Whats so great bout pc gaming?

Convince us consolefags. Besides using 20 storefronts, always troubleshooting, delayed releases, playin with hackers online, tell us why.

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Free games

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I don't fucking care if you remain a stupid pleb your whole life.

You can do that anywhere
>Free games
Quite a broad point. You mean f2p games? They're on console too.
Fuck jannies

There's already too many plebs on PC
Just fuck off

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Honestly you're paying a lot to the get the highest quality experience. You can use whatever input you want and play at arbitrary resolution with high framerates, plus you're not tied to any manufacturer's ecosystem, or even an OS really (though of course you're going to be on Windows most of the time in practice). Plus you get a huge library that goes back decades and you can emulate old games that the industry doesn't support and so are unavailable on modern consoles. You can even play the best version of some console games like BotW. And then you've got robust customization options and tons of software options for whatever you might want. And PC is the best way by far of having a dual screen setup. So that's why.

>has played games on both consoles and PC for 30 years
Some games just work better with keyboard/mouse. The ones that work better with a controller, I play on a console. But even then, you can use a controller on some PC games.

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Bitch I dunno I just like playing games in windowed mode while I chat on discord.

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Games you don't get on consoles.
Fantastic choice of controllers.
Backwards compatibility. It's nice going back to a game and max it when you upgrade.

I used to play games on my PC and now I just fuck around and check the internet every three minutes for something new to entertain me.
send help


Pc gaming is so far beyond consoles its hilarious they had the next gen ps5 xbx2 and better during 360 ps3 era they are at least 2 gens ahead consoles a fucking joke

Graphic options are a wonderful thing. So are mods. The general freedom PC gaming gives you makes it way better than console gaming.

The only downfall is the price of entry, but honestly graphics have stagnated so much over the last six years that the price gap between consoles and PC builds capable of running games equivalent to or better than has shrunk tremendously.

i heard the ps5 is better than a 2070 tho

PC is for neeeeerds

If that's the case the ps5 will cost over 1000$ USD.

The New Super 2070 is out by the time the ps5 comes the 3070 Will be already out lol

No input delay. High resolution and framerate

PC is for the erotic game

Blah Blah Blah consoles ruuules

No because you don't want to be convinced, you wanna stir more consolewar shitposting.
If you actually want to be convinced you should look literally anywhere besides Yea Forums.

Unofficial community patches for when the dev support is garbage.

>You can do that anywhere
Lol what? What console let's you emulate

As for free games he meant sub services like Humble where you pay the price of a triple A game and get like 10 over 6 months.

superior graphics+framerate
multiple controller options
biggest library
free online
not cucked to closed platform
easily upgradeable

The list goes on.

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is there a way to do 2 player on pc?

Xbox one lets you use emulators (as well as any other homebrew app you write) and microsoft doesn't even ban you for it

Consoles don't have much time. With these incremental upgrades I foresee this.
>Bogged down motherboards that don't work on any OS besides proprietary shit. These things are gonna be super cheap, probably coming in 2-3 flavors of CPU and RAM configuration
>Somehow the console easily opens exposing a pci-e slot and console owners will have to buy the COOL NEW SONY GRAPHICS CARD
It's the only way I see consoles living another 20 years. Flagship titles coming out at subHD at sub 30fps is becoming too common

Sales are usually pretty good and the community is better.
Plus its easier to see small details on my monitor than on my TV when i lay in bed.
It made playign RDR2 a BITCH.

>Flagship titles coming out at subHD

has there been any this gen?

>implying you know what that even means

op, a huge fag by the way, won't respond to this

PC is honestly a big meme.
Keep using consoles, we dont need your smart kind to take over.

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i dont.

>always troubleshooting
maybe for retards
>delayed releases
doesn't bother me since I am never in a drought of games
not really a problem in any of the games I play

now answer me this: how do you cope with
>all your exclusives turning to cinematic experiences
>shooters still being the primary genre despite analog sticks be just as shit as they were in the 90s
>30fps as the standard target, making every game a slow motion affair. You cannot move the camera more than a few degrees per second without the image becoming so blurry that no object nor its motion is perceptible
>no mods for games that need it (Bethesda games, Witcher games)
>no last gen games unless they're "hd" re-releases, which is what we have on PC by default. Every time you upgrade your GPU your games get an "hd" remake
>paying for online

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The worst part about pc is that most people play console so it gets throttled by poor plebs.

