Post you're favorite ASSFAGGOTS hero!

Post you're favorite ASSFAGGOTS hero!

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Other urls found in this thread:

They call me Tiny!

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literally fucking who


urgot the butcher and sevarog

Bottom left is HotS, bottom right is Paragon I think.
Earthshaker, big dick support who feels like a different hero when you get Blink

Clockwerk is fun as fuck

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To (Me)!
I miss being one of the only snowflakes playing Urgot, his kit made sense considering the time he was made.

its not fucking fair bros

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>pos 1
Arc warden
>pos 2
DK, arc warden
>pos 3
Qop, Pango, Pit lord, Timber, Nyx
>post 4
Earth spirit, tusk, treant
>pos 5
Grim, SD, Oracle, WW

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Would anyone like to play party ranked?

tfw u have a quarry to settle


Rubick he is so versatile

>mfw Earthshaker arcana has currently unused rival lines teasing a new hero

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Future Cop LAPD VS MP

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wait really?
any hard hints of who could it be?

If you know how to extract voicelines from the pak files you can find it. By the sound of the voice lines it is referring to something that helped destroy Earthshaker's sister world.

You just did.

I'll post my second favorite;

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Thank god theyre reworking him now

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Really liked her alot

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Dota 2 has been utter fucking dogshit since 7.0
This was best hero when I played
That's right, motherfucking COMBO MAGUS

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git gud

Pudge chads where we at?

Where my rubick niggers

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In the trash


>Fortune favors the cold!

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My favourite is the uninstall button

He's too good to be a moba character

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I liked playing riki cause it got everybody assblasted. My favorite was probably Stormlad though, but I had sub 40% wr with him back in the mmr days.

>they'll never rework his kit

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I've mostly scratched my itch of playing him by downloading a PROJECT Jhin voice mod for XCOM 2

Lee Sin just for the Q
Renekton for the dash
Earth Spirit
LoL is trash btw

what did assfagots meant anyway
i remember reading the full term once but i dont remmeber now

why does it need to be reworked? he shat damage and is much more reliable than say Ra

Khumbakarna is the best smite god though

personality-wise, ogre magi
gameplay-wise, none because mobas are garbage

no they're not

Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides

Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides

are people even playing this game anymore?
i thought everyone moved over to the auto chess game.

Right up until it gives me Warhead Junction and then I just want to pull my hair out because of how stupid big that map is.

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>are people even playing this game anymore?
based retard

Because he's got paper thin defenses, no mobility, and half his kit requires him to be stationary for their channel durations. Yes he's got lifesteal for days but that is pathetically easy to counter.


it stopped declining around january when autochess came out and people got a renewed interest in it. now that the standalone chess games are out, it's going back to its declining numbers (is back to january 2019 numbers, will start falling again after ti)

the only ones who moved to underfaggots are the fornite kiddies who jump into the first new shit.

The one and only true best character.

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would anyone like to play dota 2 party ranked

What's your rank?

only chads can pick it

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alistar and shaco
elder titan, shadow demon and mirana

also how do we stop the autochess/tftchads from making our games irrelevant bros?

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is the na servers still riddled with spiccs?

I want to fuck a yordle

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ao kuang
>heroes of the storm


>ao kuang
shit taste

you mean morphling?

Looks like it's just you and me!
I will always love Allstars but Yurnero really is my favourite kit in MOBAs despite being simple.

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slark > fizz

proof me wrong

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Ancient 7

I like some unkillable annoying fucks.
Anyone have any recommendations for who else I'd like

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How about a smug skeleton with Napoleon complex?
is that good?

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Name a more dead lane than laning against Dirge.

Tank Kunkka is becoming a thing now.

>misses black hole twice.

Omg someone play with me please. I like to play safelane carry and safe lane support.

Underlord can be borderline immortal if you get an early lead
>stack armor, crimson guard, pipe and holy locket
>get the HP Regen talent
>take minimal damage from most sources and your HP Regen is over 100
It's so good

>VAC ban

I see a pattern here...

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Speaking of Underlord, is mek good on him?
how about Atos? i really like his play style but i need to git gud with him

I feel like I'm the only person still playing TA. Haven't seen ONE other person pick her in any of my games or any streams, nothing. Since 7.22d, it's only me and I still win since she's not even that bad.

>caring about VAC bans
Hello, Archon reddit player.

just means you like Hookers, no need to be ashamed of it

>that description
>VAC ban
that better be a random profile.

Mek is good and atos is almost core if you are relying on your pit of malice.

Am I the only one who really just hates the new map in dota?
Why fix what wasnt broken?

Dota has a ridiculously dedicated fanbase, it will be around for an extremely long time

Toughts on this guy making a new tournament filled to the brim with ads and memes?

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Yes I usually go guardian greaves on him. Atos is a good item too especially against slippery heroes like storm spirit so you can permaroot him.

Venomancer, always and forever. Even if my boy is in the dumpster. Thanks, matu

>one of the maybe two good reworks
>great skins
>blood hunt scares the shit out of shitters because sanic speed


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Midas mode sounds like it sucks, but I only watch him for loregasm and Fails of the Week.

icefraud wants to keep the game fresh
I absolute despise the map changes AND the dumb mastery shit
thank god i stopped playing around the time when terrorblade got into the game

how do you think he will implement the whole "you are rosh" thing?
can't imagine a guy would just sit idle in the pit for 40+ minutes waiting for his time to shine

My build order is Arcane's > Crimson Guard > Scepter. Anything after Scepter should be tailored to the game - Greaves, Atos, Eul's, Shiva's, Lotus, etc. If you have literally any decent amount of right click on your team, Scepter is core. Do not listen to what anyone else tells you. It is easily one of the top ten upgrades in the game.

why are there so many people that actually played dota 2 and lol. I thought they loathed each other

This guy has no reason showing up to TI as anything but a Janitor

I like it aside from the rosh pit

no chad is playing league of legends
>Why yes, I play Heroes of Newerth, how did you know?

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Loregasm is pretty good, and despite me not really liking his hosting he manages to make me laugh at least once in every lan he's been at panel. Also midas mode's meme format is always abused and stupid shit happens.

_Probe_ is best hero ever designed in assfaggot.
Prove me wrong.

there's a new map in DotA?
why isn't this bigger news?

