Powerful, smart female protag

>powerful, smart female protag
>powerful, smart female antag
>memable moments and lines
>funny british sidekick
>science and space
is this the most reddit game in existence?

Attached: Portal_2_Official_Logo.png (787x256, 13K)

>>powerful, smart female protag
Chel isn't powerful, wtf are you talking about

any valve game is partner

>most reddit game in existence
No that would be No Man's Sky or Life is Strange.

>survived all the events from 1 and 2 without giving up
most women wouldnt be able to do that

>powerful, smart female protag
chel is a normal human without the portal gun, and of course she is smart since she is the MC of a puzzle game
>powerful, smart female antag
female villains are fun and realistic
>memable moments and lines
how is this bad
>funny british sidekick
yeah, i guess british people aren't funny

>most reddit game in existence
no because it's actually fun and the characters are well written

glados isn't the antagonist in portal 2

>>im just making up a bunch of knee jerk counter points
calm down user your shitty cube game aint worth it

I hate this place so much, the only thing keeping me going is the wrestling show.

leave nigger no one wants a faggy contrarian like you here anyway

>reddit bad

never said any of it was bad

Nobody here would be able to either

>shoot blue portal
>shoot yellow portal
>weigh box onto button

>Carrying a portal gun for extended periods of time
>surviving a fall even with the long fall boots
>not cowering at the first glance of danger
Most people here wouldn't even be chosen to be test subjects on the first place.

i don't chel is supposed to be smart, she just has a shonen protagonist personality and 'never gives up'. It's just a meta trait based on the player inevitably continuing to play like humanity in dark souls.

Attached: p23.jpg (800x1236, 352K)

You seem to know a lot about reddit

It's only reddit because it made reddit like those things. Portal 2 is a little cringe looking back but only because of things that happened after its release, (Rick and Morty, etc.). Still great game and if you disagree you're wrong.

The most reddit game is and will always be lego legends

yes, but it was that kinda game before reddit was as insufferable as it is about those things now

the most reddit game is any game released by nintendo

The old Aperture segment of this game still feels off to me. When you finally saw the hidden side of Aperture Labs in Portal 1 it was fucking cool, but it was a bit less novel with worse pacing in 2.