Finally a reason to actually buy an Xbone. Meanwhile PC and PS4 libraries dab on it. If PS4 could emulate and use mods I'd argue that they're better values though.

Stay in your shitplatform.

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>always troubleshooting
Not true. Also, at least if something goes wrong with my games, there is a possibility of fixing them. Also, mods.

>delayed releases
This doesn't bother me much.

>playin with hackers online
Doesn't happen that often, also it's entirely possible for that to happen on consoles as well. I know because I remember people with jtagged Xbox 360s doing it.

Cheap games, most choices, genres that don't even exist on console like grand strats/RTS/4x, emulation etc.

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30 fps is the proper way to play though. 60fps makes things look and move weird like a cheap tv soap opera.

Click it or don't. Very few titles run at HD with framerates above 30fps on the base console.

Hot seat or in a few cases using the same keyboard, like Star Control.

I troubleshoot sometimes but not that often, and the only time I have was because I got stuttering/an error message.


I'd rather not, the plummeting quality of discussion around PC games is evident enough that you should all fuck off.

Obvious bait. Here's a you and a dopamine hit

i thought 720p was still considered HD

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With how readily available monitors are 720 AND 1080 should be recategorized to LoDef

>Meanwhile PC dab on it

so one person using the keyboard and one using a controller wont work?

P-PC is best p-pleb

>Morrowind, Doom and Minecraft are the only games over 15 FPS
>Brags about modding said games
>Can’t afford console, let alone games to 60 buckarinoos
>Fans are so full of shit it literally has copd
>SSD is overblown with shitty clients, ancient drivers and spyware from literal boredom and «hackerman»-solutions

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What the fuck is this chain. PC does multiplayer the same way fucking consoles do you morons. Jesus Christ yes I'm mad and I hope I've been baited

im talking about local 2 player. i have no idea how to do it on a pc.


if i already have a 2070, would i be stupid to upgrade to a super version so soon?

Yes, stupid.

guys but what if i dont care that hard bout performance and im poor. I just buy a cheap xbone s and subscribe to game pass and never buy a game all year round. What i do like is that my games contribute to the xbox ecosystem. Like i hav a gamerscore and a friends list. On pc, all that stuff would splinter in many different eco systems. Like im considering a pc literally only cuz i can continue my xbox account over there soon with game pass on pc. But without the ecosystem it feels like epic games, steam, ubishit or whatever is just all over the place. So solve my situation cuz i dont think u can pc peeps.

You go into the game you want to play and pick split screen......

the only way consoles will die is if pc in general become more accessible. For example treating pcs as you would with a console, eg disposeable.

This is the most brianlet post I've seen this week.

You type like you're underage, are you underage?

whats the first game you bought on steam? mine was avp classic 2000

Gmod followed by orange box

All, it might not be the best option, but you can use a controller for all games.

Why is pc so insecure? U feel threatened all the time cuz its such an irrelevant platform. Im just telling u my own honest way of playin and instead of helpin me out, u mock me. Tell me. I enjoy a unified experience where all my gaming contributes to an overall progression. Pc gaming buys games all over the place, theres no real motivation to progress in any of them. I know Steam has some of that shit but what happens wen i gotta buy a game not on steam? Its dumb as shit. Its comparable to buying furniture yet u cant put it all in the same house u live in.

You are definitely underage or a spic, i can't tell which is worse.


Sounds like you're happy with your Xbox, m8.

>Quite a broad point. You mean f2p games? They're on console too.
90% of all single player games can easily be pirated on pc, usually within the first week of release.
I used to strictly play on console up until a few years ago, and the difference is staggering. Multiplat games just look and perform much better on pc. Consoles get 20-30 frames while pc can get upwards of 100 depending on your gpu

No one cares what you play faggot. How about you try to convince yourself to not end your life tonight.

