This... isn't the Bomberman I remember.
Better than edgy grim dark shit
They improved it.
both are shit. don't let your penis do your thinking.
I am okay with this.
No, it's actually better. The grim one isn't even playable, even for the laughs.
My dick is okay with this.
He finally made it into the surfaces and become a true human, while finding the true about herself.
The bomberpeople are robots and are pretty open about being robots
The original plot of new Bomberman was that making it to the surface would turn a robot to a human. And in the ending it actually worked and he became lode runner guy.
>Better than edgy grim dark
No it isn't.
NES not new fuck me.
>not having both with cute anime girls wearing gritty edgy armor
Why is there never a middle ground?
Bomberman has always been a chick
Bomberman is the Race. Generic Bomberman* is just the individual
Which was always a girl.
Wasn't this revealed a couple years ago?
>no ones posted Sepia Belmont yet
>Turn characters into cute anime girls
I will now buy your game.
Cute girls > *
This design appeals to me on an /m/ level. Shame it had to be Bomberman related though.
It's a step up, but that's not saying much, honestly.
wtf? I want to fuck Bomberman now.
it's sad how consistent a trend of "have the character wear a little toy of who they're supposed to be based on because otherwise you'd have no idea" is in modern japanese artwork
fucking let him rest
Patrician taste
>konami losing money due to their stupid shit
>now trying to win back japanese sales with cute anime girls
>people are eating it up
Companies are doing those kind of spin offs since god know who.
Shit isn't remotely new, why everyone act impressed? SNK made like 4 waifu sims on DS and nobody gave a shit.
But this is bombergirl you fucking am*rican retard.
Is Bomberman 64 the best BM game up to date? That fucking game had so many secrets in its adventure / story mode and the multiplayer was a blast. Nothing like trapping some poor fuckerl with a bomb continuously bouncing off the top of his head or throwing someone off a stage.
This man gets it.
metal slug is now full of waifu shit now
>not taking the radical centrist pill with
First Metal Gear Solid 3 pachinko in the Fox engine and now Bomberman
Welp, move on people
What's wrong, are you guys gay or something?
my favorite is a bomberman party on ps1 desu
fond memories of playing it with mates in the summerhouse
*Ruins your beloved franchise*
Cute anime girls make everything better.
>2 brown girls
This is gonna flop so hard
I always see those 4 designs, but know for a fact there are more. Can someone link or post the rest?
>"fucking faggot, you cheated again"
>"suck my donkay bolas perra"
>"fuck this game... well maybe the next ti..."
>pic related
>*awkward silence*
>keep playing but in silence
>"fuck a win again"
>"yeh i see that..."
>when you get the virus that gives all your bombs maxed out Power explosions
Localization fucking when.
But that's BomberGIRL, a spinoff. You know, not mainline. BomberMAN is still the Bomberman.
>now trying to win back japanese sales with cute anime girls
I don't think they ever stopped doing that.
>bombermans is no longer the same
what the fuck.
Make a highly successful arcade game. Why? It's pretty fun. Kinda weird at first but it's enjoyable.
I wish there was a new Bomberman anime. Jetters was pretty good, haven't seen much of B-Daman.