling a healer once and the tank yelled at me because his hp dipped below 50% while I was dpsing.
I kept him topped off for the next 5 minutes before he kicked me...
Classic is legit going to kill modern WoW which I'm liking the sound of more and more
NTR and zoophilia, that's about two sicko's fetishes combined, user, there's still an audience.
>being criticized for dpsing as a healer in a 430+ inno group
There's nothing wrong with the dungeon being a little hard.
It's pretty easy to not wipe on titan as long one healer is doing their job.
Gunbreaker is the canonical job for the Eden raids.
If logging out after an hour of playing on Tuesday is good then yeah, XIV is amazing
I honestly don't know so I'm asking, but I haven't seen as much HOIP threads about it as of late. Did the streamers kill it?
Ignore them
>"Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold. Yet at the end of the broken path lies death, and death alone."
I see. Cid is a tired old warrior who has reached the end of the hero's path. He knows that the mantle of divinity is not a reward, but a burden, and he attempts to warn you of what is to come. Truly, Michael-Christopher Koji Fox is a master of his craft.
>did that little shit just insult me?
It's funny how, ideally, tanks and healers are supposed to get along but both have their fair shares of bitches.
>the only way a janny doesnt delete the thread is if the op is negative towards xiv
why do jannies hate us so much xivbros??
Hell yeah man.
Same thing happened to me last night on Light. I think the bosses are just that easy.
It was a closed streamer level 40 beta, it was talked about for a little bit, the beta's over
It's still months away, just let it happen
>comparing fantasy setting with real life
I haven't played BRD, but MCH, you literally dab on your enemies on the regular
>Finished Heavensward
>Tfw were Fucking immortal. Also what's the in game canon of the randoms we have in the party
Just got into Stormblood, i really like the areas and the scenery. I keep hearing stormblood is mediocre compare to the other expansions, but I'm getting the feeling that i will like it. Just worried that people keep saying they tried to stuff two big story lines in this one. Also i just started to glamor my shit, tfw level 64 Bard
dub is unironically better in this game.
The fact that 4.0 being able to rise and become the best MMO on the market is pretty astounding.
I couldn't imagine any other company releasing a flop like 4.0, then agreeing to pour in millions of dollars and thousands of manhours to basically remake the game completely.
Squeenix took an insane gamble and it paid off
Hopefully WoW Classic is good and makes the Japs put out FFXI classic.
Watching 6 people die to the central Undersea Quake in E3 comes pretty close. I purposely didn't tell some buddies of mine about it just to see their reactions.
No different from modern wow and 1.0
A day.
>tfw refresh my chocobo even when gathering because its the only friend i have
classic is out in a month kiddo.
mostly just your adventurer pals
I think the big streamers ran out of stuff to do in the beta, then 8.2 came out so they're all back on live servers. Naturally there's less discussion now, because the state of WoW is apparently based entirely on its streaming community.
the collab with hiro and ffxiv director failed so now they're deleting ffxiv.
>XI classic
XI is still running, and with the exception of some QOL improvements, you can still experience the game, lol.
>I can't justify playing longer than an hour a week
>get told to stop playing 16 hours a day
excuse me?
>Also what's the in game canon of the randoms we have in the party
In-game they're either random adventurers (normal dungeons), or assumedly random adventurers with the Echo (primals). Points of the story mention you're more or less the Scions' liaison with the larger Adventurers' Guild
>People watch content for the games that they love to play
Got any proof on that claim Zoomer?
Stormblood's first twenty quests are just a setup to give up and go to weebland, you'll see why soon enough
>comparing fantasy with real life
They are all good, just some are better than others, general consensus is
What would've fixed that?
Making you do the fights multiple times? Adding fetch quests in between?
I'd rather not have those
Why avoid crystal? When I started it was the only DC I could roll on.
the Stormblood story really is the weakest of all of them. Doma and the Far East are pretty great, but pretty much anything involving Ala Mhigo is complete ass.
Also, Zenos is shit and people only like him because he's hot
If you played an hour a day you'd be about level 72 right now with an entire main story quest ahead of you, and a shitton of classes to level.
I'm so sorry user...
somewhere inbetween
like 45 days or something
>they had an alternate world with alternate versions of races to work with
>still no Ivalice moogles
Explain further
Experience the modern game, no thanks.
Pick up some crafts user
You mean like you originally did?
The current XI is not the same as pre 99 era
oh no. no no no no no no. sorry user.
Delusional, like all the trannies in the game. WoW has been killing itself for years but retards refuse to leave.
people like him because of how autistic he is
Crystal is home to all the major RP communities on the internet and everyone knows RP people are casual as hell which means they're terrible at content in duty finder and party finder.
Asmon layer is that way user.
Just keep playing the video game, user.
Worse are the subhumans who didn't choose "Glad you're awake ____"
never played FF14 but what's his name? he's hot!
i thought square was only capable of making twinks and emo boys
I still don't understand why SMN are not laughstock in XIV community. In SB they tried hard to pretend that their job is hardest job in game. They hid most simplistic mechanics under walls of text
>you need to learn Garuda, Garuda is hard high IQ pet
>desync aerial slash, press sic for contagion - done
Now when their job instead of 34CPM has 39-40CPM they start crying about how hard it is. Picrelated is their "hard opener"
MNK, NIN. MCH, BRD are laughing. Hell even DRK and PLD
seems like Bahamut delay was fixed and you always get 8 ww
>both are completely different
how the fuck should we know. you want to play melee or spellcaster? both are piss easy
WTF guys i just got spoiled
just keep playing. His reveal is actually a pretty cool moment.
He's the trailer stand in for you, the player
>queue leveling
>dusk vigil
>tank is wearing i90 gear
>NIN is wearing brand new gear
For me? I wanted more content where I could play my main job and use my raid gear, but all content outside of raiding is too easy and uses external gearing, just makes everything feel really unrewarding
Not a crafting guy
I just wanted to get more mileage out of playing my main job
And an XI Classic won't be the same as pre-99 era either because the community won't be the same, and it was a massive part of what made pre-99 XI what it was.
He's the face used for the WoL(MC). All the exapsion trailers use his persona to represent the WoL
You can't say you experienced classic XI if you are able to solo the whole game.
Shouting for an invite to a Valkurm Dunes crab party is part of the XI experience. Also being bullied for being a DRG. I bet most XIV players don't even realize that "lol drg" is a meme that carried over from XI
Damn is that why all these faggots keep spamming emotes in all the cities?
Crystal's fine
You get casuals in duty finder on literally every data center
Reddit had a big push to make aether the RAID datacenter, which went about as well as making Gilgamesh the RAID world back in the day before cross world stuff.
>PvP is shit
>Same dungeons and raids over and over
why live?
thats you. the warrior of light user. become what you must.
His name is (you)
The cunty eorzean moogles were better than the unconditionally nice ivalice ones.
I was really interested in Ala Mhigo and its troubles before Stormblood, but they managed to write such a boring and barebones story for its liberation.
I don't think Doma is that much better at all, but at least something happens there
SAM for big dick melee casts
Dilation station for bunnygirls (male) is that way user.