>Very cunny.
Didn't know my boy was this based.

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it's the same map, just reworked
wont lie im still salty cliffing isn't really a thing anymore

The same reason Valve (not Icefrog, this dude is fuckin dead) nerf heroes who are not overpowered, the same reason they buff heroes who are already strong just because not enough people play them. They want the game to be a certain way so the pros can do specific things that make the insect hivemind at the LAN tournaments go wild.

I played both so I could know for sure which one I preferred. Dota is the king, Smite would've been good too but the balance is terrible and items in that game exclusively do magic damage if you're a magic hero or physical if you're a physical hero, you can't ever have both

I mean it kind of is in some parts of the map.

Never played lol or dota, but I'm really, really, good with this guy. Probably top 10 player

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>pop a flash in every lane at level 2 when I don't even have the fear yet
Launch reworkwick was a funny time

>nerf heroes who are not overpowered
Name 5

Is this set a callback to wc3 dota?

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None is more fun than Rubik. Good fit for most comps, and even if you're doing shit you still feel useful to the team

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How do we make this hero NOT garbage? Once his bear dies, COMPLETELY useless for 2 minutes.

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Don't let the bear die, and it's not two minutes unless the bear does literally the same second you summon it

He is one of those heroes where you farm fast and finish early before anyone else comes online.

mein neger


he looks more like teron gorefiend instead of arthas

If you could put hero from X in a different game Y; who would it be?

Don't place all items on the bear

Chen, AA, KOTL, Puck, TA

I’ve been playing a lot more recently, and it seems better. They’re still there, along with some obvious chingchongs, but not like it used to be

I like heroes who look edgy but their campy personalities outweigh their looks like SF, WK and Doom.

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Latest I've ever seen rubick posted, we are slacking

KoTL's been getting buffed recently though. Aghs actually does something now and mana drain is now a part of Chakra magic.


>not overpowered
Lmao what a brainlet

He got fucking ANNIHILATED when he got reworked. No more mana leak (and the new version of it is dogshit), no more recall, no more Q without channeling (recently re-added to his aghs), awesome daytime vision replaced with le meme fight only AoE disable ability for exciting pro games where Tobi screams his lungs off

Actual underlord player here.
Don't go greaves, it gimps you and its overkill. Either go crimson or pipe depending on the enemy (if you have to go both then its not an underlord game), then you go atos. For boots? go phase boots, and for mana go soul ring.
WHy not greaves? there are heroes like pango or viper that can go greaves and not gimp themselves in the process. Pit lord does because you are spending too much money on something that makes you tankier when you dont really need it. Crimson guard or Pipe does a way better job at tanking your team and you.
Atos is core, not only gives you reach and stats but also combos with pit of malice, specially considering how good root is.
And finally, phase boots is really good and better than arcanes for two main reasons: movement speed and the armor. Specially the movement speed because it helps position yourself and actually chase and kill people (Specially with the movement speed talent, plus pit lord a couple of patches ago got a movement speed buff).
Later in the game if you are rightclicking good you can go AC with the attack speed talent and be a real threat. If you can't right click too much, then go for utility items like lotus, harlberd for rightclikers, maybe you can AC with vlads together to increase your team armor.

I mean, maybe you can go mek and itself the item is not bad, but because of how much mana does it cost, you need arcanes. And if you arcanes AND mek, you can't get phase boots, and really man, go phase boots. You won't regret it. Without it you are unkillable but at the same you are slow and can't kill anything/be a threat

Best snek.
I haven't touched LoL in like 6 years now, maybe longer.

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mobas suck

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How is a walking spirit vessel with 285 movement speed, no armor, no HP, no escape, no hard disable and low mana considered overpowered

Why do you like smelling your own farts so much?

Sorry not an american.
What does "smelling your own farts" expression mean?

Means you're pretentious.


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Sorry what does pretentious mean?

I buy whatever’s necessary first. Mek for a push lineup, crimson or pipe for physical/magical, atos if I want to permastun some cunt. Radiance if I’m stomping and feel like being a cunt. Bracer, soul ring always come first.

Veigar is #1.
>GLP + Glacial Augment
>1 item powerspike that either pops a flash or oneshots you

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Can assfaggots cancer pls kill themselves so I don't have to see your shit characters everytime I search for Darius stuff?

I’ve played everything but HoN. Dota is the choice for me.

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You know how Pugna and invoker act like they are better than everyone else?
like that

I didn't think of myself as a pretentious person, i was just giving advice from a person who regularly plays pit lord since the beginning and actually wins games.

AA has been sleeper OP for a bit, actually. People finally noticed and his pick rate went through the roof. The nerfs were pretty minor.

AH, Scepter!
Let's say this bad boy gets into LoL
how could it change your favorite hero?

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what are some fun moba to try out nowadays?

smite just doesnt work out for me
HoTs only has 1 hero i like
league only has 2 heroes that i like
dota just got boring

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Does his in-game voice still sound different from the gamepedia's page? cause he was my boy back in the day

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combo magus? more like fucking trashvoker
*purchases dust and orchid malevolence*

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Dota 2 and TF2 are the only games where I played supporting roles and actively enjoyed them
When I played ESO and currently in FFXIV, I only play DPS roles
I supposed I really enjoyed Lion and Omniknight in particular off the top of my head
Is Dota worth playing nowadays? I've been building a hankering slowly over time

>Scream becomes an aoe around him

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yes, it goes trough a couple of filters but he's still the same

Skree was pretty fun too, haven't played in years

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Rubick is easily the most fun character in the game and I absolutely suck at playing him

Yeah I didn't think so either, I'm guessing long posts scare him.

>can ult you off of any CC
>armor pen now applies to all armor
no fucking thank you

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Lads..... I'm just gonna ask it. I've been browsing this shithole for longer than I care to admit, but what game exactly is ASSFAGGOTS?

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removes violent tendencies cooldown

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fuck this bitch
having to spam an ability twice a second is retarded

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love me some bristleback mountain

Anything to have gun & capri sun witch doctor in a pro game

There's a couple of ways
>Ult reaches max damage at 50% health rather than 33%
>Ult has 30s lower CD (to a 30s cd basically) and it's range is increased
>Ult is now an aoe that affects everyone around the target aswell
>Ult now splashes for the damage it did to the target in an aoe
>E is now instant, like pre-rework E
>Q now stacks 2 AP per cs and 10 AP per takedown

Personally I'd take the Q buff and rush it every game.

