(Also, how rare are 10 year old accs?)
How old is your Steam account, Yea Forums?
Mine is 14. It would have been longer but I lost my original account which I created pretty much the day steam was launched.
370 days apart, nice
My first steam account was from that one deal portal 2 had where you got it for free on PC if you bought it on console, but I've lost it. My current account is 4 years old though.
Guess what my first Steam game was, faggots.
obviously half life 2
based 14 fags, I'm guessing HL2
Of course
Most people started using Steam around then so I wouldn’t say that’s rare.
I waited as long as I could before being forced onto Steam for Counterstrike.
fuck off boomer
outta my way plebs
am i winning
Somewhere around 14 years old. I haven't logged into it in at least 5 years.
Where's my cafe bro at I want to bitch about how awful steam was back then
ragdoll kung fu demo
codename gordon
half life 2
Not him but here's something to get you started
boomers rise up
I've been using steam since they first started.
had steam? since counter strike source came out. still got the discs, that came with DOD:S, and HL2 deathmatch, fuck bros good times. who fucking remembered the RP servers on hl2 deathmatch? I miss the old CS:S, fucking zm_lilapanic and ze_Mines_of_Moria.
based boomer
Has the Orange Box still been topped as a value package to this day?
Also a 2009 newfag, just a couple of months away from 10 years.
I got this account on mac using wine just a few months before official mac support launched, by which time I had already bought a windows computer.
I wish I had a PC back in 2004
had a mac
2004 was a really good time to get a PC, so much good stuff
I have like a 15 year old gaia online account I used to have some nice stuff for I think. Wonder if I'm secretly rich.
>when the friends list was down for over a year
I was poor then. I was still playing Mac ports of old classics like Fallout & Diablo.
You kind of are.ut also not really. You might have items worth millions of gold but the economy inflated to where that's nothing.
Christ, am i the only boomer here with a September 2003 account?
~11 years
Got three accounts, all created September 12 2003
Fourteen years here. I made an account when I bought HL2 (the special edition with a t shirt) on sale because I was a poorfag at the time.
I was a broke kid in college and pirated all my games in 2004, except for like Rome Total War and Sid Meier Pirates.
Yeah 10 years is so common... No wonder people are attached to this goddamn platform.
Waited a month to register since everyone said it was dogshit and WON servers still worked fine.
I've got 11 years, it'll be 12 around Halloween.
My gf in 9th grade got me into Steam because of Garry's Mod. I don't remember if The Orange Box required Steam at that point, though.
same here
Orange Box
I bought the Orange Box with the money I got for Christmas and bought Gmod about a week later
boom boom
Only reason it's not older is because I held out until Steam sales finally lured me in, and by that point the client was marginally less shit.
add me up losers
I made it the day they were giving away Portal for free
Installed it for HL2
too many fucking boomers in this thread
Literally created my steam account to buy Age of Empires II HD, still play it to this day.
Steam didn't really become dominant until 2011.
16 years
How did you lose it?
Not him but I lost my first account because I didn't bother remembering any of my account details. I thought I was just going to use it to play Half-Life 2 once and then never touch it again.
Not too bad, if I do say say so myself.
I thought I'd be dead by now, or at least leading a proper life like a real adult.
That's a really stupid thing to do. I am glad that you lost the account because you obviously don't deserve it. DO not talk to me or my Steam account ever again.
same 15 years of service, feeling old user?
more boomers here than i thought
begrudgingly moved to steam to continue playing counter strike with my clan back in the day
Like I've accomplished not much in life. On the plus side I have a much larger bank account and can afford to buy whatever the fuck video games I want and then some. We've actually come a long way from 2004, baby.
I did it for Dota 2 Beta access
Who remembers that feeling of entering your Half Life CD key into Steam and having all these games added to the list? Fuck yeah boiz Ricochet!
Same shit happened to me, but with Counter Strike Source, i managed to remember my credentials like 5 years later
You say that but you didn't know just how big of a deal the announcement Dota 2 was and that Valve was in charge of it 10 years ago, Especially if you play the shit out of the original WC3 mod with your then teenage friends.