>watching people play games instead of playing them yourself
Begone zoomer trash
He's the default MC. Although there is an actual character who has his same appearance for lore reasons named Ardbert
Zenos is by no mean ugly but I wouldn't call him handsome either, he just look like a generic smug asshole.
Also his armor make his proportions spehss mehreen-tier
That said seeing as how the other Anons added on what you said, I guess something happened in Shadowbringer since I haven't finished it.
>Crystal's fine
>has less subs than wow
>has less subs than the daily fucking playercount of destiny 2, a dead game
>xiv killed anything
the only thing it managed to do was successfully sell one of the most poorly written and banal stories I have ever seen in either videogames or movies
gilg up in here aetherbro, you?
>NIN is wearing brand new gear
isn't that like ilvl 30?
what the fuck
Just join a random FC baka
Join one for new friends or buffs
>no Bangaa
Can't even use the fucking headgear argument since Hroth and Viera are fucked. Could've got bad ass lizard-dogs, instead, get discount "Ronso".
Fuck you Yoshi!
Savage comes in 2 weeks, you can craft, level other jobs, get gear for glamour, fate runs, etc. If you don't want to do that, then don't play, sub back next patch and catch up on content, do the savage raids then.
Canon name is Meteor
His voice is the sexiest thing about him.
>For the time between the seconds, live.
I'm pretty sure WoW and Destiny both have worse stories.
It's item level 17 gear you get from the tutorial. He did at least have 2 pieces of gear from Dusk vigil and a couple other pieces that were item level 24. I asked him why he had shit gear when he died instantly from the elephant boss targeting him and he didn't respond so we kicked him.
>because the community won't be the same,
people said this about wow classic, but pretty much everyone who's played it has enjoyed it just as much as vanilla
>went back to XI
>went fucking hard on DRG because it was always my main
>full AF+3, Trishula, Utu Grip, Niqmaddu, Regal Ring, basically perfect gear
>can't get invited to groups for content I'm capable of soloing because I'm still DRG
it never ends
Sub vs dub is not adult behavior.
I'm dissapointed he didn't have the longer hair the WoL in the SB trailer had.
It's not even retards, it's just people who are too invested in the game or are prone to addiction. There's a reason every action in WoW is like a lever pull on a slot machine now.
I got the fuck out after getting shit legendaries up to the "soft cap" that was in place at the time on 3 different characters in early Legion.
I understand what you mean, but what do you think would be good content for that?
Maybe savage dungeons or something like that?
>Frog Poster
they're are or were under marshall law under Varis
>Also his armor make his proportions spehss mehreen-tier
His new outfit really does look so much better.
i like ff12 bangaa more
Well im not buying a server transfer so I'm stuck on crystal, it hasn't been too bad as of yet.
They could've made the Eorzean Moogles look better, they're just flying bat chinks.
But I only see wow players there.
It's just a cutscene area, and that is its only purpose. The entire floor of the area is flat, and the buildings are copy-pasted without remorse since you wouldn't notice it from the camera angles chosen in the CS thus far.
you can play as literally every job in the game
His JP voice is even better, he legitimately sounds like he's mid-orgasm in all his lines where he's mid-combat with the WoL or talking about fighting the WoL
You have to find more reasons to play this game than just playing 1 job otherwise it's not worth it.
Currently done gearing my DRG now I'm focusing on leveling Botanist and Carpentry to furnish the inside of our Free Company House
>get people saying "first time pls no spoil" on E4
>more than half of them get knocked down by Titancar
>someone asks about the mech and I explain it
>didn't warn them about the triple zoom
The wipe was worth it, we cleared it afterwards anyway.
>crystal's fine
>when the "largest server" lost the congested status to fucking lamia
if anything, these fucks would be a Beast Tribe. We didn't get the Lupin as a race, and they're literally just another race of people in the Far East
His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend.
should have told him to do his job quests, they're pulled up right under the MSQ now at the top of the screen
He's THICC too.
What comparison with real life did I do?
The game itself makes sure to constantly emphazise how garleans predominantly works with steel and how their technology is what warrants their usual supremacy. That's an aspect of the game, which happens to be the same with real life.
imagine that. servers with a lot of new people on them because of preferred server status are congested
>posting this went they immediately shut all those servers again
The are
Literally every single one of them is a bandwagoner that picked up the job because it was stupid overpowered throughout SB and invalidated the other two casters.
Now that the job barely does more damage than red mage they're shaking and crying demanding that everything else gets nerfed and summoner gets buffed.
I can't wait for them to just split it out of arcanist into a limited job that only has three minute long cutscene attacks, like the true summoners want. Yoshi knows how to deal with people demanding shit jobs.
And speaking of balmung being dead.
does this make it to where you're not doing the same content over and over and over?
destiny does but has better lore
wow definitely does but it's skippable, unlike in xiv so you see it's less of a black mark, also most people don't go into destiny and wow and say "the story is fantastic"
whereas people wank off xiv's story even though it's marvel tier
Wow had a pretty good run
Eureka/HoH was creeping closer to what I wanted, but too many issues and like I said, the external gearing just makes me feel like I'm playing the template of a job and not my character
I agree and it's fine, I was just super in love with NIN and felt like I wasn't even able to do anything with it outside of raid and decided ultimately the game isn't for me
I said "why are you wearing level 20 gear in a level 120 dungeon? if you do your job quests you get level 90 gear"
why come here you idiot
I just want to shove my tongue in Alphinaud's butthole as I pound Alisaie
depends if you want to do cool leaping or cool shooting
they're both fun
Is this why Primal's PF and DF have both gotten noticeably worse recently?
Seconding this.
I have a character on Aether and a character on Crystal.
There is know genuine measurable difference between the two. The experience was identical in every way - from the shitters to the people who knew what they were doing.
this wont appear in the story though, this was for dissidia
>Nothing is better than WoW! Blizzard just killed it yeah thats right!
every single god damn time, get help
I picked up SMN in SB because it finally became an actual SMN and because my actual favorite job BLU is a fucking clown joke class. I also think 5.0 SMN is kino though and I have no idea what these niggers are whining about.
No but you get to experience it differently. It's like picking up another Weapon in Monster Hunter. Same fights different perspective makes them feel fun again
If you can confirm your identity, birth date and email used, they will probably help you
That is indeed much better, he actually look human there.
Anons, I'm sorry to be that guy but I don't like his voice either.
Maybe I just don't get the appeal but I respect your tastes and opinions.
>Whole new expac
>red mage is STILL garbage that does no damage
You never know, they could easily have him update his outfit after that twist in ShB's ending
I'm fucking done with this shit until 5.1. They couldn't even put anything the pvp shop area for SHB so I've been capped wolf marks for god knows how long.
They held it back from Dissidia because it was Shadowbringers spoilers.
mch hits a lot of buttons but it's all very predictable and it feels a lot stricter
brd feels like it hit less stuff (but it's still a fairly active class) but it's all random
they're both probably about equally good so pick whichever one you like more
fuck gays, fuck trannies, fuck women, fuck crystal
you have baited me into trying it. hope i enjoy myself
>how is playing through a dungeon as a healer any different than playing as a dps
I sense you're not being genuine
unlimited instant res tax. embolden.