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Oh shit bro, you're my nigger.

Excuse me, both teams (YES BOTH TEAMS) must play around me for the entire game while I sit and play an RTS and bring glory to this crippled genre.

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what is this jsr?

Fizz: Adds a new ability
>Gives Fizz extra movement speed and damage in wet areas
>His abilities now create puddles of water he can use
I know it is basically a rip off of Slardar's aghs, sue me.

>will never be able to play techies and make ruskies and peruvian seethe again
cancer heroes are so fun

fun game but fuck if it isn't the most stressful moba I've ever played

>playing a game from a company that LITERALLY releases a patch that completely and utterly borks the entire fucking game

its in urban dictionary

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Are you referring to Paragon or League because both would be correct.

Why can't he be in a real game.

>reinstall smite for some reason
>main is literally removed from the game
I wish they never gave up on tribes

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I hate her post-rework.

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For me Twistted fate is like Moba crack
>passive gold generation
>global Presence
>damage up the ass,huge one shot potential with some builds.
>fast attack speed
>insane wave clear and push
>biggest mana cheater in the game
>can do wacky builds
And on top of that he has a point and click stun which is pretty rare in league for some reason.
Most comfy hero to play in my opnion.

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>lol players so fucking stupid they can't comprehend a ranged lane bully
Urgot didn't need a rework but people literally could not wrap their heads around him not being an ADC despite being ranged.

They removed Xing? I call bullshit

they even ruined her aviator skin

I remember him on release, I went on like a 15 game winstreak in the old joust map. He's still in the game though and still fun

Sort of like how it took every League player to realize that Garen was never a pure tank and took until season 5 to realize Black Cleaver was a viable item on him and all of a sudden he's a tanky damage machine.
It's almost dumbfounding how shit like that happens. He literally had 3 damaging abilities and a "make me tankier for a sec" ability. You NEVER needed to build full tank ALL THE TIME when he is innately tanky.

Get off my lawn!

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Only one choice

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>I'll POOTIS soul to use!

>when you dont need to farm creeps because you farm heroes

Undying is fucking great, alongside Pugna and Tidehunter they are my top 3 favorite heroes

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the game is going to last 1+ hour
no, there is nothing you can do about it

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Mars is my highest winrate hero at nearly 80%. The king of facetanking

Man, I wish I was good with Techies, but I don't think I have the gamesense for their playstyle.

>have a ninja girl
>give her shoes


I haven't played Dota2 in 4 years, and even when i played it i sucked, any tips for me?

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God I wish there was a Dota 2 with the WC3 designs, they're so much better

>which is pretty rare in league for some reason
Because the whole game is designed around rewarding bad positioning and lack of forethought because the average player doesn't feel engaged unless they're using their 7 dashes to kill someone in .7 seconds.

Watch high lvl mmr plays in game and emulate them

Just wait for the WC3 remaster so that people could remake original Dota again.

>God Strength

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I don't think sven looks like that bro

>tfw amassed 10k networth from keeping 3 lanes pushed, take the 251 damage talent, and my 2nd maelstrom is on the way

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it looks like shit though

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Pick braindead heros and just slam into shit and hope your team carries you

Should've clarified, he got buggy to the point that getting hit by his ult would softlock you, so they just removed him for a month to do bugfixes.

In fairness, Riot enforces the meta pretty hard, same shit as Blizzard. Kinda amazes me as a dotard

>tfw my boy will never get to fight for freedom again
fuck epic and fuck unreal engine

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Why must you hurt me in this way?

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who knows, maybe he will get a skin one day
I really like the perspective on the severed arm though, also how lifestealer looks like a milky eyed abomination

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ratatouille ftw

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I love the design of this hero very fun. Currently my favorite but my fav is pic related.

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>Because the whole game is designed around rewarding bad positioning
Yikes! Looks like someone is salty their favorite game is dying.

Who's that?


Can't touch me

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That’s because the frog is either a genius or completely retarded. Either way, no one gives enough fucks to stop the madman. This game would have died if it were under a company that actually did things

zergling in broodwar
he was fast and the upgrades scaled very well

where my dragonkin at

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from the world on the rim

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>farm fast and finish early
yeah tell that to the chinks

How can valve ever hope to compete?

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I feel so fucking old

Based Dragonbro

based but disgusting old hag

I need gummy vitamins

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Hes a fucking support you animal, play him like one

>Valve was a bunch of spineless fags and didnt told Blizz and the Chinks to fuck off
The reason I quit playing Dota then they butcher Venomancer look and now WK is meta which piss me off alot

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shaco chads rise up

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Veno looks better now. F for Skeleton King tho

If you don't recognize him, you don't deserve him.

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Phantom Lancer, Nevermore, Zac and old Graves.


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god user you just reminded me of the best fucking character/skin combo in this game

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That's what I thought too before I got the cowboy skin. The reloading sound is so satisfying.

Slark has a way more fun gimmick than fizz

>all my favorite characters are trapped in dead games

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Behold my vile girth.

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jhin from league of legends. that's his project skin.

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Whats the top left pic from?


It's thick! I feel it!!! Uhn! I can-can't take all of it!

cringe and filtered

I haven't play LoL in a long while but:
>Lux's ultimate has a second laser she can cast again at a reduced damage but blinds enemies hit for a short duration.
>Activating Master Yi's Highlander now grants him bonus CRIT CHANCE and CRIT DAMAGE while additionally increasing his CRIT CHANCE and CRIT DAMAGE incrementally per hit on the same target. Reduces cooldown.
>Alistair's Damage Reduction is increased to 100%
>Annie's Tibbers can be recasted with a moderate cooldown while Tibbers is active. Casting Tibbers will always stun but refreshes her Pyromania stacks.
>Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow now can be planted on her location and released at the player's choice. Automatically releases after a few seconds of casting.
>All of Corki's missiles are now Big Ones.
>Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage damage does not reduce per target hit and now deals True Damage.
>Karthus's Defile can now stun if enemy units stay in its radius for a short period of time. Units cannot be stunned again after a duration.
>Olaf shares the active effects of Ragnarok with allies in an AOE around him, moving out of his AOE removes this buff.
>When Pantheon's Aegis Protection is consumed, he hurls a free Spear Shot at its attacker (attacks towers as well).
>Renekton gains full Fury upon Champion Kills, half for Assists.
>Nasus' Wither now roots instead of slow when target is affected by Spirit Fire.
>Twisted Fate's Pick a Card is enhanced: Blue Card's mana restoration is now 100% of damage dealt instead of a flat amount, Red Card now increases your movement speed based on how many enemy units are hit, Gold Card will always trigger Stacked Deck for your next basic attack.
>Tristana's Rocket Jump will knock back nearby enemies upon cast and knock up enemies upon impact in addition to the slow.

