make it a game
Make it a game
there's already a game
There's already a TTT map in Gmod. play that
Now make it a good game.
there's a gamemode in gmod that's literally just The Thing, it's called Morbus. i think it's dead though
They already did, it was decent for the time. I do think that a reboot would be great and if it was given to the right studio they could make something pretty special out of it.
Remove the fuse panel nonsense and deliver on the premise that they advertised, rather than the broken and effectively random and checkpoint/fag based infection rules the current game has.
Throw in a reference to a dejected video personality losing going bonkers for a laugh as well.
In today's shitty industry they're just going to make it another ''Dead by Daylight'' meme twitch game. Except if indies can get a hold of the license but that'll never happen.
First person game by the makers of Alien Isolation.
There are phases of ressource management when you need to order some of your men to go somewhere in the base. You choose who goes where and with whom depending on who you suspect or where you thinks the creature might be.
In the last part of the game you're alone and it's action/survival like Isolation.
these guys would've made masterpiece
Look up the ideas and concept art for The Thing 2.
Warcraft 3 custom game
>he drank gasoline!!!
>you can't see his breath!
it doesn't matter, neither of them could have been but there was guaranteed some living tissue around somewhere that could potentially be thawed and do it's thing all over again
this.. but i was a brood war pleb with my custom games as my pc couldn't run WC3 at the time
wasn't there a rather obvious hint which meant one of them couldn't be a thing?
I remember something like that being mentioned, like the ring that they couldn't synthesize or something
I forget
omittus my shittus
when you look this deep into details expecting emergent plot, you're a retard
might as well say "oh it was a temporal disturbance" because a coke bottle moves around a few times between cuts
What an interesting concept they just didn't pull off. I have an extremely fond and vivid memory of the early game where this black squadmate was refusing to do as I asked. Now, you're SUPPOSED to give them a weapon, or some other sort of aid to earn their trust. But I pointed a gun at his head for an extended period of time, and then he started following me. He had an icon above his head sort of cliparting what I had just done, a shadow gun pointed at a shadow's head. I thought it was so fucking cool, and it was even cooler when after a few minutes of him following me he said
>Time's up, captain!
And rushed me, stole my gun out of my fucking hands, and then killed me. That's the sort of thing I'd expect from a CONTEMPORARY title. Goddamn.
>like the ring that they couldn't synthesize or something
You're thinking of The Thing 2011, where the thing can only replicate organic matter and spits put tooth fillings, earrings, metal hip replacements..
There's a game called Distrust which is The Thing, but not really. Don't know if it's good or not though.
Are you implying it's fedoracore to want to know who the thing is at the end when it has literally no thematic relevance or are you saying I'm fedoracore for pointing out how stupid those people are? Either way you're probably right but I'm still more right than the former.
It's garbage, literally nothing like The Thing. You're stuck in one area until you get the right stuff to unlock the door to the next area, all the while trying to look for warmth and food. It was great until the monsters showed up and they're hilariously bad.
That title is so literal it's almost funny and defeats the purpose establishing tension. Why not call it "paranoia" or something.
>non-choices left, right, and center
>outdated engine that could not even replicate the atmosphere the movie had
>implying Telltale could even capture a sliver of Kurt Russel's badassery
This game has THE worst flamethrower in any video game ever. It's absolutely unusably awful.
Basically Alien Isolation, but with human enemies that are all trying to kill each other because they don't know who's a thing and who isn't.
If you shoot an enemy that turns out to be a thing, it begins to morph and transform into a grotesque creature.
It is weird that they say this game was inspired by Aliens but it honestly feels way closer to The Thing.
Only way to make a game like this is a multiplayer game, honestly. Otherwise if it's like the original thing game characters have to be somewhat disposable and one note because they also have to be able to be randomly susceptible to being turned in each playthrough to keep it unpredictable, but that makes it less satisfying.