I've been grinding the story out as SMN and just reached ShB. This class gives me aids and need a break.
I almost miss the days of 3.3 when the only people I saw on Adamantoise were orange names. Now it feels like most of Balmung transferred over to us.
>playing PVP for rewards instead of wonky, lag-filled death orgies
Frontlines is for fun, not mount. You're just asking for suffering otherwise.
It's not too different to be honest
dogshit, literally worse in every way than summoner's buffs while they still do way more damage
mana changes fucked it, they can't rez more than twice without going oom
>traditional mounts of the Zun
>known on the Source as the Amalj'aa (Amaroja)
It wassn't released at the same time as Zenos (like every other 1st alt costume) because of spoiler issues. Obviously the spoiler being that he beat Elidibus and got his body back; this will be his new look later on.
agreed basically it was like this
>FFXIV and all the other MMO's big and small are doing their own thing in MMO land
>WoW reigns supreme in some epic castle
>one day while everyone is going about their business in the village square WoW descends from his throne to make an announcement
>WoW arrives and begins to smear shit all over it self and spread it all around on the ground
>WoW dumps a small amount of kerosene on the shit and lights it on fire to really spread the smell
>WoW pulls out a bottle of liquefied shit puts it in its mouth and begins to gargle
>WoW pulls out a rusty blade that was found in an old Ebola ward and begins to Seppuku itself
>as this is happening a poisonous cloud erupts around WoW castle killing all within and it even goes as far as to rot its beauty
>the lesser lords seeing the king commit such an atrocious suicide begin to divide up the kingdom
>the WoW castle dwellers are forced to live with the other lords although some resort to being highwaymen
>A few still congregate around WoW's shit encrusted body and will on occasion put on a hazmat suit to brave the depths of the castle for a short time before the suits decay and their mask filters fail
>a few of the castle stewards speak of fixing the castle but every one with any talent is long gone leaving only diversity hires and some bitch who got in due to feminism
It's not SB anymore red mage is pretty okay now
meanwhile MNK and DRG do the same damage as SAM
you would be surprised at how bland the combat for this game looks coming from GW2 and BDO, so yes im very skeptical about how anything besides ERP in this game would be good
>PotD grind
You used the same jpg last time.
I like Zenos because he's an absurdist murderhobo and that's my favorite character archetype.
The only difference between how a healer and a DPS gameplay is their target
amaurot comes from Amaurote from Utopia
rdm does more than both ninja and dancer and not that much farther behind bard. stop crying or play a different job
Ifrit caused the Ascians calamity. Screencap this, see you in 7.0
The greatest solo-instance sprout filter who ever lived.
they do no damage, m8 and their rez got fucked by mana
The only difference between how a healer and a DPS gameplay is how they dps their target*
>autistic action mmo spammer
just play those games then. please.
as someone who tried BDO, I think I'd prefer something blander than that fucking mess
no, they need buffs, dancer does low dps because it can give you a literal 30% crit boost on top of several other buffs and even then they have a 1k potency spell
fucked up thing is modern xi is still more of an mmorpg than modern mmos even if it is worse than it was back in the day
you arent gonna get buffed lol
Imagine what goes on the mind of this user to type this.
>we're not so different you and I... warrior of light.
its not autistic to ask if the gameplay is fun
but this reaction tells me its not
That you're gonna need some heals to fight this primal, buddy!
bros. i know shadowbringers is good but i really just think heavensward was still better, maybe its because i just like snowy cold places, plus the music was better
that's not the mage puppets from the RDM questline
bitches hit hard
Based Faggot
But Cid is better
Till He got angry at Nero, then i just saw him as an angry manlet[/spoilers]
>hero who saves multiple nations, possibly the entire world
He's right.
>Can't memorize a few combos and practice a little to enjoy the best combat of any mmo
based retard
Talk about sloppy writing
>a few of the castle stewards speak of fixing the castle but every one with any talent is long gone leaving only diversity hires and some bitch who got in due to feminism
top fucking kek
the only good thing about being a scholar is having your own personal onahole fairy, im level 74 and the only thing i can think about as i play is her wrapping around me until she breaks in half
It's bullshit how he ended up being the last fragment of our soul, how the fuck does that even work?
I think it's fun, but the pace is completely different.
Desu the only action "mmo" I enjoyed was Vindictus, all the rest I tried felt clunky.
>1k potency spell
try 1500pot. the spammable one, Standard Step, is the 1k
>let it all go
>try and say no
>no where to run
Unless you have an autistic lineup embolden is straight up better than devotion.
SMN barely does more personal damage than RDM, (300 at max pad percentile, 400 at 95th) and nobody will even play that job because it's cancer.
It's fine.
the game is aesthetically complete fucking ass in every single aspect and I regret the $10 I spent on it
Look all I am saying is no one really did anything. Out of nowhere WoW just came out and committed a spectacular over the top ridiculous suicide.
put about 1k hours into bdo before i quit, real hours not the afk while the workers make shit hours either, its shit.
>implying wow wasnt already dead
>implying FFXIV killed it and people actually play the game at all
>Enjoy about everything about Gunbreaker
>Even the animations are cool
>The default artifact outfit look really nice too
>But tfw I'm a little bit of a hipster and secretely wish it wasn't so popular
the only action mmos that didn't suck were vindictus and pso2
damn dude you're real dumb
>I can't wait for them to just split it out of arcanist into a limited job that only has three minute long cutscene attacks,
Can't wait for the remix.
and what? you want me to fucking change my file names every time I post them?
>Palace of the Dead
>teammates trying to speedrun
>not opening any chests
>splitting off into different directions
Wrong and wrong
>he doesn't use Yea Forums X set to randomize filenames
>no u
epic dude, enjoy that trash heap that is bdo some more. glad i quit that shit fest
Is it possible to solo PotD? Like the whole thing?
yes, i would like you to do that
Heavensward is difficult to top because of how well it fit into the rest of ARR content and what has been built with it. It's difficult to explain it in a short post, but both the build up and the presentation were near perfect. you could cleanly observe the political situation of all the city-states, not just that of Ishgard and sense the general pall of despair and corruption and that no matter where you went, it never really got better. To build up a narrative like that, maintain it and then resolve it in a matter that actually gives you a ray of hope in the end, s not an easy thing to accomplish.
At first I was pissed that they forgot about her until she came out in the Lv 78 tank quest. Now I gotta level all the other roles to see more of her after I level all tanks to 80
Ramuh's theme is still my favorite track in the game after all this time.
Yes. RDM, PLD, and WAR are the 3 that have the easiest time, but it's 100% possible to solo it
>You sense the Accursed Hoard on this floor...
>teammates just beeline for the passage cairn
I don't care if it's just a sparkler, I WANT IT
fuck any job designed with double weaving in mind
shit only works if you live in japan or have 20ms
its one thing for double weaving to be optimal for a job's rotation its another thing when the job is designed with double weaving in mind
square needs to fix their servers for NA
Yes, but it's a struggle.