We don't need more consoleniggers on PC, so please, stay where you are.

I am :)

>buy old pc game from ebgames for your windows xp computer
>completely unplayable with like 2fps
>fixed completely just by renaming the shortcut

what the fuck

You can emulate on any shit PC Unless you want to brag about not having to buy a 15 year old $30 console that can be modded at goodwill. I have emulators in my phone.

As someone who prefers consoles I'll tell you

+Better communities
+Improved graphics (seriously, get a high end PC and see how fucking beautiful some games are)
+Better sales

Some games just aren't meant to be played on PC with controllers (Like Warband, GTA 5) and in a few cases it's worth picking up the console release. Even a game as old as WB has much better graphics on PC but the controls aren't as smooth to my liking.
Three of these are the same lol

Are you a mongoloid? Just plug in a fucking controller.

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>Some games just aren't meant to be played on PC with controllers (Like Warband
Warband was built for PC, it plays like shit on a console because the game is too complex and controllers don't have enough buttons.

>you dont pay 60 dollars every year

Cope, the original PS4 matched the GTX 570 hardware wise. The RTX 2070, if it were priced appropriately, is a 300 USD GPU like it's precursor.

By the time the PS5 releases, the RTX 2070 would be about as old as the GTX 570 was relative to the PS4. Add console optimization and there's noway the 2070 can compete.

The games are objectively worse but you can get them for free. That's basically it.

I used to have this problem. I took a break from gaming and then focused on my backlog and emulation. Look up youtube reviews for your backlog for encouragement

with your friends that you know IRL and not in some faggots public server, r-right user?

Don't listen to pc fags. 90% of them are poorfags and underage who pirate everything and are just trying to cope without having a console. The rest are virgins who spend 5x the price of a console to play console ports with a 2% performance increase or pixelshit games no one cares about. They deserve to be playing on an irrelevant platform.

Consoles have a larger player base on relevant games and exclusives, optimized games. Pc gets the neckbeards, poorfags, and virgins

If running games at 60 fps at the very minimum isn't enough then your basic ass can stay on console

By the time the ps5 releases the RTX 2070 will be severely outdated, who gives a shit?

you get 2 controllers, you know,the ones you already have lying around on your console.

xbone and 360 controllers are a safe bet on most games, if you want to use a dualshock 4 or a switch pro controller without using any braincells you need Steam running in the background

Super duper bait

next year the 2070 will be severely outdated?

yeah, faggot.

keyboard mouse just isnt comfy. its not a comfortable position for your hands

theres just more options. your can customize nearly everything about a pc if you want.

>Add console optimization
That stopped being relevant back with the ps3, 360, and wii.

Use a controller then

>not owning a wrist pad

Mouselook. I give 0 shits about graphics, brand loyalty, or framerates above 60fps; but any game (that isn't turn-based) that requires me to control the camera with a stick is instantly better on PC, no exceptions.

Imagine not being part of PC gaming while it's still a thing. I give it 10, 15 years tops before streaming kills it.

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Because YOU make your own experince. Do you want something that can run everything at 4K 60 FPS? You can do that. Do you not care and just want to play a game? You can get a decent PC for pretty cheap if your smart. It's a matter of making your own experience. I just upgraded to a RTX 2060 Super. Just so I could run games at high/very high at 1080p. Could I do 4K? Sure. But I don't want to. With PC gaming you can take what you want and keep it, and take what you dont want and just not use it. It's more user friendly. I've saved tons of money with PC. I can pirate, get keys or wait for steam sales.

paywall fetishism will pretty much just end the internet

i never play third person games with a mouse

mouse > controller on EDF

It's the dev's fault if they're bad.

>more mature playerbase

strategy games, better FPS, better RPGs, mods

although I don't have a gaming pc anymore because it's expensive and I barely play video games period

More like a 2060 at best

everyone says this, but using analogs just feels more natural to me.

try a lap tray

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The only reason not to play pc is exclusives, this is basically all consoles have.