I fucking hate slacks I wish he would get run over by a 18 wheeler.

Who's voice did you hear

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based HoN bros
The game may be dead but our memories live on


Calm down there purge

I haven't played her in over almost two years

Haven't played the imposter WK and refuse to. Had 300 matches with SK before remodel.Played him 0 times since he became WK.

My nigger. Undying is based and was easily my favorite hero.
Other favorites include Silencer, Necro, OD and Clinkz. Btw I haven't played in more than a year, and I heard that the flaming midge got a new ult. How is it?


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too bad HOTS is dead.

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based and skeletonpilled

Ah yes, the fast farting man

you can do nothing while he cropdusts

its in your eyes, ah fuck it stinks[/spolier]

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>Getting doubles and triple kills while farming jungle.


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So many good character designs wasted on a failed attempt to force another esport.
The worst part was Blizzard taking it out back and executing it with that announcement, rather than just quietly closing the esport side and scaling back the team.

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I love Ember but I can't mid. Is he fine as a 1?

>spammed him support during Ardent Cunt meta to shit on Lulus, Kogmaws, and Jannas
>picked him as my stealth top back when he was non-meta and dumpstered on every matchup because his base damage was high and no one knows how to play his matchup
>overall just became a primary/secondary raid-boss tank for the team even when supporting because the numbers on his kit were strong as hell
>people start noticing and spamming him top
>people still don't know how to play into him and get dumpstered as a result
>riot guts the shit out of his rank 1 ult range so its useless until rank 2
>gut his W so there's no point picking him support because you can't reposition your ADC's in the slightest without sacrificing resists from boots for swifties and even then its too much effort for its worth, because you reposition them 2 seconds worth of moving.
>Patch 9.14 gets dropped
>kill his entire kit through his passive
>his W at this point is practically useless and a shadow of its former self, and the only practical use I guess is holding down an enemy frontline for a few seconds
>kill his E so the potential shield/heal you reasonably get is 5 pixels wide
>only saving grace now is his Q but because of the passive changes its basically useless in solo lanes, especially given the fact that his Q acted as the second passive stack in your combo and the auto reset for the third
It was a good run, sweet prince. Also my condolences to the Galio and old Aatrox mains for how they also butchered them in this patch.

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I don't know if three BFs are still jank fun for Ember but do that and laugh when you get a Daedalus.

Hive mind

I miss him

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I fucking called this shit back in WC3. God damn Kukkna. You are so fucking fun. Macro'd ghost ship

Fuck yeah.

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he's literally me

That's not how a hivemind works brosephine

>Not a thing anymore
>When the biggest modern meme of Dota 2 is RTZ getting cliffed and losing his team the game every tournament.

>late 20's at most
>old hag
Yep, it's a zoe main

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Their link is greater than us user.

Yeah because your end of the link is so apparently weak

Probably the first hero that made me realize S2 had no idea what the fuck they were doing. I'd find out years later that that's also the time when Icefrog left them. What a surprise.

>press W

Attached: bristleback_full.png (256x144, 58K)

Based and dragon pussy pilled

>buy wand
>bristleshitter now loses the laning phase and falls behind everyone in the game


Great character, always used him when teaching a friend how to play since you can just be their safety net and backup at any moment, while also letting them learn how to do shit themselves

I've played just about every ASSFAGGOTS, and I have come to the conclusion that this guy right here is by far hands down the most chad character in the entire genre.

Attached: 1543389740324.jpg (1920x1080, 843K)

>spend 300 hours learning stuff about dota as i play
>come back years later
>vaguely remember hero kits, that's it
>all of the insanely obtuse mechanics are just as obtuse as before
>give up on wasting my time on this shit game
the only people that could ever prefer dota to lol are spergs that play it for 1000+ hours. anyone else would prefer the game that's actually fun and not retarded

But that's not sven aka free rampage man

Ability and item descriptions are far more descriptive in dota than they are in lol, weak bait

Sven is cool in a lone badass sort of way, but he still mellows you out with his sadder lines, like "I die as I lived -- alone".

Meanwhile Doom just strides through the battlefield talking about how he's going to murder the fuck out of everyone and screaming "YOU'RE DOOMED".

I remember when Yea Forums used to be full of spergs that put 1k hours into these games and not zoomer faggots like you. Gamergate brought in all the new little kiddies.

In that case wouldn't Mars have dethroned him as the uberchad?

>Allies deny me
Every time.

What made Lifestealer and WK be viable at the recent meta?

Not so fast niggerback

Attached: file.png (256x144, 62K)

I hadn't played for 4 years and never forgot the mechanics, only big change was the jungle, new timings took a while to get used to.

This guy.

Attached: Yasuo.(League.of.Legends).full.1796497.jpg (900x938, 441K)

*blocks your path

Attached: Lotus_Orb_icon.png (88x64, 12K)

i like pissin people off so ill post both of mine

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wait until our lord and savior bulldog wins the next TI and personally complains to gaben.

Weren't they always viable? Haven't played in a few years but those two were always pretty popular picks. Lifestealer less so, but he was one of the only heroes who could effectively jungle, so you would see him at low mmr all the time.

absolutely based

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i'm very likely older than you, i'm just not autistic.

This isn't even close to true, what are you talking about? Literally cherry pick me two examples and see how wrong you are

There's a super sketchy Russian launcher that lets you have whatever skin you want clientside. I use it for the NBA Jam megakill announcer

But not very common, now most pro games got a Wk or Naix in the lineup

i like destruction man

Attached: AMERICAN HERO DESTRUCTION MAN.jpg (1800x1800, 1.86M)

The recent patch made lol's descriptions slightly better, but he's right, Dota is miles ahead in that regard. Tooltips even display recent changes.

