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I've had enough of this bullshit. I'm selling my PS4.

Censored - Soul
Uncensored - Soulless

Imagine being so triggered over a handful of scenes with some very slight changes, quit being so reactionary over mundane issues.

Imagine being so triggered over fictional bags of fat

I can't tell if anime tiddies were memed so hard they turned into a normie accepted ePiC MEEM, or if you guys were really this fuckin sad the entire time lmao

Imagine defending censorship

some censorship is okay, like you wouldn't want anyone shouting anime tiddies in a crowded theatre


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wow can you complain about censorship when literally all japanese porn is censored?

newfag leave

how* even


I would

There is no point of playing this shit without titties.

The game is pure trash regardless of which console you buy it on. Notice how the fans never actuallyl talk about the game itself, and just spam porn and cropped porn constantly?

Greetings from the east coast, Califag

Why does this matter at all. What about having a higher age rating makes any difference. If there's breasts and ass in a game, who gives a shit if it's rated higher than E. Literally why is this even a fucking thread. You niggers cry over absolutely nothing.

God I wish I had a girlfriend who required absolutely nothing from me but was always there when I wanted to fuck something and would stay or go as I wanted without having to say anything. Robot wives when?

I've never seen anyone talk about Raspberry Cube

>caring about this """game""" when you can just look up all the H-scenes on Pornhub.

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Imagine getting upset when people purchase and enjoy a product that you dont.
>but the children
Yes the digital fictional children we have to remember them.

censorship is okay as long as there's some dark corner of the internet you can access it from

>dark corner of the internet
Bigger, theres literally a pornhub app. Dark corner of the Internet? You sound like a zoomer faggot

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Imagine being so triggered over a handful of flesh that you demand the product is modified before release

>How dare you spend money on this shit so that more can be produced in the future!

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Fuck censorship but also fuck substanceless anime titty garbage.

am I? I just think its petty to not play a game cause of some very minor changes

I’ve literally never heard of raspberry cube, but seeing this story makes me wanna check it out to spite sonyfags
Tell me about the game. What’s it like?

>It's okay because it's not what I like
Imagine jumping through mental hoops to defend censorship just because you're a gigantic faggot.

We live in a world where the snoy half of Yea Forums has their head so far up their ass that they defend censorship. An issue all of Yea Forums agreed on not 2 years ago.

And you sound like a incel

Imagine being a disguising pedo weeb that needs shitty animes tits to survive

>”lol Wii U games are censored!”
>”we know. It sucks. We hate it too.”

>”lol PS4 games are censored!”

And people still think the worst fanbase is up for debate.

Nice rebuttal. When's the last time you got your dick wet? I'd guess never?

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"Uncensored" is still Censored

bags of sand*

These accusations are contradictory.

Sounds like confirmation bias to me
I hate nintendo but I'm not defending censorship

>nintendo only censored the game to get a lower age rating!
>here is sony doing the same
>WTF censorship is never okay!

>reading moege

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Imagine caring about the ESRB after 2005

Was California a mistake?

These people are mentally ill

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>high age rating
This means tendies can't buy the game HUE

Nintendo's surprisingly based these days.

Imagine sucking as much dick as this guy.

Yeah, don’t want the feds to recognize ya.

>one is altering the source material for ideological reasons
>one does not affect the original game, and is only used to maintain the kid friendly rating of the new game

Seriously nigger?

>boycott nintendo consoles after the steaming pile of shit that was the wii u
>seems like they're going to actually start losing money
>switch comes out
>has the same problems that I had with the wii u
>nintendo "fixes" nonexistent "problems" by adding a bunch of anime titty shovelware
>meanwhile they didn't actually do anything
I'm completely dumbfounded

The switch also has games worth playing on it. The Wii U was such a dumpster fire it barely even had any fucking first party support by the end of the first year.

Seethe, bitch.

Or y’know... it had games and was marketed way better than the Wii U.

>literally "it's okay when nintendo does it"
censorship is never okay

Funny considering every game on Switch's top exclusives is a port.

>The switch also has games worth playing on it.
I don't see them.

Kill yourself trannies

>Or y’know...