I have an urge to just play boomer games at >1080p and >60fps. It's pretty fun playing new AAA games but at the same time I hate the performance anxiety. I ki da force myself to play new games when I'd be happy with old ones.

>p-pc gamers are poorfags and virgins
>proceeds to join game filled with underage, third worlders and unemployed niggers
What did they mean by this?

>mfw i've been hoarding games just for this occasion

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>PC fags are still talking and using Crysis as some sort of Tupac of gaming in 2019

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>Playing Warband on console
This is an oxymoron.

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>Whats so great bout pc gaming?
Well consoles are always lagging behind PCs in terms of graphics because they're literally just stripped down PCs. Besides, it's not that hard to build your own PC either (unless you're a hopeless dumbfuck like pic related). You can swap parts in and out to make it stronger too and it'll last you far longer than any console would. It's pretty cheap if you buy the parts yourselves. Or just get it prebuilt if you're too chickenshit to put it together yourself.
Also a mouse and keyboard is the best way to play games, especially FPS games. I can't even imagine myself playing an FPS without a mouse anymore. The only game that doesn't work well with a mouse/keyboard are platformers I guess and even then you can just plug in a controller.
It's really customizable and there'll always be games to play so there's no reason not to get one really.

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Also not paying twice to play online.
>Be consoletard
>Pay ISP for internet access
>Pay again to access multiplayer when you should already be able to
lmao top cuck

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GTA V is such an ugly game.

blocks ur path

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Is this supposed to prove me wrong?

How is the pc community better when all of them constantly talk down on consoles while being completely irrelevant to game devs. They are that last place to milk some extra bucks from and most of them smell terrible cuz they cant shower since they had to fix issues instead of getting right to the point and PLAYING GAMES on a dedicated gaming machine. Not some jack of all trades email, video editing shit.

Not as ugly as IV.

freedom bitch

Thats not appealing to me tho. If everyone is running the same game differently that annoys me. I rather just buy a console every 6-7 years and know everyone im playin with is experiencing the same thing. So when we talk bout our experience its the same.

Yeah, GTA games past SA just age horribly in the graphics department. SA doesn't look that great either but at least it has those over the top filters that give it a unique style.


>I dont like choice
fucking autist

does it not?

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>this entire post
Why are some console players such seething incels
Imagine wasting time typing out this long ass tldr autistic post instead of having sex

Why is everyone on this board retarded when it comes to pcs?

No it doesn't. GTA V is an ugly game.

Why do you need to be convinced? Just enjoy what you have before death takes you. Also Mods are pretty fun

imagine actually playing only on consoles past turning into an adult

So u like playin against people cuz they have mods turned on to adjust the darkness of their games and having ur character model glowing so they can kill u easier?

>GTA V is an ugly game.

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You know where you are right?

yeah why would i want to have my friends over and play games together. i should get a lonely virgin pc instead

Consoles are just shitty restricted PCs now you moron.

>implying you can't do that on PC

yeah, ill just throw a party and have multiple people hunch over some 14 inch screen together while using a keyboard to play unsupported 2 player games that i had to hack

or we can chill on real furniture, watch a real screen and use multiple controllers on real games

The fact that everyone gets confused on how to do somthing on pc is proof that its inconvenient and not simply plug and play like a console. Its like those arguments where you say you can plug your pc into the tv too EXCEPT literally only geeks do it.

>why is everyone in Yea Forums retarded

You could just tell me you're retarded outright.

>>>>playing with hackers online
Preface is that all of my friends got into Payday 2 this week for some reason
But I'm level 100 now and flush with 2b in cash thanks to 15 minutes of meth cooking
hacking is an excellent fix to autismo games, especially when they're easier to install than a console and easier to use

>better online community
I don't think you get that exclusively anywhere, prob in the same ratio everywhere.

>better sound quality
>backwards compatibility
>Emulators for older consoles
can't you get those with consoles too?

no one plays local multiplayer on pc autist. mainly because pc virgins have no friends irl

>no one plays local multiplayer on pc autist
I do.
I also use a controller for almost any game.