>only 300 hours

Lmao dude, you didn't even finish the tutorial


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My boy finally got a legendary but I was honestly kind of disappointed by it. I still roll with it for the flex.

Also good.

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Noxus will rise

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i was gonna go back and keep playing just for him but i decided not to even though i have almost all of his skins except that one

>*misses hookshot*


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Nothing gets me harder than flashing someone with your 4th bullet and annihilating them from existence.

>dota has no loli characters
>dota players grab a manlet skeleton and turn him into a loli
Huh. Interesting.

Gotta get creative.

I want to fuck that lamb

Attached: lamb.png (1201x1600, 1.21M)

we're getting a shota soon at least

maybe they'll ship him with loli pugna

fuck off nagito
nothing gets me harder than using your w and killing someone

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I don't understand the loli pugnas

Never will I find a character as fun as Abathur in any other game.

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You didn't put enough time and you likely don't have a friend to play with. The friend doesn't have to be 3k hours in the game too, he can be as green to the game as you. Even learning is easier with a friend.

Even though HoTS was a shit game, it had some interesting and fun hero designs.

>we're getting a shota soon at least

it actually goes deeper than that
the OG overlord of the underground was Pugno Morits, then when he was about to die he ordered his guards to find every baby born on a certain day and get them all together since one of those would be his reincarnated soul
We are told in pugna's lore both in artifact and in dota that a baby was choosen but people like to debate if it was a boy or a girl, and the name Pugna "Battle" could be interpreted as the girl choosing a femenine name
That and the main artist behind this just liked to draw r63 versions of the characters and Loli pugna just worked out for too many people since it could be a Smug green haired loli

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I really like new bounty hunter

Stealing peoples gold is extremely satisfying and the lengths some people are willing to go to avoid me taking their shekels really hinders them even more than just getting hit by me.

Also I adore that’s he’s a roaming support now so I can go guardian greaves and purge dust off myself if I get too cocky. Feels a lot more practical than manta.

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based Windbro
>tfw only hero I ever autistically collected every skin for

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It's gonna be Wind spirit if anything, bringing the spirit count to 6

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Shota invoker skin



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She hasn't changed much besides a new passive, which she no longer can buy boots but gains more MS per level.

>Bristleback with Dirge
there is no remedy for this cancer

On top of that, Blizz decided to cut its budget so the only reason why I played HotS over other MOBAs (characters with fun and unique designs) slowed to a crawl.

The only thing I envy about League is that they some fucking good ass doujin and dota gets nothing.
Too western I guess.
CM Lina and WR have so much doujin potential. And Dota has so many fucking ugly bastards to fuck them 2000 different ways from Sunday

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You're just a nostalgiafag.

He is better in every way than old mord.Although I do believe Riot went to far with today's patch and nerfed him too much.

I feel like the change to her E ruined her fun value though. You have to fucking machine gun it and even a poisoned E barely does anything, whereas before it was actually satisfying and worthwhile to just QE for harass.

This is the only acceptable answer in the thread. Inferior lifeforms need not apply.

For me it's support Naga Siren.

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And also now they’re normalizing all their unique heroes.

Like they changed chromie to a big burst mage to a guldan clone

if this is true first thing im doing is sending a couple bucks to Red's way to make a Wholesome comic about them

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>You're just a nostalgiafag

Go fuck yourself, all my absolute favorite champs get reworked into boring meta shit and there's nothing left that I even enjoy playing.

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Weaver has always been my most played MOBA hero ever. From Dota 1 to Dota 2.


isn't that too much?
i mean, i see it, but those two are massive pricks with a superiority complex
Besides Pugna is made for tender lovingBy a true Oglodi

Attached: That one night at coitch.png (468x529, 396K)

there are a few nice pics of dire/radiant creeps mating pressing them

>Dark Willow
Wowie, just imagine the endless possibilities!

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well maybe now we'll see shotavoker get fucked by an oglodi too

I recently found out that Crystals maiden name is Rylai, that makes the league item "Rylais crystal scepter" a Dota reference in League.
Any other cross Moba references?

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in Lol there used to be this item "Wriggle's lantern" that's a 2hu reference about a firefly bug boy

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If I want to have fun I go core Tusk.
Once you hit lvl 25 and get the Walrus Punch 15% proc chance on attack it's absolutely ludicrous. AC, Satanic, Deso (Replaced with Moon Shard if fully slotted + consumed), Blink (Replace with BKB if you're a pussy), Boots (Replace with S&Y if you're a baller) and Abyssal.
If you go the star player build (Abyssal, Satanic, Moon Shard Consumed, Moon Shard, Blink, S&Y, AC) you have
41.2% Status Resistance
36.25% Passiv Bash chance while Abyssal proc isn't on CD
2.7 attacks/sec
3 seconds of guaranteed BKB piercing bash
35 average Damage Block
~29 armour
~3750 HP
PA Ult damage with a +100 damage active buff
Slows for days
Snowball stun/Mobility + 4+ seconds of sitting pretty
Blink initiation/Snowball into escape
Ice Shard block/movement which is honestly incredibly powerful if you can use it well, takes a lot of practice to truly master
Ally saves
Ability to pretty much one shot yourself back to full HP with Satanic activated
It might not be the optimal way to win but it's the most fun you can have in the game. You pretty much permastun the enemy without even considering all the active stuns you have, you're the tankiest motherfucker a man can find and you dish out obscene damage.

You also have probably the best lvl 10 talent choice in the game. +90 GPM/+40% XPPM. I usually take the GPM because the benefits of levelling (talents) scale with items anyways. He is also Spurdo.

Attached: Dusk.jpg (352x143, 9K)

There's lots of Dota references in League. Guinsoo's Rageblade is named after Guinsoo, one of the original Dota devs, who went on to be part of Riot.

>no one has posted best girl.

The only hero that I've gotten every skin for.

Attached: file.png (256x144, 82K)

That's because he's a Riot dev, nothing to do with his Dota past.