That's because of a government law that nobody in office has the balls to change.

There's no such thing as "some censorship".
Once you feel the taste of victory, you go further and further and further and further until you kill the thing.
And game difficulty is the next on the chopping block.
Don't be surprised if from suddenly the from soft games either don't get released on the sony platform, or they tone down the difficulty significantly on the sony platforms.

>knowing this to be true
>knowing theres no age restrictions on porn sites
>still being okay with adults not being able to purchase their favorite anime tiddies to enjoy in the privacy of their own domicile.

The asset is completely in tact in the source material. That’s like complaining about having to put asterisks over bad words in a quote when you’re doing a school book report.

Imagine getting this upset when people that arent you touch themselves in the privacy of their own domicile until they reach ejaculation.

If you admit to playing shitty games then I'm going to judge you for it.
>That’s like complaining about having to put asterisks over bad words in a quote when you’re doing a school book report.
What fucking shitty sissy school did you go to? You don't have to do that.


It's not when its being done by the kind of person that will demand more and more and more and is never satisfied.
It's like saying something like "nazism is ok if they only kill a few jews"


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>muh trannies
go back to /pol/ incel

>That’s like complaining about having to put asterisks over bad words in a quote when you’re doing a school book report.

Really? What system was Mario Odyssey originally on?

>There's no such thing as "some censorship".
Death threats are illegal.
As already stated, yelling anime titties in a crowded theater is illegal.
Harassing someone literally to the point that they kill themselves is also illegal.

All the bald eagles did not go extinct and the statue of liberty did not start crying because of these things.

200% yes but im still holding out for the san andreas fault meme, although i dont know if im particularly stoked about the entire s
Population of California being forced into every other state because obvious reasons.

"Don't worry, we're just gassing the pedos"

It reminds me of how National Lampoon's Vacation goes from an R rating to a TVPG rating when it's on TV. The movie is actually pretty tame when you cut out some boob shots and swearing.

He same one as smash ultimate, splatoon 2, mario maker 2 and xenoblade 2.

Based Nintendo.

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>disguising pedo
Freudian Slip?

nice console

Well i mean you are the highest authority in the land so your judgment means the world to me, ill retract my statement and go back to fapping.

I prefer chuunige but Light's new title got fucked by this shit too, it was one of the first.
Don't be a nigger

dWeebs take such obvious bait so easy

Well, okay, but do you want to know what all those things you cited have in common?
They're all in laws, agreed upon by the general public.
San francisco censorship is driven by half dozen rich cultist kids, following no law but their own.

Are you being serious right now? You’re lookin’ real dumb

I didn't like tr4sh, splatoon, or mario maker, and I didn't play xenoblade 1. So why should I buy it?

>tfw those scenes probably only existed in the first place because Chevy Chase can't go through the filming of a movie without a complete fucking meltdown

You personally shouldn’t then. Just don’t be surprised or offended when other people do.

Kill yourself tranny

I still don't understand what the switch "improved" on from the wii u. It's the same shit with the same flaws.

Yeah supposedly an enormous asshole, but the movies would blow without him. Funny Farm is great too.

It sounds like you never touched a WiiU.
Good for you.

Not really. It being actually portable is seriously the biggest draw. The Wii U was horribly designed and confusing to customers. The Switch is simple and makes sense. Had Sony released a handheld/console hybrid I’d have bought that and shilled it just as hard. In fact, I hope they do.
That and nintendo firing most of treehouse.

What games do you prefer, because by the sound of it, it sound like you bought the switch just to complain.

The amount of people in this thread who think that videogames should always be child-friendly is genuinly astonishing.

Imagine being so triggered that you take them out of the game
Stop sucking daddy snoy's californian cock.

>It sounds like you never touched a WiiU.
I'll dig mine out and take a photo if you want.
I didn't buy a switch. And I don't really know what I want. I just know what I don't want, and that would be sequels and ports.