Yeah it's really weird how people pretend to play this game, it has an even lower pop than Ed, Edd en' Eddy online.
>have to level up your trusts
>Also what's the in game canon of the randoms we have in the party
Alternate versions of us from past lives brought from the Echo. Others and outsiders see a single person fighting. Wipes are non canon 'What ifs'
WoW is shit, what the fuck are you talking about?
funny how people trashed this theme endlessly when it came out
That contrarian feeling is what made me main DRK through all the Savage raids of Stormblood and let me tell you that was NOT enjoyable so I just suggest you sack up and play the popular FotM class because you will regret doing otherwise.
>3 datacenters
>all on wet coast
they need to put one on the west coast, one in the midwest and one on the east coast
what does double weaving mean ? is not that is not just is two spell off the ogcd for every spell on the gcd ?
That's the correct way to play if we're taking PoTD for levelling.
Going for chests is actively harmful in PoTD because there is one (1) possible pomander that's worth your time and ever getting a mimic just shredded all of that.
They're a little less worthless in HoH.
Zenos is probably one of the best anti-heroes in FF games. Best of all, he's not being mind controlled like most FF villains. *He's* doing the mind controlling!
The song is actually super catchy, they just need a better singer for it
Just hit 70 in my blm, how should I aoe now? looking at some old info but I see some people talking about using fire 2 and it sounds wrong.
Squeezing in two abilities that do not incur global cooldowns into the space of a single global cooldown without causing the delay of the next ability that causes global cooldown, which is called "clipping".
use gcd, use 2 ogcd spells before gcd comes back so you can instantly use another gcd spell
I still think it's shit, especially since the first phase sounds great.
>WoL's Shiva is based on Ysayle but also inspired from all that dragon shit
>her theme is a mix of Oblivion and Dragonsong
Oh I'm definitely playing Gunbreaker, I'm not contrarian enough to let it go against my enjoyment.
I can double weave consistently with 80ms. Admittedly, I need a VPN but it's still possible. The clipping on MCH during hypercharge made me drop the job instantly though.
14 is shit, WoW is shit, Classic is shit, ESO is shit.
OSRS is the only good MMO right now.
>"A-buhbuhbuh, TWITCH"
You know, it's funny how that's always the first instinctual thing a WoWfag clings to. People who watch streams tend to watch them for the person, and if that person happens to play a lot of a specific game then oddly enough the game will appear as though it has those viewers based on its own merits. Yet ever since BFA dropped, you guys stopped trying to claim active sub numbers as your defence, now it's all about how many people that don't play the game watch it instead. If we judged a game based on its viewership then I suppose Fortnite is a better game than WoW, and hey it has no sub fee either, why play some shitty dying MMO like WoW when Fortnite has so many viewers and is so popular?
I get not wanting to accept this game's death, but Blizzard is going to kill it themselves and the saddest part is the fact that Overwatch means they won't really care, they make tons of cash off Overwatch, from the loot boxes to their esports league, so when it comes to the point where making new content for WoW is actively a detriment to the bottom line, I'm sure it won't hurt them in the slightest.
To be honest, I'll be glad when WoW is dead, it means the MMO landscape will be able to be reinvigorated without people needing to be "The WoW Killer", meaning some risks might get taken again instead of just aping WoW's hotbar system.
*thunderer plays*
It makes perfect sense, bro.
>double weaving
Double weaving is no-no for fast gcd. You don't need to have 20ms for double weave. And Japs don't double weave on fast jobs despite better ping.
Not anymore. SB assumes its your adventurer guild pals that all have the Echo. and, in ShB, they're supposed to be the Scions, with the trials being strike teams you lead (except in Dying Gasp, where its you and the WoLs from the fallen shards, brought forth together)
He's a bit too one dimensional. Needs the same treatment the ascians got and maybe then we will care about that loser.
It's still shit unless you like Avril Lavigne
vroom vroom WoL
oh okay, maybe that is because i live in the land, but have no trouble with doing such as that.
i feel bad for my homies out in the eastern coast of US state
Fuck off with this headcanon. None of this is true.
if i remember right it they asked someone on the translation team to do it, so yeah it's not like it was a professional singer
Even in Heavensward Krile told you to bring your 'gifted friends' to the Warring Triad battles.
Which of the four tanks is the most fun to play in Shadowbringers?
i thought the bar wench was just an homage to her. never thought she'd play a major role
(Almost) never use fire 2
Freeze flare flare
Freeze f3 flare flare if you have triple
Use all your other shit when you get it or as filler in ice phase so you don't have to wait for mp ticks (t4, foul)
Use your ogcd buffs asap
Buy x-ethers for more flares
I don't have the exact cut off numbers for when you should flare vs single target. IIRC it's 3, but it's easily spreadsheeted.
>Play DNC
>In e2
>DPS are 2xDNC, DRG and SMN
>Partner up with DRG soon as the instance loads
>Second dancer dawdles around
>Waits until five seconds before pull, then partners with the same DRG
This, echo is not really that exclusive, even someone like Arenvald had it. His wasn't as potent as that what WoL or Fordola had, but it still was enough to protect him from being tempered and read past memories.
Gunbreaker for a lot of casts and fast paced combat. Otherwise, just play Paladin as an off-tank and embrace the Blue DPS
>SE put a bunch of adventurers in weird gear sets that players would tend to rather than specifically designed gear.
>people don't pick up that the other players are guys like that.
It's been long enough that people forgot that Frozen was not even a year old and they had a ice character whose theme's chorus had the phrase Let It Go on it.
At least i remember at least one person bitching about how Koji couldn't stop memeing even for the song lyrics.
they did get an actual singer for the album but it's still kinda...eh I mean japs singing in english is always kinda weird
Most of the Scions had the Echo until Livia slaughtered them. The vast majority of Scion members were previously members of the Path of the Twelve, a guild Minfilia ran exclusively for Echo users.
I could see your point if we didn't wipe on a boss that's not even difficult.
She wanted his spear and thought you weren't good enough.
drk is pretty smooth now, and tbn makes the actual tanking part of your job a lot easier
>Jumpskiplets didn't get this dialogue at the end
Lmao get fucked
She deserved better.
>go back to inn
>"reflect quest progress"
>get to see this anyway
WoW killed itself. I mean I love FFXIV but the only thing that was ever going to kill WoW was itself.
It's been great watching every other Blizzard property kill itself at roughly the same time.
The problem is that people keep thinking that the Echo and the Blessing of Light are parts of the same thing, when they're 2 completely separate traits.
With the reveal about Creation Magic, and Sundered Souls, my personal theory is that the Echo is the remnants of the Creation Magic (an "echo" of its former glory" kind of deal), and the ones that it can be awakened in are those that possess the fragment of an Amaurotian.
she deserved to have the WoL pump her full of semen and become my wife as we live in the comfy lands raising children together
They literally poke fun at it in SB. Its dumb to assume you have hundreds of people all with the Echo always around, especially in situations where they shouldn't be.
the game looks and plays like chinese spyware
Anyone who sacrificies themselves for some stupid au ra is too retarded to live so it's for the better she is dead.