Nashor is Roshan spelt backwards

>Talking with my friends about Phantasy Star Online
>Mention Sange & Yasha
>Another guy interjects "You guys talking about Dota?"
On one hand I'm glad the legendary twin-swords are immortalised in my favourite MOBA, on the other hand it's sad that a lot of newer Dota players aren't aware of its origins.

That reminds me, I really should watch Slayers.

Attached: Phantasy_Star_Online-art3.jpg (1024x768, 277K)

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Based dyslexicbro

wait nevermind its just an anagram

Does Awesomenauts counts? Loved me some Coco Nebulon
Oh, and I guess Shadow Fiend and Silencer from Dota 2. I never got the hang of playing the former - could barely keep a 50% winrate on him. Abbadon is pretty cool, too.

Attached: file.png (1240x1754, 1.5M)

Love the hero, fucking hate her stupid-ass voice.

Two words: CHAOS DUNK

Out of all the awesomenauts you pick this one? I guess she's better than the clone frog

I just hit Crusader 1 :3

Honestly I tend to mispronounce a lot of names because I just take one look at the spelling and assume I'm pronouncing them right.

I just hit ancient 5 the day before yesterday. I was climbing fast and then suddenly I had a slark that kept jumping on an axe when our creep wave was on his dick. naturally slark kept dying but he's an ancient too he should FUCKING KNOW BETTER

forced 50 is real

Good thing I warded my lane

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I played a lot of her back when the game first came out. I loved detonating Ball Lightning and killing people with it.
I haven't played in years - stopped before they added leveling mechanics and Starstorm shit. Looks like it was for the best, though.

I’ve found archons are the most dogshit, braindead retards.

pugna is a very smug young person but its a boy and hes a hellish demon at that...with no skin. people will turn anything into porn and not like the creative but just sad and desperate kind

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Based as fuck bro

I dont think you can win a 5 vs 1 user. I love Brood but its such a pain to play her most of the time
>pick Brood
>enemy team insta picks ol' grimy and ES

Just wait til you get to ancient, friend. Legends were great because I guess they all knew they needed to improve. Usually someone would assume the role of leader and for the sake of games running smoothly everyone would listen to them.

However, all these ancients seem to think they're smart enough to ignore everyone else's advice so nobody listens to eachother so teamfights fall apart and it's like they all try to tilt their own teammates.

On the bottom you got stitches and realistic stiches

I'm at your rank absolutely trashed an immortal in lane earlier. After his second stupid death (Overextension, trying to cs when I could burst him low enough to finish him) he rage boughtback and shortly after we were told to finish mid.
Out of curiosity I checked his profile and he was voted MVP on the hero he was playing somewhat recently so it wasn't like he was trying out something new.
What hope is there for Ancients if even immortals can't lane?

pugna is a young boy idiot

Kael is bretty fun, never played whatever game had friggen batman but I'd give it a whirl

i don't think pugna is an idiot, he has the highest int gain in the game I think.

at that point if my team isn't taking advantage of having the enemy team leave lane to deal with me then it's a lost cause regardless of pick.

nah, he's tied with invo with 4.4

I just want to grind to a high enough rank that I could occasionally match with or against some pro late at night. It would be nice to tell my friends that I played with some dota e-celeb.

One of the most fun matches I've ever had in an online game and I still wouldnt pretend I know how to play him well

>never played whatever game had friggen batman but I'd give it a whirl
Infinite Crisis, it's already dead now but it was a lot of fun, you could play as Doomsday and he was great at disrupting positioning, all the characters were fairly unique and fun to play.

>plants mine
So you're saying
>attacks at 700 range
Just a minute
>goes to highground
So you're saying
That we're
>killing spree
A fun hero?
>gets a rampage while dead

Attached: Techies.png (657x300, 564K)

mars has some too

>that rare moment when you manage to squib a deny right from the enemy carry during the laning phase
feels so good

I love the divide between bad and techies players
>Good techies players make sure the lane equilibrium is in their favour and aren't afraid to set off their mines because lmao 300 magic damage at level 6 with 6 second cooldown
>Bad techies players huddle up in one lane, never shows up to team fights and instead of setting off mines they keep waiting for their meme rampage that isn't happening because of the enemy sniper.

>the new DP aghs
That shit is way too strong

>tfw I clinched a win with a meme rampage
My team raged at me the entire game, they simply did not grasp the bigger picture.

Attached: Highground_no_wards.jpg (604x428, 43K)

Attached: dq-zagara.gif (491x640, 1.26M)

Did they rework Vlad? he looks different?

>you're now remembering when proximities detonated instantly and could be stacked
>you'd start the game by teleporting to a random lane and spamming a bunch of mines just slightly to the side of a lane
>within the next minute someone triggers it and you trigger them

Attached: 1522321492125.jpg (275x263, 23K)

user... that's swain


I need RECENT techies pro games.
Just found this

that's the new swain, not vlad. vlad is still the gay dracula he always was

I don't get it, what is my waifumom saying?

Reminder this is Secret's year this year


Attached: (1920x1080, 886K)

>Enemy team has a jungler
>Spend the entire game fucking with him
>His entire team wastes time trying to find me
>I tango'd myself into the trees, they never once saw me

Attached: squee.jpg (263x192, 10K)

10/10 character, 2/10 skin because of sound effects.

i like kled

>quills you from fog
>buy crest
>mash qw
>chunks you for 1000 damage a hit

I understand, my dream is to reach the big leagues and get lvl 25 CD reduction talent on Windrunner along with lvl 10 Shackleshot CD reduction talent and +1 Shackleshot duration talent and buy an Octarine in a game against Mason and permastun him without letting him die.

How do you even support as her besides being just a net bot?

Start a Reddit thread asking Valve to turn Lone Druid into an early and mid-game brawler in order to improve the spectator perspective of games in which Lone Druid is drafted.

That combination is certain to get Valve's attention and interest.

I got supported by purge once, he's pretty low mmr though.

>Free Illusions to stack camps
>One of the most bullshit ultimates in the game, fucks you if you don't BKB and allows enemy to choose engagements and fucks you if you DO BKB because it isolates you from your team
>Sceptre upgrade is literally full heal

Also roots have been buffed for years now so a 5 sec BKB piercing root with miniscule CD is nothing to sneeze at

Meepo by far.

My regret is not playing him more when the game was good.

