What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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not aborting you so i wouldnt have to see this shitty thread

What the fuck? I never thought rdr2 would be beat, especially not by this trash

Not much at all. Having a great time with it. Big free dlc in 2 weeks

this is only for PC

The absolute state of the game industry....

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Divison 2 ubifags suck down any turds they shit out fuxking shitmunchers

Doesnt make it any better now does it?


Looter shooters are everywhere for a reason. Huge normiebait.

What a letdown this game has been. They didn't learn shit from the Division 1 experience. And despite all the cries to do something about the overabundance of gear modifiers that makes getting the drops you need vanishingly unlikely, despite only glass-cannon max dps build being really viable, they don't seem to be doing anything to correct his.

Fucking shame, it had such a promising start, and the game up to max level was very enjoyable.

Open world activities in the game seems to bug out occasionally.

Where you have to kill x number of enemies to capture a control point, but some enemies never spawn.

Id smash your face into your copy of divison 2 right now you piece of dogshit then id make you eat the smashed up disc and shit out the shards then id kick your teeth in and make you shit them out all for playing shit games you fucking cunt

Also Division 1 was better at keeping you progression if you lost connection to the server.

It actually saved progression during missions.

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I remember Ubisoft boasting about the previous game's sales on E3 just a few days after the PC version was revealed to have lost 92% of its playerbase.

Thats no way to treat the mentally ill, grow up user.

Yeah, that is actually great. I hope Ubi eventually releases a patch to make the game playable offline when the server gets shutdown.

Very good.

Much enjoy.

RDR2 was 2018 tho?

Division 2 was so shit. They came out with gear sets and they were all fucking garbage. There was no sense of progression because there was no reason to do the harder content because it would only give you 1 or 2 extra pieces of loot, and there were much more efficient ways to get loot. I stopped playing before they released the minigun spec and I heard the minigun did significantly less damage than just using your regular primary weapon.

I played the free trial of this turd on console and holy shit, I'm usually ok with 30fps but this shit feels more like 20fps, same with wildlands, it must be something with the engine

It's "selling" because they include a free copy every time someone buys a pack of gum.

2019 is shit year.
DOOM and the new AoW are the only things even remotely interesting.

I got it for free and never played it

Not much has really come out so far. Only other triple A game that's coming to mind right now is Mortal Kombat, and you'd be stupid for buying it before they release the "All DLC characters included" bundle.

It's only competition was the resident evil remake so... At least it beat that? What a shit article