What's up with that bird
>that transformation
>that scream
They took notes from Taro and Drakengard, didn't they?
suspension of disbelief you idiot, gameplay doesn't equals story
Do I technical step and then standard step right after, or do I standard first, or do I wait until one runs out to do the other? Do I standard when it's off cd or when it's about to run out?
>trips death flags repeatedly
>didn't even kill a sin eater properly
I felt nothing
It's just a bird :)
Well, dumb as it sounds, the adventurer pals are actively referenced in-game, while that headcanon of Echo projections of ourselves is just some retarded fan theory shit, that doesnt even make sense
what was the stupid scalies problem??
That's unrelated to not wasting your time with chests.
Who do you think is making the alliance raid this expansion?
she made the death camp cozy
le funneh meme xD
More often than not, XIV tries to weave gameplay and story together.
SS pre-pull to give your Partner the buff, SS again for the initial burst. Then Devilment+TS to give everyone the raid-wide buff with the normal windows, and to start your Esprit buildup
>the quest for limitless content in an MMO
>Blizz finds the solution from Diablo III devs
>its horrible and almost anti MMO
I hope it's a lesson for other developers to not do this shit.
>half the playerbase is range dps now
>want to start playing machinist purely for the contest outfit
I know I shouldn't but I really want to.
anyone else feel like we're fixing the world too quickly?
There's no fucking way that every wipe in a run, or farming primals or raid for loot is part of the fucking story. You only fight each fight once in-story. Everything else is pure gameplay
>Gonna have to deal with tarofanboys
>its horrible and almost anti MMO
Mythic + is good thing tho
also use SS on-CD. it's your hardest hitting ability, and does more in in the ~3GCDs it takes to perform than anything else in your kit. Just make sure to never over-cap on Esprit.
But what about using SS again, off CD or before it ticks off?
Yeah I honestly didn't see that coming, all the melee's just vanished.
Is there any eden prime porn yet.
That's Nier Automata and it's not really good. I was just not expecting Square to be looking deeper than "android ass is hot okay" into the source material. Good on them that they did.
is this gonna be the weekly tome gear?
I was hoping that au ra would turn out to be some emissary of Vauthry or something so we could slay that little shit. There is no other vibe you get from that kid during that cutscene aside from pure evil.
Often but not always. This is one of those times where it's not. They can't design the game with 3/7 people always following you. It's a MMO, so you this is one of the times you just need to not pay much attention to it.
>tfw I want to play Dancer because I'm sick of all the terrible Dancers I see.
This is abstract suffering, like disgust by proxy.
There's not enough material in Automata for a whole three part raid. We're going to see Drakengard shit too.
>running the same content over and over in hopes of an upgrade that is a complete fucking roulette roll instead of clearly documented drop rates is good design
>here's no fucking way that every wipe in a run
you skip cutscenes don't you
>or farming primals or raid for loot is part of the fucking story
>You only fight each fight once in-story. Everything else is pure gameplay
You've never played this game have you.
The bodysuit will be. I'm waiting for it to be datamined.
Trying to explain it as "Hurr massive adventurers guild all with echo" is harder to believe.
Every time its been referenced, its been made fun of. Others are ignored in any cutscene they are in and aren't there when they should be. You are constantly referred to as the Warrior of light, not the Warriors of light.
Dances are massive nukes (SS is 1000 potency, TS is 1500). You should always be using them as soon as they're up
I don't know if this is the best opener but what I've been doing is
The trick is to have devilment and flourish always line up, which they should I believe
I want at least one raid to be based on Drakengard just to see morons complain that they don't know what's going on.
Literally autism.
Oh my god it's 2P the madlad did it. Taro you genius, hold on guys don't rez me i gotta get a screenshot of 2P's ass
>Trying to explain it as "Hurr massive adventurers guild all with echo" is harder to believe.
Nigger 1.0's storyline takes place almost entirely within a guild exclusively made up of Echo users run by Minfilia.
It's not a constant thing, but
>wipes in a run
Echo visions.
>farming primals
ARR ones canonically get resummoned. Others are suspension of disbelief.
The game tends to make it clear enough if you canonically have friends with you or if you were supposed to solo it.
This. Overrated hack with a "dude vidya maek me cri" legion. The alliance raid is gonna be insufferable.
>Every time its been referenced, its been made fun of.
One time. Every other time it was played completely straight. Every alliance raid, every Warring Triad fight, they say it completely seriously. You need to stop skipping cutscenes and let go of your shitty headcanon.
>there is one (1) possible pomander that's worth your time
I've done a lot of 200 attempts with buddies, which involves a fuckload of zerging through ez floors, and I can't agree with you there. If you're sticking together and speedrunning it's worth opening any gold chest you come across, the extra tempo you get from stuff like witching, sight, safety, or damage up/vuln down pomanders more than makes up for the occasional mimic, especially if you're speedrunning, since everyone's going to be there to burst it down, and that's before you take the "zerg the whole floor down" or the succubus/undead purging pomander into the equation.
Trick attack bitch. When will they fix this fucking job already.
Who's talking about loot here? I said MYTHIC PLUS SYSTEM CAN'T YOU READ
There's not enough shit in Automata to make everything based off it anyways so it'll probably be the case.
Chill, I don't think the dude is bad, just massively overrated.
It's the fanboys that are the problem, they're on par with Kojimadrones.
Opinions of secondaries should not be used to gauge the works true quality, you know that?
Everybody would be dead because everyone is trying to get one too. Viera can but weep before her chocolate majesty.
It's not Automata. Yoko Taro treats everything related to his series' as canon, and uses them to tell the stories. Dark Apocalypse will be its own storyline, and it will be an official, canon continuation/addition to NiER/Drakengard
We never "wipe". When we die, it's actually an Echo vision of what would happen if we fucked up, and the restart is just us going through either another vision (if it wipes) or us actually talking and beating our target. Farming, however, is just game mechanics, nothing more. It's to be assumed that we got everything we needed to acquire the gear from the 1 kill
its perfect as is. now trick attack, bitch.
>make one hard as shit to play and do garbage damage, make one suck to play, make one that can't even fill it's one niche better than the other melees, and drg i guess
i was gonna go melee this expansion but i don't really care for drg so i'm gonna do tanks or some shit
Just had an alliance roulette where an entire alliance sat out from combat. We couldn't kick them or do anything else, so I had to submit a ticket with screenshots. Got the other five people in my group to do so too since we were running it as an FC. Hopefully the volume of reports does something.
Ok hotshot explain to me why the WoL after finishing the events of the 2.5 story spent the next several months listening to the wandering minstrel retell the stories of the WoL's primal fights until each of their 8 party members had a kamuy whistle that each apparently used to summon the super elusive legendary fox thing
Mythic + system is shit. You don't run it for anything other than loot. Don't pretend that you're excited to see another of the "Key effects" that all are the same uninspired shit.
hello please pet lalas
>You are constantly referred to as the Warrior of light, not the Warriors of light.
Because you are the warrior of light, those are the adventurers that you've encountered that you trust to have your back in a hairy situation.