There are already games that have done this pretty well in the multiplayer space so a Thing game at this point would just be to nostalgia bait the movie, which isn't necessarily bad but whatever. Alien Isolation did it for the Alien movies and that was pretty decent.
used to be a thing in ss13. but got removed from the /vg/ server because it was just vampire mode but shittier
The franchise is shamelessly inspired by Alien (even down to the bioweapons thanks to Prometheus), Fusion itself is closer to The Thing.
there's a Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 maps
Fusion is only inspired by Alien in so far as the whole Metroid franchise is from the beginning. If someone told you Fusion was specifically that isn't entirely correct.
that's fucking weird since I only ever watched the original
Deceit is the actual answer. Any game like Mafia, Secret Hitler, Ultimate Werewolf and Town of Salem is basically The Thing.
There's a special effect they use for the eyes when someone is the thing. At the end, Childs has the eye glimmer.
No. Rob Ager debunked that.
Hypothetical, you and your colleague just survived a Thin attack out in antarctica, you know for a fact you aren't the Thing, what do?
Oh right, I forgot that game existed. Heard that was supposed to be the sequel to the movie.
Childs had to have been the Thing at the end.
>there will never be a movie with the FX and visual levels of The Thing
>The Thing 2011 had them, but was replaced with CGI on the last minute
Childs was the Thing. The game is canonically the epilogue/sequel to the original movie. Mac kills Childs and assists in killing the thing at the end of the game.
You're welcome.
regardless of whether the whole eye gleam thing being an actual rule of the film or not, or if it even was intentionally applied in that scene, it is still really cool that Palmer's eyes are sort of darkened during that scene where they start testing the blood.
I wonder what the original Thing lifeform looks like before shapeshifts
Honestly The Void had a few moments, but the movie was a pretty big letdown overall.
>It isn't Bennings!
Macready couldn't kill Childs because in the game Childs froze to death. Did you even play it?
apparently the one form you see aboard the creature's ship in the prequel is supposed to be the original form, but it was kind of stupid looking and that movie sucks so I don't care.
LA Noire + Silent Hill
Didn't the deleted scene of The Thing 2011 had the original Thing appearing?
kind of a stretch. keep working on it.
One of those penis monsters people created in spore that walks with their two balls
When I was a kid sure.
I forget how the Thing honestly works
Is the assumed shape actually a copy of the person and they just don't know it or is it more like a disguise where the Thing is putting work into the show as well?
Wondering if there's some sort of philosophical, logical, or knowledge trick you could pull on it to oust it
>The Thing 2011 had them, but was replaced with CGI on the last minute
i will never not be pissed off about this
there are some videos of it on youtube, and it looks fucking fantastic
why they were replaced in post by AWFUL cgi escapes me
How did they do it?
It perfectly replicates whatever it "assimilates."
>why they were replaced in post by AWFUL cgi escapes me
literally it was the execs stepping in and saying that teenage moviegoers wouldn't be able to take the animatronics seriously so they needed CGI instead.
I miss that mode holy shit.
t. Thing
>One player starts off as The Thing
>Everyone else has to hold out for an anti-Thing virus to finish incubating in the arctic base
>NPC Things are attacking the base constantly, players have to protect secondary objectives to prevent camping the incubator
>You can only communicate with players that are within earshot of you
>You can do blood tests like in the movie
>The Thing can also sabotage blood tests and other secondary objectives
>The Thing wins if it kills or assimilates all players
>Humans win if they kill all Thing players or the incubator finishes cooking
It is completely inconclusive who the thing is if any one of them is. If anyone shows you evidence, there is counter evidence to it. We will never know if anyone was the thing. Also Carpenter is a hack and he didn't know himself. He was just making shit up on twitter
got a youtube link? can't find it
>Multiplayer asymmetric round-based
Maybe certain people have certain boosts and required for certain exits.
Only Macready can do the helicopter win and has better aiming.