The main one was that it was clearly a new system. Parents legitmately thought the WiiU was the tablet and not a whole system. Many thought the games would work on a normal wii. The name was one of the worst for a sequential console since it wasn't clear enough it was one. The marketing was also all centered on the tablet hence the confusion.
With the switch you have a catchy sound to get attention(the click sound), a name that doesn't sound like it's just an extension and a premise that appealed to kids and adults.
The system flaws are still there but the marketing flaws were fixed 10 fold. That's why it succeeded, I wouldn't really say it improved, just succeeded.

I own a PS4 and a switch and buy games for both regularly. I’m not so deluded that I won’t buy the uncensored version over the censored just cause I like the hardware. I’m gonna get every butchered game for switch and the exclusives on PS4

How did Nintendo become so redpilled

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It's a very odd split. Comes across almost bipolar at times.

So everyone is just fucking stupid?

I understand not wanting ports I guess. But what’s wrong with sequels? Take a good thing, make it better. Literally all of the big 3 do it, and usually it results in good games.

Ok, then what's the problem? You keep saying they did something wrong and you are not explaining it.

The marketing WAS really poorly done. But yeah, people are fucking retarded.

Does that surprise you?

>sony censoring more shit

Whoa imagine my shock

Oh shit.
Yeah, you have all the right to distrust nintendo.
Wait until there's some cheapass new nintendo switch XL revision 2D to try it.
But know that the switch is a lot more ergonomic and the screen is not basically chinese pad tier.

>But what’s wrong with sequels?
They're sequels to games that I didn't like instead of new things that I might like
I just want a console without gimmicks, and with decent hardware. But I also want a console with games.

It’s gonna come back to bite them over the next few years as companies no longer even start development on PS4 since the games they were in the middle of got butchered and sold like garbage. We may see some more Japanese games on steam because of this.

I also like that they adopted the solid red color for their marketing. Light blue didn't stick out against Xbox and PlayStation.

But also this

Reminder that we're raided 24/7.
It's PedoEra trolls, it's always them. They support kusony because they support censorship, that's why you see the same trolls posting the same crap on every single nintendo or anti-censorship thread or a japanese oriented game (because goddamn those subhumans hate japs).
Just report and ignore, even though they will still evade.

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It sounds like Nintendo just genuinely isn’t for you. And that’s ok! Just don’t shit on people who like it. I know it’s ironic to say that in a thread taking a shit on Sony, but hey, I didn’t take part.

Who at sony is forcing this censorship shit anyways? It seems so pointless and condescending to the western audience like western gamers dont have permission to view this shit.

PedoEra supports kusony because they support censorship and they push their very same twisted agenda, so they need to defend it anywhere, anytime

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>It sounds like Nintendo just genuinely isn’t for you.
Then why did I like their consoles up until the wii

It’s even affecting Japanese releases now. That is what’s gonna make this more painful for them. The Japanese companies will want nothing to do with them and they’re half the market if not more.

They need to become an hero already

I couldn’t say. Probably just cause you hate gimmicks is my guess and since nintendo stopped competing in power there have been gimmicks ever since.

i haven't played a new game in years and i doubt that will ever change


>PC has full sexual scenes
>Consoles don't have those scenes
Wait, doesn't this means that both the PS4 and Switch are censored versions of this VN
Why did toddlers made this thread if both console versions are censored?

How much longer until Japanese devs get fed up and all migrate to the Switch? I'm surprised they've tolerated this shit for this long.

This is capitalism in action. Fuck censorship.

please no
I fucking loathe the switch
I don't want to have to play every game on those mini wii remotes

Not buying ps5

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With this philosophy there would be no game to pull h-scenes from now on.

Looks like an afterthought and probably isn't ergonomic

Yeah ok but how about affordable and better in every way?

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Just like you say, you don't like their gimmicks. You can't blame them when the GameCube failed, they had no other choice but to do gimmicks. It literally rack them money. If there is anyone to blame, blame the fans.

Console "all ages" version VNs has always been a thing. The point is that Sony decided that the all ages version is still too lewd.

Why would you censor mature themes in a mature game? That doesn't even make sense.