Yea but that's how it usually is just like the PS4 was better then the 660 back in 2012(a year before the console officially launched) by the time the PS4 launched in 2013 the 760 had already launched trashing the PS4's GPU easily then Nvidia launched the tiny 750ti which became the anti-console card of that age bringing in similar and better performance than a PS4 for the same price as a PS4(for the full pc).

It's expected for the GPU in the PS5 to compete and even outdo a 2070 as the PS5's Gpu is essentially a Navi 5700(XT).

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there aren't any good AAA games on pc with local multiplayer. CoD local multiplayer is on consoles only


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I haven't played a AAA game in years.
How far will you move the goalposts btw?

And now the 760 cant run new games on high at stable framerate without huge dips into 10s. Price to pay for quickly obsolete pc parts

The 570 was way outdated by the time the PS3 launched in late 2013. The 2070 is 2018 tech, next year we'll have 7nm GPUs from Nvidia to replace the 2070 Super that already replaced the 2070 just like the 780 replaced the 680 via a bigger chip.

Yes, that's what i said: Yes.

And the PS4 could never play games on "high" settings.


Performance, graphics, mods, loading times, convenience.

Attached: mhw.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

Nice smeared poop texture mountains bruh

false. compare pc ultra to ps4 and youll see the difference is very minor
>inb4 td2 screenshot

You seem to be generalizing PC gamers, but even for said people they're talking about consoles in a bad light because consoles are bad for gaming and have been for quite a while now. There's no good argument in favor of them and it probably makes some people angry seeing how games are affected.

Sorry for taking you seriously though, faggot.

Bro, the base Ps4 doesn't even play games on medium settings. Games run at ultra low settings on the base ps4 and xbox one. PS4Pro is more like low-medium, while the xbox one x is medium.

ok. compare pc ultra to ps4 and you'll see your wrong

Who are you quoting?


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god these threads were funny


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Nobody cares about graphics. It's about freedom, using a REAL fucking FPS controller (mouse and keyboard), and BEING ABLE TO DO ABSOLUTELY FUCKING EVERYTHING YOU CAN ON YOUR LITTLE TOY CONSOLES AND MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE.
Stop fucking around with your PC and it'll just work
>delayed releases
>hackers online
>still playing shitty randofucks in shit online games
Play with friends, kids.

Attached: PS4 - PC.webm (1562x872, 374K)

lol. only difference is lighting. sure worth the extra $2000

slight color difference. change color settings on tv for same effect


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Hardware will be obsolete once streaming takes over u can log in n play anywhere baby the servers will run the games on super comps and ur internet will always run it good baby like netflix.

post yfw Nier was low settings 900p with forced motion blur on PS4

I care a lot about graphics. Being able to make my favorite games look better is so satisfying.

Attached: PC vs PS4pro.jpg (3808x1076, 1.07M)

Doesn't the devkit cost $20?

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good joke

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>It took him fifteen minutes to get this screenshot
>it still looks like shit
Just admit that GTA V is ugly bro, this is getting pathetic. Rockstar needs to go back to highly stylized GTAs.

I haven't encountered a single hacker in any game since last year go fuck yourself consolefaggot

PC honestly has no real games to show for its 40 year history. It's a pathetic pile of nothing. PC gamers are all miserable who end up defaulting to the most boring of games.

Which one is which?

why are you spending your life acting like this?

imagine unironically thinking these are any different lmao

pc is overrated it really comes down to your personal comfort with mouse and keyboard

blue blurry is ps4

Attached: sleeping dogs.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

but you can use a gamepad, and it's not overrated it's objectively superior

Attached: Battlefield 4 High FX-6300 GTX 760 vs. PS4 Xbox One Frame-Rate Tests.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>20 launchers bad
>paid online good

It's a program, it starts up automatically whenever you turn on your pc and steam is the one platform where you're going to spend the most time with, it's simple.