Researchers can find the Thing easier
Doctors heal
Same classes work better together, but run the risk of one of them being the Thing if they're alone on a task
Cooks help you stay out in the cold
wouldnt even be hard in gmod
O shit, right as I typed that I found it.
The game which is a canonical sequel to the movie says Childs was the Thing while macready was not. Koi
too funny/goofy to be thing-like
You're too stupid and autistic to understand the simple fact that people like trying to solve puzzles.
That's assuming that's not the form of the aliens that brought The Thing here in the first place.
Secret Hitler
Dead Space 3.
it was one of the things along with the original animatronic effects that was cut because of teenage test audiences complaining that it wasn't muh over the top CGI spectacle.
And it's shit.
who is this semon demon?
Most of the practical models and effects were cut in the sequel and replaced with CGI. It's a fucking shame dude, it could have been so good.
Who wants to know?
I'm still mad, the behind the scenes footage of that movie honestly makes it hurt more.
Here's the original from 1948.
Oh no the eyeball nutsack is staring at me! This hurts!
honestly even with the original effects 2011 still would have been shit, but it still would have been worth the price of admission to see some nice animatronic thing effects on the big screen.
then these execs are legitimately retarded
they obviously haven't seen the 1982 thing, because the effects STILL hold up
i really wish the cgi meme would die, even top of the line cgi when it comes to animating anything outside a background looks bad
its also expensive as hell
shiftymine on instagram
Dont do me like this
why can't people accept ambiguous endings?
cgi can be good, particularly in cases where you NEED to use it. if you mix it on a shot by shot basis with practical effects, it can help sell a cgi effect greatly. look at jurassic park. the cgi in that movie is honestly kind of bad by today's standards, but it works because the film mixes it with practical effects wherever they can, especially for close up shots.
Are you sure you are not thinking about the blowtorch?
The blowtorch has a very short range and is mostly for creating barriers or lighting things up.
The flamethrower was stronger and farther reaching.
This desu. So much care went into those animatronics and they didn't even bother using them at the end. What a fucking waste.
There is no puzzle to be solved. There is no winning. Not even that guy but whoever cares so much about the shit needs to stop watching movies outside of Disney blockbusters, these people are the reason Han Solo's last name had a whole fucking scene in that horrible fucking star wars movie and why every movie has as much exposition as a fucking 4kids anime now.
Even with James Cameron on the Alita adaptation, I was super unimpressed with the CGI
I could not find myself immersed based on the trailer footage whatsoever, yet some people I talked to did not see a problem with it
Cameron even had this planned some time after Avatar but decided he wanted to wait for technology to catch up to give it proper homage because he liked the source material
Just baffled, honestly
because Star Wars/nerd culture, which focuses more on superficial shit like lore and worldbuilding, infested the rest of pop culture and people began worrying more about things like the canon backstories of background characters rather than focusing on just what's presented thematically and tonally on screen.
I actually liked the 2011 prequel, I only wish the Jews didn't fuck with the animatronics. There should be some sort of Director's Cut with all of the practical effects slapped back on.
I was talking about both. I remember the blowtorch having awful hit detection and not lighting things up even if I was right next to them. The flamethrower I remember ran out of ammo way too fast. I remember whenever one of my guys turned into the Thing I had to use a significant amount of ammo just to take one down.
Who looks at this and instead of saying touch it up where needed instead says, to dump it all and rush out some special fxs?
Fuck me, you can see his spine and everything.
That's exactly what a thing would say.
you're completely right, but thats not why im upset
im upset because the current paradigm of "fuck it just have the cgi guys render literally everything" is atrocious and makes modern movies look like absolute dogshit
I agree. it must be much cheaper to do it that way or something. I dont much about the financial aspects of all that though. I would assume doing thing 2011-tier practical effects is expensive as shit.
what the fuck
I would have played it, but "masterpiece" is quite a bit of a stretch.
John Carpenter is a known liar, he's contradicted himself countless times in interviews over the years.