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>not using the Switch Pro Controller when docked
>actually using them unattached to the screen or the adapter

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do switch games never have mandatory gimmick control sections?

not all controlers can be the wiiu pro controler,
that thing was just perfect

fair enough

I can't find the article, but Sony is so cocky right now that they have said they are not even going to support smaller companies and think of them as an afterthought. What make it worse is that they said that, it doesn't even matter to them since they know they are going to be on their console anyway. That's how cocky they are.

Because Sony censorship is bullshit and make no sense. Sony is complete safe mode. Nintendo is Ecchi mode, but not full throttle because of the CERO, and PC is full NSFW because of the lack of ratings. We just don't get why is Sony censoring the game when it can't even show tits.

Only Breath of the Wild has any sort of "gimmicky" gameplay with the very rare motion-control puzzle. In most other first-party games, aside from Splatoon, they're entirely optional.

Do you actually know how VN releases work?
If you don't here's how it works
>VN standard release on PC - 18+ version - has sex scenes
>Provided the VN sells well a console port is produced. Often there's about a year gap.
>In this time frame character popularity is established and fans talk about their favorite parts. If a side character is highly popular the console release will then make them a heroine otherwise they'll get a side story
>The console release happens - It's the 17+ version and has no sex scenes.
>In place of the sex scenes there are new arcs added depending on how character popularity turned out this may lead to a new heroine route or may just be an extra side story featuring a one of the already existing but highly praised and loved heroines.
The sex is traded for more content. But apart from the outright sex scenes nothing in the Event CGs has to be touched unless outright nude. In those times where nothing can really be changed they make an entire new CG. Due to CERO's lenience on sexual content in CERO D games light mist or very thin light beams are often more than enough to cover things up.
To put it simply, it looks like this
>VN-sex scenes+extra content = normal console VN port
Sony's looks like this
>VN-sex scenes-normal scenes+extra content = censored console VN port.
The censorship is determined based on the normal Event CGs not the existence of sex scenes when talking about console ports.

Reminder that so-called progressives are extremely racist against the Japanese and in turn anything that comes from Japan.
Why, I don't understand.

>Raspberry Cube
Why exactly should I give a shit about this "game"?

Because the Japs won't just bend over and give in to them. They've been bitching about fanservice for more than a decade and want it gone because they don't like it. The Japs have shown to not give a single fuck what those cunts want and continue to make what they want to.
And as you know from any case where someone called out those faggots, they want anyone that won't bend to their whims GONE. Also probably dead. They aren't exactly mentally stable.


>we know. It sucks. we hate it too.
rewriting history

They are a successful first world country that isn't completely globalism enamored.

>comparing threatening to murder someone or intentionally causing panic to showing a cluster of polygons that resemble a naked woman

You shouldn't.
But you should pay attention on what they do to it,because they will do it to a game you like.
They did it to DMC 5 for example, but then backtracked.. for now, but they will try again, and again and again.

>As already stated, yelling anime titties in a crowded theater is illegal.
is NOT illegal
Yelling "FIRE" or "BOMB" in a crowded theater is illegal. Yelling ANIME TITTIES would just irritate and piss people off. Not illegal, just annoying.

Try opening your eyes.

I s this game about blowing in vaginas to kill womanz?

>mfw no one ever listens to this opion

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Quit telling people how to feel over something you have no stake in.

I'll go ahead and ignore that this is bait. Aren't you being "reactionary" by demanding it change? If it's nothing then why change it?

That post isnt demanding any change though, just stop being overly dramatic and reactionary to very small changes. DMC5 censorship was actual censoring, this not so much.

this is going to sound crazy but hear me out
Yea Forums passes can only make threads
it's either that, or you have to complete a video game challenge to get a captcha

Good, now fuck off back to PedoEra, you tranny freak.

>Xcucks seething because an anime camel toe got covered up

Absolute state of pedo Yea Forums

why do games from a country where you literally aren't allowed to show pussy or even nipples need more censorship?

Because for some reason there are people who act like 10 year olds despite being over 30 who still think cooties are real.

What kind of game is this even? Whats the gameplay?

I'm glad this is catching on.

It's the most ergonomic controller Nintendo has made since the GameCube.

Too bad. Fuck censorship and fuck Kusony.

>being a snoyim
