How the hell do you guys choose a good steam/psn/whatever name? I'm so bad at this, pls help.
How the hell do you guys choose a good steam/psn/whatever name? I'm so bad at this, pls help
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reference to my fave film followed by a reference to my fave game, nothing too obvious though so it's available. you're probs not bad at it just care too much, it doesn't matter too much what matters is you actually play video games and not focus on your "vidya personality" name
Say something nonsensical, make it sound pleasing, shorten it and you're done.
Combine different names for example one of the street you live in with one of someone you know.
Mine is David Duke.
I just make names that sound vaguely like innuendos but in reality mean nothing, like on xbox live and nintendo network I'm OREOSTUFFER, and on steam I'm BeefSurfer
Unfortunately, my sister made my psn name when I was 12 so that one's just puppiepaws
for me it just kinda came to me, it picked me. is it good? dunno but i like it and have stuck with it for years
>not team corgi
Just be funny and creative bro ;) Surely as a man you are capable of these things.
I have a very silly name but am a total nofun seriouspants
>that was the first thing he checked
>like a song at the time
>use the title or a snippet of the lyrics as my nick
easy as that
When I was born I had an infection so my dad thought it would be funny to bring a lifelike baby doll to a get together. It was a black baby and when his buddy saw it he said “Damn (my dad’s name), you had a nigger!” My tag is what he called the nig doll.
I went through several crappy usernames before I finally found one that just stuck with me, and I've been using it for years now. Eventually you'll end up finding one that you like. Mine comes from a character from my favorite video game and a random word that makes it roll off the tongue well.
in an episode of it's always sunny charlie said "uh, ghouls" and i thought it was funny so ever since ghouls or some variation of uh ghouls has been my name in everything
Where the fuck is that image from? I saw it in my fucking art classroom for some reason, what the fuck is this meme?
lafave bros oblivion video
mix the names of things you like
Someone in your art class is a true meme connoisseur
I just use my first name with a few letters switched out
There's your new handle.
you are now CUM MAN
I've been using an uncommon phrase as my username for a long while. But it's a bit long so I'm forced to shortern it down on a few services.
If neither are possible (taken or too long) then I mix a word with my real name.
Also fuck numberfags.
I just made up a user that no one else would have so I never have to make up new ones. I just combined words that I thought were cool lol.
Mines bluesynth on steam
Yes I love BioShock infinite and FFVII
Alliterations are key
I was (and still am) a pretentious faggot, I made my steam handle a reference to one of my favorite philosophers
I watch shows and movies featuring video games or anything interent related.
Some of the fake names they come up with are hilarious.
I just go by fagpiss on steam
on other platforms where you can get banned I prefer to go for profanities in another language
Which one is best
Almonds, Activated
Boomer Exterminator
Sad Spaceman
short, latin, lowercase
they're all meh but Sad Spaceman is the least bad
used my nickname from school, had it for years
>made steam name the exact maximum amount of characters possible
>goes outside of most textboxes in games
>fills up the entire screen in rocket league
>constantly get complaints from randoms about my name being too long
Use Louis Ck or Harvey Weinstein
choose a name that isnt unique
>"b-but user! im a special snowflake who deserves to be unique!"
choose a name that isn't unique
then never fear getting doxxed by that kid you just melted in rust
never fear having pizza sent to your house because you accidentally left your steam open on a screenshot you uploaded to 4chins
be anonymous everywhere, not just here, embrace it, and let the content of your personality dictate your individuality, not some fucking label
The Swimming always gets me
If you think people are authentic on Yea Forums you're kidding yourself
I use the one I have been using since I was in 5th grade.
As you can see I was a cool lad and totally smoked le weed.