I haven't played league since before worlds of last season, but i might get on just to get those ranked rewards before this season ends, any big shit gone down this season

i did kled top and karthus/vel'koz mid

>tfw no doujin nor sfm or cm getting creamed in her cunt
RedDrawFag made the closest thing to it

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did dota have a comeback in NA/EUW recently? i see actual native english speakers discussing the game again. they tend to be awful at it though

Attached: yrjteh.png (186x246, 69K)

The game is literally the best it's ever been.

>which she no longer can buy boots but gains more MS per level.
Which makes me sad because there was a bunch of cute memes of her holding boots and confused.

that's the joke, friend
she can't wear boots, she doesn't have feet

I didn't even need to click the spoiler image to figure out who you were talking about. Games with him were a blast (and I only played him three times, all of them randoms).

especially before they fixed him when you could stack so many shield related powers as to be basically indestructible.

Attached: mah boi.jpg (256x197, 13K)

this nigga was great in midwars
>run around like a retard
>people spam spells at you

probably the biggest direction problem but simultaneously a great thing about HoN was how retardedly high the damage was and how FUCKED you were if you picked Agi and Int heroes but fell behind.
fucking every single OC hero released was just a braindead nuker

shut up Pixel
go back to your containment board

I know user. That's why they were funny and now they probably aren't made anymore.
I loved old League OC like this. Now I bet it's infested with SJW or the worst kind of waifufaggotry.

Attached: 1560585246750.png (1024x512, 78K)

>55-45 winrate difference between radiant-dire across all ranks
nah fuck off

this is the ultimate cancer hero I auto leave if someone picks techies fuk that cunt

No hero will ever be as cool as this motherfucker

Attached: post-441-1292898722[1].jpg (1920x1279, 184K)

free game no bitching

>Nasus' Wither now roots instead of slow when target is affected by Spirit Fire.

I just ctrl+f'd for nasus. I miss the increased range he had on Wither and Spirit Fire while in his ult form. At the time, Wither was twice as potent as it is now. Nasus has been buffed a lot in the past years since then, but it's exclusively been Q buffs. More stacks, more cdr, and +50% cdr on Q while you're in ult form, and it just isn't the same. Nasus was at his absolute best right at the visual update.

While a root would be really nice, I'm sure that would be OP. Point-n'-Click cc is really frowned upon nowadays.

Attached: Nasus_0[1].jpg (1215x717, 182K)

-45 winrate difference between radiant-dire across all ranks
Wait what? I dont play dota, but i thought they did all that bunch of map reworks to fix that?

This is kennen in 2019


Attached: 2C85B21A-0949-461D-B506-22F84276666C.png (256x144, 69K)

honestly the most accurate depiction of release jayce of all time. dude acts like he's the paragon of justice but he'll absolutely blast your ass if you step near a creep wave.

across all heroes and all ranks, radiant side has a 10% winrate advantage.

for comparison's sake in LoL it's only 51-49, so the camera angle argument can fuck right off.

I have no idea why the Dota community is not in uproar over this.

fuck you, i'm not some namefag, i'm just a guy who plays HONEST AND UNIQUE CHAMPIONS and i despise what riot has done to all of them

the only good new champ made since season 3 is aurelion sol

This is certainly a problem but i don't know how one would fix it. I think the rosh pits location right now is directly related to that though, radiant has much better access to it

>meepo in the hands of a good player
absolute fucking cancer

All I can think of with Kennen is that one furfag who had a yordle fursona and was gay for Kennen and only played him.
And then his place caught on fire and it woke him from his furfaggotry. (at least, I think it was a fire).

League had some absolutely hilarious launches for champions.
Xin was insane, better nerf Irelia was an actual thing that happened for like 8 patches straight (rip philo), etc.

>implying Midone not choking
Midone is best and worst midlaner.

Reverting rosh pit to where it was in TI3 era and moving a jungle camp closer to dire mid tier 1 would do a lot. Alas the game has been left in this state for over a year and even the subreddit, which normally loves raising hell over issues much smaller than this one, seems to just shrug whenever it's brought up.

This is the singular reason I play LoL over Dota nowadays. I don't want a FAT disadvantage from the very start just because the matchmaker placed me on a particular side of the map.

>tfw I first started playing league like a month before Darius came out

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The win rate gets nullified in competitive Dota.

I remember shit like Eve getting absolutely gutted and then someone found out she could jungle and it wound up with her being a level beyond gutted.
Nidalee spears were horrifying.

Cool, maybe 150~ people in the world get to enjoy balanced Dota then.

Competitive Dota being Immortal and all the people in leaderboards, so thousands not hundreds. The same reason why win rates EVEN OUT the higher the MMR you get; people know how to play.

>57-58% win rate WK in Herald-Legend bracket
>drops to 53.84%
>Pit Lord goes from 58.46% to 51.2%

>sacrifice yourself blocking enemies so carry doesnt die
>peru accent over mic
>"stop feeding"
>We need wards!
i ask for this by playing support in single stacks

Attached: 1424384261312.png (512x384, 238K)

Someone give me a quick rundown on vengeful spirit.

Alright, thousands out of literal millions. Most people will never even hit 4k let alone fucking Immortal. Stop presuming the map can't be balanced at both high and low levels.

>tfw Sven is canonically slamming this

I reached ancient 5 from archon 5 by playing p5 exclusively, position 1 players seem to make up most of the asshats but if you calmly explain your reasoning for your actions they mellow out most of the time when they realize they don't have a good counterargument. If they don't and continue to act like fags you just mute them.

not being stunned-gone
you die-not gone

Nether swap into the enemy ranks for a quick and easy kill. On yourself. That way the game ends quicker.

The evelynn meme builds that came out of it were fun though. My favourite was ad tank, just run at people while holding q then drop an R for a 2000hp shield.

I actually find that if you aren't a squeeker and you have some good insults, they will concede once you own them over the mic. Then you can play as a team.

I have unironically had this happen several times. dunno bout him but im high legend

rip in peace, Narbash from Paragon. A game surely nobody has played even in this thread. Shitty ogre magi from a shitty moba but he was MY shitty ogre magi

Attached: narbash.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

I would unironically play Dota 2 if it had a loli character

if you're gonna presume you've lost you might as well just uninstall, shitter

Rest in piss Kench. Latest patch utterly destroyed him.