Here's my 7 year old i5 with a Geforce 670

Attached: Battlefield 4 08.05.2014 - (960x540, 2.84M)

using a controller is more comfortable for me when I play shooters, it really comes down to personal preference

for all your preaching about how it's the chosen controller why do I have to carry retards everything I play pc games

pc has better games yet if they were released on console they would be universally loved and probably more popular than they were on pc, such as team fortress 2 getting updates, rising storm 2 vietnam, and many others

>PC: Niggers
>PS4: No niggers

Personally, I just don't enjoy playing with a gamepad, feels restrictive and clunky.
Every shooter feels like you're controlling a boat instead of a person, I can't fathom how people play CoD/Destiny or w/e on a console.

Attached: 1a2.jpg (480x640, 82K)

Damn, and the FX-6300 was a poverty-tier CPU back when it was still relevant.

it is superior, but not as comfortable as using a controller, controllers need slight aim assist, because console players have developed muscle memory of over 10 years

>2013 game

now look at bf5

I spent about 90 hours playing Just Cause 3 with a controller. It's nice in a third person action game.

embarrassing for consoles, imagine getting shit on by an entry level GPU with a notoriously garbage CPU

I mean PC is superior, and that's a subjective opinion. Looking at statistics people prefer KBM to gamepad.

Even controllers are objectively superior on PC as I can use gyro for any game I want. No penalty in comfort.


>2013 console
>magically gets faster after 6 years


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ask console gamers what they think of playing fps with a keyboard and mouse, many will prefer the controller for pure comfort and muscle memory

you're supposed to use good pictures bro

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>And now the 760 cant run new games on high at stable framerate without huge dips into 10s. Price to pay for quickly obsolete pc parts
And you think the PS4 can? Do you honestly believe the PS4 with it's starved Radeon 7870 will run Cyberpunk at high settings?

Do you think the PS2 in 2006 was somehow more powerful than 2000? Did it suddenly graduate from rendering most games at 540p, 640p and eventually 720p between 2000-2006? Did the PS4? No but PC did. It's 2019 & top end PCs can render games as high as 4k120hz & mid tier PCs can do 1440p120hz easily meanwhile the base PS4 is stuck in the year 2008 rendering games between 800-900p & sometimes 1080p in select games & non demanding scenes. A PS4 from 2013 will always be just that.

Dam pc wins everytime!

no idea what gyro is

Steam's controller menu is actually fucking amazing.

>ask a gimped retard what his opinion is
Some of those people think 60fps is unnerving and that 144fps is a placebo.

console optimization. devs make their games run smoothly on consoles. they dont give a shit about pc

What IS that?

gta v, pic is a little low res sorry

I've played both pc games and console games at a high level

it doesn't matter how good I play it comes down to comfort

Piracy and modding

A motion sensor. Let's you have accurate aim on a controller. Can be used for functions other than aiming as well.
Here's someone playing Quake Champions using gyro.

The DS4 does have it but on the PS4 you're at the mercy of the developer to add it to games, which few of them do.


>20 storefronts
Honestly it's just Steam and Epic since EA are shit. But Steam is all you need.
Git gud
>Delayed releases
Only for normiecore like Rockstarshit
>Playin with hackers online
Pick another server.

Basically, more freedom, more games, more control options, better performance, easier to use long term. If you do game regularly, it's much better.

so it's like a laptop touchpad

"console optimization" consists of turning down every setting they can to try and achieve 30 or 48-60fps. In other words, it doesn't exist. Even in the most powerful console out right now, the BonerX, most games use checkerboard upscaling and dynamic resolution to achieve a 'stable' 4k 30fps while STILL having the settings turned down to low.

No, it's a motion sensor. You move the controller to move the camera. The touchpads are unrelated.

>higher skill ceiling

yeah, because pointing and clicking is so hard. i mean you might as well be playing mine sweeper or something, right? heck, i’ll even go as far as to say it takes more skill to point and click over there than it does to point and click in any shooter out there. that clock and the possibility of messing up at any given point with one wrong click sure sound scary.

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Sometimes you can't even lower graphics settings far enough on PC to get to console levels.

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How old are you? What the fuck are they teaching kids in school these days?