>There are level 80s ITT that still haven't cleared Titania EX
What a bunch of chads.
Don't wanna get reported and banned, no thanks.
>those are the adventurers that you've encountered
But I never encountered them
Fuck off, kyoppi
Isn't that just the same a Destiny's night whatever missions?
>afking during trash with trusts only adds like 2 minutes to the dungeon since the ai ramps up their damage if a pull takes too long
>wipes in a run are echo visions
But that's wrong. It's just gameplay. You think Echo means we can see aoes? No we see aoes because we can see "sleight of hand", as explained in the tutorial duties.
As that one user said, it's not every time that farming is made canon, but it happens enough to not be ignored. Stop skipping cut scenes and pay attention.
>One time. Every other time it was played completely straight.
I really don't feel like going back and looking for all of them. Its made fun of multiple times.
so I just switched from tank to healer
why do most healers suck so fucking bad?
I literally have to do single pulls so these shitheads have time to cast their fucking medica II and then one more heal spell per hour whereas I could have kept a tank topped off almost on wall-to-wall pulls
gunbreaker's fun though
>You are constantly referred to as the Warrior of light, not the Warriors of light
That's because (you) are the Warrior of Light. The others are just adventurers with the Echo. It's not a rare thing, just really uncommon and most people that possess it have no clue. Hell, most of 1.0 took place in a guild of Echo users, and, surprise, they were out there with you fighting shit
>schs begging for WHM nerfs
>even if afflatus or assize get nerfed it won't do jack shit for overall damage since it's all on glare
No, it's really not. Even right before Ala Mhigo, Raubahn says your role is to lead an elite group of adventurers into the palace.
I don't have the energy to deal with pugs anymore.
>Jeans in a fantasy game
This is so fucking stupid I hate when they do this shit
Let's fuck. World?
Which one? I believe you, but don't remember that.
Warrior of Light enjoys listening to Wandering minstrel music and wants to farm kamuy whistle to summon the super elusive legendary fox thing.
You already explained it.
>those are the adventurers that you've encountered that you trust to have your back in a hairy situation
All 500 of them
Poor little thing lacking attention, we can laugh at you as well!
Why is that elezen's torso facing the wrong direction?
>not grinding your dol/doh so you can just make yourself better gear the minute the new books come out
while you were wiping, i was studying the ltw blade
You've met them in or hired them from the Adventurer's Guild and adventurers are apparently pretty reliable on the whole.
She doesn't have any special assets added to the game yet.
It's a "fantasy" game that has anti gravity technology and starships.
Its made fun of before doma castle.
There are multiple other people and NPCs fighting while storming the palace during the dungeon.
>No we see aoes because we can see "sleight of hand", as explained in the tutorial duties
They've actively gone out of their wayt o tell us that the Echo shows us the past, present, and future. it's an actual gameplay mechanic, in that it shows us the AoEs of where shit will be hitting when it does. It's also why we know when abilities are being cast. Sometimes things can fuck with us, however, like God Kefka, or delayed effects due to time shenanigans (E2)
I don't get why people are crying for whm nerfs, they should be crying for ast buffs desu
sch and whm are in a perfectly fine place
you only get banned if someone asks you to stop and you continue
The tank one IIRC for Hall of the Novice.
The only jeans are the Zidane cosplay legs.
I thought I got over my "tanxiety" but I seriously can't run Ex, I should probably level up a DPS for those.
>not doing all content the game has to offer
the gear doesnt matter, its like saying why bother crafting when it will get replaced with savage/tome gear
I'd be happy if there's some Drakengard references at least. Like mobs
If they're in a world that can conceive of tough work-trousers then they've probably got jeans.
>tfw haven't seen a single femelezen in a week after the viera nuke
You were on Balmung anyway. Fuck that.
The long and short of it is that, unlike (You), the WoL canonically has adventurer friends that they've met through their travels. What do you think they do in their spare time, anyway?
It doesn't show us the future. The way Fordola uses it to dodge attacks, and presumably how you also might use it, is by using Krile's mind-reading ability.
I just finished the Shadowbringers story. I honestly can't believe how good the ending was. I was hyped, everyone else hyped it up more, and it still ended up beating my expectations. The whole sequence leading up to the final fight gave me chills.
>schs begging for WHM nerfs
No one says that, don't make shit up. All SCHs say is that it's boring and a little clunky to play now.
Yeah and I'm fine with the high fantasy sci fi stuff. It has it's own aesthetic
It's when they put in modern ass fashionable blue jeans that it looks retarded. I don't know what it is but it looks so stupid. It's the same as when you get someone in a maid outfit during story bosses or whatever
>whms not using presence of mind for the disgusting opener burst
what is wrong with you?
Just watch it be Ellone.
there's nothing wrong with balmung
It's mostly tanks and butthurt healers. Warriors are mad cause they're in a bad spot, PLD are mad because it's more DPS for a PLD to cast clemency on themselves and let the WHM spam glare.
molest lalafells
Extreme Survival Slops are literally just cargo pants.
>Meanwhile, in the imperial palace in the Source
i sleep
I've seen several in dungeons, but I have been spamming all the ShB dungeons to level the tanks. Us elezen true believers didn't fall for that bunny meme
SCHs are literally this guy.
Check OF and plebbit, people were actually disappointed WHM didn't get nerfed last patch.
careful user you'll trigger the r/ffxiv crossposters that believe all the quicksand stories they hear
I explicitly mentioned potd for levelling, an assumption I made based on his post. Being able to save pomanders across floors is reason enough to start grabbing them when you have a group.
Mimics trash your tempo hard unless you found it at the exact right time on the exact right floor plan for it to count for your passage and save you looking in another room. Expecting them also makes you run less spread out.
They may not be totally absolutely net negative in the levelling scenario, but I still don't think they're worth moving more than a few yalms out of your way to get.
They put in a fucking Tactics Ogre area, I'm sure they'll reference Drakengard
Not them but I've been playing elezen since 2013 with no intention on ever changing. The most I've done is make a new viera retainer.
I want to fuck an elezen
>OF and plebbit
They're not people, so no one is saying that
They even made Ashley Riot a previous Warrior of Light.
ShB confirms it also shows futures. The scene with Ishgard being destroyed is the furute of the First if the Rejoining wasn't stopped, with Biggs the Third. And, the AoE markers are literally where shit is going to be in the future
elezen look like absolute shit in this game
>baby minion
>Innocence farm party
>people get the double circle markers during the two stars
>just fucking stand there and kill us all
>People watch content for the games that they love to play
That has to be a fucking joke, I don't understand how it's even possible to be that delusional. Even WoW players hate WoW. The people who watch WoW streams are the people who used to play WoW, but quit a long, long time ago. Now they're just in it to watch the shit show on their pals on Twitch like Asmon.
>User Score 3.0
I honestly don't know how anybody can even defend this.
Ok, you do have a point there.
i cant fucking quote shit
>Tfw just want to see more midlanders
There's something in the art style of the game that make me think they're really, really cute, but I can't blame people to find the human race boring.