No one said anything about presuming they've lost. They did say the game is poorly balanced for the vast majority of players right now, and we have hard numbers to support that, so

he's really fucking underrated

Nah, they made it so you only cleave in one direction, so that build is only viable if you're against meepo or MAYBE naga. Aghs is what most people think is fun, but solar crest + deso is the true new hotness.

From a place beyond time, and time beyond counting.

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>kill my lane opponent
>tell him in chat to suck my dick
>he says yes and adds me

why does this happen so often

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>Point-n'-Click cc is really frowned upon nowadays.
It isn't really point-n-click per se since you use up two skills for the aforementioned root.
They take damage from the spirit fire while you walk up and Q them.
It isn't much of a team fight upgrade from the aghs but I thought it might be cool for Susan to walk into a team fight and single out someone.
Haven't played LoL in a long time though.

It literally can't you dipshit. How the fuck can you balance a game around people who don't know how to play the fucking game?

>backtracks your Zeus ult
>backtracks your True Strike
Heh, nothing personnel.

I just lost to an underlord that got a 12 minute radiance

The loom weaves.

backtrack was such a great skill for how bullshit it was. I always pick it at 25 when I can

Sounds like you got stomped.

Dr. Mundo and Zac yeah. Singed is literally top tier fun too.

what if they buy a spirit vessel?

10/10 voice acting.

Modern Fizz was completely gutted.
He's completely unplayable at this point.
Slark is pretty fucking fun, though. One of the most comfy heroes to snowball with in any MOBA.

if it happens that often and you keep doing it...

I was 5/0/3 in the first 8 minutes as pos 5 sb but our pa thought that battlefury was a great way to keep pace with the enemy team.
She also happened to be 1500 mmr below everyone else on a shit hero.

>Go mid
>Level 18 by 15 minutes
>Can 1 shot their entire team in an AoE every 20 seconds
>Damage scales up as they gain more health
I am on a 20+ win streak with Lion, Why is he this broken?

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>Dotard 2
Earth Spirit

>teammate picks mid lion
>"oh god we are going to have a useless fucking piece of shit lose mid then become a relatively farmed support"
>actually wins mid somefuckinghow and he becomes a relatively farmed support
>we lose because lion mid is shit and he doesn't contribute nearly as much as any other hero could have
>lion mid on enemy team
>he loses mid and we win easily


only faggots play that hero

but who is objectively the stronger hero?

Attached: fizz.png (310x288, 152K)

found the idiot who doesn't understand that force staff exists.

sky is dated
this is the true best hero
>5 second cd 1675 range 400 damage aoe nuke+slow
>all other spells are exclusively for murdering people in skirmishes and teamfights

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Lich+Grim combo
No better way to fuck up a team

Gameplay wise? Probably Slark if all of Fizz's attacks can be purged.
Lore wise? Slark again, because Dark Reef is a shithole and he somehow escaped it.

The mad lad just had a shark costume on and swam out

Sometimes I like to think about what buffs a champion would need to make it in dota.
Sadly it's kind of silly to try to do the reverse because things like fissure and glimpse would never be in league.

>quit league for a while
>come back
>you have to be fucking braindead to get hit by his stun now
I just liked one-shotting people dammit.

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>It's another Grimstroke+Doom episode
I swear I hate every single one of you.

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Nah you just build GLP first, use the free slow to set it up and kill em.

a lot of my games are won simply by doing a soulbind 2phantom 2halberd combo

I've already come up with ways old Mordekaiser could work in DOTA. Honestly give frosty toad the basic outline of Mord and he would've come up with something fantastic.

Not sure what that is.
I haven't played more than a game or two since Yasuo came out.

Of all the heroes that went the transition from Dota 1 to Dota 2, OD is the one that was best improved. He looks twice as badass now, is more menacing, voice-acting is kino, ulti now sounds as strong as it is in-game.

i think glimpse would be possible in league but i dont know how they will properly incorporate it in a game where they kinda avoid that extra layer of complication on spells

sure its a neat mechanic that tracks the last spot youve been in but why not just make a spell that pulls the target out of position if you land it sucessfully

For me it's Zet, he finally looks and acts like the primordial deity that he is.


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There's something about Shadow Fiend in DOTA 2 that makes me very happy. Both versions that is, dog head and what we got now.

so glimpse would be just a bad force staff but a skillshot
that's just really tiresome to think about

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His axes bleed's again
>Pick up line
"Glad to be somewhat like my brother"

There should be one where it freezes other champion's cooldowns.

Attached: singed-classic[1].png (170x170, 19K)


>they took away his passive, literally the only thing that made him playable
why in god's name

You gotta have a reliable late game carry on your team for it to work properly
I normally play with a 5 stack, and my job as Mid Lion is to make them focus so hard on dealing with me, that by 20-30 minutes into the game, they finally dealt with me,but our Spectre or Monkey King who has done nothing but farm up until that point wins for us instead.

Attached: Dota_2_lion.png (256x144, 63K)

>Buy phantom
>Buy euls
>Buy force staff
>See enemy team seethe as you swap supports out of their team and escape Scott free
I don't think it works on high elos but always good for a chuckle in pub games

I had a game where I had an aghs and swapped an enemy luna 5 times that was trying to run to a 4v4 teamfight that was happening near the bot shrine from her mid t2.
Even after she gave up and killed my I kept swapping and stunning her then we took barracks.

the mechanic could work very effectively for league
but for sake of simplicity, a silence debuff would work just as effectively

id argue that mechanic is actually stronger on league since you have heroes like riven who need to mash that one button multiple times

its a fairly weak spell on dota since you can effectively force void into using his cooldown freeze by properly staggering your spells and cc's

Which lane do you go with this? Does your team not give you shit?

Sven, haven't touched DotA since 2016

you dont need any sketchy launchers for NBA jam announcer. you can take advantage of the " -language" launch option to have custom announcers

>comfy thread with all assfaggots bros having a wholesome time

You're still alright Yea Forums.

Yaa ya
ya ya ya

I enjoyed Paragon a lot for what it was. Knew it was going to die but was a bit sad anyways. Didn't play much of him (Revenant was my boy) but it was entertaining to see him just lob drumsticks at people.