Mine's 7. Finally had a computer I could play games on and I bought fucking Skyrim.
Started with HL2 and then hard on CSS
Coincidence its your 10 year today
>not using x-fire
with 3 games
7 years old, but I'm a zoomer so...
I started using the Internet in probably 2003
Zoomers rise up
I own like 20 games on Steam
15 years with 410 games. Please Gaben give me you fat cock
my account is older than the average Yea Forums user
Haven't touched the account in about 4 years.
I own ~58 games
I mostly play 2 of them. Occasionally 3 or 4.
Any Christmas fags in here?
OG 2003 account, technically more if you count OG half life using steam.
I don't talk about this a lot but when i see an image i get flashes of history involved with that image - literally glimpses of the past - and when i see that face it conjures up more dicks than i can count
Well your autism super power is flawed retard. Steve only fucks pussy and has dudes SUCK his dick. Steve isnt a fag.
Rag doll Kung fu
For me, it's 13.
financial stability isn't nothing.
>t. Left 4 Dead chad
9 and a half
I got the orange box with some college graduation money, but actually didn't graduate until May that year. Had to take a victory lap.
thank you but this was my 2nd account since i lost my first one and i bought tf2 for like 2.50
Based. I only had Steam for TF2 for a year until I discovered Garry's Mod and Portal.
consolfag here
Most of my friends have two or more Steam accounts because they play so infrequently they have to make a new account every time the play a PC game.
iktf, I get VAC banned everytime I play CS:GO
im at 15 years. First thing I bought was half life 1 which let me play my favorite mods.
Brain Bread,
The Specialists
steam zooomer here
Why is Sid Meier's Pirates STILL the best pirate game
10+ is the incel badge of dishonor
5+ is the normal person aka chad
First game lads?
If you count humble bundles, some of the ones before it went to straight garbage like 2-3 years ago were fantastic.
>not using mIRC
>getting vac'd in go
Where are you finding this info? I remember the first game I bought on Steam (Physical copy of the Orange Box), but I can't see it in this format.
17 May, 2010 Portal - Complimentary (Opt In)
They were giving away Portal during the announcement of Portal 2 or something.
first thing i bought on steam were tf2 items but the first games i bought were these sadly
mines only 10 years which isnt old at all
you dont have this badge though
you first
Not that old i only started using steam when i started playing left 4 dead 2 with friends and when i got dota 2 beta invite. Before that never even knew whats steam was.
I may not be the longest, but I might be the longest offline.
I was too poor for PC gaming growing up so I got in during college.
I think Portal made me use Steam
desu, steam had a lot of criticism when it first came out without the massive amounts of convenience it provides today.
Same. I didn't get my own computer until far later, but just played old 90s PC games on my family's before then.
My brother and I actually used to share the same Steam account back in the early 2000s (circa 2004 or 2005). I was pretty young and didn't like multiplayer games so I just played Half-Life 1 and 2 on it. I later kept using it back in 2012 to replay Half-Life 2.
Unfortunately, my brother changed the password to both it and the email and literally forgot it.
To be fair, the only games on it were the original Half-Life games.
So I figured "fuck it, might as well make my own Steam account"
And thus my six year old Steam account was born.
I kinda wish I had my brother's old one. I could be bragging about how old my Steam account was, but nope. He lost it because of dumb shenanigans.
Day 1. I have a 4 digit.
13 or 14 years I believe. Steam has actually come a long way since then
Steam was absolute garbage for many years. Everyone hated it when it first came out.
Hello kids.
>tfw i'm only steam level 19 because I more or less stopped playing games when Steam started to add game time tracking and achievements.
Guess my 2nd game purchased.
2006 but the badge hasn't updated past 10 years for some reason
Ragdoll kung fu.
I didn't use Steam since I didn't have internet at home at that time, and had no reason to use it in 2003-2006 since I was graduating the gymnasium and had no time or money for Steam games such as HL/HL2, so I cracked them instead.