Having to actually think how to use your crowd control and having different strategies for dungeons was pretty fun. They could radically improve by making more creative affixes but it doesn't make it a bad system.
Savage opens same day as my next dilation
That was because you Echo visioned into G'raha's memory. So it was still technically the past.
>There are people in this thread who didn't clear on week 1
theres probably more hrothgars than felezens
i'm pretty sure all the people who played elf and roe stayed elf and roe, contrary to what people were predicting. at least the ones i recognized on my server stayed the same race
>The scene with Ishgard being destroyed is the furute of the First if the Rejoining wasn't stopped
I thought it was Gria's past, which just happens to be our future. So it's still not really seeing the future
>WAR worst tank this patch
>They're not screaming from the tops of their lungs about it like every other time this happened
What's going on?
Why does that actually make sense?
what if Caim was a WoL?
>The scene with Ishgard being destroyed is the furute of the First if the Rejoining wasn't stopped
Wasn't that technically the Exarch's past?
Uh user you know that the Bangaa are in the Return to Ivalice raid quests right?
Who are you quoting?
Because all of the Warrior changes are actually really fun and make the class more enjoyable.
>WoL : I remember Titan hitting like a truck
They're too busy playing Gunbreaker and Dark Knight.
Need y'shtola nudes
Pls fix AST. Yoshida, I beg you. It's a half-breed, mutilated DPS at this point. Don't leave it like this.
you only lose 75 potency healing over casting glare, it's typically better for the whm to be the one healing actually
I hate the people I share my class with honestly
I'm aware that Yea Forums is full of shitters and redditors that are normies scared of the balmung boogeyman
Except G'raha wasn't present at the fall of Ishgard, in that memory. And, we were alone in our room, not with Crystal Cat.
Yeah, which is why I said they'd end up as a Beast Tribe. We had another bestial race, the Lupin, that already could wear armors and have animations, but they werent added in as playable
Killing primals when they pop up is likely another pastime of his.
Not them but i've tried, the oracle of darkness model is a full body model, it's not a player character dressed up so we can't undress it.
Tried out Viera for a couple weeks since they were my favorite in FFTA, the running animations are much superior but didn't feel right not being Elezen, had to return to it.
i don't think i've seen an actual tank main playing gnb, they've all been terrible so far while every war and pld and most drk have been good
>urianger hovering over wol's shoulder
>pray, my friend, dost thou rememberest the bitchin' wheels that titan rode 'pon through his demesne
Seconding this.
AST feels like they copied all WHM's skills and made them worse. On top of that the neutered the card system to not even being worth paying attention to.
I'm sure alisaie would swallow the WoL's cookie
WoL is ultimate lifeform
He was the one reading the book you ding dong
GNB confuses me with that too since tanking effectively as it is just popping defensive-cooldowns before tankbusters in between being a blue DPS.
>It's not a WoW-clone so it's not a MMO!
The absolute state of modern MMOs
>entering a pact gives you the echo
>can switch weapons and styles just like WoL
people are aggressively retarded.
>WAR was always my 2nd Main
>Its watered down to shit
>"M-maybe it'll get better when Im at max"
>Literally nothing changed
>Removed all sustain
>Recycled animations
>Heres your upgraded Fell cleave bro
I miss SB WAR already, WAR feels dogshit to play now.
Most redpilled healer?
Fuck you you are kicked out of elezen cool club for being a tranny furry degenerate. No amount of excuses will allow you back, your soul is stained.
Have you tried EX?
You remove corruption from the premise.
Will they have the balls to bring in /ourguy/?
red mage
>>Removed all sustain
uh...shitter or trolling?
Oh fuck it's one of those inner beast spamming retards
After two expansions, I finally dropped WAR with just how boring it's become. DRK got its fell cleave and a more interesting way to apply their damage up buff, WAR got a number of skills trimmed, their unique version of tank stance removed, the only thing that stands out with them now in even the most minor of ways is an oGCD attack for 20 beast gauge you can use every 30 seconds.
I went back to PLD and GNB until WAR gets more fun to play. I don't have much hopes for them changing any in the coming patch, so I'll probably be waiting two years before they get a revamp.
>your soul is stained.
What board would Lakshmi frequent? Yea Forums?
PLD is a absolute god atm, but if you like wars feel Drk is war lite now
WHM without a doubt
>white mage literally farts to heal
One healer lives secluded in it's own island.
One healer got buttfucked by aids from nigger mages.
One healer went toe to toe against nigger mages.
Guess which one is which.
/cgl/ to shit on no-effort outfits
>People switch off Elezen
Inhale the purified aether from my butt you fucking faggot.
My friends swear up and down that DRK is even shittier than SB amd GNB should be either nerfed or WAR and DRK brought up to its level
don't care I don't interact with anyone outside of my IRL friends in game anyway
Eorzean problems would be over much more quickly, because Caim would kill those that attack him instead of running away. Ul'dah would be fucking massacred during the grand betrayal along with the most Monetarists and their supporters. Beast tribes that persisted in encroaching on Eorzean lands like the Gridanian Ixal would cease to exist. He'd wipe out entire castrums worth of Garleans just because he could, in some cases killing everyone in a factory set to self destruct before it explodes, as a matter of principle. He probably would end up causing another calamity out of the sheer amount of aether the amount of murder he'd cause would unleash.
>Flatulence Rapture
>Arioch tries to eat Alphinaud
>Leonard tries to diddle Alphinaud
>Verdelet gets rekt by Alphinaud
>Caim kicks Alphinaud
I seriously want Drakengard over Nier.
so on savage those platforms on titan are definitely gonna fall apart right?
DRK's kind of about the same as it was in Stormblood, in terms of overall quality. Its job-progression is fucked, though, it revolves a lot around The Blackest Night and you don't get the fucking shield until 70.
i'm sorry that your friends got a severe case of the bad brain
>can't overheal
>if the party carts three times you lose
it's red mage
Sooo Zenos.
>Bloodbath removed for a shitty 6s one
>Removed healing from Inner Beast
>Straight up removed Inner Beast pretty much
>Steel Cyclone got the same treatment
I've been playing DRK and it feels alot better then WAR, I'll probably level that up next.
>Giott was a cute girl this entire time
He doesn't friendly fire unlike Zenos. Their characters are different despite using identical means of solving their problems.
God Nowe looks like such a punchable retard.
i have a hard time finding good hairstyles for them, i liked haurchefant but i cant use it without thinking of him
They're fucking rare. If they only have GNB at 80, expect a bad time. I took my WAR to 80 before I jumped over to GNB, it's a much more fun job though I think WAR is actually better at dealing with mitigation. Stronger short CD (20% on WAR, 15% on GNB but GNB can place it on other targets), can Holmgang multiple times during fights while GNB might get two off depending on the speed of clear or mechanic timing, and a strong self-heal when needed with Nascant Flash. GNB has a more steady output of damage since his burst is up every 30 seconds or minute, WAR can dump out damage every 90 seconds with inner release before going back to spamming his normal combo.
now show the healing
Why is this such a big twist for people?
Why does it matter?
so cute~
The dark ear tips are male-only
Blizzard teaming up with Activision is what fucked them up. Took almost a decade for it to really show though.