You're dumb dude, when you're competing the faster people can get actions done the higher the skill level becomes.

woah wtf??!?!??

Attached: Grand Theft Auto V 7_18_2019 12_08_20 AM.jpg (3840x2160, 1.68M)

You take terrible screenshots

Attached: 2015-07-16_00003.jpg (3440x1440, 1.4M)

so all the examples itt where pc ultra is 1% better must be low settings huh

Still ugly.

This is the only picture so far that looks good but that's only because it's at night so it hide how ugly the textures are.

25, I don't undertand why you would want to rotate your wrists when you hold a controller

the touchpad looked like it corresponded with the camera movement

>>minimap visible
So do you.


Attached: 1562133356669s.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>25 years old and doesn't know what a gyro is

how do you do 180s, or 360s, I'm assuming you use something else

>playing CoD with friends
Confirmed autism

Consoles are for normies who often have friends over to play with.
The console is cheap but the games are stupid expensive.

PC is for neets and used as a catalysts to empower their autism.
A PC is expensive but the games are borderline free.

I'm part of the PCMR but I must admit that was based

Attached: ExDe.jpg (346x346, 13K)

I don't understand why you would want to move your thumb when you hold a controller.

The touchpad is used together with the gyro. On a conventional gamepad like the DS4 you would use the right stick with the gyro. Many Switch games already do this.

Attached: 1543170502226.png (399x382, 89K)

No I mean the mod, it's amazing!


Attached: 2015-10-21_00001.jpg (3440x1440, 470K)

You get great control and better graphics in every way possible, oh emulation and free mods

right I don't autistic ally follow everything anymore because shit like fallout 4 happens, and skyrim, and many other dissapointment

I'm also not jumping at the bit to buy a completely new controller that might be shit

I didn't particularly like using a wii controller to aim, I don't see how this would be comfortable or in any way useful compared to standard controllers or mouse and keyboard

I can smell the butthurt exuding from this post.

multiplayer games aren't a fucking joke on pc. still insane to me that mongloids try to play FPS seriously. nevermind strategy games or even mobas. all this without using children's toys as an input device or playing against school age children on wifi. single player fags are second tier gamers, so whether they play on PC or console is irrelevant.

moving your thumb takes less effort than moving your entire upper body along with your hands or shoulders and arms

so touchpad is to do 180s I assume

>or in any way useful compared to standard controllers or mouse and keyboard
It combines accuracy similar to a mouse with the comfort of a controller. The small movements you need to make are not uncomfortable unless you already have wrist issues.

I figure the gyro control is really low sens and the touchpad is for 180s right

just crop out the game footage, the graph itself should hopefully be enough to make consolefags shut up or kill themselves

>moving your thumb takes less effort than moving your entire upper body along with your hands or shoulders and arms.
This only affect literal old men. How lazy can you be?

It's Natural Vision Remastered
I didn't take as many pics to make this game justice, sorry

Attached: 20190419201018_1.jpg (1366x768, 289K)

>moving your entire upper body along with your hands or shoulders and arms
We're not talking about you starring in a Wii commercial. We're talking about rotating a controller a couple degrees with your wrists.

>so touchpad is to do 180s I assume
Yes. On a standard controller the right stick would still be used instead.

>1366x768 image is amazing

Attached: GTA5 2018-10-09 20-12-19-87.jpg (1920x1080, 322K)

take a shower. clean your room

lazy enough to be gaming and not being productive, gaming is leisure time unless you're a pro or a screeching twitch autist

What resources do you guys use to troubleshoot your vidya?

I'll have to try it I guess, the movements really didn't look like wrist rotation more like slightly pointing the controller in a direction

I like playin with random people

>I figure the gyro control is really low sens
Not as low as you might expect. I usually set it up so from wherever I'm currently looking I can comfortably look like 90 degrees to both sides. For anything more I'd use the touchpad/stick.

Yeah you probably should do that instesd of consolefagging.


Attached: 1559119145382.gif (1920x1080, 2.46M)

nice mods

Go install those mods on your console.

consoles are just gay.