>Force someone to get tested
>"Fag will remember that" as though someone would get mad you're trying to watch your own ass
multiplayer survival horror
first person
heres the funny part
cgi is expensive as FUCK
i think its like around 100k for a SINGLE shot of cgi, but i could be wrong on that statistic
regardless its actually cheaper to use practical effects
but hollywood is never going to change because the movies they shit out make money, and now that china is a market we can only expect things to stay the same, if not get worse
The Thing 2011 is a total mess but I actually liked the ending scene that starts the beginning of the 1982 movie. It is the only scene that feels like it pulls off the tone of the original film.
Goddamn that's fantastic.
Trouble in Terrorist Town?
Welp shit.
x if you're a The Thing
There comics say otherwise. Both were human. Then they got rescued and went to South America.
the comics are even less canon than the game or the prequel though arent they
I need to take a shit brb
Lemme come with you bro
this isn't Yea Forums. Dubs are disabled on Yea Forums, including 00
Execs are ALWAYS retarded
Reminder Warner bros forced the Watchowskis to split the sequel to the Matrix in 2 films and so had to shoehorn tons of unnecessary shit.
Not to forget the battery Duracell shit from the first movie that never made sense
Take Alien Isolation's Procedural Alien AI, and give it the following objectives:
>Consume the PC and NPCs
>Avoid the Player or NPCs finding you out.
>Escape from the game's location
The Thing continues to learn as you continue to play, learning to avoid your and the NPC's detection tactics. Each Thing instance learns independently, but can share knowledge with the other things if they're alone, and can imbue any infected the same way.
The Thing is your main antagonist, but you've got a regular story to do while it's trying to assimilate your crew.
Taking from Alien isolation, perhaps instead of just an Ice Base, you're in a Broken down Aircraft carrier somewhere near Antarctica. Your objective is to find out what happened, get it's mission objectives, scuttle it, and get home. This objective changes upon encountering the thing, and you end up going to the Antarctic base from the first movie to find it's origins.
TL;DR: Alien Isolation, but the Thing
If you count the prequel as canon then Childs is undoubtably still human, which can only mean one conclusion.
If you consider the video game to be canon, then MacReady was human, and Childs was the thing
I like to believe that they both froze to death
I love the fact that the Pilot is at least slightly inspired by the Thing's base form in Who goes there ( and )
k i'm back
To further clarify: The game is very much a slow burn. The Thing may jump out a few times, but only when it thinks it has a chance of getting someone, or when it's been exposed. It's main goal is to try and hide, after all.
Several times throughout the game, More things are added into the mix. I'm imagining if you can find survivors of the event throughout the mix, one or two of them might end up being things. Or perhaps A Hand or Head spider will spawn in a part of the level, and will attempt to grab a NPC while they're alone or something.
I'm also thinking that the Thing will never try to turn within sight of the player, in order to obfuscate who the thing is, in order to prevent some level of save scumming. Either that, or the game is effectively death = Restart, which would be a pain if it's a long one.
It literally can't be solved, by design. You are so fucking dense.
The Thing at the end of 2011 attempted to fool someone with a piercing. It's Childs.
I know it's definitely not what the filmmakers intended, but I like the imagine they're both infected but neither knows the other one is, so in the end even the alien is the victim of its own isolation and paranoia-inducing tactics.
>Multiplayer only
I mean, I guess.
Only issue is the thing should never be heavily scripted.
I think these guys are on to something.
Huh when you think about it, X parasites from Metroid fusion are like the thing. No wonder the game really gave me the chills when I played it
i fell for the meme and played it, such a fucking terrible game its not even funny
what the fuck is it with people outright liying about the quality of this game?
niggas be saying its AT least a 6-7/10 when in reality its a fucking 3-4/10 MESS
Uh, where's user?
You can't see their breath at the end of the film, either eluding that they're too close too the fire, which causes paranoia, or one of them is the Thing.
>Now make it a good game.
The Xbox version.