The First is so much cooler than the Source. If I was the WoL I would just travel to all the shards and fuck the different girls from each world then in the future the descendants of the WoL would survive the rejoining and form the one perfect race and the remaining ascians would be our little bitch boy slaves
>plots are better when the main characters die all the time
More major characters on the WoL's side have died than you could count on your fingers user (I'm guessing this is how you still count since you're clearly touched in the head).
Anyone who correlates bodycount with story quality is a fucking idiot.
You heard me Mike. You're a fucking brainlet. Your viewers might be fooled into thinking you enjoy the story but I can smell a phony from a thousand miles away.
That's actually a male lala face and they're a male lala in the game data
They still refer to them as a girl so I have no idea what they're trying to pull
Let's be honest, WARs were already barely using Inner Beast because muh cleaves
what in the world...
They're not, one of the female faces has dark ear tips. However that is still definitely a male face.
user... that's a male.
Feet are also an issue. Viera only have canon feet in their default attire
Those big eyelashes are lala girl only. Male lalafells can't have them. But it is true that this character has both male and female features.
What's the difference between male and female potato faces?
this cant be
Female lalas have eyelashes user.
I'm pretty sure she's a girl. She's a parallel to Lamitt
Females have eyelashes
You can also just memorize what the faces look like
Those aren't the big female eyelashes. Giott straight up has male face 1.
eyelashes and females can have a darker nose I'm pretty sure, these people are retarded if they think that is a male lala face
It's okay bro, they will still be your Giott. Say, want to help me summon a primal?
>yfw tumblr decides that Giott is MtF and makes them an icon
>tfw WHM just feels boring because so few oGCDs
>don't like pet changes for SCH/SMN
>AST is fun but I have to do 12x the work as the other healers and my cooldowns/buffs feel trivial.
Those are male eyelashes, females have longer ones.
I wish Lamitt was a male desu
>AST is fun but I have to do 12x the work as the other healers and my cooldowns/buffs feel trivial.
Now you know how WHMs felt for 6 years, specially over the past 2. Have fun.
She's supposed to be but they were lazy and made the model male hoping the potato enthusiasts wouldn't notice
That is not what the female eyelashes look like. Go into the character creator. Don't try to talk when there are potato enthusiasts in the thread.
Tumblr is fucking dead, find another bogeyman already.
i'm pretty sure the strength of war is that the healers basically don't have to touch you for autoattacks between equilibrium and nascent flash, it's probably the most self-sustaining tank out of the entire group and that may end up being meaningful if your healers can throw more rocks
I'm gonna stick with Giott being a girl potato that drinks and curses like sailor.
>Dunesfolks eyes
I wanna say the Dunesfolk/Plainsfolk evolutionary split was something that wouldn't have even happened on the First
wtf are you talking about you seething idiot, WHM has always been the brain dead "push a button to do max damage, push a button to do max heal" job. Only parse trannies thought they were ever underpowered
Either way. What does it matter?
I don't know what anyone sees in ShB's AST that's fun. You're the most useless member of any 8 man party. WHM/SCH can solo heal the group while all you can do is spam Malefic IV.
The blue clan are dunes, the red clan are plains.
For parsing, IB was rarely used, but for progression and outside of speed clears, WAR had a great toolkit. IB giving a 20% damage reduction and self heal was nice for carrying shitty groups through content, your AoE also healed you making large pulls very easy in dungeons, despite not having the efficiency of mitigation that PLD had, you had a lot of ways to prop yourself up when you needed to. Not to mention Holmgang was generally regarded as the best of the invulns available to tanks.
When the concept of tank mitigation was homogenized during ShB, WAR lost a lot of job flavor and some of its more esoteric ways of reducing damage. The DPS side of things were mostly replacement abilities in the sense of IB->FC, and more than the other jobs, stance dancing was built into it. At this point, they might as well go all out and make all the tanks play exactly like DPS jobs with a single cooldown they pop for tankbusters, because the concept of active mitigation beyond that is gone now.
ah i see.
this party is really good, though it seems all the healing was handled mostly with ogcds seeing what the SCH and WHM where using.
i wonder what the average damage is and not what the 99 statics are doing. just out of curiosity.
Lamitt has a Plainsfolk model but she's from Tomra.
I want to FUCK Orugg.
I like the busywork of managing the cards on top of healing and dpsing for lack of a better term.
If I could just be a green DPS I'd do that but that's not allowed in XIV.
I wish Disc Priest was in XIV.
Lets do it bro.
Remember when AST could do the same personal dps as WHM and only needed to press 2 extra buttons to completely outdps it by 1k while only refreshing 2 dots a min instead of 6?
>For parsing, IB was rarely used, but for progression
Wrong, for progression I never got out of Deliverance even on the first day of the fight. The healers had to adjust not my fucking problem, and yes I did clear every raid fight while it was relevant in both HW and SB
ok i'm exaggerating a bit, Gordias and Midas I did actually use IB, but not really in Omega
They're pretty randomly mixed in both
Pretty sure a lot of them are also copy pasted because they're expected to be under wraps
Why do any of the healers have to take a turn being the worst.
Why can't they just have WHM be highest personal DPS and healing throughput, SCH be middle of the pack in terms of dps/healing/utility and AST be the highest utility with lowest personal DPS.
Huh? Ilberd isn't a fragment of our soul.
Based poser user
Majority of reds are still plains. I unhelmetted them all.
Stop skipping cutscenes.
>I unhelmetted them all.
Because it didn't kill WoW. That doesn't mean WoW was ever good. It just means it has a dedicated fanbase of retards that refuse to give up on it.
What? Stop spouting bullshit you dumbfuck. Ilberd is not a WoL fragment.
Jesus Christ dude, pay more attention to the story if you're going to try to debate the lore with people.
put it back
Stop trolling, faggot. Shards of the WoL are from other worlds, not from the Source.
It's a meme you stupid fucking retard. You replied to an hour old JOKE thinking it was serious.
One will always be considered the worst because you can't have 3 healers doing the same rdps values when they don't use the same ogcds.
If SCH and WHM have the same personal dps SCH will do more because they have fairy skills and ogcds.
If AST does the same pdps as SCH, AST will be better because of raid buffs.
WHM is the BLM of healers.
SCH is the DRG of healers
AST is the DNC of healers.
And that's the best balance we've had healer wise in years despite some few hiccups.
No longer the design philosophy, they don't want a situation where FCs and statics are choosing players based on the jobs rather. Nevermind the fact that you still choose players based on roles anyway.
The game would be far better in the way you mentioned though where every healer had their niche and it was simply accepted that a certain one would help with parsing due to the nature of how the job plays. Make AST the dedicated buffer with poor heals outside of GCDs, make SCH the shield healer that's great at predictive healing, and make WHM the mother of raw healing output. WHMs would be highly favored by most players, SCHs would shine when they already knew the fight, and AST would be what people want when you're wanting shit to die faster. Could do the same with tanks as well where PLD/DRK are strong mitigation focused tanks and WAR/GNB are DPS focused ones.
why did you say anything