Seething steamie who tried to hold out until the last possible line of defense against service as a product
all of you with the 15 year badge are just like the EGS kids grrr
newfag reporting in
11 years old. I created a Steam account whenever the HL2 demo came out, in what, 2002 or 2003? I never logged into it after that because I still wanted to buy exclusively physical. By the time I bought the Orange Box in 2008, which required a Steam account, I had forgotten the login information and email I had used for the original account, and just ended up creating a new one. I didn't have anything prior to 2008 besides the HL2 demo, and I didn't know the age of your Steam account would be used on Yea Forums for e-peen contests, otherwise I would have bothered trying to get my original account set up.
I have 2 accounts from 2009, 3 from 2010 and my current account from 2013.
i always used my fathers steam account before until i got portal 2 on disc so i decided to make my own account, i'm 28 years old btw
Made the account specifically because Dark Messiah of Might and Magic required it.
Don't remember why. probably something related to Counter-Strike?
first purchase was Left 4 Dead on release in 2008. That game was great.
>14 years about to be 15.
>Enough time passed and now my Vac ban from when I was young is no longer publicly visible. Only when I view it.
Finally, I served my time.
How I'm doing Yea Forums?
Pretty sure I have the earliest in the thread, 4 digit steam ID too.
12 Sep, 2003 Half-Life Platinum Pack Complimentary
Bought myself, Half-life 2 silver and Ragdoll kung fu
>he feels like a war veteran showing his years of duty in the good goy army.
When did they stop showing VAC bans on recordin profiles?
This. I had counterstrike and I'd play it at LAN parties, which you didn't need a steam account for, but I didn't have internet at home.
damn you got me senpai
>t. 5 years of service
i made my account because i heard tf2 was going free to play soon
my mate got one of those packs that came with retail CS, halflife and i think opfor.
he used the halflife key and gave me the cs one and both unlocked everything on steam. devilish
I had that too
I think the first game I bought on steam was Rome: Total War
if anyone has a account made on august 22 that theyre willing to sell hook a nigga up
Had an account from 2005 but I cheated on cs back when I was a kid and got vac'ed so I made a new one
11 years
10 years and above accounts are not rare because half-life and orange box was very popular
>all the fags who bought old accounts to look legit when cheating on CS
Pathetic honestly
october 2009
my first game was left 4 dead
it was a birthday gift from my mom.and dad who knew i liked zombie games
oh boy from then on out i became a neet
Probably at least 6 months older than that though. If I ever got banned from my regular 1.6 pub I would just go by the CD again and make a new steam.
Both L4D games are heavily flawed, but Valve drones will rate it 10/10 regardless.
I barely use it anymore, am surprised that it's almost 15 years old
>tfw dark messiah multiplayer dead
doomer checking in
flawed how?
complete and total brainlet
I'm not sure. I got it before i started to work so maybe 12 years.
Fuck same except a friend IRL made the account for me so we could play CS 1.6 together and I lost contact with him when I moved outand forgot about the details
It's been 12 years now since I lost contact with him and I never could find him on facebook or anything on the internet
Who here also wastes a vast majority of their time?
>There are most likely people on Yea Forums right now who wasn't even born when several anons made their Steam accounts
Why is time and age even a thing?
Made my account in May 2010
Guess why.
Didn't even want to touch steam when I first saw it because not owning physical copies of games was retarded. Nowadays you can't really own anything so I've started using it a lot more.
F2P TF2 newfag reporting in
I was a runescape babby and didn't know I loved shooters until TF2.
Fuck u old man
But Lola's only 23, she isn't even cake status yet
>24 Oct, 2005: Half-Life 2 Game of the Year
Fuck forgot text. Thought it was older but apparently not. No clue how rare us old fucks are.
Millenial zoomer checking in
9. i got my steam account on the release day of modern warfare 2.. so it's turning 10 in november
I miss the css days boys